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Bücher der Reihe Traveler in Reihenfolge

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  • von Tom Abrahams
    12,99 €

    SIE IST KLEIN. SIE IST STILL. UND SIE IST TÖDLICH.Lou überlebte die Seuche, der ihre Mutter zum Opfer fiel. Ihr Vater beschützte sie vor dem Bösen, welches die Welt verschlungen hatte, und brachte ihr bei, in dieser Welt zu überleben. Lehrte sie den Umgang mit den tödlichen Klingen.Doch nachdem ein Überfall Lou zur Waise macht, werden die Fähigkeiten des jungen, unscheinbaren Mädchens auf die Probe gestellt. Als ziellose Wanderin, ebenso brillant wie tödlich, durchstreift sie die apokalyptische Wildnis, die einst Texas gewesen war. Aber kann sie allein überleben?Die TRAVELER-Reihe - das sind actionreiche Endzeit-Abenteuer mit einem Schuss Neo-Western.

  • von Nola Nash
    29,00 €

    "A very entertaining read that carried me right to the end. My Life in Ruins meets The Mummy." -Edward J. Leahy, author of Past GriefDestiny doesn't care if you want it or not.Having made the time jump to her destiny, Shelby Starling finds herself, along with Benny, in the midst of the battle for Athens in 404 BC. While Apollo might have provided clothing for the time period and the ability to understand languages, he also tossed in some riddles for good measure in the form of a cloth with a single word on it and the Victorian Traveler Elijah Faircloth's journal that seems oddly useless in ancient Greece.It soon becomes clear that winning the war against Sparta wasn't their destiny as the god had led them to believe. Instead, they've been sent on a hunt for a traitorous and womanizing Greek general, Alcibiades, whom Apollo wants to punish for lifetimes of atrocities against humanity.With little choice, since destiny will not relent until it's fulfilled, Shelby and Benny are made Watchers with the ability to make the time jump on their own in search of the slippery Traveler Alcibiades. Following their target through history and all over the world to some strangely familiar times and places, the reason for Eli's journal becomes more obvious as the true identity of its author becomes clear.Will Shelby, with Benny's steadfast help, be able to bring her Traveler back to Apollo or will he continue to slip through her fingers? Will her connection to the magnetic general bring them too close for her to turn him over to the gods to pay for his crimes?

  • von Ly De Angeles
    19,00 €

    MAGIC, MYTH AND MYSTERYThe rust bucket of a truck bumps down the track towards the highway, and Robin and Rose's eyes are fixed on the road ahead, him seeming to look for potholes that could crack the axle while actually keeping the spell strong, so she never thinks to look back. Before time came into existence there was only forever. Before the us we've come to relate to-cell phone and air travel and debt-there was wilderness. Oceans, vast skies, mountain chains frozen or volcanic, seasons of swelter or snow, endless, unchainsawed forests, and the sídhe mound beneath roundhouse fortress known as Castle Pook. There was fear, explicable only through tales of wonders and monsters.When Rose's father Ailín-a storyteller, Irish seanachaí-is murdered, seemingly senselessly, Rose buries him in Ireland near the grave of her mother. With secrets being unearthed, of gypsy magic, king's legends, and horsehair talismans, Rose is thrust into a way of seeing the world-an understanding of love-she never would have thought possible if he had not died. A deal made with a faerie man long ago.Is anything random? Or is everything that happens predestined?Robin leans in closely, intimately. "And in the lighted palace near, died the sound of royal cheer; and they crossed themselves for fear, all the Knights at Camelot…"Beginning with The Quickening, then The Shining Isle, UNDER SNOW is book 3 of the Traveler Series.

  • von Ly De Angeles
    19,00 €

    The shape of a woman moves from the darkness of the stone's shadow, a cloak of moths surrounding her insubstantiality. She takes her time. She takes Hunter's head between both hands, her fingers melting deeply into the thick fur ruff. Among us walk a race older than time, around us are doorways to other realities and people who are not seen, for who and what they truly are. Such are Hunter and Brighid, Black Annis, Willie and Raven, and the many others who keep magic alive in the world and who touch, in passing, those who seem lost merely because they have been blinded by disregard.The Quickening is a tale of human cruelty and its redemption. Of enchantment and lore. If you are lost, and need finding, perhaps the folk will come if you whisper your longing to the night.Winner of the COVR Visionary Fiction Award, 2006, USA

  • von Ly De Angeles
    19,00 €

    The island of Inishrún, small and forbidding, holds a deeply protected secret. The sidhé, a magical race as old as the earth, also known as fairies, live there. This is their final stronghold in a world that has forgotten them aged only by human cruelty.Holly Tremenhere, jaded and disillusioned by the ordinary world, travels across the wild sea from the coastal village of Weaey Bay, to the island on the second-to-last ferry before winter closes the crossing. She is there to unravel the mystery of who she truly is and the only living person who can tell her is her beautiful, estranged aunt, Mim.What Holly does not know is that some men will do anything for greed. Some she thinks are untrustworthy are good, and not all dogs are just dogs. She is about to be thrust into the heart of a mystery, a time out of legend and an inheritance that will forever change her; one that culminates in a magical but deadly redemption and a journey in time where love reunites.Including an Author's Note on the usurpation of indigenous lands and the entirety of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, this fairy tale is unique.

  • von Tom Abrahams
    13,95 €

    Nach dem Zusammenbruch der Weltordnung begann die Herrschaft des Bösen. Die Regierungen stürzten, das Kartell gelangte an die Macht, und aus guten Menschen wurden Sklaven.Um die Gefahr aus dem Ödland zurückzuhalten, wurde ein Wall errichtet. Doch nun strebt eine Widerstandsgruppe nach Veränderungen. Sie sind bereit, dafür zu kämpfen und notfalls auch zu sterben, und sie bitten Marcus Battle um Hilfe.Battle hat genug Blutvergießen miterleben müssen, aber wenn Krieg das einzige Mittel ist, die Freiheit und eine sichere Passage auf die andere Seite des Walls zu erlangen, dann wird er diesen Krieg führen ...Die TRAVELER-Reihe - das sind actionreiche Endzeit-Abenteuer mit einem Schuss Neo-Western.

  • von Dennis W Green
    18,00 €

    Stripped of his memories and exiled to a world filled with foes, Trav Becker fights his way through parallel universes against an adversary capable of anticipating his every move. But the Traveler will do whatever it takes to be reunited with the woman he loves.Chaos sweeps through the multiverse, pushing Trav, Mary, and their loyal friends Sam and Morgan into a desperate fight for survival.On the run and forced to seek help from the unlikeliest of allies, can Trav and his friends prevent the looming collapse of reality itself?Dennis W. Green’s mind-bending Traveler saga races to its explosive conclusion.

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