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Bücher der Reihe The Three-Body Problem

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  • von Cixin Liu
    13,00 €

    The universe is a forest, patrolled by numberless and nameless predators. In this forest, others are hell, a dire existential threat. Stealth is survival. Any civilisation that reveals its location is prey. Earth has. And the others are on the way.

  • von Cixin Liu
    13,00 €

    Earth and Trisolaris must face a new threat of an altogether different magnitude: the stunning conclusion of the Three-Body Problem trilogy.

  • von Cixin Liu
    12,00 €

    After a spate of apparent suicides among elite scientists, nanotech engineer Wang Miao is asked to infiltrate a secretive cabal. During his investigation, Wang is inducted into a mysterious online game that is the key to humanity's place in the cosmos and the key to the extinction-level threat it now faces.

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