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Bücher der Reihe World Scientific Studies in International Economics

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  • von Keith E (Univ Of Colorado Boulder Maskus
    209,00 €

    Presents important analyses of international trade, technology transfer and the global economics of intellectual property rights. This book includes chapters, ranging from theoretical modeling to empirical and statistical analysis, and policy contributions. It addresses questions in the determinants of trade, foreign direct investment, and more.

  • von Ann E (Univ Of California Harrison
    136,00 €

    How has globalization through trade and foreign investment affected labour markets, wages, profits, and inequality? This fundamentally important question is addressed deeply in this volume, with methods ranging from microeconomic theory to econometric studies using detailed firm-level and household data. The primary objective of the volume, a compendium of important research performed by Ann Harrison and co-authors, is to study and understand whether and how workers, in both the United States and major developing and emerging countries, have fared in the recent era of massive globalization. There are plenty of anecdotes about such questions, but this volume develops testable hypotheses, collects essential data, and uses frontier techniques to provide the best and most systematic evidence available. Chapters range widely over standard and current trade theories, frontier thinking about the nature and effects of multinational enterprises and offshoring, and the critical roles of credit markets, international innovation and technology diffusion in driving employment, wage changes, and inequality. The volume also covers critical institutional matters, such as how globalization influences activism in securing labour rights. The analysis in the book is essential for understanding the complex and deep relationships among trade liberalization, foreign direct investment, technical change, and the fortunes of workers in increasingly globalized markets.

    122,00 €

    International Economic Integration and Domestic Labor and Environmental Performance brings together the essays of Mary E Lovely focused on the relationship between international economic integration and domestic performance. It is a collection of sole-authored and co-authored papers that have been published in various scholarly journals over the last two decades. The first section considers the welfare effects and optimal design of retail sales taxes when consumers can avoid taxation by crossing jurisdictional boundaries. The second section highlights the role of scale economies in the design of industrial policies and as a determinant of firm location. The third section explores the influence of environmental policy on foreign investor''s location decisions and the role of trade and technology on country''s environmental regulation. The final section considers the determinants of wage differences, the attraction of low wages for foreign investors, and misallocations of labor in an emerging economy ΓÇö China.The collection, taken as a whole, highlights the power of international factor mobility to determine domestic tax burdens, to influence welfare implications of domestic policy alternatives, and to influence the location of productive factors and their rewards.

  • von Korea) Ahn & Dukgeun (Seoul Nat'l Univ
    160,00 €

    The Legal and Economic Analysis of the WTO/FTA System presents a collation of interdisciplinary studies covering a wide range of issues from WTO dispute settlement issues to trade remedy systems and FTA negotiations. The author applies legal as well as economic rationales and methods to analyze core issues in the world trading system and in doing so, sheds an interesting light on various trade issues. The interdisciplinary analysis on WTO and FTA issues provides a unique opportunity to reconsider many conventional trade topics. For instance, the author shows that third country dumping rarely used in the GATT/WTO system may have a new role with economic incentives in the context of FTAs.

    252,00 €

    Ever since the Great Recession, the global financial regulatory system has undergone significant changes.

  • von Usa) Josling & Timothy (Stanford Univ
    172,00 €

    The aim of the book is to provide interested readers with access to a number of articles that have been written over the years on the subject of the linkages between domestic farm policies (particularly in developed countries) and world markets for agricultural goods.

  • von Usa) Trachtman & Joel P (Tufts Univ
    193,00 €

    Trade Law, Domestic Regulation and Development is about the relationship between trade, regulation and development. By combining law and economics perspectives on the international trading system, Trachtman takes an interdisciplinary approach in analyzing the topic of globalization and economic development.In a developing economy, as globalization proceeds, a critical factor is the relationship between liberalization of movement of goods, services, and people, on the one hand, and the right to regulate, including the right to regulate for development, on the other hand. In the context of market access, all countries need the right to restrict imports of goods or services that may hurt consumers or the broader society, and developing countries sometimes need the ability to subsidize their own goods and services, or sometimes to restrict imports of goods or services, in order to promote development. Nonetheless, both developed and developing countries often fall into the trap of regulating for protectionist or corrupt reasons. Finding the right balance between market access and regulation is the subject of analysis in this collected volume of 16 papers by Trachtman, and presented in a manner that is accessible and interesting to both law and economics readers. In Trachtman's own words, 'The purpose of [international] trade law in this context [globalization] seems to be to allow states to agree to avoid creating these inefficient policy externalities, not to force all states to dance to the same tune.'

  • von Wilfred J (Univ Of Pennsylvania Ethier
    195,00 €

    In The Floating World, Emeritus Professor of Economics Wilfred Ethier collates 22 papers that delve deep into the study on International Trade Theory. These papers are grouped into six distinct sections. Each covers an overarching research program in trade theory - Factor-Endowments Theory, Economies of Scale, International Factor Markets, Regional Integration, the Political Economy of Trade Policy, and Administered Protection. An additional section for important papers outside of those programs is also included. With papers originally written in the 1970s all the way up to recent times, Ethier provides contemporary commentary for each section, referring to further sources, candid accounts on the state of international trade theory at the time and how each paper contributed to further improvements of their respective research program.

    175,00 €

    Education and media services have much in common. Both provide services that embody local cultures, in which there is extensive public sector participation and significant domestic regulation. At the same time, both are dramatically affected by the information and communications technology revolution. The production of information content now involves huge costs in terms of research and development or artistic talent, whilst the cost of making such products available to other consumers is very low. This in turn challenges the effectiveness of domestic regulation and raises fundamental questions about its purpose, calling for an increased scope for international trade and investment, and the development of supply chains.Yet, both areas are lightly committed in international trade agreements like the GATS. This lack of commitment and the lack of additional impact from negotiations in bilateral discriminatory trade agreements are cross-cutting themes in the book.Trade Policy in Asia responds to these issues to provide readers with a comprehensive and consistent treatment of policy in the higher education and media services sector across a range of Asian economies little studied in the existing literature. The book opens the discussion with an overview of global trends in each area, followed by detailed, country-specific studies. Through comparative work, it identifies common elements across these sectors and highlights critical implications for trade policy.Education services themes include the growth and impediments involved in various forms of trade and investment; the emergence of a 'new wave' of globalization; obstacles faced by domestic providers in supplying services; a common ambition to become an education services hub for international students; and the scope for greater international cooperation in research.Media services themes include the impact of new technology on options for content delivery and the associated problems for policy implementation and copyright protection, and the new challenges of globalization for social goals relating to local cultures, as well as risks involved in implementing policies that pursue these goals.

  • von Paul (The World Bank Brenton
    179,00 €

    International Trade, Distribution and Development brings together a collection of papers that have sought to assess empirically the impacts of policy measures affecting trade. The carefully selected papers analyze the impact of trade barriers and their removal, with a focus on distributional consequences and economic development.Grounded in rigorous empirical analysis, this book covers a range of policy issues such as impacts of trade on wages, non-tariff barriers, trade preferences, export survival and carbon labelling. An invaluable reference for readers seeking to understand the impact of trade policies, the book also seeks to shed light on future research, especially for research on developing countries.

    170,00 €

    This volume includes many of Edward D Mansfield's contributions to research on the political economy of trade.

  • von L Alan (Univ Of Sussex Winters
    186,00 €

    Non-Tariff Barriers, Regionalism and Poverty is a collection of key articles in three important areas of applied international trade research: measuring non-tariff barriers and their effects, the consequences of regional trading arrangements, especially on the countries excluded from them, and the connection between international trade and poverty. Drawing from 30 years of research and experience, L Alan Winters illustrates the development of techniques of this field and his continued commitment to answering real policy questions at the times at which they are debated. The collection shows the ways in which economic and econometric analysis can be used to answer real-world problems rigorously in the area of international trade and trade policy. Readers will find that some of the research included is of current methodological relevance and some of more historical significance. This volume is invaluable to anyone who is keen on developing their knowledge on trade policy, regionalism or poverty ΓÇö three pressing issues in today''s globalized world.

  • von USA) Nelson & Douglas R (Tulane Univ
    161,00 €

    Economics and Politics of Trade Policy brings together a set of 16 papers that focus primarily on the political economy of international trade. What sets these papers apart is the recurrent theme of developing and extending political economic analysis beyond details commonly considered when the papers were written. The book takes a deeper look at institutional and behavioral details that researchers have formerly overlooked, delving into issues such as administered rather than legislated protection; incorporation of unemployment; and behavioral considerations such as fairness. Together with a few other papers that consider theoretic issues of trade, this book will provide a thought-provoking overview of the most important research on international trade, political economy and policy over the past decades.

    159,00 €

    Services markets remain highly regulated and international trade and investment is restricted. Previous works have identified the scope for significant gains from trade, yet those results are often debated and the progress on reform has been slow. Parts I and II in Priorities and Pathways in Services Reform help fill the gap in the research around this debate. Part I ¿ Quantitative Studies contains up-to-date assessment and evaluations of the impact of policy in a range of services markets in different countries (through cross-country modelling of the impacts of a reform program). Part II ¿ Political Economy Studies builds on this to address the understanding of what makes a reform successful, going beyond a quantification of the benefits of reform. This book fills that gap by reporting and reviewing the experience of reform across different sectors and countries. Ten key lessons are identified for successful reform. Readers will find fresh insights into managing complex issues in services reform.

  • von Paul (London School Of Economics De Grauwe
    237,00 €

    219,00 €

    Offers a variety of perspectives on various forms and developments of international trade and related activities for Japan, the United States, China, and some other important trading countries, to develop different methods and data for measuring the factor contents of emerging modes of international trade.

  • von Robert Mitchell Stern
    74,00 - 327,00 €

    Brings together a collection of papers that Robert M Stern and his co-authors have written. This collection addresses a variety of issues pertinent to the global trading system. It deals with globalization in terms of what the public needs to know about this phenomenon and the role of the World Trade Organization (WTO).

    211,00 €

    Intends to assess the importance of international rules for foreign direct investment and the major challenges to international harmonization of rules. In this title, particular attention is paid to the most controversial and contentious issues with the view of appraising the prospects for establishing global rules.

    192,00 €

    The two most topical issues in current financial markets deal with the causes of the recent financial crisis and the means to prevent future crises. This book addresses the latter and stresses a major shift in most countries toward a better understanding of financial stability and how it can be achieved. In particular, the papers in this volume examine the recent change in emphasis at central banks with regard to financial stability. For example: What were the cross-country differences in emphasis on financial stability in the past? Did these differences appear to affect the extent of the adverse impact of the financial crisis on individual countries? What are perceived to be the major future threats to financial stability? These and related issues are discussed in the book by well-known experts in the field some of the best minds in the world pursuing financial stability. Following the global financial crisis, significant reforms have been initiated in many countries to address financial stability more directly, frequently focusing on macroprudential policy frameworks in which central banks play a more active role.

    201,00 €

    Generally thought to be an under-regulated sector, the shadow banking system has been identified as having a significant role in the recent global financial crisis. In recent years, it has also been growing rapidly in emerging markets. Yet, little is known about its size, scope and operations; nor its benefits and costs to society. Shadow Banking Within and Across National Borders consists of a proceedings of a conference held at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, in November 2013. Edited by Stijn Claessens, Douglas Evanoff, George Kaufman and Luc Laeven, this volume brings together leading industry scholars to examine various aspects of the shadow banking system. The contributors of this volume debate issues which include defining and quantifying shadow banking; the causes of the development of the sector; its role in the recent financial crisis; the implications for financial stability; the social benefits of the sector; the associated challenges for financial supervision and regulation; and alternative policy options to address problems created by the sector.

    174,00 €

    This book is a collection of papers presented in the conference held at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago in September 2010, that examines the role of macroprudential regulation in the financial industry. Shocked by the experience of the last few years, many argue that the more traditional microprudential regulatory tools are inadequate to create a safe and stable financial system. The microprudential paradigm relies on the presumption that the financial system as a whole can be made safe by ensuring individual financial institutions are made safe. This ignores interconnections and externalities, whereby the actions of one financial institution or events in financial markets can lead to spillover effects that adversely affect general market conditions, other financial institutions, and ultimately the economy as a whole. Instead, it is argued, there is a need for both microprudential approaches to regulate individual institutions and macroprudential approaches to manage the overall financial system risks.Conference participants discussed macroprudential regulation and related issues, including: What are the theoretical motivations for macroprudential regulation? How would it interact with other regulatory and macroeconomic policies, especially monetary policy? What would be the specific macroprudential tools? Who should have control over the macroprudential tools? How should a macroprudential regulator be structured? Where should it be housed? How can macroprudential policies be structured across national borders? What role, if any, can market discipline play in supporting macroprudential objectives?Concentrating on public policy issues, the conference featured keynote addresses by influential past and present public policy figures including: Paul Volcker, Chairman of the US President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board and former Chairman of the Federal Reserve System; Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, Chairman, Promontory Financial Group Europe and Former Chairman of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision; Jaime Caruana, General Manager of the Bank for International Settlements and Former Chairman of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision; and Charles Taylor, Director of the Pew Charitable Trust Financial Reform Project and Former Executive Director of the Group of Thirty.

    185,00 €

    The global financial crisis has caused massive upheavals worldwide. This volume analyzes whether financial principles seem to have shifted, and what that may mean for international financial markets and regulation. It discusses these and related issues.

    147,00 €

    Drawing on the best legal, economic and political science expertise from both sides of the Atlantic, as well as on the knowledge of officials and private practitioners with experience in both industrialized and developing countries, this book assesses the systemic, global implications of transatlantic regulatory cooperation and competition.

    172,00 €

    A collection of papers that deals with the memory of well-known WTO staffer Bijit Bora who died suddenly in 2006. It includes applied analysis of questions of policy in international trade in fields related to Bora's interests, including foreign direct investment, trade in services, competition policy, and trade and development.

    183,00 €

    Since the summer of 2007, credit markets in almost all industrial countries have been in substantial turmoil and this has become the focus of intense policy debates. This title includes papers that are contributed by the world's leading financial experts and constitute an examination of the first credit market turmoil of the 21st Century.

    206,00 €

    The impact of globalization of financial markets is a highly debated topic, particularly in recent months when the issue of globalization and contagion of financial distress has become a focus of intense policy debate. The papers in this volume provide an up-to-date overview of the key issues in this debate. While most of the contributions were prepared after the initial outbreak of the current global turmoil and financial crisis, they identify the relative strengths of the risk diversification and risk transmission processes and examine the empirical evidence to date. The book considers the relative roles of banks, nonbank financial institutions and capital markets in both risk diversification and risk transmission. It then evaluates the current status of crisis resolution in a global context, and speculates where to go from here in terms of understanding, resolution, prevention and public policy.

  • von Julia C (Brookings Inst Devlin
    233,00 €

    Surveys major economic issues in the development of countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region since World War II. This book covers topics such as, patterns of growth, economic reform strategies, the role of OPEC and oil in development, water scarcity and agricultural policies, population, education strategies, and labor markets.

    148,00 €

    Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) have proliferated in East Asia as regional economies rush to catch up with the rest of the world - but what difference do they make? This book answers that question by providing an assessment of the quality and impact of FTAs in the region.

    169,00 €

    Innovation and international trade are two important drivers of economic growth. These two activities perform differently under different types of market competition.This book - a collection of several important research publications by Larry D Qiu - discusses innovation and international trade, separately and jointly, under imperfect competition. Through exploring these topics, they offer different perspectives on these issues. The selected works also provide clear and strong implications on trade policies and intellectual property rights protection.

  • von Gary N (Law Offices Of Gary N Horlick Horlick
    216,00 €

    This unique volume presents published and hitherto unpublished works by leading international trade lawyer and academic, Gary Horlick. The value of his insights comes from his mix of government, professional and academic experience in trade proceedings in the WTO, in NAFTA, in Mercosur, and in over 20 countries. The unpublished material includes information not previously available on the origins and rationales of important areas of antidumping (such as zeroing), subsidies and countervailing duties (such as specificity), and new key areas of WTO Dispute Resolution (in particular, the role of science). This invaluable book will provide readers with information useful to practicing lawyers involved in antidumping, countervailing duty, and WTO cases; researchers interested in the origins and meaning of obscure aspects of international trade law, and students looking for explanations behind some of the texts.

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