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Führung & Strategie

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  • von Carlos António Alonso
    46,00 €

    Esta investigación fue motivada inicialmente por el debate teórico sobre el ready-made, el pop art y el arte conceptual, surgido de la crítica a la clausura intelectual y estética presente en los cánones exigidos por los currículos escolares en Brasil. Las implicaciones de estos conceptos se discuten en paralelo al desarrollo de una visión crítica de las clasificaciones europeas y norteamericanas como matrices adecuadas para comprender la creación de artistas como Arthur Bispo do Rosário, Brasil (1909-1989) y Georges Adéagbo, Benin (1942). De forma complementaria, la trayectoria del investigador-artista participa en el proceso de comprensión y análisis. La atención se centró en el material y la materia de los objetos cotidianos utilizados en la obra de Arthur Bispo do Rosário y en los itinerarios de las obras de Georges Adéagbo, artista autodidacta que expone sus ideas y narrativas en forma de objetos "escultóricos", ocupaciones de espacios públicos.

  • von Carlos António Alonso
    54,90 €

    Diese Forschungsarbeit wurde zunächst durch die theoretische Debatte über Ready-made, Pop Art und Konzeptkunst motiviert, die aus der Kritik an der intellektuellen und ästhetischen Verschlossenheit der in den brasilianischen Schullehrplänen geforderten Kanons entstand. Die Implikationen dieser Konzepte werden parallel zur Entwicklung eines kritischen Blicks auf europäische und nordamerikanische Klassifizierungen als geeignete Matrizen für das Verständnis des Schaffens von Künstlern wie Arthur Bispo do Rosário, Brasilien (1909-1989) und Georges Adéagbo, Benin (1942), diskutiert. Ergänzend dazu ist der Weg des Forschers und Künstlers Teil des Prozesses des Verstehens und Analysierens. Der Schwerpunkt lag auf dem Material und der Materie von Alltagsgegenständen, die im Werk von Arthur Bispo do Rosário verwendet werden, und auf den Wegen der Werke von Georges Adéagbo, einem Autodidakten, der seine Ideen und Erzählungen in Form von "skulpturalen" Objekten und Besetzungen von öffentlichen Räumen ausstellt.

  • von Andreza M. Lima
    49,90 €

    Um den Chavismus und sein politisches Modell zu verstehen, bedarf es einer historisch-konzeptionellen Grundlage und eines Verständnisses der Veränderungen, die im 20. In diesem Rahmen untersuchten wir die Erdölpolitik der Regierung von Hugo Chávez (1999-2013) mit dem Ziel der regionalen Integration mit dem Mercosur durch den Vorschlag Petrosur. Um dieses Thema zu verstehen, haben wir geografische, politische, wirtschaftliche und rechtliche Aspekte analysiert, die als Hindernisse für die Umsetzung des Vorschlags angesehen werden könnten, sowie den ideologischen Charakter der Reden von Chávez im Zusammenhang mit den verschiedenen internen Rissen in strategischen Sektoren der venezolanischen Wirtschaft. Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt daher die Ergebnisse einer konsequenten Untersuchung der aktuellen venezolanischen Realität dar, die in Wirklichkeit ein Spiegelbild einer Vergangenheit voller ungelöster Probleme ist.

  • von Georges Hathry
    84,90 €

    Möchten Sie in eine nachhaltige und verantwortungsvolle Zukunft investieren? Dann ist das Buch "Grüne Finanzen: Einführungskurs für umweltbewusstes Investieren" genau das Richtige für Sie!Grüne Finanzen sind auf dem Vormarsch und es ist wichtig zu verstehen, wie man einen umweltbewussten Ansatz in der Finanzwelt umsetzt. Dieses Buch führt Sie Schritt für Schritt durch diesen Prozess und vermittelt Ihnen die Werkzeuge und das Wissen, das Sie benötigen, um verantwortungsvoll zu investieren.In "Green Finance" erfahren Sie, wie Sie nachhaltige Investitionsmöglichkeiten identifizieren, eine verantwortungsvolle Anlagestrategie umsetzen und die Performance Ihrer Investitionen anhand von Umwelt-, Sozial- und Governance-Kriterien bewerten.Doch dieses Buch gibt Ihnen nicht nur praktische Tipps, sondern auch inspirierende Fallstudien von Unternehmen, die es geschafft haben, Profitabilität und Umweltfreundlichkeit miteinander zu verbinden. So werden Sie verstehen, wie diese Unternehmen die ökologisch verantwortliche Finanzwirtschaft in ihre DNA integriert haben und zu Marktführern geworden sind.

  • von Andreza M. Lima
    42,00 €

    Ponimanie "Chawizma" i ego politicheskoj modeli zawisit ot istoriko-konceptual'noj osnowy i ponimaniq izmenenij, proizoshedshih w XX weke. Ishodq iz ätogo, my izuchili neftqnuü politiku, prinqtuü prawitel'stwom Ugo Chawesa (1999-2013 gg.) w celqh regional'noj integracii s MERKOSUR cherez predlozhenie pod nazwaniem Petrosur. Chtoby razobrat'sq w ätom woprose, my reshili proanalizirowat' geograficheskie, politicheskie, äkonomicheskie i prawowye aspekty, kotorye mogli by rassmatriwat'sq kak prepqtstwiq dlq realizacii predlozheniq, a takzhe ideologicheskij harakter wystuplenij Chawesa, swqzannyj s razlichnymi wnutrennimi treschinami w strategicheskih sektorah wenesuäl'skoj äkonomiki. Takim obrazom, dannaq rabota predstawlqet soboj rezul'taty posledowatel'nogo izucheniq sowremennoj wenesuäl'skoj dejstwitel'nosti, kotoraq na samom dele qwlqetsq otrazheniem proshlogo, polnogo nereshennyh woprosow.

  • von Dzhordzhs Hafri
    69,00 €

    Vy hotite inwestirowat' w ustojchiwoe i otwetstwennoe buduschee? Esli da, to kniga "Zelenye finansy: poshagowoe rukowodstwo po wnedreniü äkologicheski otwetstwennogo finansirowaniq" dlq was.Zelenye finansy perezhiwaüt bum, i ochen' wazhno ponimat', kak wnedrit' äkologicheski otwetstwennyj podhod w mire finansow. V knige "Zelenye finansy" wy uznaete, kak opredelit' wozmozhnosti ustojchiwogo inwestirowaniq, kak realizowat' strategiü otwetstwennogo inwestirowaniq i kak ocenit' äffektiwnost' inwesticij w sootwetstwii s äkologicheskimi, social'nymi i uprawlencheskimi kriteriqmi. No w ätoj knige wy najdete ne tol'ko prakticheskie sowety, no i wdohnowlqüschie primery kompanij, kotorym udalos' sowmestit' pribyl'nost' i berezhnoe otnoshenie k okruzhaüschej srede. Vy uwidite, kak äti kompanii sdelali äkologicheski otwetstwennoe finansirowanie chast'ü swoej DNK i stali liderami rynka.

  • von Daniel I. Kanu-Nwosu
    37,00 €

    RESUMENEl estudio investigó la Gestión del Maltrato Infantil y el Rendimiento Académico de los Estudiantes en las Escuelas Secundarias Públicas del Estado de Akwa Ibom. Se plantearon tres preguntas de investigación y se formularon tres hipótesis nulas para guiar el estudio. El diseño del estudio fue una encuesta ex-post facto. La población estuvo formada por 2.838 estudiantes de segundo ciclo de secundaria de las escuelas públicas del Estado de Akwa-Ibom incluidas en la muestra. Se utilizó una técnica de muestreo polietápico para seleccionar una muestra de 500 alumnos. Para recoger los datos se utilizó un instrumento desarrollado por el investigador, el "Cuestionario de Gestión del Maltrato Infantil" (MCAQ), validado por expertos. Se determinó el coeficiente de fiabilidad del instrumento mediante el alfa de Cronbach, obteniéndose un índice de fiabilidad de 0,83. Se utilizaron la media y la desviación estándar para responder a las preguntas de la investigación, mientras que la prueba t independiente se empleó para contrastar las hipótesis a niveles de alfa de 0,05. Los resultados del estudio revelan que existe una diferencia significativa en el rendimiento académico de los alumnos en función de la eficacia de los padres, profesores y orientadores en la gestión del maltrato infantil. Por lo tanto, el estudio concluyó que los padres, profesores y orientadores deberían recibir formación sobre

  • von Kruz Garsiq Lirios
    46,00 €

    Poskol'ku chast'ü informacionnogo obschestwa i sociodigital'nyh setej, uprawleniq gosudarstwom i chelowecheskogo razwitiq qwlqetsq cifrowoe wklüchenie uqzwimyh, marginalizirowannyh ili isklüchennyh sektorow, a kiberzapugiwanie qwlqetsq bar'erom na puti k wklücheniü i preodoleniü razrywa, to kazhetsq protiworechiwym, chto nawyki i znaniq, swqzannye s älektronnymi ustrojstwami i cifrowymi protokolami, sluzhat chelowecheskomu razwitiü. Odnako social'nye razlichiq mezhdu pol'zowatelqmi Interneta ne tol'ko perenosqtsq w älektronnye seti, no i usugublqütsq, poskol'ku preobladaüschim qzykom qwlqetsq anglijskij, ili obnowleniq trebuüt bolee sowershennyh älektronnyh ustrojstw, kotorye mogut imet' tol'ko te, kto obladaet äkonomicheskimi resursami i social'nym priznaniem, hotq suschestwuüt seti Subway lines, kotorye umen'shaüt äti razlichiq, chtoby sozdat' swoi sobstwennye protokoly, razlichiq mogut byt' nechuwstwitel'nymi.

  • von Karlos Antonio Alonso
    46,00 €

    Jeto issledowanie iznachal'no bylo motiwirowano teoreticheskimi debatami o ready-made, pop-arte i konceptual'nom iskusstwe, kotorye woznikli w rezul'tate kritiki intellektual'noj i ästeticheskoj zakrytosti, prisutstwuüschej w kanonah, trebuemyh shkol'nymi programmami w Brazilii. Posledstwiq ätih koncepcij obsuzhdaütsq parallel'no s razwitiem kriticheskogo wzglqda na ewropejskie i seweroamerikanskie klassifikacii kak na podhodqschie matricy dlq ponimaniq tworchestwa takih hudozhnikow, kak Artur Bispo du Rosario, Braziliq (1909-1989), i Zhorzh Adeagbo, Benin (1942). Dopolnitel'nym obrazom put' issledowatelq-hudozhnika uchastwuet w processe ponimaniq i analiza. V centre wnimaniq byli material i materiq powsednewnyh predmetow, ispol'zuemyh w rabotah Artura Bispo du Rozariu, i marshruty rabot Zhorzhi Adeagbo, hudozhnika-samouchki, kotoryj predstawlqet swoi idei i powestwowaniq w wide "skul'pturnyh" ob#ektow, zanimaüschih obschestwennye prostranstwa.

  • von Andreza M. Lima
    42,00 €

    Understanding Chavismo and its political model depends on a historical-conceptual basis and a perception of the changes that took place in the 20th century. Through this framework, we studied the oil policy adopted by Hugo Chávez's government (1999-2013) for the purposes of regional integration with Mercosur through the proposal called Petrosur. In order to understand this issue, we chose to analyze geographical, political, economic and legal aspects that could be seen as obstacles to the implementation of the proposal, as well as the ideological nature of Chávez's speeches associated with the various internal fissures in strategic sectors of the Venezuelan economy. Therefore, this work presents the results of a consistent study of the current Venezuelan reality, which is actually a reflection of a past full of unresolved issues.

  • von Flávio Brambilla
    53,00 €

    Value co-creation is an imperative practice in the service environment. In some cases it is a condition of quality, but in others it is essential, as is the case in education. Understanding education as a service encounter does not mean reducing the importance of this activity, but rather qualifying its practices within known parameters and predetermined quality. Based on the Self-Determination Theory, the authors present an ethnomethodological analysis of the co-creation of value in the Administration course. The precepts of the Dominant Service Logic in Marketing are applied here using the technique of vignettes to address student perspectives and their understanding of the scenario. The results particularly highlight the role of self-determination as a central element for co-creation, through intrinsic motivation (desire to learn) in its tenuous relationship with extrinsic motivation (evaluation). It is identified that students may or may not be predisposed to co-create, which manifests itself in three behaviors to be aware of in the reading. We recommend this book to those interested in understanding the Dominant Logic of Service in Marketing and its foundational premise of Value Co-creation.

  • von Ricardo Brião Lemos
    51,00 €

    With the aim of providing better quality services and the well-being of civil servants, public institutions are implementing a restructuring of people management aimed at promoting quality of life at work. However, many are still only skirting around the problems they face in terms of labour relations. It might be more appropriate to follow a trend of starting to diagnose the needs of their work teams, thus providing the basis for drawing up and developing a Quality of Life at Work Programme that brings more comprehensive and lasting results. In view of this, the aim of this study is to analyse which quality of life at work factors are perceived as relevant by the employees of a Brazilian federal university, UNIPAMPA.

  • von Georges Hathry
    69,00 €

    Do you want to invest in a sustainable and responsible future? Then the book "Finance Verte: Démarche de mise en place de la finance écoresponsable" is for you! Green finance is booming, and it's essential to understand how to implement an eco-responsible approach in the world of finance. In "Green Finance", you'll discover how to identify sustainable investment opportunities, how to implement a responsible investment strategy and how to evaluate the performance of your investments according to environmental, social and governance criteria.But this book doesn't just give you practical advice, it also offers inspiring case studies of companies that have succeeded in combining profitability and respect for the environment. You'll learn how these companies have made eco-responsible finance part of their DNA and become market leaders.

  • von Vilson Gruber
    50,00 €

    The business plan model described aims to develop a detailed and cohesive structure for the development, implementation and management of a project focused on a Smartgreenhouse. This, in turn, is an advanced greenhouse that incorporates technology and sustainable practices, with a focus on energy efficiency and the production and marketing of orchid seedlings. The booklet details the unique business model for growing orchids, exploring fundamental aspects such as market analysis, marketing strategies, operations, management and finance, including SWOT analysis, financial projections and risk analysis, all with a view to drawing up a robust and effective business plan.Smartgreenhouse's primary objective is to introduce agricultural innovations and cutting-edge technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), which allow environmental conditions to be monitored and adjusted to ensure optimal orchid development. Sustainable strategies and effective irrigation systems will be adopted to reduce environmental impact and promote sustainability.

  • von Ikram Boudallaa
    37,00 €

    The environment in which training establishments operate is increasingly changing. Now more than ever, they need to pay close attention to optimizing their managerial processes through the implementation of facility projects.This type of project has proven its effectiveness in the quest for performance, bringing about positive changes such as highly profitable cross-functional organization and the adoption of collective, participative management.We all know that project-based management is not only based on tools and methods, but also on human resources and organization.In this sense, even a facility project that federates and energizes institutional life, because of its complexity, uncertainties and multi-disciplinary nature, never unfolds in an ideal way. In fact, the mechanics of change induced by this project can only be driven by two forces: innovation and difficulties.

  • von Jean Claude Kambale Muholu
    34,00 €

    Since the dawn of time, various societies around the world have experienced different types of conflict, both endogenous and exogenous, and have tried to find solutions and/or develop mechanisms to prevent, manage or simply put an end to them. Peaceful cohabitation and social cohesion remain dependent on the way in which the various types of conflict are dealt with by the community and/or other human groups.

  • von Carlos António Alonso
    46,00 €

    This research was initially motivated by the theoretical debate on ready-made, pop art and conceptual art, which arose from the criticism of the intellectual and aesthetic closure present in the canons demanded by school curricula in Brazil. The implications of these concepts are discussed in parallel with the development of a critical view of European and North American classifications as suitable matrices for understanding the creation of artists such as Arthur Bispo do Rosário, Brazil (1909-1989) and Georges Adéagbo, Benin (1942). In a complementary way, the path of the researcher-artist participates in the process of understanding and analysis. The focus was on the material and matter of everyday objects used in the work of Arthur Bispo do Rosário and on the itineraries of the works of Georges Adéagbo, a self-taught artist who exhibits his ideas and narratives in the form of "sculptural" objects, occupations of public spaces.

  • von Georges Hathry
    69,00 €

    This book invites us to rethink our traditional approach to transactions and financial management. It provides an understanding of the benefits and opportunities offered by cryptocurrency, in particular Bitcoin, in the business world. If you want to discover how businesses can benefit from using blockchain technology to improve their efficiency, transparency and the security of their financial transactions then this book may be of interest to you!This book is like a comprehensive guide for business leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals looking to understand Bitcoin's growing role in the business world and take advantage of its potential cryptocurrency benefits. It's a truly practical tool for implementing the use of Bitcoin in business. The book's case-based pedagogy makes it easy to understand the process of implementing the cryptocurrency system in business.

  • von Elsy González de Hernández
    50,00 €

    In educational institutions, managers are required to dynamize the teaching practice in order to implement and integrate the efforts of all the actors and achieve an efficient work based on a continuous process of improvement and training in the search for better means for the fulfillment of the managerial function. This contextual space was the scenario from which the present study arose from the Venezuelan contemporaneity. A descriptive research, field design, in which the survey was considered as a data collection technique and the questionnaire designed according to a Likert-type scale as an instrument, whose application to the population constituted by seventy-six managers, allowed concluding the need to strengthen in the managers the competences of a transformational leadership and with it their labor competences with the purpose of developing a quality management, with a wide and participative vision.

  • von Georges Hathry
    69,00 €

    Quer investir num futuro sustentável e responsável? O livro "Finanças Verdes: Um guia passo a passo para implementar finanças ambientalmente responsáveis" é para si. As finanças verdes estão em expansão e é essencial compreender como implementar uma abordagem ambientalmente responsável no mundo das finanças. Em "Finanças Verdes", descobrirá como identificar oportunidades de investimento sustentáveis, como implementar uma estratégia de investimento responsável e como avaliar o desempenho dos seus investimentos de acordo com critérios ambientais, sociais e de governação. Mas este livro não se limita a dar conselhos práticos, também fornece estudos de caso inspiradores de empresas que conseguiram combinar rentabilidade e respeito pelo ambiente. Verá como estas empresas fizeram das finanças eco-responsáveis parte do seu ADN e se tornaram líderes de mercado.

  • von Cruz García Lirios
    46,00 €

    Como parte da sociedade da informação e das redes sociodigitais, da gestão do Estado e do Desenvolvimento Humano, está a inclusão digital dos sectores vulneráveis, marginalizados ou excluídos e o cyberbullying implica uma barreira à inclusão e à superação desta lacuna, então parece contraditório que as competências e os conhecimentos relacionados com os dispositivos electrónicos e os protocolos digitais sirvam para o Desenvolvimento Humano. No entanto, as diferenças sociais entre os utilizadores da Internet não são apenas transferidas para as redes electrónicas, mas também exacerbadas, uma vez que a língua predominante é o inglês, ou as actualizações exigem melhores dispositivos electrónicos que só aqueles que têm os recursos económicos e o reconhecimento social poderiam ter, embora existam redes de linhas de metro que reduzem essas diferenças para criar os seus próprios protocolos, as diferenças podem ser insensíveis.

  • von Nadia Loiaconi
    53,00 €

    The challenge of contemporaneity requires us to be adapted to the new realities, needs and critical issues of today: territorial economic difficulties, health, education. In a holistic view of the universe, where everything is one and interconnected, it is not possible to separate the human being from all that surrounds him: from his fellow human beings themselves, and more generally from the social context in which he is inserted; therefore, social evolution inevitably leads to an amplification of the so-called metabeneeds, that is, needs involving the highest cognitive spheres.The human being expresses desires and feelings that are the result of a unity between conscious and unconscious reason, whose modes of fulfillment, are affected by the cultural context, in which the subject operates.In a reality undergoing constant change, the commitment of organizations to satisfy the needs felt by a society in constant evolution, places the emphasis on the need to leave behind mass marketing, in order to consolidate the direct relationship with the user, generation Z, overcoming even archaic concepts, such as those of information asymmetry. Sport is an essential element of social evolution.

  • von Georges Hathry
    69,00 €

    Volete investire in un futuro sostenibile e responsabile? Se sì, il libro "Finanza verde: guida passo passo all'implementazione di una finanza responsabile per l'ambiente" è quello che fa per voi. La finanza verde è in piena espansione ed è essenziale capire come implementare un approccio responsabile per l'ambiente nel mondo della finanza. In "Green Finance" scoprirete come individuare le opportunità di investimento sostenibili, come attuare una strategia di investimento responsabile e come valutare la performance dei vostri investimenti in base a criteri ambientali, sociali e di governance.Ma questo libro non si limita a darvi consigli pratici, bensì fornisce anche casi di studio stimolanti di aziende che sono riuscite a combinare redditività e rispetto per l'ambiente. Vedrete come queste aziende hanno fatto della finanza eco-responsabile parte del loro DNA e sono diventate leader di mercato.

  • von Kainat Abbas
    22,00 - 24,00 €

  • von Andreza M. Lima
    42,00 €

    La compréhension du chavisme et de son modèle politique repose sur une base historico-conceptuelle et sur la compréhension des changements intervenus au cours du XXe siècle. C'est dans ce cadre que nous avons étudié la politique pétrolière adoptée par le gouvernement d'Hugo Chávez (1999-2013) à des fins d'intégration régionale avec le Mercosur par le biais de la proposition appelée Petrosur. Pour comprendre cette question, nous avons choisi d'analyser les aspects géographiques, politiques, économiques et juridiques qui pourraient être considérés comme des obstacles à la mise en ¿uvre de la proposition, ainsi que la nature idéologique des discours de Chávez associés aux différentes fissures internes dans les secteurs stratégiques de l'économie vénézuélienne. Ce travail présente donc les résultats d'une étude cohérente de la réalité vénézuélienne actuelle, qui est en fait le reflet d'un passé rempli de questions non résolues.

  • von Kanika Gupta
    37,00 €

    In modern dentistry, digital technologies have a considerable impact on the diagnosis, planning, and execution of orthodontic treatment, leading to substantial advancements in the field of orthodontics. Customization in orthodontics is a computerized system that designs orthodontic appliances for individual patients. A customized appliance system uses digital models of the patients arches to simulate the optimal position of each dental element and the ideal final occlusion. Once the desired virtual result is achieved, the personalized archwires, brackets are made. Customized systems allow orthodontists to initiate treatment with the final goal in mind, and streamline mechanics towards a preestablished result. These techniques start by creating a setup of the desired outcome that serves as a diagnostic aid and is used for appliance fabrication. Through the use of intraoral scanning, cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), three-dimensional (3D) photography, and computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technologies, a novel customised system enables the assessment of changes in 3D and customization of treatment planning brackets, and wires.

  • von Stephane Le Piniec
    67,00 €

    L'argent ne fait pas le bonheur mais il y contribue fortement ! Par l'entremise d'un amis expert en cyber-piratage, le père Simon DE MONTROY s'introduit via divers comptes pour la plupart situé au Vatican et en Suisse, il détourne part plusieurs ponts web la bagatelle d'une somme avoisinant les soixante quinze milliards d'euros. Malgré toutes les précautions prises, la MAFIA intercepte de complice du père DE MONTROY et le tuent sans récupéré pour autant les sommes détournés. Financement du terrorisme Les activités terroristes prennent diverses formes, depuis des actes isolés jusqüà des activités planifiées de groupes organisés. Les formes de financement varient donc en conséquence. Le financement va du financement d¿actes terroristes en tant que tels jusqüà un soutien à un réseau criminel. Les organisations terroristes ont besoin de fonds conséquents, tant pour mener à bien des attentats terroristes qüà d¿autres fins, par exemple assurer le fonctionnement de l¿organisation, financer ses besoins techniques de base ou encore couvrir les dépenses liées à la diffusion des idéologies qui les animent.

  • von Mirtala Heymann
    65,00 €

    Un libro álbum es una obra que combina elementos visuales y textuales de manera integral para contar una historia. Los paratextos, que incluyen elementos como la portada, contraportada, prólogo, epílogo, entre otros, rodean y complementan la narrativa principal. Estos elementos pueden ser utilizados como herramientas didácticas en estudiantes de Educación General Básica (EGB) para ofrecer diversos beneficios:Estímulo visual y cognitivo: Los libros álbum, al integrar imágenes y texto, estimulan tanto la imaginación como el pensamiento crítico de los estudiantes.Desarrollo del lenguaje: Facilitan el desarrollo del lenguaje al combinar palabras e imágenes, promoviendo la comprensión del vocabulario y la construcción de significado.Fomento de la creatividad: Los elementos visuales y textuales permiten a los estudiantes expresar su creatividad e interpretar la historia de diversas maneras.Promoción de habilidades de lectura: Los paratextos, como la portada y el prólogo, sirven como puntos de entrada que pueden despertar el interés del estudiante, motivándolos a leer la obra principal.

  • von Carlos António Alonso
    46,00 €

    Questa ricerca è stata inizialmente motivata dal dibattito teorico sul ready-made, sulla pop art e sull'arte concettuale, nato dalla critica della chiusura intellettuale ed estetica presente nei canoni richiesti dai programmi scolastici in Brasile. Le implicazioni di questi concetti sono discusse parallelamente allo sviluppo di una visione critica delle classificazioni europee e nordamericane come matrici adatte a comprendere la creazione di artisti come Arthur Bispo do Rosário, Brasile (1909-1989) e Georges Adéagbo, Benin (1942). In modo complementare, il percorso del ricercatore-artista partecipa al processo di comprensione e analisi. L'attenzione si è concentrata sul materiale e sulla materia degli oggetti quotidiani utilizzati nel lavoro di Arthur Bispo do Rosário e sugli itinerari delle opere di Georges Adéagbo, artista autodidatta che espone le sue idee e le sue narrazioni sotto forma di oggetti "scultorei", occupando spazi pubblici.

  • von Mohamed Laïd Athmani
    22,00 €

    ¿ À travers ses poèmes de dénonciation et d¿appel à la résolution du problème palestinien, Mohamed Laïd ATHMANI ponctue tous les moments forts de toute une année d¿ « Intifadha » : de décembre 1987 à décembre 1988, encouragé par la parution de ses premiers poèmes défendant la noble cause palestinienne dans « Révolution Africaine » dont il tient à remercier vivement les journalistes. Son recueil de poèmes se termine par une nouvelle d¿anticipation :« LES LANCEURS DE PIERRES ».« Quand, pour la première fois, dans l¿Histoire, des enfants d¿Honneur combattent l¿oppresseur de leur Patrie avec des pierres devant les yeux ahuris du monde entier, comment, en tant qüHumain, ne pas partager leur cause et leur offrir, et mon âme, et mon c¿ur ? » dit, Mohamed Laïd ATHMANI, qui dit aussi, pris dans son vertige : « LA PALESTINE C¿EST MOI ! »

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