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Bücher der Reihe Studies of Social Life

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  • von Maurice Blanken
    46,00 €

    Its postwar history teIls how a determined people under intelligent govern ment leadership rose from a broken economy to a level of economic and social development that places their society among the most modern in the world. The Netherlands is a success story that in some measure has been overlooked by a wider world.

  • von I. H. Butter
    46,00 - 47,00 €

  • von R.A. Glasgow
    46,00 €

    I. Early Colonization and Development.- Methodology.- Guyana ¿ The Land.- Early Settlements and Colonization.- II. The Development of the Plantation System.- Cultural Design of Plantation Society.- III. The Saccharine Society.- The Image of King Sugar.- VI. The Mosaic of Subcultures.- The Colored Group.- Analysis.- The African Group.- V. Labor Problems and Social Adjustment.- The Portuguese Immigrants.- The East Indians.- The Chinese.- VI. The Precursors of Conflict between the Fragments.- The Social Revolution.- Politico-racial Factors.- Some External Variables.- VII. The Eruption of Violence.- VIII. Conclusion.- A Civic Program.- Selected Bibliography.

  • - A Case Study of Eutin, Schleswig-Holstein
    von B.G. Lattimore Jr.
    46,00 €

    The expulsions of German nationals from former Reich territories east of the Oder-Neisse Rivers and of German minority communities from various Eastern European nations following the collapse of the Nazi regime in 1945 constitute one of the least appreciated consequences of the Second World War.

  • - An Environmental View
    von N.K. Sethi
    46,00 €

    The study of environment in the administrative management con­ text is of a relatively recent vintage. It owes much to the comparative emphasis upon the applications of social disciplines within the organ­ ization's framework. It derives much from the modem perspectives of a total managerial strategy unrestricted by the limited internal firm situations. Basically, environmental studies have contributed to the incorporation of an extra-business and profit dimension in the mana­ gerial functions. Much has already been written about social sciences and their behavioral utility for rational administration. After several years of teaching and consulting activities focusing on this subject, I was quite convinced, however, that an "Environmental Interaction" approach could contribute to the effectiveness of both the practicing manager and the preaching academician in their persuasive efforts to apply environmental outlook in everyday business decisions and functions. This is the basic rationale for this book. I am grateful to a number of people who have contributed to the direct and indirect preparation of this research study. Dean John C.

  • von A.T. Bouscaren
    46,00 €

    1: Economic and migration facts.- 2: Rome treaty legal provisions.- 3: Migration trends.- 4: Italy.- 5: Germany.- 6: France.- 7: The Netherlands and Luxemburg.- 8: Belgium.- 9: The non-community countries.- Spain.- Portugal.- Greece.- Yugoslavia.- Moslem workers in Western Europe.- 10: The Coal and steel community.- 11: American Immigration and the common market.- 12: Conclusions.- 13: The future.- Selective Bibliography Articles.

  • - Essays on India
    von P. Prasad & A.R. Negandhi
    46,00 €

    That a developing economy needs management even more than resources is now becoming abundantly clear to all students of growth.

  • - German Populations in Hungary, Rumania and Yugoslavia, and Hitler's impact on their Patterns
    von G.C. Paikert
    97,00 €

    From 1934 until 1944 he served in the Hungarian Ministry of Education in Budapest and headed for some years the department for the schooling of national minorities and also the department in charge of Hungary's cultural inter change.

  • von T. Radspieler
    46,00 €

    "The Ethnic German Refugee in Austria 1945 to 1954" is an objective book and that is why the reading of this extremely interesting study creates a feeling of sadness, but at the same time a conviction that it is still possible to alleviate the grief of the numerous refugees in Austria, provided properly co-ordinated assistance is offered.

  • - The Story of Displaced Scholars and Scientists 1933-1952
    von N. Bentwich
    67,00 €

    That body was the successor of the Academic Assistance Council which was formed in 1933 by heads of British Universities and learned Societies to assist scholars and scientists and investigators "who, on grounds of religion, political opinion or race, were unable to carryon their work in their own country".

  • - A Study of Adjustment
    von J. Zubrzycki
    47,00 €

    Le livre de M. Zubrzycki met excellemment en evidence cer­ tains facteurs determinants du devenir d'une communaute natio­ nale en pays etranger. On ne pouvrait en effet comprendre "Les Polonais en Grande­ Bretagne", si l'on negligeait les raisons pour lesquelles ils sont venus la apres avoir quitte leur pays et les circonstances qui ont entoure leur installation dans Ie milieu d'accueil. M. Zubrzycki a justement souligne Ie caractere politique d'une immigration qui ne peut etre consideree comme une immigration au sens usuel du terme. Les Polonais en Grande-Bretagne se considerent comme une communaute d' "exiles politiques". Ils se sont opposes a tout changement de vues, d'usages et de regles de conduite. Ils ont ete determines a sauvegarder leur originalite culturelle et nationale "comme la seule voie dans laquelle pouvait Cire accomplie leur mission politique d' emigration combattante". M. Zubrzycki a montre comment l'etablissement des immigres a pris un caractere institutionnel, avec toutes sortes de conse­ quences socioJogiques. La distribution geographique des Polonais en agglomerations ou "enclaves" nationales n'est pas la moindre de ces consequences. M. Zubrzycki a parfaitement decrit aussi et illustre Ie role des associations polonaises, celui de l'organisation religieuse et de la presse nationale.

  • - The Case of Taiwan
    von A.R. Negandhi
    89,00 €

    The ping-pong diplomacy and its aftermath discussion, coupled with the entry of communist China into the United Nations and the subsequent expulsion of Taiwan, will generate considerable political dialogue about the changing balance of power and the fate of the other China.

  • - A Positive Approach to the Integration of Social Knowledge
    von K. William Kapp
    46,00 €

    THIS study is concerned with the search for a new unity of social knowledge and social inquiry.

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