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Bücher der Reihe The Nineteenth Century Series

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  • - Male and Female British Writers, 1790-1835
    239,00 €

    Beginning with the premise that men and women of the Romantic period were lively interlocutors who participated in many of the same literary traditions and experiments, this title offers a counterpoint to studies of Romantic-era women writers that stress their differences from their male contemporaries.

  • - George Augustus Sala, Edmund Yates and the World of Victorian Journalism
    von P.D. Edwards
    75,00 €

  • von Mary Hammond
    74,00 - 238,00 €

    Between 1880 and 1914, England saw the emergence of an unprecedented range of literary forms from Modernism to the popular thriller. This book asks the following key questions: How did publishing and distribution practices influence reader choice? Who decided whether or not a book was a 'classic'?

  • - Extra Spheres in Nineteenth-Century Mystical Writings
    von Sarah A. Willburn
    74,00 - 234,00 €

    Drawing upon extensive archival work in the British Library, the author analyzes seance accounts, novels about mediumship, and metaphysical treatises, to make important connections between contemporary writings on mysticism and fictional works. She also presents the theories of compelling characters such as Newton Crosland and Lois Waisbrooker.

  • - Sexuality, Belief and the Self
    von John Holmes
    74,00 €

    In 1870, Dante Gabriel Rossetti published his sonnet sequence "The House of Life". Many poets wrote thousands of sonnets resulting in the flourishing of the sonnet sequence since the 1590s. This study explores the causes behind this outpouring, providing the contributions of the late Victorian sonneteers to the poetry and culture of their age.

  • von Andrew Radford
    74,00 €

    A systematic exploration of Thomas Hardy's imaginative assimilation of particular Victorian sciences, this study draws on and swells the widening current of scholarly attention being paid to the cultural meanings compacted and released by the nascent "sciences of man" in the 19th century.

  • - Narrative, Response and the Wordsworthian Dramatic Voice
    von Sally Bushell
    86,00 €

    Reading and re-reading is what this book is about. In the widest sense it is concerned with the reading of poetry in general, and the long poem in particular, and it is moreover an attempt to recover "The Excursion" for critical study and to reinstate it with the Wordsworthian canon.

  • - The Brutal Tongue
    von Christine Ferguson
    248,00 €

    An examination of the importance of language in forming a nexus among popular fiction, biology, and philology at the Victorian fin-de-siecle. This book maps out the dialogue between the Victorian life and social sciences most involved in the study of language and the literary genre indicted for causing linguistic corruption - popular fiction.

  • - Theatricals in a Quiet Life
    von Richard Foulkes
    74,00 €

  • - Newly Selected Letters
    von Kenneth J. Fielding
    75,00 €

  • - Tennyson and the Poetics of Transcendence
    von James W. Hood
    74,00 €

  • - Images of the Crusades in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries
    von Elizabeth Siberry
    89,00 €

  • von Beryl Gray
    75,00 €

    In her study of Dickens's relationship to canines, Gray shows that dogs, real and invented, were intrinsic to Dickens's vision and experience of London and its representation. She makes use of personal reminiscences, periodicals, images of dogs by portrait artists and Dickens's illustrators.

  • - Movable Types
    von James Mussell
    52,00 €

    Provides historical accounts of scientific controversy, documents references to time and space in the periodical press, and follows magazines and journals as they circulate through society to shed light on the dissemination and distribution of periodicals, authorship and textual authority, and the role of mediation in material culture.

  • - Literature, Art and Masculinity
    von Martin A. Danahay
    250,00 €

    Offering an introduction to issues surrounding the definition and division of labor in British society and culture, this book argues that 'work' was a term rife with ideological contradictions for Victorian males during a period when it was considered synonymous with masculinity.

  • - The Story of a Modern Woman
    von Valerie Fehlbaum
    74,00 €

    In a career that spanned over forty years, Elia Hepworth Dixon was alternately journalist, critic, essayist, short story writer, novelist, editor of a women's magazine, dramatist, and autobiographer. The author sheds light on Dixon's life and work, and provides insight not only into Dixon herself, but also into her multifaceted character.

  • - A Textual Study of the Short Stories
    von Martin Ray
    74,00 €

    This work is a textual study of Hardy's four volumes of short stories. It examines the history of the stories' composition and revision from manuscripts through serial publications, galleys, revisions and collected publications, all stages of which show significant alterations.

  • - Victorian, Feminist, Woman of Letters
    von Judith Johnston
    88,00 €

    An exploration of women in literature and art, focusing on the life and work of 19th-century writer Anna Jameson.

  • - New Readings for the Twenty-First Century
    von Deborah Denenholz Morse
    89,00 - 238,00 €

    Offers original readings of Trollope that recognize and repay his importance as source material for scholars working in diverse fields of literary and cultural studies. This title also includes essays that examine Trollope and sexuality in the context of queer studies, the law, archetypal constructions, and classical feminism.

  • - Reading against the Grain
    von Jonathon Shears
    74,00 - 236,00 €

    Offers a critical insight into the relationship between Milton and the Romantic poets. Discussing the role that 17th and 18th-century writers like Dryden, Johnson and Burke played in formulating the political and spiritual mythology that grew up around Milton, this work contextualizes various major Romantic poets' 'misreadings' of Milton.

  • von Andrew Maunder
    89,00 €

    Through a survey of a diverse range of crimes, criminals, detectives, modes of detection and reportage, the essays in this volume chart the development of crime writing as a genre and the growing dialogue between fact and fiction through Victoria's reign.

  • von Andrew Radford
    85,00 €

    Tracing those deliberate and accidental Romantic echoes that reverberate through the Victorian age into the beginning of the twentieth century, this collection acknowledges that the Victorians decided for themselves how to define what is 'Romantic'.

  • - Authorship and Emotional Labour
    von Anne-Marie Millim
    75,00 - 239,00 €

    Reading the diaries of well-known writers and public figures such as Elizabeth Rigby Eastlake, Henry Crabb Robinson, George Eliot, George Gissing, John Ruskin, Edith Simcox and Gerard Manley Hopkins, Anne-Marie Millim locates the diary at the intersection of the public and private spheres. Diaristic writing, Millim argues.

  • von Judith Johnston
    88,00 - 251,00 €

    Using the metaphor of the published journey, whether it involves actual travel or translation, Johnston focuses on the relationships of various British women travellers, translators and journalists, mainly with continental Europe. Devoted in part to case studies of women such as Anna Jameson and Mary Howitt.

  • - Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Kinship and Creativity
    von Lynn Cain
    88,00 - 235,00 €

    Presents an account of the evolution of Dickens, an author from whose psychological honesty and imaginative generosity emerged precocious fictional portents of Freudian and post-Freudian theory. It traces the evolution of Dickens' creative imagination.

  • - Women and Men in Victorian Painting
    von Pamela Gerrish Nunn
    88,00 €

    During the Victorian period there developed a new anxiety about male-female relations and roles in modern society. This book of essays examines Victorian painting in the light of this "woman question". The art and artists are considered in a socio-political context.

  • - Transcending the 'Age of Personality'
    von Kim Wheatley
    61,00 €

    Despite their desire to rise above the so-called "age of personality" and personal attacks, Romantic-era figures such as Robert Southey, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Leigh Hunt, William Hazlitt, Sydney Owenson, and the explorer John Ross became enmeshed in public feuds with the Edinburgh Review and the Quarterly Review.

  • - Scottish Whigs, English Radicals and the Making of the British Public Sphere
    von Alex Benchimol
    89,00 - 239,00 €

    Covers the intellectual formation of English plebeian radicalism and Scottish philosophic Whiggism over the long eighteenth century, and examines their associated strategies of critical engagement with the cultural, social and political crises of the early nineteenth century.

  • - From Commodities to Oddities
    von Jen Harrison
    240,00 €

    Taking up the phenomenon of bric-a-brac in Victorian culture, this collection advances our understanding of materiality by examining the miscellaneous, moveable and rejected objects often overlooked in the discourses of thing theory. Essays examine writers as different as Lear, Browning.

  • - The Body of Nature
    von Eithne Henson
    97,00 - 252,00 €

    Examining a wide range of representations of physical, metaphorical, and dream landscapes in Charlotte Bronte, George Eliot, and Thomas Hardy, the author explores the way in which gender attitudes are expressed, both in descriptions of landscape as the human body and in ideas of nature.

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