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Bücher der Reihe Quellen und Forschungen zur Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte

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  • - Geschichte einer asthetischen Denkfigur
    von Charlotte Kurbjuhn
    34,95 - 119,95 €

    The series "e;QUELLEN UND FORSCHUNGEN ZUR LITERATUR- UND KULTURGESCHICHTE"e; (Sources and Research in the History of Literature and Culture), with a rich tradition stretching back to 1874, is an established feature among the renowned publications for German Literary Studies. Edited by Ernst Osterkamp and Werner Rocke at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the series presents examples of high-quality scholarship examining literary texts in conjunction with historical cultural phenomena, particularly with the other arts. There is an explicit demand for literary studies with a transdisciplinary approach. German literature from the Middle Ages to the present day forms the main focus of the series. As the historical cultural thrust of the series includes aspects of intercultural experience and national perceptions of the other, Quellen und Forschungen is also open to occasional comparative studies. The publications of the series include monographs, doctoral and professorial theses and thematically focused volumes of collected papers. Works presented for acceptance in the series are required to display scholarly relevance and excellence in method and presentation.

  • - Kritische Edition, Kommentar, Analyse
    von Patricia Sensch
    119,95 €

    Die erste historisch-kritische Briefedition der bis auf wenige Ausnahmen unbekannten 195 Schreiben Sophie von La Roches an den Darmstadter Prinzenerzieher Johann Friedrich Christian Petersen bringt fur das biografische Alterskapitel Sophie von La Roches uberraschende Erkenntnisse. Die Neuidentifizierung des Korrespondenzpartners ist bereits die erste: Bisher war man davon ausgegangen, die Briefe seien an den beruhmten Neologen, Hofprediger Georg Wilhelm Petersen, gerichtet. Die mikrohistorische' Analyse der Texte ermoglicht es, die politischen Positionen der Schriftstellerin zu rekonstruieren: Ihre Haltung in den zwei letzten in Offenbach verlebten Jahrzehnten war mitnichten resignativ. La Roche nahm nachhaltigen Einfluss auf die Erziehung eines zukunftigen Souverans und initiierte Heiratsprojekte zwischen Darmstadt, Braunschweig und Grobritannien, um eine restaurative, preuenfreundliche Politik zu befordern. Die standortgetreue diplomatische Umschrift erlaubt die Lekture ihrer Briefe mit minimalen editorischen Eingriffen. Die lebhafte Topografie der Schreiben entsprach ihrer Auffassung vom Brief als einem schriftlich fixierten Gesprach. Ausfuhrliche Kommentare erlautern die Sinnzusammenhange und decken neue Bezuge in La Roches europaweitem Netzwerk auf.

  • von Tilo Renz
    119,95 €

  • von Ben Hutchinson
    109,95 €

  • - Kriegerfreundschaft und Gewalt in mittelalterlicher Erzahltradition
    von Silke Winst
    144,95 €

    The series "e;QUELLEN UND FORSCHUNGEN ZUR LITERATUR- UND KULTURGESCHICHTE"e; (Sources and Research in the History of Literature and Culture), with a rich tradition stretching back to 1874, is an established feature among the renowned publications for German Literary Studies. Edited by Ernst Osterkamp and Werner Rocke at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the series presents examples of high-quality scholarship examining literary texts in conjunction with historical cultural phenomena, particularly with the other arts. There is an explicit demand for literary studies with a transdisciplinary approach. German literature from the Middle Ages to the present day forms the main focus of the series. As the historical cultural thrust of the series includes aspects of intercultural experience and national perceptions of the other, Quellen und Forschungen is also open to occasional comparative studies. The publications of the series include monographs, doctoral and professorial theses and thematically focused volumes of collected papers. Works presented for acceptance in the series are required to display scholarly relevance and excellence in method and presentation.

  • - Rezeptionslenkende Strukturen mittelalterlicher Texte in Bearbeitungen des Willehalm-Stoffs
    von Verena Barthel
    194,95 €

    The series "e;QUELLEN UND FORSCHUNGEN ZUR LITERATUR- UND KULTURGESCHICHTE"e; (Sources and Research in the History of Literature and Culture), with a rich tradition stretching back to 1874, is an established feature among the renowned publications for German Literary Studies. Edited by Ernst Osterkamp and Werner Rocke at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the series presents examples of high-quality scholarship examining literary texts in conjunction with historical cultural phenomena, particularly with the other arts. There is an explicit demand for literary studies with a transdisciplinary approach. German literature from the Middle Ages to the present day forms the main focus of the series. As the historical cultural thrust of the series includes aspects of intercultural experience and national perceptions of the other, Quellen und Forschungen is also open to occasional comparative studies. The publications of the series include monographs, doctoral and professorial theses and thematically focused volumes of collected papers. Works presented for acceptance in the series are required to display scholarly relevance and excellence in method and presentation.

  • - Grenzregionen literarischer Werke im 18. Jahrhundert (Gottsched, Wieland, Moritz, Jean Paul)
    von Till Dembeck
    149,95 €

    The series "e;QUELLEN UND FORSCHUNGEN ZUR LITERATUR- UND KULTURGESCHICHTE"e; (Sources and Research in the History of Literature and Culture), with a rich tradition stretching back to 1874, is an established feature among the renowned publications for German Literary Studies. Edited by Ernst Osterkamp and Werner Rocke at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the series presents examples of high-quality scholarship examining literary texts in conjunction with historical cultural phenomena, particularly with the other arts. There is an explicit demand for literary studies with a transdisciplinary approach. German literature from the Middle Ages to the present day forms the main focus of the series. As the historical cultural thrust of the series includes aspects of intercultural experience and national perceptions of the other, Quellen und Forschungen is also open to occasional comparative studies. The publications of the series include monographs, doctoral and professorial theses and thematically focused volumes of collected papers. Works presented for acceptance in the series are required to display scholarly relevance and excellence in method and presentation.

  • - Jean Paul und die Musik
    von Julia Cloot
    139,95 €

    The series "e;QUELLEN UND FORSCHUNGEN ZUR LITERATUR- UND KULTURGESCHICHTE"e; (Sources and Research in the History of Literature and Culture), with a rich tradition stretching back to 1874, is an established feature among the renowned publications for German Literary Studies. Edited by Ernst Osterkamp and Werner Rocke at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the series presents examples of high-quality scholarship examining literary texts in conjunction with historical cultural phenomena, particularly with the other arts. There is an explicit demand for literary studies with a transdisciplinary approach. German literature from the Middle Ages to the present day forms the main focus of the series. As the historical cultural thrust of the series includes aspects of intercultural experience and national perceptions of the other, Quellen und Forschungen is also open to occasional comparative studies. The publications of the series include monographs, doctoral and professorial theses and thematically focused volumes of collected papers. Works presented for acceptance in the series are required to display scholarly relevance and excellence in method and presentation.

  • - Die Rezeption der modernen Physik in Schriften zur Literatur und Philosophie deutschsprachiger Autoren (1925-1970)
    von Elisabeth Emter
    149,95 €

    The series "e;QUELLEN UND FORSCHUNGEN ZUR LITERATUR- UND KULTURGESCHICHTE"e; (Sources and Research in the History of Literature and Culture), with a rich tradition stretching back to 1874, is an established feature among the renowned publications for German Literary Studies. Edited by Ernst Osterkamp and Werner Rocke at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the series presents examples of high-quality scholarship examining literary texts in conjunction with historical cultural phenomena, particularly with the other arts. There is an explicit demand for literary studies with a transdisciplinary approach. German literature from the Middle Ages to the present day forms the main focus of the series. As the historical cultural thrust of the series includes aspects of intercultural experience and national perceptions of the other, Quellen und Forschungen is also open to occasional comparative studies. The publications of the series include monographs, doctoral and professorial theses and thematically focused volumes of collected papers. Works presented for acceptance in the series are required to display scholarly relevance and excellence in method and presentation.

  • - Philologische Bildung und deutsche Literatur in der ersten Halfte des 20. Jahrhunderts
    von Alexander Nebrig
    108,95 €

    The series "e;QUELLEN UND FORSCHUNGEN ZUR LITERATUR- UND KULTURGESCHICHTE"e; (Sources and Research in the History of Literature and Culture), with a rich tradition stretching back to 1874, is an established feature among the renowned publications for German Literary Studies. Edited by Ernst Osterkamp and Werner Rocke at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the series presents examples of high-quality scholarship examining literary texts in conjunction with historical cultural phenomena, particularly with the other arts. There is an explicit demand for literary studies with a transdisciplinary approach. German literature from the Middle Ages to the present day forms the main focus of the series. As the historical cultural thrust of the series includes aspects of intercultural experience and national perceptions of the other, Quellen und Forschungen is also open to occasional comparative studies. The publications of the series include monographs, doctoral and professorial theses and thematically focused volumes of collected papers. Works presented for acceptance in the series are required to display scholarly relevance and excellence in method and presentation.

  • - Unterhaltungskunst im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert
    von Antje Arnold
    119,95 €

    Die Rhetorik als Seelenkunst' hat enormen Anteil an der in empfindsamer Literatur ausgestellten so genannten naturlichen Seelenaussprache' ihre Artistik wird als Verbergungskunst ausgestellt. Als Rhetorik der Mitte' (mesotes-Ideal) stellt die Empfindsamkeit einen Positivkatalog der Emotionalisierung bereit, denn der Affektstufe ethos wird zugeschrieben, mittels sanfter Affekte zu erfreuen,zu besanftigen und mittels Menschlichkeit Sympathie und Sittlichkeit zu erreichen (Quintilian). Darunter lassen sich insbesondere die integrativen (fruh-)aufklarerischen Ausgleichsbestrebungen der Empfindsamkeit fassen, die das prodesse et delectare' propagieren und empfindsame Literatur Moderomane' beispielsweise zwischen Tugendbotschaft und Unterhaltungskunst ansiedeln. Die literarische Empfindsamkeit schlagt eine Brucke zwischen einer Seelenkunst, die im 18. Jahrhundert zu einer subjektiven und individuellen Groe avanciert, und einer Geselligkeit, die den Einzelnen in die Gemeinschaft integrieren soll. Ziel der Studie ist es, durch die strukturelle Verknupfung von Tugendethos und Rhetorik der Mitte' eine rhetorik- und kulturgeschichtlich fundierte Lesart empfindsamer Literatur anzubieten, die den Publikumserfolg am und fur den Menschen' ebenso zu erklaren vermag wie das gleichzeitige Scheitern an den eigenen Vorgaben.

  • - Friedrich Schlegels Poetik, Philosophie und Lebenskunst
    von Dorit Messlin
    169,95 €

    The series "e;QUELLEN UND FORSCHUNGEN ZUR LITERATUR- UND KULTURGESCHICHTE"e; (Sources and Research in the History of Literature and Culture), with a rich tradition stretching back to 1874, is an established feature among the renowned publications for German Literary Studies. Edited by Ernst Osterkamp and Werner Rocke at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the series presents examples of high-quality scholarship examining literary texts in conjunction with historical cultural phenomena, particularly with the other arts. There is an explicit demand for literary studies with a transdisciplinary approach. German literature from the Middle Ages to the present day forms the main focus of the series. As the historical cultural thrust of the series includes aspects of intercultural experience and national perceptions of the other, Quellen und Forschungen is also open to occasional comparative studies. The publications of the series include monographs, doctoral and professorial theses and thematically focused volumes of collected papers. Works presented for acceptance in the series are required to display scholarly relevance and excellence in method and presentation.

  • - Verhandlungen zwischen 'Adeligkeit' und Literatur um 1800
    von Jochen Strobel
    210,00 €

    The series "e;QUELLEN UND FORSCHUNGEN ZUR LITERATUR- UND KULTURGESCHICHTE"e; (Sources and Research in the History of Literature and Culture), with a rich tradition stretching back to 1874, is an established feature among the renowned publications for German Literary Studies. Edited by Ernst Osterkamp and Werner Rocke at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the series presents examples of high-quality scholarship examining literary texts in conjunction with historical cultural phenomena, particularly with the other arts. There is an explicit demand for literary studies with a transdisciplinary approach. German literature from the Middle Ages to the present day forms the main focus of the series. As the historical cultural thrust of the series includes aspects of intercultural experience and national perceptions of the other, Quellen und Forschungen is also open to occasional comparative studies. The publications of the series include monographs, doctoral and professorial theses and thematically focused volumes of collected papers. Works presented for acceptance in the series are required to display scholarly relevance and excellence in method and presentation.

  • - Die Verschriftlichung von Unterricht in der Text- und Uberlieferungsgeschichte der "e;Fabulae"e; Avians und der deutschen "e;Disticha Catonis"e;
    von Michael Baldzuhn
    250,00 €

    The series "e;QUELLEN UND FORSCHUNGEN ZUR LITERATUR- UND KULTURGESCHICHTE"e; (Sources and Research in the History of Literature and Culture), with a rich tradition stretching back to 1874, is an established feature among the renowned publications for German Literary Studies. Edited by Ernst Osterkamp and Werner Rocke at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the series presents examples of high-quality scholarship examining literary texts in conjunction with historical cultural phenomena, particularly with the other arts. There is an explicit demand for literary studies with a transdisciplinary approach. German literature from the Middle Ages to the present day forms the main focus of the series. As the historical cultural thrust of the series includes aspects of intercultural experience and national perceptions of the other, Quellen und Forschungen is also open to occasional comparative studies. The publications of the series include monographs, doctoral and professorial theses and thematically focused volumes of collected papers. Works presented for acceptance in the series are required to display scholarly relevance and excellence in method and presentation.

  • von Jutta Müller-Tamm
    139,95 €

  • von Jörg Robert
    159,95 €

  • von Andreas Bässler
    149,95 €

  • - Geschichtsreflexion im deutschsprachigen historischen Roman 1870-1880
    von Jan-Arne Sohns
    159,95 €

    Als prekarer Teil des affirmativen Reichspatriotismus (1870-1880) trieben diffamierte oder gering geachtete Geschichtsromane wie Dahns Kampf um Rom, Fontanes Vor dem Sturm, Freytags Ahnen oder Sacher-Masochs Weiblicher Sultan Geschichtsreflexion und Identitatsbildung entscheidend voran. Wie Meyers Jurg Jenatsch problematisieren sie den zeitgenossischen Umgang mit Geschichte und stehen damit am Beginn der Krise des Historismus. Die vorliegende Dispositivanalyse weist das hochreflexive Ineinander von Affirmation und Subversion nach, zu dem sich die Romane mit Nietzsches Historienschrift, Droysens Geschichtssemiotik, Menzels Abkehr vom Geschichtsgemalde, aber auch mit Denkmaleinweihungen, den Jubelfeiern 1870/71, Verlagsanzeigen, Professorenromanen, Zeitschriftenartikeln und -illustrationen verschranken. Eingehende Interpretation gangiger und abseitiger Text- und Bilddokumente entwerfen zentrale Elemente der Kulturgeschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts vollig neu.

  • - Sinn und Anspruch sudwestdeutscher Hauschroniken am Ausgang des Mittelalters
    von Gerhard Wolf
    189,95 €

    The series "e;QUELLEN UND FORSCHUNGEN ZUR LITERATUR- UND KULTURGESCHICHTE"e; (Sources and Research in the History of Literature and Culture), with a rich tradition stretching back to 1874, is an established feature among the renowned publications for German Literary Studies. Edited by Ernst Osterkamp and Werner Rocke at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the series presents examples of high-quality scholarship examining literary texts in conjunction with historical cultural phenomena, particularly with the other arts. There is an explicit demand for literary studies with a transdisciplinary approach. German literature from the Middle Ages to the present day forms the main focus of the series. As the historical cultural thrust of the series includes aspects of intercultural experience and national perceptions of the other, Quellen und Forschungen is also open to occasional comparative studies. The publications of the series include monographs, doctoral and professorial theses and thematically focused volumes of collected papers. Works presented for acceptance in the series are required to display scholarly relevance and excellence in method and presentation.

  • von Burkhard Moennighoff
    109,95 €

    The series "e;QUELLEN UND FORSCHUNGEN ZUR LITERATUR- UND KULTURGESCHICHTE"e; (Sources and Research in the History of Literature and Culture), with a rich tradition stretching back to 1874, is an established feature among the renowned publications for German Literary Studies. Edited by Ernst Osterkamp and Werner Rocke at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the series presents examples of high-quality scholarship examining literary texts in conjunction with historical cultural phenomena, particularly with the other arts. There is an explicit demand for literary studies with a transdisciplinary approach. German literature from the Middle Ages to the present day forms the main focus of the series. As the historical cultural thrust of the series includes aspects of intercultural experience and national perceptions of the other, Quellen und Forschungen is also open to occasional comparative studies. The publications of the series include monographs, doctoral and professorial theses and thematically focused volumes of collected papers. Works presented for acceptance in the series are required to display scholarly relevance and excellence in method and presentation.

  • - Anthropologie und Geschichtskritik in der deutschen Literatur zwischen 1930 und 1950
    von Gregor Streim
    194,95 €

    The series "e;QUELLEN UND FORSCHUNGEN ZUR LITERATUR- UND KULTURGESCHICHTE"e; (Sources and Research in the History of Literature and Culture), with a rich tradition stretching back to 1874, is an established feature among the renowned publications for German Literary Studies. Edited by Ernst Osterkamp and Werner Rocke at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the series presents examples of high-quality scholarship examining literary texts in conjunction with historical cultural phenomena, particularly with the other arts. There is an explicit demand for literary studies with a transdisciplinary approach. German literature from the Middle Ages to the present day forms the main focus of the series. As the historical cultural thrust of the series includes aspects of intercultural experience and national perceptions of the other, Quellen und Forschungen is also open to occasional comparative studies. The publications of the series include monographs, doctoral and professorial theses and thematically focused volumes of collected papers. Works presented for acceptance in the series are required to display scholarly relevance and excellence in method and presentation.

  • - Josef Nadlers Konzeption der deutschen Literaturgeschichte
    von Irene Ranzmaier
    194,95 €

    The series "e;QUELLEN UND FORSCHUNGEN ZUR LITERATUR- UND KULTURGESCHICHTE"e; (Sources and Research in the History of Literature and Culture), with a rich tradition stretching back to 1874, is an established feature among the renowned publications for German Literary Studies. Edited by Ernst Osterkamp and Werner Rocke at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the series presents examples of high-quality scholarship examining literary texts in conjunction with historical cultural phenomena, particularly with the other arts. There is an explicit demand for literary studies with a transdisciplinary approach. German literature from the Middle Ages to the present day forms the main focus of the series. As the historical cultural thrust of the series includes aspects of intercultural experience and national perceptions of the other, Quellen und Forschungen is also open to occasional comparative studies. The publications of the series include monographs, doctoral and professorial theses and thematically focused volumes of collected papers. Works presented for acceptance in the series are required to display scholarly relevance and excellence in method and presentation.

  • - Zur Poetik der Wolfdietrich-Dichtungen
    von Lydia Miklautsch
    179,95 €

    The series "e;QUELLEN UND FORSCHUNGEN ZUR LITERATUR- UND KULTURGESCHICHTE"e; (Sources and Research in the History of Literature and Culture), with a rich tradition stretching back to 1874, is an established feature among the renowned publications for German Literary Studies. Edited by Ernst Osterkamp and Werner Rocke at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the series presents examples of high-quality scholarship examining literary texts in conjunction with historical cultural phenomena, particularly with the other arts. There is an explicit demand for literary studies with a transdisciplinary approach. German literature from the Middle Ages to the present day forms the main focus of the series. As the historical cultural thrust of the series includes aspects of intercultural experience and national perceptions of the other, Quellen und Forschungen is also open to occasional comparative studies. The publications of the series include monographs, doctoral and professorial theses and thematically focused volumes of collected papers. Works presented for acceptance in the series are required to display scholarly relevance and excellence in method and presentation.

  • - Normen der Geschlechterbeziehungen in Texten des 17. Jahrhunderts
    von Ursula Kundert
    194,95 €

    Die Untersuchung geht der Frage nach, wie Normen uber das gegenseitige Verhalten von Frauen und Mannern vermittelt werden. Aus sozialpsychologischen, ritual- und diskurstheoretischen Ansatzen entwickelt sie fur das Medium Drucktext ein Modell, wonach vor allem die Darstellung von Konfliktverlaufen normativ wirkt.Die Arbeit fuhrt vor, dass in protestantischen deutschen Drucktexten des 17. Jahrhunderts die funf Konfliktverlaufsmuster 'Kompliment', 'Disputation', 'Verleumdung', 'Rehabilitation' und 'Bue' fur die Vermittlung von Normen des gegenseitigen Verhaltens der Geschlechter verantwortlich sind. Sie kommen in so unterschiedlichen Gattungen wie Schafergedicht und Landesordnung vor, halten sich nicht an Grenzen inhaltlich definierter Diskurse und werden als normative Muster selbst durch abweichende Variation konstitutiert.

  • - Die Verfassung des Subjekts in Goethes Romanen und Erzahlungen
    von Stefan Keppler
    179,95 €

    This study treats a central complex of issues which have hitherto received little attention from Goethe scholars, namely the question of the conception and position of the subject in Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's novels and shorter narrative pieces. In his study the author combines approaches from the history of ideas and poetology in a systematic way and succeeds in demonstrating that the question of the ego, its identity and boundaries is a recurring problem in Goethe's writings, and one that he obviously did not succeed in resolving; at the same time he shows that Goethe's figures, with their internal breaks, already display clear features of the modern subject.

  • - Verfahren phantastischen Erzahlens in Franz Kafkas Fruhwerk
    von Sophie von Glinski
    194,95 €

    The study examines narrative processes and modes of writing in hitherto neglected early works by Franz Kafka. Close readings of the texts reveal how his writing develops towards a dream-like imaginative narration. This analysis of Kafka's early work reveals for the first time the prerequisites for that literary breakthrough in which Kafka entered the literary scene as a narrator in 1912.

  • von Cora Dietl
    240,00 €

    The series "e;QUELLEN UND FORSCHUNGEN ZUR LITERATUR- UND KULTURGESCHICHTE"e; (Sources and Research in the History of Literature and Culture), with a rich tradition stretching back to 1874, is an established feature among the renowned publications for German Literary Studies. Edited by Ernst Osterkamp and Werner Rocke at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the series presents examples of high-quality scholarship examining literary texts in conjunction with historical cultural phenomena, particularly with the other arts. There is an explicit demand for literary studies with a transdisciplinary approach. German literature from the Middle Ages to the present day forms the main focus of the series. As the historical cultural thrust of the series includes aspects of intercultural experience and national perceptions of the other, Quellen und Forschungen is also open to occasional comparative studies. The publications of the series include monographs, doctoral and professorial theses and thematically focused volumes of collected papers. Works presented for acceptance in the series are required to display scholarly relevance and excellence in method and presentation.

  • - Antiklassizistische Antikenwahrnehmung deutscher Italienreisender 1750-1870
    von Thorsten Fitzon
    149,95 €

    The series "e;QUELLEN UND FORSCHUNGEN ZUR LITERATUR- UND KULTURGESCHICHTE"e; (Sources and Research in the History of Literature and Culture), with a rich tradition stretching back to 1874, is an established feature among the renowned publications for German Literary Studies. Edited by Ernst Osterkamp and Werner Rocke at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the series presents examples of high-quality scholarship examining literary texts in conjunction with historical cultural phenomena, particularly with the other arts. There is an explicit demand for literary studies with a transdisciplinary approach. German literature from the Middle Ages to the present day forms the main focus of the series. As the historical cultural thrust of the series includes aspects of intercultural experience and national perceptions of the other, Quellen und Forschungen is also open to occasional comparative studies. The publications of the series include monographs, doctoral and professorial theses and thematically focused volumes of collected papers. Works presented for acceptance in the series are required to display scholarly relevance and excellence in method and presentation.

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