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Bücher der Reihe Quantum Science and Technology

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  • von Abolfazl Bayat
    89,00 - 90,00 €

    This book covers recent developments in the understanding, quantification, and exploitation of entanglement in spin chain models from both condensed matter and quantum information perspectives. Spin chain models are at the foundation of condensed matter physics and quantum information technologies and elucidate many fundamental phenomena such as information scrambling, quantum phase transitions, and many-body localization. Moreover, many quantum materials and emerging quantum devices are well described by spin chains. Comprising accessible, self-contained chapters written by leading researchers, this book is essential reading for graduate students and researchers in quantum materials and quantum information.  The coverage is comprehensive, from the fundamental entanglement aspects of quantum criticality, non-equilibrium dynamics, classical and quantum simulation of spin chains through to their experimental realizations, and beyond into machine learning applications.

  • von Yoshiro Hirayama
    131,00 - 135,00 €

    This book highlights recent advances in quantum control technologies with regard to hybrid quantum systems. It addresses the following topics: phonon engineering based on phononic crystals, carbon-based nano materials like graphene and nanotubes, Terahertz light technology for single-molecule and quantum dots, nuclear-spin-based metrology for semiconductor quantum systems, quantum anomalous Hall effect in magnetic topological insulators, chiral three-dimensional photonic crystals, and bio-inspired magnonic systems. Each topic, as a component in the framework of hybrid quantum systems, is concisely presented by experts at the forefront of the field. Accordingly, the book offers a valuable asset, and will help readers find advanced technologies and materials suitable for their purposes.

  • von Yoshiro Hirayama, Koji Ishibashi & Kae Nemoto
    123,00 €

  • von Francesco Petruccione & Maria Schuld
    114,00 €

  • - Symmetric, Asymmetric, Synchronizable, and Convolutional Codes
    von Giuliano Gadioli La Guardia
    53,00 - 74,00 €

    This text presents an algebraic approach to the construction of several important families of quantum codes derived from classical codes by applying the well-known Calderbank-Shor-Steane (CSS), Hermitian, and Steane enlargement constructions to certain classes of classical codes.

    123,00 €

    This book presents state-of-the-art research on quantum hybridization, manipulation, and measurement in the context of hybrid quantum systems. It covers a broad range of experimental and theoretical topics relevant to quantum hybridization, manipulation, and measurement technologies, including a magnetic field sensor based on spin qubits in diamond NV centers, coherently coupled superconductor qubits, novel coherent couplings between electron and nuclear spin, photons and phonons, and coherent coupling of atoms and photons. Each topic is concisely described by an expert at the forefront of the field, helping readers quickly catch up on the latest advances in fundamental sciences and technologies of hybrid quantum systems, while also providing an essential overview.

  • von Matteo Fadel
    130,00 €

    This book presents theoretical methods and experimental results on the study of multipartite quantum correlations in spin-squeezed Bose-Einstein condensates. In particular, we introduce criteria for detecting and characterizing multipartite entanglement, Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering, and Bell correlations.

  • - From Key Distribution to Conference Key Agreement
    von Federico Grasselli
    122,00 €

    Rising concerns about the security of our data have made quantum cryptography a very active research field in recent years. Quantum cryptographic protocols promise everlasting security by exploiting distinctive quantum properties of nature.

  • von Francesco Petruccione & Maria Schuld
    114,00 €

    This book offers an introduction into quantum machine learning research, covering approaches that range from "near-term" to fault-tolerant quantum machine learning algorithms, and from theoretical to practical techniques that help us understand how quantum computers can learn from data.

  • von Gregg Jaeger, David S. Simon & Alexander V. Sergienko
    130,00 - 131,00 €

    This book describes the experimental and theoretical bases for the development of specifically quantum-mechanical approaches to metrology, imaging, and communication. The particular techniques explored include two-photon interferometry, two-photon optical aberration and dispersion cancellation, lithography, microscopy, and cryptography.

  • von Apostolos Vourdas
    71,00 €

  • von Kia Manouchehri & Jingbo Wang
    114,00 €

    In light of recent explorations of their non-intuitive dynamics, this book presents proposals as well as actual experiments on how quantum walks can be implemented in the laboratory, underpinned by a range of quantum, classical and hybrid technologies.

  • von Francesco Petruccione & Maria Schuld
    156,00 €

    Quantum machine learning investigates how quantum computers can be used for data-driven prediction and decision making.

  • von Renato Portugal
    157,00 €

    The revised edition of this book offers an extended overview of quantum walks and explains their role in building quantum algorithms, in particular search algorithms.Updated throughout, the book focuses on core topics including Grover's algorithm and the most important quantum walk models, such as the coined, continuous-time, and Szedgedy's quantum walk models. There is a new chapter describing the staggered quantum walk model. The chapter on spatial search algorithms has been rewritten to offer a more comprehensive approach and a new chapter describing the element distinctness algorithm has been added. There is a new appendix on graph theory highlighting the importance of graph theory to quantum walks.As before, the reader will benefit from the pedagogical elements of the book, which include exercises and references to deepen the reader's understanding, and guidelines for the use of computer programs to simulate the evolution of quantum walks.Review of the first edition:"The book is nicely written, the concepts are introduced naturally, and many meaningful connections between them are highlighted. The author proposes a series of exercises that help the reader get some working experience with the presented concepts, facilitating a better understanding. Each chapter ends with a discussion of further references, pointing the reader to major results on the topics presented in the respective chapter." - Florin Manea, zbMATH.

  • - Merging Quantum Optics with Condensed Matter Physics
    77,00 €

    This book reviews progress towards quantum simulators based on photonic and hybrid light-matter systems, covering theoretical proposals and recent experimental work. Quantum simulators are specially designed quantum computers. Their main aim is to simulate and understand complex and inaccessible quantum many-body phenomena found or predicted in condensed matter physics, materials science and exotic quantum field theories. Applications will include the engineering of smart materials, robust optical or electronic circuits, deciphering quantum chemistry and even the design of drugs.Technological developments in the fields of interfacing light and matter, especially in many-body quantum optics, have motivated recent proposals for quantum simulators based on strongly correlated photons and polaritons generated in hybrid light-matter systems. The latter have complementary strengths to cold atom and ion based simulators and they can probe for example out of equilibrium phenomena in a natural driven-dissipative setting. This book covers some of the most important works in this area reviewing the proposal for Mott transitions and Luttinger liquid physics with light, to simulating interacting relativistic theories, topological insulators and gauge field physics. The stage of the field now is at a point where on top of the numerous theory proposals; experiments are also reported.Connecting to the theory proposals presented in the chapters, the main experimental quantum technology platforms developed from groups worldwide to realize photonic and polaritonic simulators in the laboratory are also discussed. These include coupled microwave resonator arrays in superconducting circuits, semiconductor based polariton systems, and integrated quantum photonic chips.This is the first book dedicated to photonic approaches to quantum simulation, reviewing the fundamentals for the researcher new to the field, and providing a complete reference for the graduate student starting or already undergoing PhD studies in this area.

    124,00 €

    This book presents a distinctive way of understanding quantum correlations beyond entanglement, introducing readers to this less explored yet very fundamental aspect of quantum theory.

    88,00 €

    This book presents the basics and applications of superconducting devices in quantum optics. Superconducting detectors provide unparalleled performance for the detection of infrared photons in quantum cryptography, enable fundamental advances in quantum optics, and provide a direct route to on-chip optical quantum information processing.

  • - From Quantum Entanglement to Topological Phases of Many-Body Systems
    von Bei Zeng
    157,00 €

    This book approaches condensed matter physics from the perspective of quantum information science, focusing on systems with strong interaction and unconventional order for which the usual condensed matter methods like the Landau paradigm or the free fermion framework break down.

  • von Renato Portugal
    157,00 €

    This book explores quantum walks, which are important in building quantum algorithms. Coverage includes Grover's algorithm; Analytical solutions of quantum walks using Fourier transforms; Quantum walks on generic graphs; Spatial search algorithms and more.

  • von Francesco Petruccione & Maria Schuld
    157,00 €

    Quantum machine learning investigates how quantum computers can be used for data-driven prediction and decision making.

  • - Theory and Practice
    122,00 €

    This book provides an overview of state-of-the-art implementations of quantum random number generators (QRNGs), and especially examines their relation to classical statistical randomness models and numerical techniques for computing random numbers.

  • - Merging Quantum Optics with Condensed Matter Physics
    106,00 €

    This book reviews progress towards quantum simulators based on photonic and hybrid light-matter systems, covering theoretical proposals and recent experimental work. Quantum simulators are specially designed quantum computers. Their main aim is to simulate and understand complex and inaccessible quantum many-body phenomena found or predicted in condensed matter physics, materials science and exotic quantum field theories. Applications will include the engineering of smart materials, robust optical or electronic circuits, deciphering quantum chemistry and even the design of drugs.Technological developments in the fields of interfacing light and matter, especially in many-body quantum optics, have motivated recent proposals for quantum simulators based on strongly correlated photons and polaritons generated in hybrid light-matter systems. The latter have complementary strengths to cold atom and ion based simulators and they can probe for example out of equilibrium phenomena in a natural driven-dissipative setting. This book covers some of the most important works in this area reviewing the proposal for Mott transitions and Luttinger liquid physics with light, to simulating interacting relativistic theories, topological insulators and gauge field physics. The stage of the field now is at a point where on top of the numerous theory proposals; experiments are also reported.Connecting to the theory proposals presented in the chapters, the main experimental quantum technology platforms developed from groups worldwide to realize photonic and polaritonic simulators in the laboratory are also discussed. These include coupled microwave resonator arrays in superconducting circuits, semiconductor based polariton systems, and integrated quantum photonic chips.This is the first book dedicated to photonic approaches to quantum simulation, reviewing the fundamentals for the researcher new to the field, and providing a complete reference for the graduate student starting or already undergoing PhD studies in this area.

  • - Nano- and Micromechanical Resonators Interacting with Light
    174,00 €

    During the last few years cavity-optomechanics has emerged as a new field of research. It is valuable to researchers in nano science, quantum optics, quantum information, gravitational wave detection and other cutting edge fields.

    90,00 €

    This book presents the basics and applications of superconducting devices in quantum optics. Superconducting detectors provide unparalleled performance for the detection of infrared photons in quantum cryptography, enable fundamental advances in quantum optics, and provide a direct route to on-chip optical quantum information processing.

  • - Nano- and Micromechanical Resonators Interacting with Light
    174,00 €

    During the last few years cavity-optomechanics has emerged as a new field of research. It is valuable to researchers in nano science, quantum optics, quantum information, gravitational wave detection and other cutting edge fields.

    90,00 €

    The implementation of state-transfer schemes and the engineering of quantum networks are discussed in the framework of various quantum optical and condensed matter systems, emphasizing the interdisciplinary character of the research area.

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