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Bücher der Reihe Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences

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  • - Handcrafting the Standardized Questionnaire
    von Jean M. Converse
    47,00 €

    Survey Questions is a highly readable guide to the principles of writing survey questions. The authors review recent research on survey questions, consider the lore of professional experience and finally present those findings which have the strongest implications on writing these questions.

  • von Alexander Meining
    12,00 €

    Im Sommer 1888: Während der Hundertjahrfeier König Ludwigs I. explodiert eine Bombe. Rasch wird ein Attentat auf die königliche Familie vermutet. Die Spur führt nach Würzburg zu einer Anarchistengruppe. Georg Hiebler aus dem Innenministerium übernimmt gemeinsam mit seinem Kollegen Iannis Krieger sowie Friedhelm Deschel von der Würzburger Gendarmerie die Ermittlungen. Der Fall scheint schnell gelöst, doch dann besucht der Prinzregent die Residenzstadt am Main, und der eigentliche Attentäter erwartet ihn bereits.

  • von Alexander Meining
    12,00 €

    Würzburg 1887/1888. Der schwedische Gartenarchitekt Jöns Lindahl wird erschossen im Ringpark aufgefunden. Alles spricht für einen Selbstmord. Doch Georg Hiebler, Beamter im Königlich Bayerischen Innenministerium, glaubt nicht daran. Stur, ehrgeizig und rastlos beginnt er zu ermitteln. Auf die Unterstützung der Gendarmerie kann er nicht zählen, beginnt doch in wenigen Tagen der Faschingsumzug. Eine Spur führt Hiebler zu den Theosophen, einer Gruppe Esoteriker. Doch am Ende kommt alles anders ...

  • - An Introduction
    von Michael S. Lewis-Beck & Colin Lewis-Beck
    48,00 €

    Updates to this new edition include: more coverage of regression assumptions and model fit; additional material on residual analysis; more examples of transformations; and the inclusion of the measures of tolerance and VIF within the discussion about collinearity.

  • von Jacques A. P. Hagenaars
    47,00 €

    In recent years the loglinear model has become the dominant form of categorical data analysis as researchers have expanded it into new directions. This book shows researchers the applications of one of these new developments - how uniting ordinary loglinear analysis and latent class analysis into a general loglinear model with latent variables can result in a modified LISREL approach. This modified LISREL model will enable researchers to analyze categorical data in the same way that they have been able to use LISREL to analyze continuous data. Beginning with an introduction to ordinary loglinear modelling and standard latent class analysis, the author explains the general principles of loglinear modelling with latent variables, the application of loglinear models with latent variables as a causal model as well as a tool for the analysis of categorical longitudinal data, the strengths and limitations of this technique, and finally, a summary of computer programs that are available for executing this technique.

  • - Uses and Interpretation
    von Bruce Thompson
    47,00 €

    Recent advances in statistical methodology and computer automation are making canonical correlation analysis available to more and more researchers. This volume explains the basic features of this sophisticated technique in an essentially non-mathematical introduction which presents numerous examples. Thompson discusses the assumptions, logic, and significance testing procedures required by this analysis, noting trends in its use and some recently developed extensions.

  • von Allan L. McCutcheon
    48,00 €

    Latent class analysis is a powerful tool for analyzing the structure of relationships among categorically scored variables. It enables researchers to explore the suitability of combining two or more categorical variables into typologies or scales. It also provides a method for testing hypotheses regarding the latent structure among categorical variables.

  • - Incomplete Information, Repeated Games and N-Player Games
    von Evelyn C. Fink
    48,00 €


  • von Gudmund R. Iversen
    47,00 €

    This book offers an overview of the central ideas in calculus and gives examples of how calculus is used to translate many real-world phenomena into mathematical functions. Beginning with an explanation of the two major parts of calculus - differentiation and integration - Gudmund R Iversen illustrates how calculus is used in statistics: to distinguish between the mean and the median; to derive the least squares formulas for regression co-efficients; to find values of parameters from theoretical distributions; and to find a statistical p-value when using one of the continuous test variables such as the t-variable.

  • - Collection and Analysis
    von Anthony (Tony) P. (Peter) M. (MacMillan) Coxon
    48,00 €

    How to collect, describe, compare and analyze data.

  • von Jean D. Gibbons Fielden
    48,00 €

  • von Lois W. Sayrs
    47,00 €

    Combines time series and cross-sectional data to provide the researcher with an efficient method of analysis and improved estimates of the population being studied. With more relevant data available this analysis technique allows the sample size to be increased, which ultimately yields a more effective study.

  • von Jeffrey B. Cromwell
    48,00 €

  • von Herve Abdi
    48,00 €

    This book introduces readers to the basic models of neural networks and compares and contrasts these models using other statistical models. Through the use of examples that can be computed by hand or with a simple calculator, the authors describe and explain the various models.

  • von William R. Klecka
    47,00 €

    These procedures, collectively known as discriminant analysis, allow a researcher to study the difference between two or more groups of objects with respect to several variables simultaneously, determining whether meaningful differences exist between the groups and identifying the discriminating power of each variable.

  • von Gregory B. Markus
    47,00 €

    An introduction to a variety of techniques that may be used in the analysis of data from a panel study -- information obtained from a large number of entities at two or more points in time. The focus of this volume is on analysis rather than problems of sampling or design, and its emphasis is on application rather than theory.

  • - Two-Group Studies
    von E. C. Hedberg
    48,00 €

    Introduction to Power Analysis: Two-Group Studies provides readers with the background, examples, and explanation they need to read technical papers and materials that include complex power analyses.  This clear and accessible guide explains the components of test statistics and their sampling distributions, and author Eric Hedberg walks the reader through the simple and complex considerations of this research question. Filled with graphics and examples, the reader is taken on a tour of power analyses from covariates to clusters, seeing how the complicated task of comparing two groups, and the power analysis, can be made easy.

  • - An Introductory Guide
    von Larry D. Schroeder
    48,00 €

    Presents the fundamentals of regression analysis, from its meaning to uses, in a concise, easy-to-read, and non-technical style.

  • von Katrin Auspurg
    49,00 €

    This book provides a systematic and practical guide for researchers wishing to set up their own factorial survey design or to analyze factorial survey data.

  • von Jenine K. Harris
    48,00 €

    Explaining the techniques and applications of exponential random graph modeling (ERGM) for social scientists, this is a uniquely sophisticated volume for examining social systems.

  • von Paul D. Allison
    48,00 €

    Drawing on recent "event history" analytical methods from biostatistics, engineering and sociology, this book explains how longitudinal data can be used to study the causes of deaths, crimes, wars, and many other human-related events.

  • von Valentim R. Alferes
    48,00 €

    This book provides a conceptual systematization and a practical tool for the randomization of between-subjects and within-subjects experimental designs.

  • von Richard F. Haase
    48,00 €

    With the format of the text mirroring the steps needed to be taken to solve multivariate general linear model problems, this clear and accessible guide introduces readers to this area of statistics.

  • - Mokken Scale Analysis
    von Wijbrandt H. van Schuur
    48,00 €

    Part of the 'little green books' QASS series, this text provides a clear introduction to ordinal item response theory.

  • - Practical Applications
    von Alfred DeMaris
    48,00 €

  • - Endogeneity, Reciprocal Relationships, and Feedback Loops
    von Pamela M. Paxton
    48,00 €

    This text guides readers through the specification and identification of simultaneous equation models, how to assess the quality of the estimates and how to correctly interpret results.

  • von Bruce F. McKeown
    48,00 €

    Defines the distinctive set of psychometric and operational principles which, when combined with specialized statistical applications of correlation and factor-analysis techniques, provide researchers with a systematic and rigorously quantitative means for examining human subjectivity.

  • - Detection and Correction
    von Robert L. Kaufman
    48,00 €

    This text covers the consequences of violating one of the key assumptions of Ordinary Least Squares regression (equal error variances), diagnostic tools to assess the existence of the problem of heteroskedasticity, and statistical techniques to analyse the data correctly.

  • von Harry J. Khamis
    48,00 €

    Looking at the multigraph representations of loglinear models, this is a clear, introductory text on the area of graphical models and is an ideal text for those new to the field.

  • von Steven J. Osterlind
    48,00 €

    This new edition presents an up-to-date description of differential item functioning. It describes varying procedures for addressing this process in practical testing contexts and presents useful examples and studies that readers may employ as a guide in their own work

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