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Bücher der Reihe Population, Famille et Societe - Population, Family, and Society

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  • von Pierre-Yves Wauthier
    64,95 €

    Des « mamans faisant un bébé toutes seules » aux « polyamoureux assumés », cet ouvrage ethnosociologique présente trente-cinq parcours de vie atypiques. À leurs manières, ils montrent comment des attributs de la société contemporaine permettent à certaines personnes de déconjugaliser cinq fonctions anthropologiques pourtant traditionnellement conjugales : éprouver un sentiment d¿attachement pour autrui, vivre sa sexualité, cohabiter, se reproduire et élever des enfants. L¿analyse met en évidence des évolutions idéologiques, économiques et technologiques qui ont contribué à transformer le paysage familial en Europe francophone, incitant l¿individu et le théoricien à interroger le sens du couple et de la famille aujourd¿hui.

  • - The Example of the Zurich Countryside in a European Perspective
    von Walter Letsch
    135,55 €

    The study presents the oldest detailed mortality tables worldwide, for the year 1635, including model life tables. Mortality tables are also provided for the times of plague epidemics, something never done before. Gaps are also filled with population structures and age pyramids, with premarital sex and with the importance of remarriages.

    123,25 €

    Cet ouvrage, reunissant une trentaine de contributions, propose une approche historique des fratries dans la longue duree et pour une aire geographique etendue, du Canada a l'Europe. Le volume s'attache a definir et mesurer les fratries, a les analyser comme ressource pour leurs membres et aborde enfin la fraternite, du lien vecu au lien reve.

  • - International Effects on Public Health, Demography and Mentalities in the 20th Century
    105,35 €

    The book offers new insights on the impact of wars (namely, but not exclusively, World War I), by underlining its social and psychological consequences, particularly in public health, demography, and mentalities in different countries.

  • - Demography as political science in modern France
    von Paul-Andre Rosental
    120,55 €

    Only in France is demography essentially the population science: it is taught at school, newspapers feature the evolution of fertility rates in their headlines and the subject sparks ideological debates in the media. How did demography become a national identity issue?The French exception is attributable to a political history that reached fulcrums during the Second World War under the racist Vichy regime and then after the Liberation, with the development of population policies and the creation of the French National Institute for Demographic Studies (INED). The book is the first to retrace its controversial genesis and analyze its ramifications for the following decades. It shows how theories, institutions and demographic policies developed simultaneously in France. Its reflection on the links between ideologies, science and the state offers a model that could be applied to the history of many other scientific disciplines.Paul-André Rosental¿s indispensable study examines the emergence of demography as an autonomous discipline and its association with the state in mid-twentieth-century France. Demography¿s success in the immediate post-war years came in part from its dual concern with both "science" and "action," which allowed policy makers to claim both knowledge and expertise in addressing social problems. Rosental¿s measured tone hides a provocative argument that should serve as both a model and a foil for others working in the history of the human sciences.Joshua Cole, University of Michigan.

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