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Bücher der Reihe Practical Helps for the Overcomers

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  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    20,00 €

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    21,00 €

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    19,00 €

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    20,00 €

    The central thesis of this book is that the most urgent thing in our generation is the emergence, in the Church, of men and women who know God and serve Him from this knowledge.The author, Z.T. Fomum, boldly argues that anything a man can do for God is of no consequence if it is not done as an overflow of his knowledge of God.An initial encounter is important, but beyond that, it takesspiritual knowledge,a high frequency,intensity, anda long durationof encounters between a man and his God.This book is a pertinent plea that no one should serve God without knowing Him.It's highly recommended.

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    13,00 €

    This extended excerpt from "The Making of Disciples" (by the same author) presents the nine conditions of becoming and continuing as a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ as outlined in the Scripture.A disciple is one who loves the Lord with all of his spirit, soul and body. There is one fundamental test of love. There is one way of proving whether a person loves the Lord or not. This booklet will reveal it to you.Read each condition carefully and answer the questions that follow, preferably in writing.

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    18,00 €

    This is a book with a message that is applicable in all areas of life."We publish this book with the prayer that it should help God's people to come out of mediocrity, stemming from idleness, into spiritual success by means of a definite purpose." These words of the author, Z.T. Fomum, conclude the preface to this book. Without diversions, these words invoke the fundamental subject matter of this 6th book in the Practical Helps for the Overcomers seriesSuccess in the Christian life is defined in the book as being all that God saved us for, and all that he wants us to be, so that we can accomplish the purpose for which He saved us.Your purpose in life determines success in the Christian life. The believer should judiciously invest himself in knowing God's call on his life, and being able to set out to accomplish it beyond the limitations generally caused by mediocrity, the corollary of idleness and other impediments.This book was originally published under the title "How to set goals and accomplish them" It is a book with a message that is applicable in all areas of life.Read it ! You will be blessed.

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    18,00 €

    If you are a child of God who still commits sin deliberately, committing the same sin over and over, it is because:Your eyes have never been opened to see that sin is a knife thrust willingly into God's heart;Your eyes have never been opened to see the harm that sin causes in every domain of your life.This book is recommended to you. It is about True Repentance.True Repentance includes the knowledge of sin, sorrow for sin, confession of sin, forsaking of sin, restitution for sin, forgiveness sought and received, and restoration to the heart of God.Read it and you will be blessed.

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    19,00 €

    Although work requires the assistance of the whole being, Z.T. Fomum takes care to show that there is spiritual work, intellectual work, and manual work. Manual work is that which requires physical energy in any accomplishment.Therefore, it is obvious to note that all the heroes of the Bible were great manual workers, beginning with God Himself.Thus, every manual work should be done with a sense of honour, respect, and perfection. In this book, the author exhorts the Third World to work, to cultivate the abundant land that God has given them.Each worker must ensure that God is glorified in his work by his nature and that this work is pleasing to God in its quality and quantity of productivity.This book is a study of work through the Bible. Read it and be blessed.

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    18,00 €

    This book can revolutionise the Church and help heal all forms of spiritual barrenness.The author, Z.T. Fomum, denounces the errors that hijack the Gospel message. He wants, through a reminder of fundamental truths, to bring the people of God back to a revolutionary conquest of souls. Why? Because evangelism is the act of presenting Jesus to a person who does not know Him, in a way that provokes a real encounter with Jesus.With God committed to this work, there is a need to walk and act in the power of the Holy Spirit. In this book, the reader will also find all the advice for approaching a soul and proclaiming the gospel with impact, as the author helps us to discover in the encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman.This book is a must-read!

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    20,00 €

    The thought of many is that when a person is saved, God forgives him and wipes away all the consequences of his past sins - that he is free. His freedom is so complete that he has no responsibility to rightly terminate with the past and to carry out restitution to those he wronged then. This book clearly examines that way of thinking in the light of the Scriptures and sets out the Biblical message for those who have overcome and those who want to overcome.If you do not want to reassess your life in the light of the Word of God, we recommend that you should forget this book completely and not bother to read it at all, for if you read it, you may find out that you have to carry out revolutionary restitution that will bring you to the crest of the wave of the Holy Spirit's move.If you are an overcomer, or desire to become one, this is your book. May the Lord bless you as you read it.We send this book out with prayer that the overcomers, in reading it, would become more conformed to their soon-coming Lord.

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    18,00 €

    ''... I was praying in my room at 5 pm, yearning for the supernatural power that would allow me to preach at a 'Christian union' meeting at Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda. I didn't expect anything in particular other than reassurance that the Lord would come with us to this meeting. I hadn't prayed for more than five minutes yet when suddenly I found myself praying out loud, actually shouting praises to God in other tongues ...'' We take these words from author Z.T. Fomum describing his experience of the baptism into the Holy Spirit, which was followed by tremendous success in the ministry of evangelism. This experience of the author justifies the publication of this book in which is all the advice needed to be baptised in the Holy Spirit and to remain there.

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    12,00 €

    In this book, Z.T. Fomum talks about stewardship to the Lord manifested in giving to God. Stewardship means we give Him back everything because all we are, will ever be; all we have and will ever have, belong to Him.The author puts forth consecration as a fundamental prerequisite for a financial sacrifice to God and His work that is approved. God is interested first and foremost in you, before your sacrifice.The author also highlights the benefits of consecration. Consecration enables us to belong to the Lord together with our tithes. It is, therefore, necessary to know the fullness of the Holy Spirit and deliverance from the world's system as well as freedom from the "Self".Gifts to God and to the work of God are true investments in heaven. They move God to release abundant blessings for believers who give; especially if they give with love, established in a covenant with God.This is an important book that is easy to read and has a clear message.

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    11,00 €

    Many believers have backslidden. Some have turned away completely while others have turned away only in small degrees. Many will honestly say, "I have lost that love which I first had for the Lord." Many are prepared to say that, but they are not willing to take radical steps to put things right. They see the need to repent; they desire to repent, but they do not repent, for they do not pay the price of repentance.We believe, however, that there are some who truly hunger for the Lord and desperately want to come out of their backsliding and walk in close proximity with Him. It is for such people that this book has been written.We pray that the Lord should cause this book to fall into the hands of those who need it and that He should revive such ones and bring them into His glory.

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