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Bücher der Reihe Schriften zum Strafrecht

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  • von Luis Kemter
    99,90 €

    »Criminal Seizure of a Vehicle for Unlawful Use«: The thesis examines the possibilities of German criminal law to confiscate vehicles from offenders. Among other things, it discusses why confiscation is possible in the case of illegal motor racing, but not in the case of other offences, such as drunk driving. It then considers the extent to which the rules on vehicle confiscation need to be revised. The thesis concludes with a concrete recommendation for the legislator.

  • von Stefan Kinzel
    49,90 €

    »On the Antinomy of Penal Purposes. A Contribution to the Dogmatics of Sentencing Law«: Due to the essential divergence of preventive and fact-guilt-related considerations, the sentencing process faces the problem of the antinomy of penal purposes, as there are conceivable cases in which preventive and fact-guilt-related considerations prejudge conflicting decisions in sentencing law. As a result, the book demonstrates that the penalty must obligatorily be imposed at the lower end of the culpability range.

  • von Catharina Pia Conrad
    69,90 €

    »An Update for the Core Area of Private Life. The Risk of Creating Psychological Profiles in Criminal Online Searches«: According to the warnings, online searches are associated with the dangers of all-round surveillance, total surveillance and the creation of psychological profiles. But what lies behind this investigative measure? What are the actual dangers of online searches? What do they implicate for us and how should we react to them? All these questions will be examined and clarified in this thesis. In doing so, it explains which legislative changes need to be made to meet constitutional and European legal requirements.

  • von Lara Höhne
    69,90 €

    »The Violation of Maintenance Obligation According to Section 170 I StGB. Legitimacy Problems of Criminal Liability in the Context of Accessoriness of Civil Law, Competence of Preliminary Questionings and Problematic Legal Consequences - also a Contribution to the Usability of Tax Data«: The study deals with the legal interest that is protected by section 170 I of the Criminal Code and the thereby related legitimacy of a penalty. Furthermore the binding effect of civil court decisions as well as concrete consequences of criminal liability are adressed. In addition, the existing investigative instruments for determining the maintenance debtor's ability to pay are discussed and a possible use of tax data in proceedings according to section 170 I StGB is proposed de lege ferenda.

  • von Katharina Funcke
    89,90 €

    »The Admissibility of Deceptive Controls with special consideration of Deceptive Documentation«: Covert and deceptive investigative measures are being used to an ever greater extent in the fight against organised crime - often without a specific legal basis. The publication deals with the constitutional and criminal procedural limits of the state's power to deceive by means of the investigative instrument of the deceptive control. It also focuses on the question of the legal admissibility of deceptive, i.e. incorrect or incomplete, documentation.

  • von Sarah Sänger
    79,90 €

    »The New Sections 113, 114, 115 German Criminal Code. A Study on Dogmatic Problems and Rationalities of Criminal Politics in Relation to the Amendment of the Resistance Criminal Law«: The main motive pursued by the 52nd Criminal Law Amendment Act is to improve the criminal law protection of law enforcement officers against an alleged rise of violent crimes targeting them. From a legal-dogmatic perspective, the author evaluates whether the amendment adequately fulfills this objective. Furthermore, the study examines the (criminal-)political context of the legislative act and discusses potential other rationalities.

  • von Florian Zenger
    64,90 €

    »§ 171b GVG and the Principle of Public Criminal Trial«: The Book deals with the Problem of the principle of public trial on the one hand and victim protection on the other hand. The central norm in German criminal law for this is § 171b GVG. It has a high practical relevance. Nevertheless law sciences hardly deal with it. The author critically examines the regulation, in particular the lack of legal protection options and clear purpose of the norm as well as the exclusion of public during the final pleas. Finally a reform proposal is presented.

  • von Lena Gumnior
    89,90 €

    »The Use Of Opening Clauses In Criminal Law - A Constitutional Law Analysis«: Opening clauses in criminal law are intended to enable constant adaptation of existing laws to changing circumstances. However, they raise constitutional concerns. This dissertation approaches the question of constitutionality in two ways: First, it examines whether the justificatory approaches to the use of opening clauses are viable. Second, it analyses the concrete compatibility of opening clauses with the constitutional principles of german penal legislation.

  • von Sebastian Berndt
    99,90 €

    »Use of Symbols of Unconstitutional Organisations in Computer Games pursuant to § 86a (1) No. 1 of the German Penal Code and the Protection of Minors from Harmful Media«: In 1998, the OLG Frankfurt a.M. in its »Wolfenstein Entscheidung« imposed a ban on Nazi symbols in computer games. Current developments, in particular the influence of the Internet on the medium and digital marketing, have revived the question of the criminal liability of Nazi symbols in computer games. In addition to legal questions of criminal law and the application of criminal law, problems of media law and the protection of minors from harmful media in connection with § 86a of the German Criminal Code are also examined.

  • von Timo Fischer
    79,90 €

    »The >Verschleifungsverbot< in the German constitution«: Subject of the paper is the so-called >VerschleifungsverbotGerman Federal Constitutional Court< from Article 103 (2) of the German Basic Law. Based on an empirical analysis, the difficulties of application of the >Verschleifungsverbot< as well as possible reasons for them are elaborated. The paper concludes that in literature and case law the prohibition is understood narrowly in some cases and broadly in others, but that only a narrow understanding is sensible.

  • von Joanna Dlugosz-Józwiak
    169,90 €

    »Liberality and Responsibility«: With this Festschrift on the occasion of Jan C. Joerden's 70th birthday, the authors pay tribute to the jubilarian for his outstanding achievements in the field of criminal law, basic research in criminal law, medical criminal law, and the philosophy of law. Many of the essays collected in the volume relate to the areas of interest of the jubilarian. They are devoted to fundamental and topical questions of legal philosophy and legal theory, substantive criminal law, or the law of the ethics of medicine.

  • von Maren Stefanie Schneider
    69,90 €

    »New Possibilities for Corporate Sanctioning between Administrative Offenses and Criminal Law. Corporate sanctioning without criminal law?«: The thesis explains the current proposals for reforming the law of corporate sanctions in Germany. The author argues the pros and cons of the drafts, which range from the retention of the law of administrative offenses to the introduction of a criminal penalty against companies. She favors a »para-criminal« approach between administrative and criminal law that is tailormade for corporations to avoid the detrimental effects of a criminal penalty against companies for the entire legal system.

  • von Yuanli Li
    89,90 €

    Das Forschungsziel dieser Arbeit besteht in der Erstellung eines umfassenden Vergleichs der Vorverlagerung des strafrechtlichen Schutzes im Bereich des Internetstrafrechts in Deutschland und China. Im Zuge dieses Vergleichs sollen an ausgewählten Straftatbeständen die hierbei auftretenden Probleme analysiert und bewertet werden. Im Mittelpunkt des Interesses stehen dabei Fragen nach den zu schützenden Rechtsgütern und nach der Deliktsnatur der Straftatbestände, anhand derer die Vorverlagerung erfolgt.

  • von Felix Lichtenhagen
    89,90 €

    »Victims ands Institutions in the Special Part of the Criminal Law«: Criminal law reforms with the aim to protect certain professional groups are regularly justified on the basis of »victim protection«. If this concern is investigated, considerable complications arise in criminal law theory. The study elaborates on this using the example of §§ 114 and 188 of the German Criminal Code: Individual victim protection is only relevant in law to the extent that it can be made serviceable for the purposes of the normative order, i.e. the protection of persons and institutions.

  • von Jasmin Roider
    89,90 €

    »The Influence of Experts. An Empirical Investigation Using Criminal Legislation as an Example«: The study deals with the question whether experts, who are consulted by the committees according to § 70 GO BT, have an influence on the penal legislation. For this purpose, 30 participants are interviewed and draft laws, verbatim reports, recommended resolutions and law gazettes are examined. Since the impression is confirmed that the influence of the public hearing on legislation is currently only marginal, the author discusses possible approaches for improvement at the end.

  • von Hartmut Krüger
    99,90 €

    »The Surveillance of Content Data of E-Mails. Constitutional and Criminal Proceeding Aspects of an Investigative Measure with Special Consideration of the Fundamental Right to Protection of the Integrity and Confidentiality of Information Technology Systems«: How is an e-mail protected during the various stages of its transmission by the German Constitution and what does this imply for the applicability of existing criminal procedural requirements? The author analyses these questions with a special view to the requirements of the fundamental right to protection of the integrity and confidentiality of information technology systems and shows significant shortcomings with regard to the existing legal basis in the law of criminal proceedings.

  • von Elena Neumüller
    69,90 €

    Der Sperrgrund der Tatentdeckung findet sich - wenn auch nicht exakt in dem heutigen Gesetzeswortlaut - bereits seit 1952 im Gesetz. Zu seiner Auslegung liegt in nicht geringem Umfang Rechtsprechung und zahlreiche Literatur vor. Daraus könnte man schlussfolgern, die Anwendung des § 371 Abs. 2 Satz 1 Nr. 2 AO sei in der Praxis klar und ausdiskutiert. Tatsache ist jedoch, dass kaum ein Fall und auch nicht die in der Arbeit aufgezeigten Beispielsfälle zu einem unumstrittenen Ergebnis führen. Unklar ist etwa nach wie vor, wie der Begriff der Tatentdeckung auszulegen und insbesondere, wer tauglicher Tatentdecker ist und ob und gegebenenfalls welche Bedeutung heute noch der subjektiven Komponente des § 371 Abs. 2 Satz 1 Nr. 2 AO beizumessen ist. In dieser Arbeit werden die Schwierigkeiten bei der Auslegung der Tatbestandsmerkmale des Sperrgrunds der Tatentdeckung erörtert, indem die seitens der Rechtsprechung und Literatur entwickelten Auffassungen kritisch hinterfragt werden mit dem Ziel, mehr Rechtssicherheit in der Handhabung des § 371 Abs. 2 Satz 1 Nr. 2 AO für den Rechtsanwender zu gewinnen.

  • von Jessica Greif
    99,90 €

    »Liability for Image-Based Sexual Harassment. A Phenomenological and Criminal Analysis of so-called Image-Based Sexual Abuse«: The thesis includes a phenomenological and criminal analysis of so-called image-based sexual abuse. In this way, the author shows discrepancies in the current liability for various imagebased sexual harassment (e.g. revenge porn, upskirting, sextortion, deep-fake pornography) under German criminal law. Based on this, the author proposes a future legislative proposal for German criminal law.

  • von Julia Klier
    89,90 €

    »The Legal Wrong of § 153 AO. The Fiscal Duty of Correction in the Context of Criminal Tax Law and the Freedom of Self-Incrimination«: The work examines if another tax evasion can be realized when the tax correction obligation of § 153 AO is not complied with. In this context, the author dealt with the questions, to what extent a new criminal offense can result after a tax reduction has already occurred and how the obligation to disclose any tax misconduct can be reconciled with the freedom from self-incrimination. According to that the voluntary self-disclosure was also reviewed as a protective institution.

  • von Aleksandar Zivanic
    79,90 €

    Kaum ein Rechtsinstitut wird von der strafrechtlichen Praxis mehr gefürchtet als die Vermögensabschöpfung. Sie gilt gemeinhin - seit jeher und auch gegenwärtig - als zu komplex. Das gesetzgeberische Ziel, umfassend Erträge aus Straftaten abzuschöpfen, weil sich Straftaten nicht lohnen dürfen, wird damit konterkariert. Dabei bezweckte der Reformgesetzgeber aus dem Jahre 2017 gerade, die Komplexität der gesetzlichen Regelungen zu beseitigen. Sucht man nach einem Grund, weshalb die Einziehung von Taterträgen als wenig geliebt gilt, wird man schnell fündig: Das Einziehungsrecht unterliegt zahlreichen externen Einflüssen. Vor allem sind es aber zivil- bzw. bereicherungsrechtliche Grundsätze, die im Vermögensabschöpfungsrecht besonders zu beachten sind. Die Arbeit setzt sich zum Ziel, die Einziehung von Taterträgen konsequent zivil- bzw. bereicherungsrechtlich - insbesondere unter Berücksichtigung nationalverfassungsrechtlicher sowie supranationaler Vorgaben - zu verstehen, um damit einen Beitrag zu mehr Rechtssicherheit im reformierten Einziehungsrecht zu leisten.

  • von Nils Ströle
    89,90 €

    The study is devoted to the admissibility of German criminal laws, which refer to statutory orders. This technique was also used during the Corona pandemic. Its use in national and Europeanised criminal law is examined.

  • von Benjamin Vogel, Marc Engelhart & Hans Kudlich
    229,90 €

  • von Simone Breit
    89,90 €

    »Corruption without Remorse? Active Repentance in Commercial Criminal Law with Special Consideration of the Offenses of Corruption §§ 299, 299a, and 299b StGB«: Neither Section 299 nor Sections 299a and 299b of the Criminal Code contain any regulation on active repentance. This is not unusual, since regulations of active repentance - according to the general opinion - do not follow any systematic. This statement is put to the test by Simone Breit with regard to the offenses of economic criminal law. The connecting factors and criteria identified in the course of the study are then applied to corruption offenses. The work ends with a proposal for a specific regulation on active repentance in the corruption offenses.

  • von Jessica Frey
    69,90 €

    »The Problem of Late Term Abortion. Legal, Medical, and Criminological Aspects and Legal Approaches in a Comparative Legal Perspective«: The work deals with the problem of late-term abortion and its handling under criminal law in Germany from an interdisciplinary perspective, in which criminological, medical, constitutional and criminal law dogmatic aspects are linked. The author presents her empirical analysis on feticide and late termination of pregnancy and makes a proposal for a new legal regulation.

  • von Marie Hädrich
    69,90 €

    »How to apply the Rules of Probation in Case the Convict is incapable to pay the Fine and faces a substitute Imprisonment (Ersatzfreiheitsstrafe)«: The convict, who faces a substitute imprisonment, is in a similar situation as a person, who received an ordinary custodial sentence. Therefor the question whether or not the rules of probation should apply to the substitute imprisonment in § 43 StGB is closely linked with the legal nature of this penalty. By the means of the wording in § 43 StGB, the system of the rules, the history and the purpose of § 43 StGB the author concludes, that the substitute imprisonment is an ordinary custodial sentence and therefore the rules of probation should apply to this penalty as well.

  • von Wolfgang Hetzer
    74,90 €

    Für diesen Titel ist noch kein Beschreibungstext vorhanden.

  • von Felix Johannes Osterland
    69,90 €

    Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Glücksspielstrafrecht. Im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchung steht der in den §§ 284 f. StGB verwendete Begriff des Glücksspiels. Was genau unter »Glücksspiel« im Sinne dieser Vorschriften zu verstehen ist, definiert das Strafrecht nicht. Die in Rechtsprechung und Literatur vorherrschende Interpretation des strafrechtlichen Glücksspielbegriffs wurde wesentlich durchdas Reichsgericht geprägt und ist im Kern seit über 100 Jahren unverändert. Die Arbeit stellt dieses traditionelle Begriffsverständnis auf den Prüfstand. Dabei orientiert sich der Autor vor allem am Strafgrund der Glücksspieldelikte, den er im Schutz der Gesundheit und des Vermögens des einzelnen Spielers sieht. Unter Berücksichtigung der neueren Erkenntnisse in der Forschung zu den Ursachen von pathologischem Spielverhalten und dem Gefährdungspotential moderner Spielerscheinungen kommt der Autor zu dem Ergebnis, dass der strafrechtliche Glücksspielbegriff an mehreren Stellen revisionsbedürftig ist, und erläutert seine Vorschläge für eine Neujustierung.

  • von Diana Maria Gasper
    89,90 €

    Was unterscheidet dem Grunde nach einen Mord von einem Totschlag? Sollten hierbei unrechts- und/oder schuldmindernde Gesichtspunkte relevant werden können, die wegen fehlender Voraussetzungen nicht als Rechtfertigungs-, Entschuldigungs- oder Schuldausschließungsgrund für den Täter streiten können? Ist in der Rechtspraxis jene Berücksichtigung möglicherweise bereits Usus? Diesen Kernfragen widmet sich die vorliegende Arbeit. Insgesamt liegt ihr Ausgang darin, dass Fragen im Bereich des Mordtatbestands unter Rückbesinnung auf sein Wesen zu beantworten sein sollen und Lösungsversuche nur hierin ihre rechtsdogmatisch überzeugende Legitimation finden können. Im Ergebnis liefert die Untersuchung einen Lösungsansatz, der eine einheitliche Behandlung der betrachteten tätergünstigen Umstände in dem Sinne ermöglicht, dass bei einem Zusammentreffen mit einem Mordmerkmal dessen Unrechts- und/oder Schuldgehalt zugunsten einer Totschlagsstrafbarkeit als kompensiert gelten kann.

  • von Shuhong Zhao
    69,90 €

    »Sentencing for Serious Crime. A Comparative Study of Theory and Practice of Sentencing«: This study is devoted to addressing the issue of sentencing decisions in the practice after conducting an empirical and normative comparative study of sentencing practice. Additionally, this study also illustrates the sentencing practice of serious crimes and the impact of current criminal policies on sentencing practice. Finally, this study illustrates the implications of findings for the sentencing decisions and criminal policy in the sentencing practice.

  • von Christian Markwardt
    69,90 €

    »Legal Certainty of the Sanction norms of the German Law on Medicinal Products«: This thesis examines whether the penal provisions (including fines) of the German Law on Medicinal Products satisfy the principle of legal certainty set out in Article 103(2) of the German Constitution. For this purpose, it analyses the legal term »medicinal product« in the first and the reference-constructions of the sanction norms of the Law on Medicinal Products in the second chapter to then evaluate to what extent the conduct subject to punishment is recognizable and thus foreseeable for the norm addressee.

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