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Bücher der Reihe SA+P Press

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  • von Martin Koch
    83,00 €

    Establish quick and secure communication between your cloud and on-premise systems with SAP Connectivity service's cloud connector! Set up and configure the cloud connector, from performing sizing to implementing connectivity APIs. Link on-premise SAP products to SAP BTP and its services, including SAP Business Application Studio, SAP Integration Suite's Cloud Integration, and more. With information on creating secure connections, administering the cloud connector, and monitoring, this guide has everything you need!Highlights include:1) SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP)2) SAP Connectivity service3) SAP Web IDE4) SAP Business Application Studio5) SAP Integration Suite's Cloud Integration6) SAP API Management7) SAP Launchpad service8) Installation and configuration9) Security10) Administration11) Monitoring12) Principle propagation

  • von Daria Kersten
    99,90 €

    Liquidität steuern, Kosten senken und Compliance sicherstellen: Dieses Buch zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie Kontenstrukturen und Abläufe verschlanken und einen durchgängigen Prozess im ERP-System auf-bauen. Sie lernen alle im Zahlungsverkehr relevanten Prozesse mit ihren internen und externen Teilnehmenden kennen, und können so Optimierungspotenzial entdecken. Sie erfahren, welche Tools und Funktionen Ihnen nutzen, um Ihre Arbeitsabläufe zu automatisieren. Schließlich werden Sie durch die zentralen Customizing-Einstellungen geleitet, um Ihre eigenen Prozesse in den SAP-Werkzeugen abzubilden. Ein Kapitel zur Vorgehensweise bei der Migration rundet das Buch ab.Aus dem Inhalt:Prozesse im ZahlungsverkehrPurchase-to-Pay Order-to-CashSalary-to-Pay Interne und externe Kommunikation im Zahlungsverkehr Bankkonten- und Zahlungsverwaltung SAP Inhouse Cash SAP Bank Communication ManagementAdvanced Payment Management SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity Szenarien für die Migration

  • von Frank Densborn, Frank Finkbohner, Boris Rubarth, usw.
    89,90 €

  • von René Zimmermann, Oliver Lauffer & Jan Rauscher
    89,90 €

  • von Raghu Boddu
    93,00 €

    Manage on-premise user access with this comprehensive guide to SAP Access Control. Begin with step-by-step installation and configuration instructions. Then implement key SAP Access Control modules, including access risk analysis, emergency access management, and access request management. Learn to manage business roles, review user access, evaluate segregation of duties risks, and configure automation workflows. This is your all-in-one guide to SAP Access Control!Highlights include:1) Installation and configuration2) Access risk analysis (ARA)3) Emergency access management (EAM)4) Access request management (ARM)5) Business role management (BRM)6) User access review (UAR)7) Segregation of duties (SOD) review8) BRFplus9) Multistage multipath (MSMP) workflows 10) SAP Fiori11) Extensions and customizations

  • von Raja Gupta
    84,00 €

    Discover what DevOps can do to improve your SAP development pipeline! Learn exactly what DevOps is and what tools it provides for version control, coding, test automation, deployment, and monitoring. Walk through SAP's complete DevOps portfolio for on-premise systems, using SAP S/4HANA as an example. Then move to the cloud with DevOps services for SAP Business Technology Platform and SAP BTP, ABAP environment. Finally, see how to manage DevOps in hybrid SAP landscapes with SAP Solution Manager and other tools.Highlights include:1) On-premise systems2) Cloud systems3) Hybrid landscapes4) Continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD)5) SAP S/4HANA6) SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP)7) SAP BTP, ABAP environment8) SAP Solution Manager9) Security10) Best practices

  • von Mario Franz
    84,00 €

    Managing projects across an organization is complex. This book guides you through each twist and turn in the project lifecycle using Project System in SAP S/4HANA. Start by setting up the master data that project management depends on. Then configure and run planning functions for project logistics and financials. Finally, execute your projects and manage all period-end allocation and close tasks. Details on project analysis reports and integration scenarios make this the only guide you need!In this book, you'll learn about:a. Project Setup Set up your Project System master data in SAP S/4HANA. Customize data elements like work breakdown structures and networks. Make the most of versions, editing functions, project processing capabilities, and more. b. Project Planning, Execution, and CloseConfigure and run the core phases of project management, step by step. Plan your project costs and logistics, perform project execution activities across the SAP S/4HANA system, and manage period-end close for plan and actual data. c. Reporting and IntegrationAnalyze your project data with Project System reports for project structures, financials, and logistics. Explore integration scenarios for Project System such as SAP S/4HANA Cloud for projects.Highlights include:1) Master data 2) Scheduling3) Resource planning4) Material planning5) Revenue planning6) Budgeting 7) Project execution8) Invoicing 9) Period-end close 10) Integration 11) Reporting

  • von Renzo Colle
    89,90 €

    Welche Rolle spielt das virtuelle Datenmodell von SAP S/4HANA für Sie in der Entwicklung? In diesem Buch erfahren Sie, wie Sie CDS-Views anlegen und in analytischen oder transaktionalen ABAP-Anwendungen verwenden. Von der Syntax über Annotationen bis hin zu Zugriffskontrollen lernen Sie alles, was Sie für die Datenmodellierung mit Core Data Services wissen müssen. Die 3. Auflage dieses Bestsellers wurde vollständig aktualisiert und an die Neuerungen des Release 2023 angepasst. Aus dem Inhalt:CDS und SAP HANACDS-Syntax und -SprachelementeABAP Editor in EclipseHierarchienAnnotationenAssoziationenSuchfunktionenABAP-Managed Database ProceduresAnalytische QueriesZugriffskontrollenTestautomatisierung für CDS-ViewsProblembehandlungen

  • von Bernd Lauterbach
    93,00 €

    The definitive book on TM is back! See how transportation management fits into your SAP S/4HANA landscape and find out what's new for basic and advanced shipping. Walk through master data to get your transportation network up and running. Then follow step-by-step instructions to set up and use embedded TM functionality in SAP S/4HANA for transportation planning, freight order management, transportation execution, charge management, and more. Round out your implementation with detailed integration scenarios, migration tips, and best practices.In this book, you'll learn about:a. Configuration Set up master data for TM in SAP S/4HANA. Configure general master data such as business partners and materials, manage equipment types and resources, and get your transportation network up and running. b. Core Processes Follow step-by-step instructions to transport your goods. Perform manual and automated planning, manage orders and capacities, execute and monitor your transports, calculate and settle charges, and more. c. IntegrationCreate a seamless transportation landscape. Connect to key solutions such as SAP Business Network for Logistics and SAP Global Trade Services. Explore the latest integration scenarios, including extended warehouse management (EWM) and advanced shipping and receiving. Highlights include:1) Basic and advanced TM2) Master data3) Transportation planning 4) Freight order management 5) Subcontracting 6) Execution and monitoring 7) Transportation compliance8) Charge management 9) Calculation and settlement10) Logistics service providers (LSPs)11) Integration12) Best practices

  • von Jamsheed Bahser
    89,90 €

    Wer soll Zugriff auf welche Geschäftsdaten in SAP-S/4HANA haben? Erfahren Sie alles zu den Berechtigungskonzepten auf dem ABAP-Applikationsserver, für SAP-Fiori-Apps und die SAP-HANA-Datenbank. Das Autorenteam bietet mit diesem Handbuch eine konkrete Hilfestellung, um die Berechtigungskonzepte in SAP S/4HANA zu verstehen, einzurichten und zu verwalten.Aus dem Inhalt:SAP FioriRollenverwaltungBenutzerverwaltungSAP-VorschlagswerteKonzeption und DokumentationSAP Access ControlSAP-HANA-DatenbankMigration von BerechtigungenUmfassendes GlossarChecklisten und Best Practices

  • von Lars Teuber
    89,90 €

    Meistern Sie jetzt die Einführung von SAP Cloud ALM und vereinfachen und optimieren Sie dabei Ihre ALM-Prozesse! Ob Sie schon Solution-Manager-Kunde sind oder die Cloud-ALM-Lösung neu einführen: In diesem Buch erfahren Sie, wie Sie SAP Cloud ALM in Ihre hybride Systemlandschaft integrieren und Ihre Cloud-Anwendungen über ihren gesamten Lebenszyklus hinweg im Blick behalten. In praktischen Beispielszenarien zeigen die Autoren Ihnen, was Sie bei Planung, Durchführung und im Betrieb beachten sollten.Aus dem Inhalt:Ein SAP-Cloud-ALM-Projekt umsetzenProjektsetup aufsetzen und überwachenProzess-, Anforderungs- und TestmanagementKonfiguration ÄnderungsmanagementReleasemanagementMonitoring und BetriebErweiterungskonzeptBusiness Process MonitoringReal User Monitoring

  • von Martin Koch
    89,90 €

    In diesem Buch erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihr On-Premise-System mithilfe des Cloud Connectors ganz einfach mit Ihren Cloud-Systemen verbinden und konfigurieren. Verknüpfen Sie On-Premise-SAP-Produkte mit den SAP-BTP-Services. In diesem Leitfaden finden Sie zuverlässige Informationen zum Erstellen sicherer Verbindungen sowie zur Verwaltung und zur Überwachung des Cloud Connectors.Aus dem Inhalt:SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP)SAP Connectivity ServiceSAP Web IDESAP Business Application StudioCloud-Integration-Service der SAP Integration SuiteAPI ManagementSAP Build Work Zone, Standard EditionInstallation und KonfigurationSecurityAdministrationMonitoringPrinciple Propagation

  • von Markus Renner, Richard Haßmann, Angelika Beck & usw.
    89,90 €

  • von Mahesh Babu
    93,00 €

    Looking to tap into advanced planning and scheduling? Then this is the book for you! Get detailed guidance for setting up and using PP-DS in SAP S/4HANA. Follow step-by-step instructions for configuring master data, heuristics, planning procedures, data transfer, and detailed scheduling. Then put your system to use: trigger planning runs, evaluate results, perform alert monitoring, and more. With insights into deployment, migration, and advancements in the simplified system, this is the comprehensive guide you need!

  • von Erik Bertram
    83,00 €

    Frustrated with slow performance in SAP Analytics Cloud? This guide is your answer! Learn the basics of solution performance and optimization and then start making your adjustments: get the story builder and analytics designer apps running smoothly, fine-tune your backend settings, and follow best practices for viewing dashboards. With detailed examples of performance improvements throughout, this book has everything you need for an optimal SAP Analytics Cloud experience!Highlights include:1) User experience2) Dashboards3) Performance analysis4) Story building5) Model building6) Analytics designer7) Backend and tenant optimization8) Viewing optimizations9) Acquired data10) Live data connections11) Best practices

  • von Jaspreet Bagga
    75,00 €

    Preparing for your C_CPI_14 exam? Make the grade with this SAP Integration Suite certification study guide! From API Management to the Integration Advisor, this guide will review the key technical and functional knowledge you need to pass the test. Explore test methodology, key concepts for each topic area, and practice questions and answers. Your path to SAP Integration Suite certification begins here! Highlights include:1) Exams C_CPI2) API Management3) Cloud Integration4) Open Connectors5) Integration Advisor6) Trading Partner Management7) OData8) REST protocol9) SOAP10) SAP Business Technology Platform11) SAP API Business Hub

  • von Renjith Kumar Palaniswamy
    84,00 €

    Operational data provisioning (ODP) is the new standard for data extraction in SAP BW/4HANA-are you ready for it? Use ODP to extract information from SAP S/4HANA and connect to other key data sources, including SAP HANA information views, CDS views, SAP BW, and flat files. Use SAP Landscape Transformation Replication Server to replicate data, and review the prerequisites for SAP BW/4HANA remote conversion projects. With detailed instructions throughout, this hands-on guide has all the information you need to master ODP!Highlights include:1) Logistics data2) Inventory management data3) Finance data4) Human resources data5) Master data6) Custom extractors7) SAP HANA information views8) CDS views9) SAP BW objects10) SAP BW/4HANA remote conversion11) Data replication12) Performance optimization

  • von Wolfram Kleis
    89,90 €

    Wenn Sie mit SAP S/4HANA arbeiten, müssen Sie das System in- und auswendig kennen. Mit diesem Buch meistern Sie die technische Anwendungsarchitektur von SAP S/4HANA! Verstehen Sie die neuen Daten- und Programmiermodelle, und erfahren Sie, wie sie sich von SAP ERP unterscheiden. Erfahren Sie mehr über Technologiekomponenten und die einzelnen Anwendungsbereiche wie Finanzen und Logistik. Aus dem Inhalt:SAP S/4HANASAP S/4HANA CloudStammdatenVertrieb und ServiceLogistik und FertigungErweiterte LagerverwaltungFinanzenIdentitäts- und ZugriffsmanagementCloud-Sicherheit und ComplianceCloud-BetriebSide-by-Side-Erweiterungen

  • von Sreten Milosavljevic
    93,00 €

    Does your business provide contract-based sales or services? Then you need this comprehensive guide to recognizing your revenue in SAP S/4HANA! Whether you're using classic revenue accounting and reporting (RAR) or optimized contract management (OCM), get step-by-step instructions to configure RAIs and contracts. Then post, reconcile, and report your revenue. Learn about administration and troubleshooting activities, see how to migrate from classic RAR to OCM, and take your first look at event-based revenue recognition. Everything you need for "rev rec" is here! In this book, you'll learn about:a. Revenue and Contracts Get inbound processing up and running with classic and optimized revenue recognition. Set up, process, and extend RAI classes using tools like BRFplus and APIs. Then configure contract management and performance obligations to suit the needs of your business. b. Posting and ReportingLearn about revenue reporting options in SAP S/4HANA. Post revenue using ABC jobs, reconcile revenue through the Universal Journal, and integrate revenue with profitability analysis. Extend your reports using new tools like CDS views. c. Administration and ImplementationManage your revenue recognition implementation. Learn how to handle performance issues, perform reclassifications, and clean up data. Get troubleshooting tips and insight into the migration from classic RAR to OCM in SAP S/4HANA. Highlights include:1) Classic revenue recognition 2) Optimized contract management 3) Revenue accounting item (RAI) classes 4) Inbound processing 5) Contract management 6) Performance obligations 7) Revenue posting 8) Revenue reporting9) Administration 10) Troubleshooting 11) Migration

  • von Basawaraj Patil
    75,00 €

    Preparing for your extended warehouse management (EWM) exam? Make the grade with this C_S4EWM certification study guide! From inbound and outbound processing to shipping and receiving, this guide will review the key technical and functional knowledge you need to pass the test. Explore test methodology, key concepts for each topic area, and practice questions and answers. Your path to C_S4EWM certification begins here! In this book, you'll learn about:a. The TestTo pass your certification exam, you need the right study materials. This guide provides comprehensive preparation for the exam, so deepen your knowledge of EWM and walk through topics new to C_S4EWM. b. Core ContentReview major subject areas like warehouse master data, labor management, and exception handling. Then master important terminology and key takeaways for each subject. c. Q&AAfter reviewing each chapter, solidify your knowledge with questions and answers for each section to improve your test-taking skills.Highlights include: 1) Exam C_S4EWM2) Master data3) Inbound and outbound processing4) Production integration5) Kitting6) Labor management7) Exception handling8) Batch management9) Storage control10) Physical inventory11) Replenishment12) Shipping and receiving

  • von Shailesh Patil
    93,00 €

    Optimize your warehousing by integrating EWM in SAP S/4HANA! Walk through step-by-step instructions to configure integration points between EWM and production planning, transportation, and quality management. Connect to and exchange data with different logistics processes, from yard management to plant maintenance. This complete integration guide has everything you need to set up cross-functional warehouse management!Highlights include:1) Outbound and inbound processes2) Master data3) Production planning4) Quality management5) Transportation management6) Advanced shipping and receiving7) Warehouse automation systems8) Plant maintenance 9) SAP Dock Appointment Scheduling10) SAP Yard Logistics11) SAP Environment, Health, and Safety Management12) SAP Advanced Track and Trace for Pharmaceuticals

  • von Roland Boes
    89,90 €

    Digitale Touchpoints sind entscheidend für eine erfolgreiche Customer Journey. Denn um Ihre Kunden zu überzeugen, muss alles stimmen! Dieses Buch erklärt, wie Sie die Funktionen von SAP Commerce Cloud nutzen, um diese Touchpoints zu gestalten. Dabei werden Technologien, Integrationsmöglichkeiten und Softwarearchitekturen detailliert beschrieben. Sie erhalten zudem tiefe Einblicke, wie E-Commerce heute und morgen funktioniert. Anhand von praxisnahen und detaillierten Projektbeispielen werden Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze aufgezeigt.Aus dem Inhalt:ProduktdatenmanagementOrder ManagementKundenmanagementSubscription-GeschäftsmodelleSuche und Shop-NavigationWerbeaktionenContent ManagementProjekt-Set-upSicherheit und BetriebHeadless-Architekturen (SAP Composable Storefront)Integration und Erweiterungen

  • von Rene Glavanovits
    84,00 €

    Your guide to end-to-end SAP development is here! From the database to the user interface, you'll learn what it takes to create applications as a full stack developer. See how to use SAPUI5, OData, CDS, TypeScript, and SAP Fiori elements in your applications. Get detailed, step-by-step instructions for working with OData V4 and V2, including developing applications using the ABAP RESTful application programming model and creating projects in Transaction SEGW. Extend and deploy your applications-then you're ready to go! Highlights include:1) SAPUI52) SAP Fiori elements3) OData V4 and OData V24) Core data services (CDS)5) TypeScript6) SAP Cloud Application Programming Model7) ABAP RESTful application programming model8) Transaction SEGW9) User interface development10) Flexible programming model11) Extensibility12) Deployment

  • von Mark Mergaerts
    84,00 €

    Manage and maintain your SAP S/4HANA system! Understand the architecture of the ABAP platform, from its technical requirements to your options for configuration. Set up the system landscape, administer the client and database, and maintain your instances. Put proper security in place using authorizations, user profiles, encryption, and more. From archiving to virtual systems, this is the A-to-Z guide you need to perform all essential administration tasks in SAP S/4HANA.Highlights include:1) ABAP platform2) System landscape3) Clients4) Instances5) Users and authorizations6) Security7) Monitoring8) Performance tuning9) Database administration10) Data archiving and transfer11) Frontend components

  • von Jonas Tritschler
    75,00 €

    Running accounting in SAP S/4HANA Finance? This is your hands-on guide! Learn how financial accounting works with the Universal Journal and understand key organizational structures. Get step-by-step instructions to perform your finance tasks for the general ledger, accounts payable, accounts receivable, fixed assets, and customer projects and billing. With details on both classic SAP GUI transactions and modern SAP Fiori apps, as well as coverage of new event-based revenue recognition, you'll find everything you need in these pages!In this book, you'll learn about:a. Finance Fundamentals Explore the processes that make up financial accounting: order to cash, purchase to pay, acquire to retire, and record to report. Understand the organizational structures and general ledger master data that provide the foundation to FI. b. Tasks and Transactions Walk through your core accounting activities, click by click. Post journal entries in the general ledger, create customer and vendor invoices, make payments, process bank statements, manage assets, set up customer projects, and more. c. Period-End Close and ReportingClose your books and report on your data. In each finance subarea, perform key tasks such as reconciliation, foreign currency valuation, and reclassifications. Learn about key transactions and apps that are available for reporting. Highlights include:1) General ledger accounting2) Accounts payable3) Accounts receivable4) Fixed assets5) Customer projects6) Event-based revenue recognition7) Organizational structure8) Period-end close9) Reporting10) SAP GUI transactions11) SAP Fiori applications

  • von Renzo Colle
    84,00 €

    If you're developing ABAP applications, you need CDS expertise. This book is your all-in-one guide, updated for SAP S/4HANA 2023! Start by learning to create and edit CDS views. Walk through CDS syntax and see how to define associations and annotations. Further refine your model by implementing access controls, service bindings, and table functions. Understand the CDS-based virtual data model, and then follow step-by-step instructions to model analytical and transactional applications. From modeling to testing to troubleshooting, this is the only book you need!In this book, you'll learn about:a. Creating Data Models Create data models using CDS! Learn the ins and outs of CDS view syntax, from key fields to joins to data types and beyond. Define associations to establish relationships, use annotations to enrich your logic, implement conditional logic to control access, and more.b. Modeling Applications See how CDS views support a new application architecture. Model analytical applications by defining analytical views and queries; then use CDS for transactional applications based on the ABAP RESTful application programming model. c. Extending, Testing, and TroubleshootingPut the finishing touches on your CDS data models. Extend and enhance CDS views and transactional models, develop automated tests using the test double framework, and troubleshoot common problems. Highlights include:1) Data modeling 2) Application modeling3) Associations4) Annotations5) Access controls6) Business services 7) SAP HANA functions8) Virtual data model9) Analytical and transactional applications10) Hierarchies11) Extensibility12) Testing and troubleshooting

  • von Sabine Maisel
    89,90 €

  • von Felix Roth
    89,90 €

    Dieses Buch ist ein unverzichtbares Hilfsmittel, ob als Begleiter während einer Einstiegsschulung oder als Nachschlagewerk. Es erklärt Ihnen alle Techniken, Sprachelemente und Werkzeuge der ABAP-Programmierung. Sie erlernen den Umgang mit ABAP Workbench und ABAP Development Tools und verstehen die wichtigen Konzepte von der objektorientierten Programmierung bis zu den neuen Programmiermodellen für SAP S/4HANA.Aus dem Inhalt:ABAP Workbench und ABAP Development Tools (Eclipse)ABAP DictionaryDatenbankzugriffe und neue Open SQL-FunktionenCDS und BOPFReports und SelektionsbildschirmeTests und PerformanceanalyseTransporte und JobverwaltungSchnittstellen, RFC und ErweiterungstechnikenKlassen, Methoden, Ereignisse und InterfacesABAP-Programmiermodell für SAP Fiori und ABAP-RESTful-ProgrammiermodellABAP Channels und ABAP Daemon FrameworkSAP NetWeaver 7.57Nützliche Übersichten und GlossarDie Fachpresse zur »Wenn du dich ernsthaft mit der ABAP-Programmierung befassen willst, dann ist dieses Buch ein Muss.«

  • von Abassin Sidiq
    89,90 €

  • von Sabyasachi Dutta
    84,00 €

    Whether you're running on-premise SAP S/4HANA or SAP S/4HANA Cloud, get the tools you need to automate your business processes with workflows! Build methods and tasks, define workflows and triggering events, and create notifications with SAP Business Workflow. Walk step by step through standard and custom workflow development using SAP S/4HANA's flexible workflows. Design and deploy cloud-ready workflows with SAP Business Application Studio and SAP Build Process Automation. This is the only workflow guide you need!Highlights include:1) SAP Business Workflow2) SAP Build Process Automation3) Flexible workflows4) Tasks, methods, and steps5) Business rules6) Notifications7) SAP Business Application Studio8) SAP Master Data Governance9) BRFplus10) Migration11) Administration12) Integration

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