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Bücher der Reihe Refo500 Academic Studies

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  • von Herman J. Selderhuis
    110,00 €

    Als im Jahr 1516 die neue Ausgabe des Neuen Testaments, das Novum Instrumentum des Erasmus von Rotterdam erschien, war dies ein herausragendes Ereignis mit weitreichenden Konsequenzen und Wirkungen. Sowohl die Reformation des 16. Jahrhunderts mit ihrer zentralen Stellung der biblischen Schriften und ihrer Exegese als auch die Entwicklung der in die Moderne weisenden biblischen Textkritik lassen sich ohne die Arbeiten des Erasmus kaum denken. Dennoch ist auch Erasmus in einem breiteren Zusammenhang der mannigfachen Bibel- und Text-orientierten Reformbewegung des Spätmittelalters, der Renaissance und des Humanismus zu sehen. Dies verdeutlichen die einzelnen Beiträge des vorliegenden Bandes.

  • von Simon J. G. Burton
    140,00 €

  • von Nina J. Koefoed
    90,00 €

    The contributions in this volume enter the debate about the way in which the provision of poor relief can be influenced by its national confessional context. They bring new perspectives to the understanding of theological aspects of Lutheranism, such as the connection between justification by faith alone and care for the poor, and work and work ethics. The articles also analyse the implementation of social responsibility of the authority towards different categories of poor ('deserving' and 'undeserving'), local administration and centralization of poor relief through connections of public and private sources of funding, and collaboration between state, church and civil society through different public and private aspects of poor relief. In this way the various contributions combine to demonstrate new ways in the study of the connection between confessional specifics and historical developments through detailed knowledge of theology, supported by concrete historical case studies.

  • von Réka Tímea Újlaki-Nagy
    130,00 €

    Transylvanian Sabbatarianism emerged from the aspirations of the Reformation, without direct contact with the Jews. Although the most frequently asked question about them concerns their identity - were they Christians or Jews - the answers of the literature are superficial, biased, and take only an external point of view. The aim of this book, therefore, is to move closer to the 16-17th century Sabbatarian manuscripts and to examine how much they were still connected to Christianity in their biblical interpretations, doctrines and religious practices, how they adapted to Judaism, and how they saw themselves in relation to the two world religions. The analysis of Réka Tímea Újlaki-Nagy shows that although they still held some Christian beliefs, these were considered to be incidental and unnecessary to salvation. Sabbatarians followed the ideal of an age preceding Christ, consequently the Reformation effort to restitute apostolic Christianity disappeared from their religious thought.

  • von Henk van den Belt
    150,00 €

  • von Lukasz Cybulski
    140,00 €

    This volume is one of scarce studies of religious literature of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth conducted by scholars from both Poland and Lithuania. What makes this endeavour important is mainly the will to overcome the frontiers and strains of the modern world that encourage exploring separateness instead of the realities of deep mutual interdependency. Lukasz Cybulski and Kristina Rutkovska analyse secular and religious writings of secular authors as well as those belonging to the clergy and religious orders. Their main interest lies in exploring the different genres of early modern Polish and Lithuanian sermons and novels, and in tracing this heritage to its social and literary context through the works' material presence in manuscript form and in print. Other papers in this volume give insights into the origins of vernacular translations of the Holy Scriptures and the controversies surrounding them, as well as into the written testimonies of religious devotion and conversions. The aim has been not only to confront different kinds of texts and experiences, but to situate this heritage in its social and confessional context.

  • von Kees Teszelszky
    140,00 €

    This book is about one of the most important elements of the political narratives in the history of Hungary in past and present: the Holy Crown of Hungary. This object is one of the most widely used symbols of modern Hungarian nationalism in our times and has been in use for ages in political culture. Surprisingly less is known how the meaning of the crown has changed over the centuries and how this influenced the development of national identity in the early modern period.Starting point is that the "medieval doctrine of the holy crown" is a modern invention. My research concentrates on the relation between the change in the meaning of this crown and the construction of an early modern national identity between 1572 and 1665. Using a constructivist method of research I have showed how the Habsburg ruler and the Hungarian estates legitimised their political program through an image of the crown and the Hungarian political community. In a short period between the end of 1604 and 1613 during a rebellion in Hungary, a war with the Ottomans and a strive between Emperor Rudolf II and his brother Archduke Matthias, the medieval tradition of the holy crown was revived and redeveloped by Hungarian and foreign historiographers into an ideology which is still present today.

  • von Frances Luttikhuizen
    120,00 €

    During the first half of the sixteenth century the Spanish Inquisition fought "Lutheranism" in a benign way, but as time passed the power struggle between those that favoured reform and the detractors intensified, until persecution became relentless under the mandate of Inquisitor General Fernando de Valdés. The power struggle did not catch Constantino by surprise, but the tables turned faster than he had expected. On 1 August 1558 Constantino preached his last sermon in the cathedral of Seville; fifteen days later he was imprisoned. Constantino's evangelising zeal is evident in all his works, but the core of his theology can be found in Beatus Vir, where he deals with the doctrines of sin and pardon, free grace, providence, predestination, and the relationship between faith and works. In his exposition of Psalm 1, Constantino does not resort to human philosophies but associates the spiritual fall of humanity with ugliness. In his exhortation to the reader, he states: "we shall plainly see the repulsiveness of that which seems so good in the eyes of insane men, and the beauty and greatness of that which the Divine Word has promised and assured those who turn to its counsel."

  • von Herman J. Selderhuis
    120,00 €

  • von Barbara Mahlmann-Bauer
    49,00 €

    Die Begegnung mit Juden und Muslimen erwies sich in Südeuropa und Ungarn seit dem 16. Jh. als Testfall für Praktiken eines toleranten Umgangs unter Christen. In utopischen Entwürfen wurden Bedingungen für religiöse Diversität ausgelotet, die in Europa erst im 19. Jh. als Menschenrecht anerkannt wurde. Voraussetzungen dafür lieferten die Diskurse über Glaubensfreiheit und Ketzerverfolgung seit der Reformation. Die hier von Philosophiehistoriker:innen und Literaturwissenschaftler:innen vorgetragenen Ideen und Entwürfe, die - teilweise erstmals und neuerdings - in der Geschichte religiöser Toleranz verortet werden, stammen u.a. von Guillaume Postel, Tommaso Campanella, Erasmus von Rotterdam, Niccolò Machiavelli, Christoph Besold, Adam Neuser, Ferenc II. Rákóczi, Johann Gottfried Schnabel, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Moses Mendelssohn, die schottischen Aufklärer, Isaac Disraeli, David Friedrich Strauss und von wirkmächtigen Islamreformern.

  • von Riccarda Suitner
    100,00 €

    The Republic of Venice was the only Catholic territory where an Anabaptist community was formed in the 16th century. The history of Venetian Anabaptism, little known in Reformation Studies so far, is at the heart of this book. On the basis of a large amount of archival material Riccarda Suitner reconstructs the lives of the Anabaptists of the Republic and inquisitorial repression they suffered, and analyses the doctrinal specificities of the Radical Reformation of that territory. Venetian events are presented within a broader comparative framework with particular attention to the development of the Reformation in the German states, Switzerland, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Transylvania, Tyrol, and the Kingdom of Naples. It will emerge that its Venetian history, too, cannot be ignored for a true understanding of the Radical Reformation as a whole, as well as of many significant developments of the European Reformation.

  • von Elisa Frei
    120,00 €

    "Profiling Saints" follows and expands the papers presented at the homonym online international conference (December 2021), which focused on cultural, theological, artistic, and social aspects of models of sanctity and their importance in the modern world up to the post-revolutionary period. This volume aims thus to shed light on the cultural value of canonizations and models of sanctity as models of Christian perfection, including the role of iconography and artworks, in the broader context of modern, global Catholicism. The topics presented by the authors include veneration to, and canonization and representations of, saint theologians, missionaries, martyrs, mystics, and reformers, men and women. "Profiling Saints" looks at modern sanctity and saints from multidisciplinary perspectives, ranging from liturgy, theology, and Church history up to history of ideas, cultural history, history of emotions, and art history, and contributes to shed light on such a complex phenomenon of Christian history in its modern developments.

  • von Eike Hinrich Thomsen
    140,00 €

    Der 1415 auf dem Konstanzer Konzil als Ketzer verbrannte Johannes Hus wurde vor der Reformation gemeinhin als ein Häretiker betrachtet. Mit Luther und der anbrechenden Reformation begann jedoch ein Umdeutungsprozess, der zu einer völligen Neubewertung von Hus führte. Bereits früh wurde er auf Seiten der Reformation als Heiliger, Märtyrer und Vorläufer Luthers betrachtet. Auf römischer Seite galt Hus jedoch weiterhin als prototypische Ketzergestalt.In einem ersten Teil der Studie untersucht Eike Hinrich Thomsen die Prozesse und Ereignisse, die dazu geführt haben, dass sich das Bild von Hus mit der beginnenden Reformation nachhaltig ändern sollte. Ein zweiter Teil verfolgt einzelne Rezeptionsstränge, die bis in das 18. Jahrhundert hineinreichen. Neben der starken lutherischen Hus-Rezeption werden auch andere Gruppen wie Reformierte, "radikale Reformer" oder Katholische untersucht. Über die schriftlichen Quellen hinaus werden zahlreiche bildliche und materielle Quellen in die Untersuchung miteinbezogen.

  • von Nina J. Koefoed
    120,00 €

    The European reformations meant major changes in theology, religion, and everyday life. Some changes were immediate and visible in a number of countries: monasteries were dissolved, new liturgies were introduced, and married pastors were ordained, other more hidden. Theologically, as well as practically the position of the church in the society changed dramatically, but differently according to confession and political differences.This volume addresses the question of how the theological, liturgical, and organizational changes changes brought by the reformation within different confessional cultures throughout Europe influenced the everyday life of ordinary people within the church and within society. The different contributions in the book ask how lived religion, space, and everyday life were formed in the aftermath of the reformation, and how we can trace changes in material culture, in emotions, in social structures, in culture, which may be linked to the reformation and the development of confessional cultures.

  • von Miles Hopgood
    100,00 €

    Though undertreated by modern scholars, Martin Luther's lectures on Deuteronomy are critical to understanding his theological development as an exegete and also the course of the Reformation in the wake of Luther's return from the Wartburg in 1522. In these lectures, Luther engages deeply with Moses, whom he sees as an author, prophet, and ruler. These three ways of regarding Moses allow Luther to forge a new approach to the Mosaic law, shaping his response to what he perceives as the evangelical legalism of Andreas Karlstadt and Thomas Müntzer. By shedding light on these exegetical principles and connecting these lectures to surrounding events, Miles Hopgood brings new clarity as to why Luther broke with Karlstadt and the nature of his dispute with Müntzer, demonstrates the importance of the Hebrew Bible in shaping Luther's mature exegesis, and opens the door for fresh perspectives not only on the events of 1521-1525 but Luther's entire career as interpreter of scripture.

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