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Computer & IT

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  • 13% sparen
    - Best Practices for Writing Clean Code
    von Al Sweigart
    31,00 €

    Go from beginner programmer to Python programmer! Level up your skills to an intermediate level.

  • - Building a Modern Computer from First Principles
    von Noam Nisan
    53,00 €

  • 10% sparen
    - The Art of Scepticism in a Data-Driven World
    von Carl T. Bergstrom & Jevin D. West
    13,00 €

  • von Christine Sener
    30,99 €

    Das Komplettpaket für Englisch im ersten Lernjahr!Der Band bietet umfangreiches Übungsmaterial mit vielen spielerischen Aufgabenformaten zum englischen Basiswortschatz, beispielsweise zu Themen wie Colours, Body oder Christmas. Aufgrund der vielfältigen Differenzierungsmöglichkeiten der Arbeitsblätter eignet sich dieses Unterrichtsmaterial insbesondere für den inklusiven Unterricht unter Berücksichtigung von Lernenden mit erhöhtem Förderbedarf und zum selbstständigen Lernen. Zugleich wird ein hoher Grad an Kommunikation ermöglicht - das Hauptziel eines jeden Sprachunterrichts.Das besondere Plus: Auf der CD finden Sie die Lösungen zu allen Arbeitsblättern, diverse Zusatzmaterialien wie Bild- und Wortkarten und alle Kopiervorlagen im veränderbaren Word-Format!

  • von Karin Hohmann
    22,99 €

    Fehler über Fehler bei der Rechtschreibung in Ihrer Klasse - kennen Sie das Problem? Wörter korrekt zu schreiben ist eine grundlegende Fertigkeit, die jeder Schüler für seine weitere Schullaufbahn sicher beherrschen muss. Umso wichtiger ist es, dass die Schüler die Rechtschreibung kontinuierlich trainieren. Das "Täglich 5 Minuten Rechtschreib-Training" bietet abwechslungsreiche und motivierende Aufgaben in kurzen Einheiten, die Sie auch zwischendurch einsetzen können, um die korrekte Schreibweise von Wörtern zu üben und zu festigen.Vom richtigen Abschreiben kurzer Texte bis hin zum Erkennen von Auslautverhärtung - so prägen sich Ihre Drittklässler die Rechtschreibregeln durch kleine, kurzweilige Übungen nachhaltig ein. Das prägnante Format ermöglicht Ihnen, die Übungen kontinuierlich im Unterricht einzubauen, sodass Ihre Schüler ihre Rechtschreibfähigkeiten stetig erweitern. Übung macht bekanntlich den Meister!Das Material ist einfach aufbereitet, selbsterklärend und auch für das eigenständige Arbeiten konzipiert. Dank eines Arbeitsplans können Ihre Schüler ihre Fortschritte selbst festhalten und verfolgen. Die einzelnen Aufgaben sind im DIN-A5-Format angelegt, sodass Sie das Material auch als Lernkartei anlegen und das Übungspensum individuell auf die Bedürfnisse Ihrer Schüler zuschneiden können.

  • von Wilhelm Bode
    20,00 €

    Der röhrende Hirsch mit mächtigem Geweih beflügelte die Fantasien nicht nur von Adeligen, höheren Töchtern und Romantikern, sondern prangte als Bild an den Wänden so manches deutschen Kleinbürgers. Doch gerade sein Geweih als Symbol des potenten Herrschers machte ihn zugleich zum bemitleidenswerten Objekt der Jagdlust und zur tragischen Figur des Waldes. Wilhelm Bode, selbst einst ein passionierter Jäger aus Familientradition, schildert die wechselvolle Natur- und Kulturgeschichte des Hirsches. Er erzählt nicht nur von der Faszination für Bambi, der Bedeutung des Hirsches für Frida Kahlo und Joseph Beuys und von dem Auf und Ab der Jagdhistorie. Er beschreibt, wie ihn seine Begegnungen mit dem Hirsch allmählich von der Trophäenjagd abbrachten und zum überzeugten Gegner einer rücksichtslosen Jagdpraxis werden ließen, die nicht nach ihren Konsequenzen für den Naturraum fragt. So ist dieser Ausflug durch die heimische Kulturlandschaft nicht zuletzt ein engagiertes Plädoyer, die Jagd auf das stolze Wildtier in eine neue Beziehung des Respekts vor der Natur zu verwandeln.

  • von Julia Felicitas Allmann
    18,99 €

    Ideensammlung für Lehrer und Lehrerinnen an weiterführenden Schulen, Fächer: Gesellschaftslehre, Erdkunde/Geografie, Politik, Biologie, Umweltbildung, AGs, Klassen-Projekte/Projektwochen, Klasse 5-10 +++ Verantwortungsvoll und nachhaltig leben, Klima und Umwelt schützen - das sind wichtige Ziele für viele Schüler und Schülerinnen. Doch welchen Beitrag können Einzelpersonen überhaupt leisten und welche Maßnahmen tragen wirklich zum Klimaschutz bei?In dieser Ideensammlung wird schnell klar: Wir alle können etwas zur Rettung unseres Planeten beitragen. Dafür erhalten Sie sinnvolle Projektvorschläge, mit denen Jugendliche im Rahmen ihrer eigenen Möglichkeiten aktiv werden können: Sie machen das Schulgelände insektenfreundlicher, stellen selbst Vogelfutterknödel oder Bienenwachstücher her, organisieren Kleidertausch-Partys und Charity-Flohmärkte, bauen Upcycling-Regale oder starten Info-Kampagnen an der Schule. Die fertig ausgearbeiteten Ideen lassen sich weitgehend unkompliziert in wenigen Schulstunden mit der Klasse oder in Kleingruppen umsetzen: Sie erhalten zu jedem Projekt Angaben zu Durchführung, Materialbedarf, Dauer und Klassenstufe sowie kompakte Hintergrundinfos und (wo nötig) Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen für die Schülerhand. Mit Angeboten zu den Themenbereichen "Tiere und Umwelt", "Müllvermeidung und Recycling", "Nachhaltiger Konsum", "Umweltfreundlich essen und trinken" sowie "Wissen verbreiten" ist für alle etwas dabei und Sie können Ihre Klasse unkompliziert dabei unterstützen, die Welt ein kleines bisschen besser zu machen!

  • 25% sparen
    von Eric Matthes
    38,00 €

    Since its initial debut in 2015, this critically acclaimed quick-start guide to programming has taught millions of people all over the world to write clean code, solve problems, and build custom applications in the popular language of Python. The highly anticipated third edition of Python Crash Course has been completely revised with updated code, practices, and projects-making it the ultimate launchpad for beginners to start their engines and code in Python 3!

  • von Minecraft
    12,00 €

  • von Rainer Gievers
    21,50 €

    Das Praxisbuch unterstützt Sie beim schnellen Einstieg in das Galaxy S23, S23+ und S23 Ultra. Dank der aufeinander aufbauenden Kapitel setzen Sie Ihr Handy innerhalb kürzester Zeit optimal im Alltag und Beruf ein. Angefangen von der ersten Einrichtung, bis hin zu den einzelnen Anwendungen, wird jeder Bedienschritt mit einer intuitiven Bildschirmabbildung dokumentiert. Der Autor legt großen Wert auf einfache Formulierungen, die auch Anfänger verstehen. Die Kapitel sind in sich abgeschlossen, weshalb Sie nicht das ganze Buch durcharbeiten müssen, sondern sich nur mit den Themen beschäftigen, die Sie interessieren.Die Themen des Praxisbuchs:- Der Einrichtungsassistent- Benutzeroberfläche anpassen- Google-Konto anlegen und verwalten- Telefonoberfläche und Telefonbuch- SMS mit der Nachrichten-Anwendung- WLAN und mobiles Internet einrichten- E-Mail und Webbrowser- WhatsApp einrichten und nutzen- Kamera und Bildanzeiger- Google- und Bixby-Sprachsteuerung- Apps aus dem Google Play Store- Gerätesperre und Diebstahlschutz- Straßenkarten und Navigation mit Google Maps- Bluetooth und NFC- Tipps, Tricks, Programmempfehlungen- Eingabemethoden- Nutzung des Bedienstifts (S Pen) des Galaxy S23 UltraDie übersichtliche Kapiteleinteilung und das ausführliche Stichwortverzeichnis machen diese Bedienungsanleitung auch für Anwender interessant, die bereits alle wesentlichen Funktionen des Geräts beherrschen, aber ab und zu ein Feature nachschlagen möchten.

  • 14% sparen
    - Where Machine Intelligence Ends and Human Creativity Begins
    von Garry Kasparov
    12,00 €

    Garry Kasparov gives his first public account of his landmark 1997 chess match with the IBM supercomputer Deep Blue, and explains why, twenty years later, he's become convinced that artificial intelligence is good for humans.

  • 16% sparen
    - Understand the Building Blocks so You can Do It Yourself
    von Cath Caldwell
    18,00 €

    Consultant editor:Cath Caldwell is Senior Lecturer at Central Saint Martins, the world-leading college for art and design education at University of the Arts London. She is a former Design Director at ELLE UK, having also worked for the Guardian and Cond¿ast (New York). She is the author of two books on graphic design and co-founder of the Editorial Designers Organisation.Contibuting authors:Johnny Belknap is a native New Yorker who cut his design teeth on the iconic Village Voice newspaper in the 1970s. He moved on to art director roles at oublications including the New York Times, the Sunday Telegraph Magazine, and the Jewish Chronicle, as well as running his own design studio.Jamie Sanchez Hearn is a graphic designer and lecturer, specializing in Typography, Branding, and Editorial Design. Jamie worked for several international design agencies before forming his own design studio. He currently teaches at Central Saint Martins and is a fellow of the UK's Higher Education Academy.Emily Wood is a graphic designer and lecturer. She has worked for leading design studios Pentagram, Johnson Banks, and Bloom, and with a range of cultural organizations, including London's V&A Museum and Amnesty International. Emily's research is focused on sustainability through education and design. Julia Woollams is a graphic designer, branding consultant, lecturer, and co-founder of creative consultancy 31% Wool. She specializes in cultural and not-for-profit sectors and has worked with organizations including the Science Museum, the Sendai Observatory, the University of Cambridge, and UNICEF UK.

  • 13% sparen
    - Resisting the Attention Economy
    von Jenny Odell
    17,00 €

    "e;A complex, smart and ambitious book that at first reads like a self-help manual, then blossoms into a wide-ranging political manifesto."e;Jonah Engel Bromwich, The New York Times Book ReviewNAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY: Time*; The New Yorker *;NPR*;GQ*;Elle*;Vulture*;Fortune*; Boing Boing*;The Irish Times*;The New York Public Library*; The Brooklyn Public LibraryPorchlight's Personal Development & Human Behavior Book of the YearNothing is harder to do these days than nothing. But in a world where our value is determined by our 24/7 data productivity . . . doing nothing may be our most important form of resistance. So argues artist and critic Jenny Odell in this field guide to doing nothing (at least as capitalism defines it). Odell sees our attention as the most preciousand overdrawnresource we have. Once we can start paying a new kind of attention, she writes, we can undertake bolder forms of political action, reimagine humankind's role in the environment, and arrive at more meaningful understandings of happiness and progress. Far from the simple anti-technology screed, or the back-to-nature meditation we read so often, How to do Nothing is an action plan for thinking outside of capitalist narratives of efficiency and techno-determinism. Provocative, timely, and utterly persuasive, this book is a four-course meal in the age of Soylent.

  • - The New Science of Education and the Brain
    von Stanislas Dehaene
    13,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Brian C. Muraresku
    18,00 €

    THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER As seen on The Joe Rogan Experience!A groundbreaking dive into the role psychedelics have played in the origins of Western civilization, and a real-life quest for the Holy Grail.The most influential religious historian of the twentieth century, Huston Smith, once referred to it as the "best-kept secret" in history. Did the Ancient Greeks use drugs to find God? And did the earliest Christians inherit the same, secret tradition? A profound knowledge of visionary plants, herbs and fungi passed from one generation to the next, ever since the Stone Age?There is zero archaeological evidence for the original Eucharist - the sacred wine said to guarantee life after death for those who drink the blood of Jesus. The Holy Grail and its miraculous contents have never been found. In the absence of any hard data, whatever happened at the Last Supper remains an article of faith for today's 2.5 billion Christians. In an unprecedented search for real answers, The Immortality Key examines the archaic roots of the ritual that is performed every Sunday for nearly one third of the planet. Religion and science converge to paint a radical picture of Christianity's founding event...and, after centuries of debate, to solve history's greatest puzzle once and for all.Before the birth of Jesus, the Ancient Greeks found salvation in their own sacraments. Sacred beverages were routinely consumed as part of the so-called Ancient Mysteries - elaborate rites that led initiates to the brink of death. The best and brightest from Athens and Rome flocked to the spiritual capital of Eleusis, where a holy beer unleashed heavenly visions for two thousand years. Others drank the holy wine of Dionysus to become one with the god. In the 1970s, renegade scholars claimed this beer and wine - the original sacraments of Western civilization - were spiked with mind-altering drugs. In recent years, vindication for the disgraced theory has been quietly mounting in the laboratory. The constantly advancing fields of archaeobotany and archaeochemistry have hinted at the enduring use of hallucinogenic drinks in antiquity. And with a single dose of psilocybin, the psychopharmacologists at Johns Hopkins and NYU are now turning self-proclaimed atheists into instant believers. But the smoking gun remains elusive.If these sacraments survived for thousands of years in our remote prehistory, from the Stone Age to the Ancient Greeks, did they also survive into the age of Jesus? Was the Eucharist of the earliest Christians, in fact, a psychedelic Eucharist?With an unquenchable thirst for evidence, Brian C. Muraresku takes the reader on his twelve-year global hunt for proof. He tours the ruins of Greece with its government archaeologists. He gains access to the hidden collections of the Louvre Museum to show the continuity from pagan to Christian wine. He unravels the Ancient Greek of the New Testament with a Catholic priest. He spelunks into the catacombs under the streets of Rome to decipher the lost symbols of Christianity's oldest monuments. He breaches the secret archives of the Vatican to unearth manuscripts never before translated into English. And with leads from the archaeological chemists at the University of Pennsylvania and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he unveils the first scientific data for the ritual use of psychedelic drugs in classical antiquity.The Immortality Key reconstructs the suppressed history of women consecrating a forbidden, drugged Eucharist that was later banned by the Church Fathers. Women who were then targeted as witches during the Inquisition, when Europe's sacred pharmacology largely disappeared. Have the scientists of today resurrected this lost technology? Is Christianity capable of returning to its roots?Featuring a Foreword by Graham Hancock, the New York Times bestselling author of America Before: The Key to Earth's Lost Civilization.

  • von Planet Lonely
    20,00 €

    Lonely Planet's New York City is our most comprehensive guide that extensively covers all the city has to offer, with recommendations for both popular and lesser-known experiences. Stroll across the Brooklyn Bridge, catch a Broadway show and get vertigo at the top of the Empire State Building; all with your trusted travel companion.

  • 17% sparen
    von Yanis Varoufakis
    12,00 €

  • 10% sparen
    von Michael Bhaskar & Mustafa Suleyman
    13,00 - 25,00 €

  • 22% sparen
    von Walter Isaacson
    26,98 - 27,98 €

    From the author of Steve Jobs and other bestselling biographies, this is the astonishingly intimate story of Elon Musk, the most fascinating and controversial innovator of our era—a rule-breaking visionary who helped to lead the world into the era of electric vehicles, private space exploration, and artificial intelligence. Oh, and took over Twitter. When Elon Musk was a kid in South Africa, he was regularly beaten by bullies. One day a group pushed him down some concrete steps and kicked him until his face was a swollen ball of flesh. He was in the hospital for a week. But the physical scars were minor compared to the emotional ones inflicted by his father, an engineer, rogue, and charismatic fantasist. His father’s impact on his psyche would linger. He developed into a tough yet vulnerable man-child, prone to abrupt Jekyll-and-Hyde mood swings, with an exceedingly high tolerance for risk, a craving for drama, an epic sense of mission, and a maniacal intensity that was callous and at times destructive. At the beginning of 2022—after a year marked by SpaceX launching thirty-one satellites, Tesla selling a million cars, and him becoming the richest man on earth—Musk spoke ruefully about his compulsion to stir up dramas. “I need to shift my mindset away from being in crisis mode, which it has been for about fourteen years now, or arguably most of my life,” he said. It was a wistful comment, not a New Year’s resolution. Even as he said it, he was secretly buying up shares of Twitter, the world’s ultimate playground. Over the years, whenever he was in a dark place, his mind went back to being bullied on the playground. Now he had the chance to own the playground.For two years, Isaacson shadowed Musk, attended his meetings, walked his factories with him, and spent hours interviewing him, his family, friends, coworkers, and adversaries. The result is the revealing inside story, filled with amazing tales of triumphs and turmoil, that addresses the question: are the demons that drive Musk also what it takes to drive innovation and progress?

  • 21% sparen
    von Nick DiGiovanni
    25,00 €

    Knife Drop, a gripping novel penned by the talented Nick DiGiovanni, takes you on a thrilling literary journey. Published by Dorling Kindersley Ltd. in 2023, this book stands as a remarkable addition to the contemporary genre. DiGiovanni's masterful storytelling and unique voice make Knife Drop an unforgettable read. The plot unfolds with a captivating intensity that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. The author's knack for creating vivid, relatable characters enhances the immersive experience. Knife Drop is not just a book; it's a journey that transports you into a world where every turn of the page brings a new surprise. Published by Dorling Kindersley Ltd., known for their high-quality publications, this book is a testament to their reputation. Reading Knife Drop is an experience you wouldn't want to miss. Grab your copy today and embark on an unforgettable literary journey.

  • 18% sparen
    von Levy Rozman
    21,00 €

    Learn chess from International Master and YouTube's top chess teacher Levy Rozman (aka GothamChess) in this refreshing and fun guide for beginner and intermediate playersHow to Win at Chess teaches you everything you need to know about the game, including all the important moves and strategies to start off strong and keep you thinking several steps ahead.Full of Levy Rozman's signature charm and humour that have made him beloved by millions of fans, the first half of this unique guide introduces rising players (0-800 Elo rating) to the four key areas to consider when playing chess-openings, endings, tactics, and strategy-and the second half builds upon these core skills for more experienced players (800-1300 Elo rating). Brimming with practical and easy-to-follow tips for improving your game, How to Win at Chess includes over 500 instructional gameplay illustrations to help you better visualize the board, as well as chapter-specific QR codes for exclusive bonus content on Chessly, Rozman's teaching platform.Whether you want to become a recreational chess player or are training to be a Grandmaster, How to Win at Chess is the perfect interactive introduction to the world of chess.

  • von Kai Bird
    16,00 €

    ***SOON TO BE A MAJOR HOLLYWOOD FILM DIRECTED BY CHRISTOPHER NOLAN***WINNER OF THE PULITZER PRIZE FOR NONFICTION 'Reads like a thriller, gripping and terrifying' Sunday TimesPhysicist and polymath, as familiar with Hindu scriptures as he was with quantum mechanics, J. Robert Oppenheimer - director of the Manhattan Project that developed the atomic bomb - was the most famous scientist of his generation. In their meticulous and riveting biography, Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin reveal a brilliant, ambitious, complex and flawed man, profoundly involved with some of the momentous events of the twentieth century.

  • - A New Era of Cyberwar and the Hunt for the Kremlin's Most Dangerous Hackers
    von Andy Greenberg
    22,00 €

  • von Edward Snowden
    15,00 - 17,00 €

    Permanent Record is the essential and courageous memoir of Edward Snowden - the man who risked everything to expose the shocking mass surveillance used by governments across the world to spy on their own citizens.

  • - Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World
    von Cal Newport
    13,00 €

    New York Times Bestseller'Digital Minimalism is the Marie Kondo of mobile phones' Evening Standard'An eloquent, powerful and enjoyably practical guide to cutting back on screen time' The Times'An urgent call to action for anyone serious about being in command of their own life' Ryan Holiday, author of The Obstacle is the Way'What a timely and useful book' Naomi Alderman, author of The Power Cut down on screen time and get your technology use in check The urge to pick up our phones every few minutes has become a nervous twitch that shatters our time into shards too small to be present. Our addiction to tech leaves us feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. But it doesn't have to be that way.In this timely book, professor Cal Newport shows us how to pair back digital distractions and live better with less technology. Introducing us to digital minimalists -- the calm, happy people who can hold long conversations without furtive glances at their phones or obsessively document everything they eat -- Newport reveals how to live more intentionally in our tech-saturated world. By following a thirty-day 'digital declutter' process, you'll learn to: Rethink your relationship with social media Prioritize 'high bandwidth' conversations over low quality text chains Rediscover the pleasures of the offline worldTake back control from your devices and become a digital minimalist.

  • 14% sparen
    - How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy
    von Cathy O'Neil
    12,00 €

  • 23% sparen
    - Practical Programming for Total Beginners
    von Al Sweigart
    31,00 €

    The second edition of this best-selling Python book teaches even the technically uninclined how to automate the boring stuff.

  • - Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
    von Max Tegmark
    13,00 €

    Life 3.0, a compelling masterpiece by renowned author Max Tegmark, is a book that will take you on a thought-provoking journey. Published by Penguin Books Ltd in 2018, this book has since been a beacon of knowledge for many. The genre of this book is hard to pin down, as it seamlessly blends elements of science, philosophy, and speculation about the future. Tegmark's Life 3.0 invites us to ponder the most essential question of our time: What future do we want to create for ourselves? As you delve into its pages, you will find yourself immersed in a riveting exploration of the future of life as we know it. The book is a must-read for anyone interested in the future of humanity and artificial intelligence. Don't miss out on this enlightening read from Penguin Books Ltd.

  • 10% sparen
    - And Our Human Future
    von Henry A Kissinger, Daniel Huttenlocher, III Schmidt & usw.
    13,00 €

    Artificial Intelligence is transforming human society fundamentally and profoundly. Not since the Enlightenment and the Age of Reason have we changed how we approach knowledge, politics, economics, even warfare. Three of our most accomplished and deep thinkers come together to explore what it means for us all.

  • - Paths, Dangers, Strategies
    von University of Oxford) Bostrom, Nick (Professor in the Faculty of Philosophy, Oxford Martin School and Director & usw.
    16,00 - 28,00 €

    This seminal book injects the topic of superintelligence into the academic and popular mainstream. What happens when machines surpass humans in general intelligence? Will artificial agents save or destroy us? In a tour de force of analytic thinking, Bostrom lays a foundation for understanding the future of humanity and intelligent life.

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