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Bücher der Reihe Routledge Library Editions: Development

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  • von Arthur Livingstone
    79,00 €

    A study of contemporary social policy in developing countries, which places the emphasis upon the human needs and requirements for social change which confront any people and any government, wherever their political and international affiliations lie, whatever their economic and social convictions may be.

  • - Essays in Honour of Paul Rosenstein-Rodan
    80,00 €

    First published in 1972, this is a book of essays offered in honour of Paul Rosenstein-Rodan, the distinguished economist whose career started in mid-1920s Vienna and subsequently spanned Europe, Britain, the USA and many of the less developed countries of the world.

  • von George M. Guess
    80,00 - 240,00 €

    Explores contemporary US foreign aid policies and thinking in the Reagan era. This book argues that aid policy is often confused as a result of bureaucratic decision-making processes. It contrasts the experience of the many countries where aid-giving has produced unwished-for effects with the few countries where the desired results have occurred.

  • - British Aid to Malawi
    von Kathryn Morton
    40,00 €

    Examines the case for and against aid for developing nations, taking the example of British aid to Malawi's economic development since independence in 1964. This study suggests that without Britain's aid, Malawi's capacity to develop would have been severely undermined and that aid has not generally inhibited Malawi's efforts to help itself.

  • - British Development Assistance to Kenya
    von Gerald Holtham & Arthur Hazelwood
    81,00 €

    Considers the rapid rate of economic growth in Kenya, combined with its apparent political stability, to determine whether or not this is indeed a case of 'growth without development' and, if so, where the responsibility for aid lies in this situation.

  • - The Formative Years
    von Ibrahim F. I. Shihata
    85,00 - 240,00 €

    The OPEC countries' collective policy is to offer external development assistance free from political or commercial ties, with the purpose of expressing the solidarity of one group of developing countries with the rest. This book describes the OPEC Fund's organisational evolution into a fully-fledged international body.

  • - A Country Study of the Impact of Official Development Assistance
    von John Toye & Michael Lipton
    80,00 €

    A study of aid effectiveness in India's pre-liberalisation era. It identifies those sectors where aid-funded interventions succeeded, and where they failed. It explains how India avoided problems of aid dependence, and managed the political tensions that are associated with aid policy dialogue.

  • von J. M. Healey
    78,00 €

    Considers the main aspects of foreign aid to developing countries in terms of economic concepts and principles. This title gives an economic definition of aid and considers the motives for giving aid and the principles on which it may be allocated.

  • - Critique and Alternatives
    239,00 €

    The Green Revolution - the apparently miraculous increase in cereal crop yields achieved in the 1960s - came under severe criticism in the 1970s because of its demands for optimal irrigation, intensive use of fertilisers and pesticides. This book examines the Green Revolution concept in South America, Asia and Africa.

  • - Four African Case Studies
    von Christopher Stevens
    88,00 €

    Food aid is a controversial form of development assistance. This book considers aid from the UK, EEC, USAID, the World Food Programme, Canada and France, and draws many policy-orientated conclusions about the impact of food aid on nutrition, consumer prices and agricultural production.

  • - The Political Economy of Confrontation
    von Radha Sinha
    40,00 €

  • von Peter Preston
    80,00 €

    Presents a critical history of development studies since the Second World War, linking the recent, neo-Marxist, debate with the whole tradition in the field, going back to the work of economists like Arthur Lewis.

  • von Cristobal Kay
    89,00 €

    The four major strands in the work of Latin American Theorists are: structuralism, internal colonialism, marginality and dependency. This book includes a comprehensive analysis of the Latin American School of Development and a guide to the major Third World contribution to development theory.

    80,00 €

    First published in 1982, this collection was the result of an ambitious and wide-ranging, inter-disciplinary research programme conducted by the International Labour Office (ILO) on the relationship between womenΓÇÖs roles and demographic change, with a view to influencing contemporary government and non-government policy and future research in the field. The ILO held an informal gathering of leading researchers in the fields of economics, anthropology, sociology and demography and this volume represents a unique and practically-orientated collection, offering valuable insights into contemporary perspectives on womenΓÇÖs studies and population dynamics.

    80,00 €

    First published in 1986, this reissue is concerned with the increased social problems, regional imbalances, and economic dislocation resulting from the alarming growth rate of cities in the developing world. It considers theoretical questions and contains wide-ranging case studies to support the arguments made. It relates urbanisation in the developing world to changes in the broader global economic system, as well as looking at the urbanisation process over time.

  • von S. B. D. de Silva
    88,00 €

    Deals with the theory of underdevelopment. The author attempts a synthesis between the internal and external aspects of underdevelopment and, in the Marxist tradition, focuses on the impact of the external on the internal as the dominant reality.

  • - Studies in the Creation of a Labour Force Under Dependent Capitalism
    42,00 €

    First published in 1984, this collection of twelve case studies examines the emergence of a free wage-labour force in all regions of the third world. Although the struggle and conflict through which the proletariat has achieved a degree of class consciousness is not neglected, the more dominant theme is that of the process and techniques which have created a working class on the capitalist periphery.

  • - A Tanzanian Case Study
    von John Sender & Sheila Smith
    78,00 €

    Focussing on a Fieldwork study of the West Usambaras in Tanzania, this study deals with processes of class formation and capitalist accumulation, and the dynamics of rural poverty and gender relations. It argues that rural differentiation is systematically reinforced by the socialist state.

  • - A Comparative Analysis in African Societies
    von Olatunde Odetola
    86,00 €

    Examines the role that ruling military governments have played in African development. The author discusses military organisational values and skills in modernisation. He also investigates the relationship between the ruling military and existing social classes.

  • von A. K. Cairncross
    80,00 €

  • von E.Stuart Kirby
    81,00 - 264,00 €

  • - Red or Green Alternatives
    von Michael Redclift
    79,00 €

    Makes the global environmental crisis a central concern of political economy and its structural causes a central concern of environmentalism. This book argues that a close analysis of the environmental crisis in the South reveals the importance of the share of resources obtained by different social groups.

  • - A Critique of Western Theories on Development and Underdevelopment
    von Carlos Ramirez-Faria
    89,00 €

    Provides an analysis of theories concerning the origins of economic inequality between nations. The author investigates the concept of underdevelopment, and focuses on successive Western 'systems of conceptualisation' of the relationship between the west and the rest of the world.

  • - Critique and Alternatives
    78,00 €

    The Green Revolution ¿ the apparently miraculous increase in cereal crop yields achieved in the 1960s ¿ came under severe criticism in the 1970s because of its demands for optimal irrigation, intensive use of fertilisers and pesticides; its damaging impact on social structures; and its monoculture approach. The early 1980s saw a concerted approach to many of these criticisms under the auspices of Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). This book, first published in 1987, analyses the recent achievements of the CGIAR and examines the Green Revolution concept in South America, Asia and Africa, from an `ecodevelopment¿ standpoint, with particular regard to the plight of the rural poor. The work is characterised by a concern for the ecological and social dimensions of agricultural development,which puts the emphasis on culturally compatible, labour absorbing and environmentally sustainable food production which will serve the long term needs of developing countries.

    41,00 €

    This reissue, first published in 1969, brings together structural and analytical studies of seven single African countries, together with two studies of groups of countries which, although politically separate, have in the past had close economic links. These countries are Algeria, Cameroon, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Nigeria and the Sudan. The groups are East Africa, comprising Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania; and Central Africa, comprising Rhodesia, Malawi and Zambia.

  • - Progress and Prospect
    von Scotland, Michael (University of Strathclyde & U.K.) Pacione
    81,00 €

    Presents a comprehensive overview of contemporary developments and research into the geography of the Third World, at a time when economies and societies there were changing at a much more rapid rate than their counterparts in the developing world.

  • von L. A. Lewis & L. Berry
    56,00 €

    Presents a comprehensive picture of the range of physical environments in Africa, focusing upon those characteristics and issues central to the management of environmental resources. Beginning with an overview of the geographical and environmental history of Africa, this book also provides to the evolution of the management of resources.

  • - Illustrated by Caribbean Countries
    von Douglas Dosser, Suphan Andic & Fuat Andic
    55,00 €

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