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Führung & Strategie

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  • von Dieu Linh Hoang
    19,95 €

    Projektarbeit aus dem Jahr 2021 im Fachbereich BWL - Unternehmensgründung, Start-ups, Businesspläne, Note: 2,6, AKAD University, ehem. AKAD Fachhochschule Stuttgart, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Ziel des Projektberichts ist es, Finanzierungspläne für EdTech-Startup zu erläutern und festzustellen, inwieweit sich diese in der Finanzierung zu anderen Startups unterscheiden beziehungsweise hervorheben. Um genauer in die Thematik eingehen zu können, werden zuallererst Begrifflichkeiten genauer definiert, um eine Basis des Verständnisses zu schaffen. Anschließend werden die Finanzierungsphasen in dem Startup und die verschiedenen Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten näher betrachtet, um sich ein Überblick zu schaffen, wie ein Finanzierungsplan für ein Startup in der Regel entsteht. Zum Schluss werden die Erkenntnisse mit dem Finanzierungsplan eines EdTech-Startups verglichen und in der kritischen Reflexion erörtert.

  • von Elisabeth Barheine
    48,95 €

    Master's Thesis from the year 2020 in the subject Business economics - Company formation, Business Plans, grade: 1,3, Technical University of Munich (Entrepreneurship), language: English, abstract: In this paper, I propose a triangular relationship between entrepreneurial motivation, decision making and success of new venture teams. Based on longitudinal qualitative case studies of six founder teams of technology ventures, I argue that maximizing wealth and maintaining control are the main motivational drivers for strategic decisions of individuals. However, not the individual motivations per se, but the interplay of individual motivations of all team members have an impact on a venture¿s strategic decisions. The study discloses that consistent team alignment regarding motivations over time is related to venture success. The implications of this study are discussed in terms of practical imprints. They suggest that further investigation into new venture team motivation and relation to success and decision making is warranted.How do founders¿ motivations in new venture teams affect strategic decision making and shape decision making between team members over time? How do the outcomes of these team member interactions affect venture success?To answer these questions, I have employed a qualitative research approach employing grounded theory based on case studies from six ventures. Each team member was interviewed twice with an interval of six months in time difference. The data was then analyzed by applying an inductive coding approach. Based on this, I have discovered four main findings:First, the main strategic motivations of why founders keep running their ventures are either maximizing wealth or maintaining control. These two motivations have a trade-off relationship. Second, a founder who shows a clear preference towards one of the main strategic motivations has highly aligned personal motifs of why she or he wanted to start founding the venture initially. Third, there are several factors within a team that enable highly aligned strategic motivations between all team members. Fourth, teams who strive for one clear strategic motivation are more successful in achieving their goals than teams with entrepreneurs of mixed motivations.

  • von Peter Wollmann
    79,99 €

    Dieses Buch knüpft an die erfolgreiche Entwicklung des Drei-Säulen-Modells (3-P-Modell) der Autoren für die Organisation und Führung in disruptiven Zeiten an. Der Schwerpunkt liegt darauf, dem Leser bei der Umsetzung des Modells zu helfen und eine Vielzahl von Anwendungsfällen für diese VUCA-Zeiten (Volatilität, Ungewissheit, Komplexität und Mehrdeutigkeit), einschließlich globaler Krisen wie der COVID-19-Pandemie, zu liefern. Das Buch deckt ein breites Spektrum von Organisationen ab: privater und öffentlicher Sektor, Nichtregierungsorganisationen, lokale und globale Regierungsinstitutionen, globale Organisationen wie die UNO usw. Darüber hinaus wird aufgezeigt, wie das 3-P-Modell auf Herausforderungen bei der Organisationsgestaltung, dem Management und der Führung angewendet werden kann.

  • von Khalil Dindarian
    69,99 €

    Unsere Welt wird immer komplexer. Zu den geopolitischen und makroökonomischen Problemen, mit denen sich die Menschheit derzeit konfrontiert sieht und die sich gravierend auf unsere Zukunft auswirken, gehören Digitalisierung und Technologie, Klimawandel und Globalisierung. Politische Umwälzungen, Kriege, Naturkatastrophen, wirtschaftliche Rezessionen und Pandemien haben unsere Gesellschaft massiv negativ beeinflusst. In dieser neuen Welt müssen Entscheidungsträger in Regierungen, Organisationen und Unternehmen - darunter Führungskräfte, Politiker, Leiter von internationalen Einrichtungen und Nichtregierungsorganisationen (NGO¿s), Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, Innovatoren in Wissenschaft und Technik sowie Mediziner - lernen, diese aufkommenden Risiken zu antizipieren und mit ihnen umzugehen. Dabei ist die Integration dieser Risiken zusammen mit dem Management von unvorhergesehenen Ereignissen ("Black Swan", deutsch schwarzer Schwan) besonders wichtig ist. Diese große Herausforderung müssen wir jetzt bewältigen.Dieses Buch richtet sich sowohl an Wissenschaftler als auch an Praktiker und zeigt, wie moderne Organisationen mit einem Methodenwerkzeugkasten für Resilienz nicht nur überleben, sondern sich auch weiterentwickeln können. Der Autor befasst sich mit einigen Organisationen und Einrichtungen, die als sehr resilient anerkannt sind, und untersucht, wie sich das "Resilienzdenken" auf verschiedene Disziplinen und Umgebungen auswirkt. Er geht der Frage nach, wie Resilienz funktioniert und wie sie in der Praxis angewendet wird. Die Beziehung zwischen Resilienz und anderen Wissensgebieten wie Komplexitätstheorie, Strategie und Risikomanagement - sowohl aus der Top-down- als auch aus der Bottom-up-Perspektive - wird untersucht. Es werden Situationen aufgezeigt, in denen ein besonderer Bedarf an Resilienz besteht, und es wird ein Überblick über die besten Möglichkeiten zur Umsetzung eines Resilienzprozesses gegeben.

  • von Jannik Schepers
    79,99 €

    Die Digitalisierung und der technische Fortschritt gewähren dem Arbeitgeber zahlreiche Möglichkeiten, um den Prozess der Personalauswahl zu automatisieren und zu optimieren. Begrifflichkeiten wie ¿E-Recruiting¿, ¿Robot Recruiting¿, ¿People Analytics¿, ¿Pre-Employment-Screening¿ und ¿Künstliche Intelligenz¿ haben in den Prozess der Personalauswahl Eingang gefunden. Die damit verbundenen rechtlichen Problemstellungen werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit am Beispiel algorithmenbasierter Verfahren der Eignungsdiagnostik erörtert. Welche Informationen darf der Arbeitgeber über den einzelnen Bewerber erfahren und welche Methoden darf er diesbezüglich anwenden? Welche Transparenz- und Rücksichtnahmepflichten hat der Arbeitgeber zu wahren, wenn technische Systeme, Algorithmen und automatisierte Test- und Analyseverfahren eingesetzt werden? Welche (Diskriminierungs-)Risiken drohen, wenn die Entscheidungsstrukturen des Algorithmus durch künstliche Intelligenz erlernt bzw. generiert werden? Diese konkreten Fragestellungen münden letztendlich in der übergeordneten Fragestellung, ob es im digitalisierten Bewerbungsverfahren eines besonderen Schutzes des Bewerbers bedarf, welcher im Gesetz einen Niederschlag finden muss.

  • von Peter Mueller
    25,00 - 31,00 €

    55,00 €

    Authors:Lauren Zappone Maples, Mathew Garland, Erin Magrath, and Lauren Renée Salinas-GarciaThis book is for teachers, by teachers. Are you new to teaching outdoors? Are you groovin' along the path, but looking for ideas and inspiration? Maybe you want to fine-tune your advanced practice? Looking to enrich a homeschool program with backyard and garden exploration? Well, this is the guidebook for all of you! All authors and major contributors to this guidebook are staff at PEAS (Partners for Education, Agriculture, and Sustainability) in Austin, Texas. PEAS' mission is to cultivate joyful connections with the natural world through outdoor learning and edible education. PEAS is a passionate community committed to carving out time and space for students to connect with the Earth we all share. PEAS began as a community farm in 2011 and began its school day, year-round programming in the fall of 2016. We have learned so much along the way and we are ready to share it. As former classroom teachers who now focus all of our time leading students outdoors, we have created this guidebook that is easily accessible to educators with tight schedules and offers a mix of pedagogy and practice. While these lessons have been designed with second and third graders in mind, you will find they are easy to adapt for younger and older students or homeschool settings. You will be surprised by the connections and academic risks your youngest students will take, and delighted by the joy and enthusiasm your "too cool for school'' fifth graders will exhibit.Part I walks you through the why and how to prepare both mentally and physically for taking lessons outside for learning.Part II focuses on the social and emotional aspects of learning outside and how being outside can nourish the whole child.Part III provides lessons across disciplines that are easy to implement and build on for future lessons. These lessons are designed to take place on school grounds or in community green spaces.Part IV is for those who want more. This section leads the reader to an abundance of resources where they can learn more about outdoor education, find a plethora of curricula and lessons, and learn about other organizations that are supportive of this work.We hope you find this guide to be Easy PEASy and user friendly!

  • von Jessica Andermahr
    49,90 €

    20 Jahre Forschung und praktische Arbeit in und an Organisationen: Jessica Andermahr und Boris Jermer geben in diesem Buch einen umfassenden Blick auf das spannende und dynamische Tätigkeitsfeld der Organisationsentwicklung und der Prozessbegleitung. Schritt für Schritt erfahren Sie, wie Sie Raum für Entwicklung aufbauen - zeitgemäß, umfassend und praktisch. Das Buch lädt Sie ein, eine Veränderungsbegleitung professionell zu leiten, und öffnet Türen zu unterschiedlichen bewährten und wirksamen Interventionen. Einblicke in neurobiologische Grundlagen, Formate, Steuerung bis hin zur Darstellung von Großgruppenmethoden machen die Lektüre leicht und inspirierend. Zahlreiche Übungen und Tipps sorgen für eine gute Stärkung im Alltag und bringen die eigene Kompetenzentwicklung voran. Dieses Buch richtet sich an Menschen, die Organisationen im Innen oder als Externe in Veränderungen begleiten, die ihre (neue) Rolle als Organisationsentwickler/Facilitator strukturiert erlernen oder ihr Repertoire erweitern möchten. Es dient auch als Begleitbuch zur SPRACHKULTUR-Weiterbildung zur systemischen OrganisationsberaterIn. Für Fortgeschrittene ist es eine Einladung, an den inneren Bildern, am Methodenrepertoire und an der eigenen Haltung weiter zu feilen.

  • von &#1072, &#1084, &#1077, usw.
    31,00 €

    Аннотация Современные гидротурбины имеют очень высокий коэффициент полезного действия. Однако установка таких турбин требует значительных земляных и бетонных работ сооружения плотин здания гидростанции. Давно назрела необходимость найти способ использования силы течения небольших стремительных рек без устройства плотин и сложных сооружений. Для этой цели используются бесплотинные безнапорные ГЭС. Такие ГЭС могут быть расположены на понтоне, находящемся в русле водотока. На понтоне возможно установить агрегаты как в параллельном порядке так и а последовательном, что позволит повысить количество производимой энергии. Другим вариантом может быть береговое размещение агрегата. При этом способе необходимо произвести строительные работы возле берега водотока, с вбиванием свай в дно для крепления агрегата. В этом варианте грузоподъёмные механизмы для монтажа/демонтажа могут располагаться на берегу, что увеличивает оперативность техобслуживания агрегатаВ настоящей книге рассматривается технология высокоэффективных свободнопоточных гидравлических турбин. Эта технология в перспективе может стать альтернативой традиционной гидроэнергетике.

  • - An Examination of the Antecedents and Outcomes
    von Alexandra Gerbasi
    163,00 €

    Workplace relationships are critical to how work gets done in organizations. While current research gives rigorous theoretical and empirical insights regarding workplace relationships, and what are often known as social networks, there are only limited details of the practical applications of workplace relations. This edited collection provides readers with cutting edge theoretical and practical insights from the latest research at the intersection of social networks and workplace relationships.This volume has a dual focus. First, it examines the outcomes of workplace relationships, such as individual performance and how social network relationships affect attitudes and behaviours. Second, it examines how workplace relationships are formed and their implications with regard to friendship, trust and collegiality.Drawing on innovative research on social networks, the authors examine the importance of workplace relationships across a broad selection of institutional settings. Featuring practical applied examples, this collection brings together insights from leading scholars in a practical and accessible format for academics and students.

  • von Rico Schwarzkopf
    85,00 €

    Sales processes in the business customer segment are increasingly taking place on a multi-person level. In order to ensure that technical experts and decision-makers can be adequately deployed in the selling center, sales associates usually carry out leadership tasks. The leadership of the selling center participants plays a crucial role when it comes to acting in a coordinated and professional manner towards the customer. However, this presupposes that a sales associate is accepted in the leadership role by all participants involved. This book examines the factors that generate acceptance of leadership within selling centers in order to enable and positively influence the cooperation of the selling center team.

  • - Development of New Testament-Based Culture and Climate Scales
    von Debra J Dean
    154,00 €

    This volume introduces scales for measuring organizational spirituality culture and climate. Based on interviews with employees, the chapters present empirical studies confirming the scales' validity and reliability, rooted in principles aligned with Biblical concepts of love. The authors conduct concurrent and discriminant validity studies, comparing these scales with measures of servant leadership, person-supervisor fit, altruistic love, inner life, vision, person-organization fit, affective commitment, continuance commitment, normative commitment, and work-state anxiety in contemporary organizations. This book offers researchers with two reliable instruments to assess New Testament-based organizational spirituality culture and climate, contributing new insights to the field of organizational spirituality literature and aiding in diagnosing organizational spirituality-related issues.

  • - Orchestrating the Enterprise Ecosystem
    von Albert Plugge
    136,00 €

    The concept of Global Business Services (GBS) is well recognised and researched by both scholars and practitioners. However, the complexity of applying GBS has been the subject of various critiques due to its effect on firms' business processes, service portfolio and provisioning of in-house as well as outsourced services. Although GBS results have been much criticised, this book argues that the rise of digitalisation reopens the question of implementing GBS successfully. The findings of this novel research, which is based on a multi-method approach, provide insights in relevant GBS factors and how these factors affect a GBS implementation strategy. Further analysis show how digitalisation, including platforms and AI, enable GBS organisations to decrease implementation issues. Research outcomes illustrate that firms which apply an enterprise ecosystem approach are better able to exchange GBS information. The willingness and ability of firms to intensify the collaboration at managerial and subject matter level will help to overcome GBS implementation challenges. This book puts forward the case that the rise of digitalisation enables GBS organisations to provide benefits and ensure that the GBS business model still matters. It will be of great interest to scholars and students of digital business and innovation.

  • - A Student's Guide to the Technology of Business
    von John Young
    141,00 €

  • - 17th International Conference on Business Excellence, Icbe 2023, Bucharest, Romania, March 23-25, 2023
    von Mihail Busu
    158,00 €

    This book presents a selection of the best papers from the 17th International Conference on Business Excellence, "Rethinking Business: Sustainable Leadership in a VUCA World" (ICBE 2023), held in Bucharest, Romania, in March 2023.In today's rapidly evolving landscape, characterized by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA), the need to reshape business practices has become paramount. The book showcases research findings and perspectives on the new challenges particularly posed by the digital economy and research systems. Focusing on revolving business and developing sustainable leadership, it offers valuable insights into the present context of global crisis, together with solutions for the real-world challenges we face today.

  • - Biblical and Contemporary Perspectives
    von Stefanie Ertel
    155,00 €

    This book offers a biblically-based and research-centered exploration of the unique and important role of women in leadership across multiple domains. Divided into two sections, the chapters begin by examining biblical examples of women in leadership, such as Esther and the woman of Proverbs 31, and passages focused on women, such as 1 Timothy 2 and Romans 16, before presenting contemporary perspectives with discussions on topics such as submission, DEI, and work-life balance. Taking a neutral position not siding with feminist or patriarchal extremes, this book will contribute to debates on leadership and gender in the fields of organizational behaviour, HRM, I/O psychology, and gender studies.

  • von Kellen Borges
    39,90 €

    Der Inhalt dieses Buches ist das Ergebnis eines Forschungsprojekts, das die Art und Weise der Aneignung der Kunst des Handlesens im heutigen Brasilien zu verstehen versucht. Dazu war es notwendig, die Erzählungen und Persönlichkeiten darzustellen, die den Werdegang des Handlesens ausmachen, das Profil derjenigen zu analysieren, die über Kenntnisse in der Kunst des Handlesens verfügen, und schließlich zu verstehen, wie die Formen der Aneignung dieses Themas ablaufen. In der ersten Phase der Untersuchung haben wir anhand einer bibliografischen Übersicht einige Punkte zum Universum der Kunst des Handlesens untersucht, wobei wir feststellten, dass es sich um ein wenig bekanntes Thema handelt, das auch im akademischen Bereich behandelt wurde. Zweitens: Um zu verstehen, wie das Wissen über die Kunst der lesenden Hände im heutigen Brasilien entsteht, präsentiere ich die Forschung in ihrer qualitativen Natur für die Entwicklung und Fertigstellung dieser Arbeit. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass es möglich ist, durch Familientradition, durch Kurse und sogar durch Vorstellungen, die das religiöse Phänomen durchdringen, Wissen über diese Kunst zu erlangen und zu lernen.

  • von Edmond Goumkwa
    54,00 €

    Motivar os empregados é vital para o sucesso de uma empresa, especialmente na atual crise económica global. Ao compreender o que motiva os seus colaboradores, os gestores podem mobilizar todo o potencial de cada indivíduo e direcionar a sua energia de forma mais eficaz. Os resultados deste estudo confirmam que os métodos de gestão, o clima organizacional, as estruturas sociais, as realidades económicas e a cultura são elementos essenciais que contribuem para o significado do trabalho e que são também fontes de motivação no trabalho. A motivação não pode ser conseguida em todo o lado e sempre com as mesmas receitas. Renovar as fontes de motivação exige uma análise prévia das mudanças que afectam atualmente o mundo do trabalho e das suas consequências. O objetivo deste estudo é ajudar as pessoas que gerem os recursos humanos (nas empresas) a compreender como criar condições favoráveis à motivação dos trabalhadores, como orientar, suscitar e apoiar a sua motivação e como construir estratégias motivacionais adequadas.

  • von Jedmon Gumkwa
    54,00 €

    Motiwaciq sotrudnikow zhiznenno wazhna dlq uspeha kompanii, osobenno w uslowiqh nyneshnego global'nogo äkonomicheskogo krizisa. Ponimaq, chto motiwiruet sotrudnikow, menedzhery mogut mobilizowat' wes' potencial kazhdogo cheloweka i naprawit' ego änergiü bolee äffektiwno. Rezul'taty dannogo issledowaniq podtwerzhdaüt, chto metody uprawleniq, organizacionnyj klimat, social'nye struktury, äkonomicheskie realii i kul'tura qwlqütsq wazhnymi älementami, kotorye wnosqt wklad w smysl raboty, a takzhe qwlqütsq istochnikami motiwacii na rabote. Motiwaciq ne mozhet byt' dostignuta wezde i wsegda po odnim i tem zhe receptam. Obnowlenie istochnikow motiwacii trebuet predwaritel'nogo analiza izmenenij, proishodqschih w nastoqschee wremq w mire truda, i ih posledstwij. Cel' dannogo issledowaniq - pomoch' lüdqm, uprawlqüschim chelowecheskimi resursami (w kompaniqh), ponqt', kak sozdat' uslowiq, sposobstwuüschie motiwacii sotrudnikow, kak naprawlqt', probuzhdat' i podderzhiwat' ih motiwaciü, a takzhe kak wystraiwat' sootwetstwuüschie motiwacionnye strategii.

  • von Kellen Borges
    34,00 €

    Soderzhanie ätoj knigi qwlqetsq rezul'tatom issledowatel'skogo proekta, cel' kotorogo - ponqt', kakim obrazom iskusstwo chteniq po ruke priswaiwaetsq w sowremennoj Brazilii. Dlq ätogo neobhodimo bylo predstawit' narratiwy i personalii, sostawlqüschie traektoriü chteniq ruk, proanalizirowat' profil' teh, kto obladaet znaniqmi w oblasti iskusstwa chteniq ruk, i, nakonec, ponqt', kak proishodqt formy priswoeniq ätoj temy. Na perwom ätape issledowaniq, s pomosch'ü bibliograficheskogo obzora, my rassmotreli nekotorye momenty, swqzannye so wselennoj iskusstwa chteniq po ruke, priznawaq, chto äto maloizwestnaq tema, kotoraq takzhe rassmatriwalas' w akademicheskoj sfere. Vo-wtoryh, chtoby ponqt', kakim obrazom znaniq ob iskusstwe chitaüschih ruk woznikaüt w sowremennoj Brazilii, q predstawlqü issledowanie w ego kachestwennom haraktere dlq razrabotki i zawersheniq ätoj raboty. Rezul'taty pokazywaüt, chto znaniq i obuchenie ätomu iskusstwu mozhno poluchit' cherez semejnuü tradiciü, cherez kursy i dazhe cherez koncepcii, pronizywaüschie religioznyj fenomen.

  • von Edmond Goumkwa
    54,00 €

    Motivating employees is vital to a company's success, particularly in the current global economic crisis. By understanding what motivates their people, managers can mobilise the full potential of each individual and direct their energy more effectively. The results of this study confirm that management methods, organisational climate, social structures, economic realities and culture are essential elements that contribute to the meaning of work, and that they are also sources of motivation at work. Motivation cannot be achieved everywhere and always with the same recipes. Renewing the sources of motivation requires a prior analysis of the changes currently affecting the world of work and their consequences. The aim of this study is to help people who manage human resources (in companies) to understand how to create conditions conducive to employee motivation, how to guide, arouse and support their motivation, and how to build appropriate motivational strategies.

  • von Hose Fransisko Bernardes
    34,00 €

    Predprinimatel'skij innowacionnyj menedzhment w uniwersitetskih organizaciqh imeet ochen' sil'nuü tendenciü k postoqnnomu sowershenstwowaniü processow, produktow, uslug i uprawleniq. Ono takzhe ochen' wazhno dlq prepodawaniq, issledowanij i rasprostraneniq znanij, a predprinimatel'skie i innowacionnye iniciatiwy naprawleny na udowletworenie potrebnostej soobschestwa i obschestwa w celom. Cel'ü dannogo issledowaniq bylo wyqwit' s pomosch'ü integriruüschego sistematicheskogo obzora wklad predprinimatel'skogo innowacionnogo menedzhmenta w uprawlenie uniwersitetami. Dlq ätogo issledowaniq byl proweden bibliograficheskij obzor, w kotorom bylo predstawleno bol'shoe kolichestwo statej o predprinimatel'stwe w menedzhmente. Takzhe byl proweden bibliograficheskij obzor s cel'ü usileniq issledowaniq. V celom, na osnowanii izuchennyh statej, byla otmechena wazhnost' uniwersitetskogo menedzhmenta, sfokusirowannogo na processah, produktah i uprawlenii w predprinimatel'skom i innowacionnom klüche, prichem äti aspekty qwlqütsq konkurentnymi preimuschestwami dlq organizacionnogo rosta i razwitiq.

  • von Kellen Borges
    34,00 €

    The content of this book comes from a research project that seeks to understand the ways in which the art of reading hands is appropriated in contemporary Brazil. To do this, it was necessary to present the narratives and personalities that make up the trajectory of hand reading, analyze the profile of those who have knowledge in the Art of Hand Reading and, finally, understand how the forms of appropriation of this theme occur. At the first stage of the research, through a bibliographical survey, we looked at some of the points made about the universe of the Art of Reading Hands, recognizing that it is a little-known subject and also one that has been addressed in the academic sphere. In the second moment, in order to understand how knowledge about the Art of Reading Hands occurs in contemporary Brazil, I present the research in its qualitative nature for the development and finalization of this work. The results show that it is possible to obtain knowledge and learning for this Art through family tradition, through courses, and even through conceptions that permeate the religious phenomenon.

  • von Stanislas T. Médard D. C. Agossadou
    41,00 €

    This paper focuses on tax incidence, looking for "real" loser or winner of debt interest deduction in computing CIT. The first sample is a case study of two identical firms, one indebted and the other unindebted, with the same profitable investment project over a period of time. The second sample contains 20 indebted firms in France over a 5-year period. The non-free cost and revenue assumption is used. The stylized case study of two hypothetical firms and the empirical analysis of 20 firms in France lead to the same result. In fact, Debt interest deduction in computing CIT, has as ¿true¿ losing the firm with zero financial leverage and as ¿true¿ winning the firm with non-zero financial leverage. This paper is one of the first to expand the literature by looking for the "real" loser or winner of debt interest deduction in computing CIT.

  • von Kellen Borges
    34,00 €

    Il contenuto di questo libro nasce da un progetto di ricerca che cerca di comprendere le modalità di appropriazione dell'arte della lettura delle mani nel Brasile contemporaneo. Per fare ciò, è stato necessario presentare le narrazioni e le personalità che compongono la traiettoria della lettura delle mani, analizzare il profilo di coloro che hanno conoscenze nell'Arte della Lettura delle Mani e, infine, capire come avvengono le forme di appropriazione di questo tema. Nella prima fase della ricerca, attraverso una ricognizione bibliografica, abbiamo esaminato alcuni spunti sull'universo dell'Arte di Leggere le Mani, riconoscendo che si tratta di un tema poco conosciuto e affrontato anche in ambito accademico. In secondo luogo, per capire come avviene la conoscenza dell'Arte delle Mani Leggere nel Brasile contemporaneo, presento la ricerca nella sua natura qualitativa per lo sviluppo e la finalizzazione di questo lavoro. I risultati mostrano che è possibile ottenere la conoscenza e l'apprendimento di quest'Arte attraverso la tradizione familiare, i corsi e persino attraverso le concezioni che permeano il fenomeno religioso.

  • von Mashhura Mardonova
    22,00 €

    Ushbu töplamimizda O¿zbekistonlik ijodkorlarimizning yaqinlariga mehr, ota-onaga hurmat, sog¿inch, vatanga muhabbat kabi jöshqin tuyg¿ulariga limmo-lim bölgan ijodiy ishlari örin olgan. Yuksak orzular sari intilayotgan ijodkorlarimizning töplamini "Yuksak orzular tomon" deb nomladik. Ushbu töplamimiz sizga yoqishiga ishongan holda e¿tiboringizga havola qilamiz...

  • von Edmond Goumkwa
    54,00 €

    Motivare i dipendenti è fondamentale per il successo di un'azienda, soprattutto nell'attuale crisi economica globale. Comprendendo cosa motiva i propri collaboratori, i manager possono mobilitare il pieno potenziale di ogni individuo e indirizzare le sue energie in modo più efficace. I risultati di questo studio confermano che i metodi di gestione, il clima organizzativo, le strutture sociali, le realtà economiche e la cultura sono elementi essenziali che contribuiscono al significato del lavoro e che sono anche fonti di motivazione sul lavoro. La motivazione non può essere ottenuta ovunque e sempre con le stesse ricette. Rinnovare le fonti di motivazione richiede un'analisi preventiva dei cambiamenti che attualmente interessano il mondo del lavoro e delle loro conseguenze. L'obiettivo di questo studio è aiutare le persone che gestiscono le risorse umane (nelle aziende) a capire come creare condizioni favorevoli alla motivazione dei dipendenti, come guidare, suscitare e sostenere la loro motivazione e come costruire strategie motivazionali adeguate.

  • von José Francisco Bernardes
    34,00 €

    La gestion de l'innovation entrepreneuriale dans les organisations universitaires a une forte tendance à l'amélioration continue des processus, des produits, des services et de la gestion. Elle est également très importante pour l'enseignement, la recherche et la vulgarisation, les initiatives entrepreneuriales et innovantes répondant aux besoins de la communauté et de la société dans son ensemble. L'objectif de cette recherche était d'identifier, par le biais d'une revue systématique intégrative, la contribution de la gestion de l'innovation entrepreneuriale à la gestion des universités. Pour ce faire, une étude de la littérature a été menée en se concentrant sur une revue systématique intégrative qui a présenté un grand nombre d'articles sur l'entrepreneuriat dans le domaine de la gestion. Pour renforcer la recherche, une analyse documentaire a également été réalisée. En général, sur la base des articles analysés, l'importance de la gestion universitaire axée sur les processus, les produits et la gestion d'une manière entrepreneuriale et innovante a été notée, des aspects qui constituent le différentiel concurrentiel pour la croissance et le développement organisationnels.

  • von Kellen Borges
    34,00 €

    Le contenu de ce livre est issu d'un projet de recherche visant à comprendre les modalités d'appropriation de l'art de la lecture des mains dans le Brésil contemporain. Pour ce faire, il a fallu présenter les récits et les personnalités qui composent la trajectoire de la lecture des mains, analyser le profil de ceux qui ont des connaissances dans l'art de la lecture des mains et, enfin, comprendre comment se produisent les formes d'appropriation de ce thème. Dans une première étape de la recherche, à travers une enquête bibliographique, nous avons examiné certains des points relatifs à l'univers de l'Art de la lecture des mains, reconnaissant qu'il s'agit d'un sujet peu connu et qui a également été abordé dans la sphère académique. Deuxièmement, afin de comprendre comment la connaissance de l'art de lire les mains se produit dans le Brésil contemporain, je présente la recherche dans sa nature qualitative pour le développement et la finalisation de ce travail. Les résultats montrent qu'il est possible d'obtenir la connaissance et l'apprentissage de cet art par le biais de la tradition familiale, de cours et même de conceptions qui imprègnent le phénomène religieux.

  • von Pardeep Singh
    113,00 €

    This book aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current challenges in one of the most biodiverse regions in the world. Environmental sustainability and climate change implications in the mountain ecosystems in general and mountainous regions of the Global South in particular are key concerns of the present-day world. In particular, the mountainous regions in the Global South are excessively being subjected to haphazard developmental activities making them vulnerable to all possible aspects of climate change. Ecologically fragile and biodiversity-rich (considered ¿hotspot¿ of biodiversity) Himalayan Region (HR) is subjected to high vulnerability due to climate change and unsustainable developmental activities. A major portion of the Indian HR, for instance, has gradually been endangered by intense environmental burden owing to rapid and haphazard urbanization, extreme weather events, etc. Unfortunately, environmental sustainability studies in many parts of the region are stillinadequate. Accordingly, in this book, the authors provide a detailed account of the Himalayas in the epoch of Anthropocene¿¿the most recent period in Earth¿s history when human activity started to have a significant impact on the planet¿s climate and ecosystems" (as defined by the National Geographic Society). It is no secret that the haphazard developmental activities in the Himalayas are having tremendous impacts on the local ecosystems. Many of such impacts are irreversible over the next hundreds of years and it should ring an alarm to all of us alike. Therefore, it becomes increasingly imperative that we document the existing anthropogenic challenges in the Himalayas, analyse them and find a way where environment and development can go hand in hand. This book is an attempt in that direction. The authors aim to address issues ranging from unorganized tourism practices to the big dams in the Himalayas and from mining and quarrying activities to climate change implications and sustainable development goals (SDGs).

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