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Bücher der Reihe Warren Steelgrave

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  • von Gary Smith
    20,00 €

  • von Gary E. Smith
    82,00 €

    In this latest novel by author Gary Smith, Warren Steelgrave has been pulled away from the quiet, contemplative evenings on the veranda and writing to honor the request of a friend. Brigadier Mattia's son Carlo has gone missing. Carlo was a member of an international task force investigating drug and sex trafficking in the United States.Follow Steelgrave carefully as he uses courage and skill to uncover a murderous scheme of international proportion. Travel down the dark alleyways of intrigue through Italy and the United States. Will there be justice and light at the end of this literary journey, or will the last chapter be Warren's obituary?

  • von Gary E Smith
    20,00 €

    Gary Smith, fotografo e autore di The Willing, usa la sua prospettiva unica e il suo istinto ben affinato per portarci in un viaggio pieno di vivide descrizioni della bellezza e della cultura del Nord Italia.Il personaggio immaginario della "vita reale" Warren Steelgrave si è ambientato nel personaggio del suo autore tra parenti e amici ritrovati in un piccolo villaggio nel Nord Italia. Dopo tre anni, la sua possibile anima gemella e oggetto di ricordi romantici, Cindy O'Brian torna nella sua vita. Nuove avventure si svolgono coinvolgendo il figlio di un vecchio amico e l'intrigo dell'FBI, una famiglia criminale e un segreto perduto da tempo per il "raggio della morte" di Nicola Tesla.Warren è di nuovo " disposto" a mettere la sua vita in gioco, ma Cindy può accettare la consapevolezza che l'uomo che ama "vivrà sempre una vita separata" anche se sono insieme? Mentre sono tornati negli Stati Uniti, con problemi al seguito, sua figlia maggiore aggiunge intuizione quando dice a Cindy "benvenuta nel mondo di Warren."Forse il posto più sicuro per godersi lo svolgersi degli eventi è da una distanza di sicurezza come lettore del nuovo romanzo di Mr. Smith.

  • von Gary Smith
    78,00 €

  • von Gary Smith
    37,00 €

  • von Gary Smith
    33,00 €

    Mauro, son of an Italian crime family, goes missing with developed protocols that threaten the internet.Warren Steelgrave is thrust into a terrorist plot that threatens America and the life of the woman he still loves. He must broker a deal between the local Mafia boss and the FBI to foil the insidious plan of an extremist terrorist cell that has taken Mauro. Warren is at first perceived by the terrorists as a mere "pebble" in their path of Jihad. Soon they realize that he too is "willing" to sacrifice everything to stop them.Along the way, Warren must deal with his elusive lover, Cindy. Is he willing to give up part of who is to be with the one he cares deeply for, or be content to "love the one he is with"? Share the journey of a man of principle who is again tested by a world so fragile that a small group of people can turn it upside down and threaten what we hold dear.This is the latest novel in a series by author, photographer, Gary Smith who now resides part-time in Italy.

  • - Together
    von Professor Gary (Queen Alexandra Hospital Portsmouth) Smith
    28,00 €

    Gary Smith, Photographer, and author of The Willing, uses his unique perspective and well-honed instincts to take us on a journey replete with vivid descriptions of the beauty and culture of Northern Italy."Real life" fictional character Warren Steelgrave has settled into his author's persona amongst new-found relatives and friends in a small village in Northern Italy. After three years, his possible soulmate and object of romantic memories, Cindy O'Brian comes back into his life. New adventures unfold involving the son of an old friend and the intrigue of the FBI, a crime family, and a long-lost secret for Nicola Tesla's "death ray"Warren is again "willing" to put his life on the line, but can Cindy accept the realization that the man she loves will always "live a life separate" even if they are together? While they are back in the United States, with trouble in tow, his eldest daughter adds insight when she tells Cindy "welcome to Warren's world."Perhaps the safest place to enjoy the unfolding of events is from a safe distance as the reader of Mr. Smith's newest novel. Ken Meirovitz

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