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Bücher der Reihe Philosophy

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  • von United Library
    14,00 €

    Sigmund Freud: The Biography of the Founder of Psychoanalysis, Writings on the Ego and Id, and his Basic Interpretation of Dreams" is an enlightening and comprehensive exploration of the life and groundbreaking work of Sigmund Freud, the Austrian neurologist who revolutionized the field of psychology. Authored by a leading expert in the field, this book delves into the fascinating journey of Freud, shedding light on his significant contributions and enduring legacy. Born in 1856 to Galician Jewish parents in Freiberg, Austria, Freud embarked on a path that would reshape our understanding of the human mind. Trained as a doctor of medicine at the University of Vienna, Freud went on to develop psychoanalysis, a clinical method that aimed to uncover and resolve the deep-seated conflicts of the psyche. Through his innovative techniques, such as free association and analysis of dreams, Freud uncovered the role of the unconscious mind and the complex dynamics of human behavior. In this biography, readers will witness Freud's rise from a docent in neuropathology to a renowned psychoanalyst, influencing the fields of psychology, psychiatry, and psychotherapy. The book explores Freud's fundamental concepts, including the Oedipus complex, the id, ego, and superego, and his groundbreaking theories on sexuality and the unconscious. Furthermore, it examines Freud's exploration of the human psyche and its relation to religion and culture. While Freud's ideas have generated extensive debate and evolved over time, his work continues to captivate and intrigue both scholars and the general public. This book provides an engaging narrative, combining historical context with insightful analysis, to present a comprehensive understanding of Freud's life, his seminal theories, and their impact on contemporary Western thought and popular culture. Whether you are a student of psychology, a practitioner in the field, or simply intrigued by the enigmatic workings of the human mind, "Sigmund Freud: The Biography of the Founder of Psychoanalysis, Writings on the Ego and Id, and his Basic Interpretation of Dreams" offers a thought-provoking and accessible exploration of one of the most influential figures in the history of psychology.

  • von United Library
    14,00 €

    Plato: The Biography of Greece's Republic Philosopher who Founded the Platonist School of Thought, delves into the life and profound contributions of one of the most influential thinkers in Western philosophy. Born in Athens during the Classical period of Ancient Greece, Plato's intellectual legacy continues to resonate to this day. At the heart of Plato's philosophical journey was his unwavering commitment to seeking truth and understanding the nature of reality. As the founder of the Academy, a renowned educational institution, Plato nurtured a generation of scholars and shaped the course of philosophical discourse for centuries to come. This meticulously researched biography unveils the man behind the renowned works, exploring his early life as Aristocles, son of Ariston, of the deme Collytus. It reveals how his nickname, Plato, derived from his wrestling coach's astute observation of his physical build, ultimately became the name through which the world would come to know him. Plato's intellectual prowess revolutionized the field of philosophy. He introduced groundbreaking concepts such as the Theory of Forms, which addressed the enduring problem of universals. Through his ingenious use of written dialogues and dialectic forms, he crafted profound arguments and engaged his readers in thought-provoking debates on a vast array of topics, both theoretical and practical. In addition to his mentorship under Socrates, Plato drew inspiration from the pre-Socratic thinkers Pythagoras, Heraclitus, and Parmenides, whose ideas he masterfully incorporated into his own philosophical framework. The biography delves into these influences, shedding light on the intellectual lineage that shaped Plato's unique perspective. Beyond the philosophical realm, Plato's impact extended far and wide. His concepts of Platonic love and Platonic solids have permeated literature, art, and even popular culture. Moreover, his ideas resonated with subsequent generations, deeply influencing Christian and Islamic philosophy through figures like Al-Farabi. "Plato: The Biography of Greece's Republic Philosopher who Founded the Platonist School of Thought" provides an engrossing account of Plato's life, ideas, and enduring significance. With meticulous research and engaging prose, this biography offers readers an opportunity to explore the intellectual journey of a philosopher whose works have stood the test of time. It is an indispensable resource for anyone seeking to understand the foundations of Western thought and the remarkable mind behind it.

  • von United Library
    16,00 €

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) was a renowned philosopher, writer, and composer from Geneva. His profound influence on the Age of Enlightenment and his contributions to political, economic, and educational thought continue to shape modern society. Rousseau's works, such as the Discourse on Inequality and The Social Contract, are considered foundational texts in political and social philosophy. In his Discourse on Inequality, Rousseau delves into the origins and consequences of social inequality, challenging prevailing notions of human nature and the structure of society. The Social Contract explores the concept of a just society, emphasizing the importance of popular sovereignty and individual freedoms. These groundbreaking works have had a profound impact on political movements and revolutions, including the French Revolution. Rousseau's literary accomplishments extend beyond philosophy. His novel Julie, or the New Heloise, published in 1761, played a pivotal role in the emergence of preromanticism and romanticism in fiction. This sentimental novel explores themes of love, passion, and societal norms. Emile, or On Education, published in 1762, is an influential treatise on educational philosophy, highlighting the significance of individual development within the framework of society. In addition to his philosophical and literary pursuits, Rousseau's autobiographical writings provide deep insights into his personal experiences and thoughts. The posthumously published Confessions, composed in 1769, is recognized as a foundational work in the genre of autobiography. His unfinished work, Reveries of the Solitary Walker, written between 1776 and 1778, reflects the introspective and subjective style that would become characteristic of modern writing. Jean-Jacques Rousseau's intellectual contributions continue to resonate today, as his ideas on equality, freedom, and the role of the individual in society remain highly relevant. This comprehensive book explores the life, philosophy, and literary achievements of Rousseau, shedding light on his enduring impact on political, social, and cultural discourse.

  • von United Library
    14,00 €

    Immanuel Kant is an illuminating exploration of the life, ideas, and lasting impact of one of the most significant figures in Western philosophy. Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher born in Königsberg, Prussia, left an indelible mark on the intellectual landscape with his groundbreaking works in epistemology, metaphysics, ethics, and aesthetics. Kant's philosophical system, often referred to as transcendental idealism, challenged conventional notions of space, time, and the limits of human knowledge. In his influential work, the Critique of Pure Reason, he argued that space and time are fundamental structures that shape our perception and understanding of the world, while the true nature of things remains ultimately unknowable. Drawing on the analogy of the Copernican revolution, Kant proposed that our cognitive faculties actively participate in shaping our experience, leading to a unique form of a priori knowledge. In addition to his groundbreaking epistemological insights, Kant delved into the realms of ethics and aesthetics. He posited that reason serves as the foundation of morality, emphasizing the importance of moral principles derived from rational thinking. Furthermore, he explored the nature of beauty and the faculty of disinterested judgment in his work on aesthetics. The book also sheds light on Kant's complex religious views, which intertwined with his moral theory. While the precise nature of his beliefs remains a topic of debate, his philosophical approach heavily influenced his perspective on faith and its connection to ethics. Beyond his academic pursuits, Kant held an optimistic vision for a harmonious world order. He envisioned perpetual peace through the establishment of an international federation of republican states and collaborative efforts among nations. While acknowledging Kant's significant contributions to philosophy, the book addresses the controversy surrounding his views on scientific racism. It explores the evolution of his beliefs on the subject, revealing a shift in his stance during the final years of his life. This book offers readers a comprehensive and engaging account of Kant's life, ideas, and legacy. It provides a nuanced understanding of his philosophical system, its impact on subsequent thinkers, and the ongoing debates that surround his contributions. This book is an essential read for anyone interested in delving into the profound philosophies of Immanuel Kant and the Enlightenment era.

  • von United Library
    14,00 €

    Dive into the profound life and groundbreaking ideas of Friedrich Nietzsche, the German philosopher, cultural critic, and literary genius, in 'Friedrich Nietzsche: The Biography of a Cultural Critic that Redefined Power, Will, Good and Evil.' Born on October 15, 1844, Nietzsche embarked on a remarkable intellectual journey that would revolutionize contemporary philosophy and shape the course of human thought. Beginning his career as a classical philologist, Nietzsche quickly transitioned to philosophy and astounded the academic world by becoming the youngest person ever to hold the Chair of Classical Philology at the University of Basel at the tender age of 24. However, relentless health issues plagued Nietzsche, leading to his resignation in 1879. Despite his struggles, Nietzsche dedicated the following decade to completing the core writings that would establish him as one of the most influential thinkers of all time. Tragedy struck Nietzsche in 1889 when, at the age of 44, he experienced a mental collapse that left him incapacitated, paralyzed, and likely suffering from vascular dementia. Supported by his mother and later his sister, Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche, Nietzsche spent his remaining years under their care until his death in 1900, succumbing to pneumonia and multiple strokes. In 'Friedrich Nietzsche: The Biography of a Cultural Critic that Redefined Power, Will, Good and Evil,' readers will explore Nietzsche's vast body of work, which spans philosophical polemics, poetry, cultural criticism, and fiction, revealing his penchant for aphorism and irony. Prominent elements of Nietzsche's philosophy, such as his radical critique of truth in favor of perspectivism, his genealogical critique of religion and morality, and his aesthetic affirmation of life in the face of the "death of God" and nihilism, are meticulously examined. This captivating biography unravels Nietzsche's revolutionary concepts, including the Übermensch (Overman) and the doctrine of eternal return, and delves into his preoccupation with the individual's creative power to challenge societal norms and embrace new values. It explores Nietzsche's profound insights into art, music, tragedy, religion, and culture, drawing inspiration from Greek tragedy and influential figures like Zoroaster, Arthur Schopenhauer, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Richard Wagner, and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Furthermore, 'Friedrich Nietzsche: The Biography of a Cultural Critic that Redefined Power, Will, Good and Evil' sheds light on the controversial manipulation of Nietzsche's unpublished writings by his sister, Elisabeth, who distorted his opinions to align with her ultranationalist ideology. It also discusses the subsequent efforts by scholars like Walter Kaufmann, R. J. Hollingdale, and Georges Bataille to defend Nietzsche's true intent and provide corrected editions of his works. This immersive biography is a must-read for both enthusiasts and scholars seeking a comprehensive understanding of Nietzsche's transformative life and enduring impact. It examines how his ideas have resonated throughout the 20th and early 21st centuries, influencing philosophy, art, literature, poetry, politics, and popular culture. 'Friedrich Nietzsche' is a captivating exploration of a brilliant mind that forever altered the way we perceive power, will, good, and evil.

  • von United Library
    15,00 €

    Karl Marx is a groundbreaking German philosopher and revolutionary known for pioneering the Marxist school of thought. His most famous works include The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital, which have influenced generations of intellectuals, labor unions, activists, artists, and political parties all over the world. Through his critical theories on society and economics he predicted that capitalism would eventually lead to its own destruction by class conflict between the ruling classes and working classes. This self-destruction would then be replaced by a system where workers were emancipated from oppressive forces within their economic structure. Karl Marx's contribution to modern social science has been immense: He believed that organized action by working people could topple existing systems in order to create genuine freedom for all citizens. His writings continue to inspire new generations today as they strive for global socio-economic liberation from oppressive structures.

  • von United Library
    15,00 €

    François-Marie Arouet, more commonly known as Voltaire, was one of the most important Enlightenment philosophers and writers. He wrote more than 20,000 letters and 2,000 books and pamphlets during his lifetime. His writing covered almost every literary form from plays to poems to essays to histories. Known for his wit and sharp criticism of religion and politics, particularly Roman Catholicism and slavery, he advocated for civil liberties such as freedom of speech and separation between church and state. Voltaire's magnum opus is Candide-a novella that satirizes many themes prevalent in eighteenth century Europe such as intolerance, religious dogma, bureaucracy etc. Through this work--and all of his works--Voltaire left a lasting legacy on our society today setting an example for those wishing to speak out against standard norms which threaten individual freedoms.

  • von Fernando Wirtz
    20,00 €

    The Kyoto School is the most important philosophical current in Japan during the 20th century. There is a growing interest in Japanese philosophy, as well as in non-European philosophy in general. This essay aims to conceptualize the political thought of two Japanese authors, Kiyoshi Miki (1897-1945) and Jun Tosaka (1900-1945), in dialogue with contemporary political debates for the first time. Miki and Tosaka were two leftist thinkers, especially interested in thinking about political action "from below." In that sense, this book introduces their core concepts, explores ways to think about the interplay between practice and ideology, while still accounting for their reciprocity and dynamism.

  • von United Library
    15,00 €

    Do you want to learn from the best?Socrates is one of history's most renowned and respected philosophers. In this book, you will be able to have conversations with him as if he were still alive. You will learn about his life, his teachings, and how he changed the course of philosophy forever.Socrates was one of the most famous philosophers to originate from Athens. Despite leaving very few written works behind, his influence still lives on. He was well known for engaging in conversations with his students, famously asking them questions they were often unable to answer. Socrates encouraged them to use and develop their own critical thinking abilities to come up with answers and form their own opinions on the world around them. Though many centuries have passed since his death, his life lessons still stand strong in our society today. His legacy can be observed through the many philosophers around us today who must remember to carry those conversations with dead philosophers like Socrates through the walls of time by actively living out their ancient wisdom and passing it on to younger generations.This book is packed with wisdom that can be applied to your own life. It doesn't matter who you are or what you do - there is something in these pages for everyone. If you are looking for a way to improve yourself, then look no further than Socrates: The Biography of a Philosopher from Athens and his Life Lessons - Conversations with Dead Philosophers.

  • von Marco Stango
    24,00 €

    The current volume provides an interpretation of American pragmatism according to which pragmatism is not opposed to metaphysics but instead represents a vital, non-dismissive, non-deflationary attempt to respond to classical questions of philosophy concerning the nature of reality, truth, goodness, beauty, ideality, etc. American pragmatism has been often interpreted as a form of crass utilitarianism applied to all areas of philosophy - a precipitation of the "industrialist" spirit of the United States. This book demonstrates how such an interpretation is misguided. The chapters focus on different topics in the philosophies of Peirce and Dewey - what is "meaning," what is the human self, what is truth, what is consciousness, what "semiotics" can add to realism - that articulate the unitary view that the "real" is always inhabited by and open to the "ideal."

  • von United Library
    15,00 €

  • von John Granrose
    22,00 €

  • - Politics Ethics Materiality
    65,00 €

  • - Thinking as the Gathering of Civilization
    von Anthony F Shaker
    83,00 €

  • von Dave Stucky
    24,00 €

  • - The biography - The Life of a Stoic Roman Emperor
    von United Library
    15,00 €

  • - A Philosophical Approach
    71,00 €

  • von Piotr Stankiewicz
    71,00 - 84,00 €

  • - Seminal Essays on African Systems of Thought
    60,00 €

  • von Basil Evangelidis
    63,00 - 74,00 €

  • - Solipsist Ontology, Epistemology and Communication
    von Safak Ural
    71,00 - 81,00 €

  • - The Psychology of the Psychologist
    von Uri Wernik
    59,00 - 72,00 €

  • - Gadamer and Philosophy's Hidden Dynamic
    von Jeremy Sampson
    67,00 €

  • - On the Occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the UDHR
    69,00 €

    The 1948 Declaration of Human Rights demanded a collaboration among exponents from around the world. Embodying many different cultural perspectives, it was driven by a like-minded belief in the importance of finding common principles that would be essential for the very survival of civilization. Although an arduous and extensive process, the result was a much sought-after and collective endeavor that would be referenced for decades to come.Motivated by the seventieth anniversary of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights and enriched by the contributions of eminent scholars, this volume aims to be a reflection on human rights and their universality. The underlying question is whether or not, after seventy years, this document can be considered universal, or better yet, how to define the concept of "universality." We live in an age in which this notion seems to be guided not so much by the values that the subject intrinsically perceives as good, but rather by the demands of the subject. Universality is thus no longer deduced by something that is objectively given, within the shared praxis. Conversely, what seems to have to be universal is what we want to be valid for everyone. This volume will be of interest to those currently engaged in research or studying in a variety of fields including Philosophy, Politics and Law.

  • - From the Buddha to Omar Khayyam
    von Mostafa Vaziri
    47,00 €

    The critical narrative of this interdisciplinary book offers a first-time look at the interrelationship between biology, mythology and philosophy in human development. Its daring premise follows the trajectory of human thought, starting with the biological roots of fear and the original need for religion, truth-seeking, and myth-making. The narrative then innovatively links a number of maverick philosophical teachings over the centuries, from pre-Buddhist times to the Buddha, from Epicurus and Pyrrho to Lucretius, and eventually to the seminal poetry of Omar Khayyam. These emergent philosophies exemplified liberation from the grasp of mythical and religious thinking and instead espoused an empirical and joyful mind. The narrative concludes with a look at the emancipating philosophical movement that resulted in the European Enlightenment, and it suggests that the philosophical teachings explored in the book may offer the potential for a second, broader Enlightenment.

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