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Bücher veröffentlicht von Abingdon Press

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  • von Leander E. Keck
    31,00 €

    Sure to be a classic commentary on the book of Romans by a major scholar and beloved teacher. "In the case of Romans...both the particular traits and the overall content are so unusual that scholars continue to debate why Paul wrote precisely this letter and what he hoped to achieve by it in Rome." --Leander Keck from the commentary

  • von Lisa Nichols Hickman
    19,00 €

  • von Paul Scott Wilson
    36,00 €

    A preacher's classic methodological guide, updated with significant new material.

  • - How to Organize Congregations to Succeed in Their Mission
    von John Edmund Kaiser
    22,00 €

  • von Jr. White & James F.
    25,00 €

  • - Reading the Bible as Scripture
    von Joel B. Green
    30,00 €

  • von Jouette M. Bassler
    26,00 €

  • von D.Moody Smith
    38,00 €

  • von Mike Slaughter
    17,00 €

    An inspirational churchwide experience exploring how to find peace and joy at Christmas and throughout the year.

  • von Paul W. Chilcote
    22,00 €

    A guide for new and longtime United Methodists. This book thorougly and methodically walks the reader through the distinctives of the Wesleyan way--the theology, practices, habits, and attitudes that characterize Methodist people. It is a book of both instruction and celebration, offering the equivalent of a course on Wesleyan living and a beautiful reminder of the ways that life is most gracious and lovely. Features:--Clear framework with small segments; easy for readers to follow--Practical Methodist theology for today, for real people--The content can easily be adapted for different formats, such as articles, single chapters, and key points for Ministry Matters ExchangeBenefits:--Helps readers correct misconceptions about Wesleyan theology-their own and those in their congregations--Helps readers clarify and reclaim Wesleyan theology-or to learn it for the first time--Gives readers the vocabulary and a helpful new framework for sharing Wesleyan theology with others

  • von Bush Chet
    22,00 €

    The last place on earth young Charles Johnson wanted to go was Mississippi during the heat of the civil rights movement.As the key African American witness to take the stand in the trial famously dubbed the "Mississippi Burning" case by the FBI, Dr. Charles Johnson, a young preacher fresh out of Bible College, became a voice for justice and equality in the segregated south.Unwittingly thrust into the heart of a national tragedy - the murder of three civil rights activists - Dr. Johnson overcame fear and adversity to become a leader in the civil rights movement. He played a vital role for the Federal Justice Department, offering clarity to the event that led to the Voting Rights Act of 1965. And, in a shocking turn of events, Johnson offered a path of reconciliation for one of the convicted killers. A story of love, conviction, adversity, and redemption, Called to the Fire is a riveting account of a life in pursuit of the call of God and the fight for justice and equality.

  • von Mary Gladstone-Highland
    21,00 €

    'Calm' is a guidebook written for United Methodist churches and church leaders to help them proactively make decisions and deal with conflict. Working through the book's four modules, leaders and churches find the path forward becomes clear, whether a church is faced with a micro-level decision (should we introduce a new worship service?), or a macro one (where does our congregation fall in the denominational split?). -This book presents the skills and tools necessary to engage in critical conversations that lead to healthy communities--churches that remain God-focused in times of conflict and tension. It comprises a Foreword, the four Modules, a Conclusion, and additional resources for planning, assessing, and managing conflict. It includes stories and examples of conflict and conflict resolution in practice. -The modules contain detailed instructions and helpful tips for leading groups through a process which incorporates group activities, discussion, individual and group reflection, and times of corporate worship. The book is a complete guide for leading this 'Forward' process, including instructions for the pastor or other leader, helping to ensure success. -The authors also provide clear adaptations for groups gathering virtually - an inescapable reality in the life of today's church. These adaptations both underscore and equip groups for the special care to be taken while engaging in the sensitive nature of conflict work in a virtual space. -This book is for local church leaders who feel stuck implementing a denominational schism in the local context. It is for the leader whounderstands what is happening in the larger church but who needs a guide book for how to shepherd their local church towards congregational health. This book is not intended to see any one outcome but instead provides a set oftools for the local church to decide their unique path forward. Chapter Outline: Foreword, How to Use This Book, Module One: Acknowledging the Struggle, Module Two: Understanding the Paths Forward, Module Three: Making Informed and Collective Decisions, Module Four: Reflecting on the Journey, Conclusion, Additional Resources

  • von Jessica Mitchell Smith
    31,00 €

    We have been there and are there still. Since the beginning of the Methodist movement, "Methodists" have spoken to the issues of the day as an expression of the Wesleyan commitment to social holiness. The General Board of Church and Society upholds the Wesleyan commitment to social holiness through witnessing to just social policies and practices. This 100-year commemorative book will utilize archival materials from the agency's historic publications to tell the story.

  • von Mark K Olson
    40,00 €

    A comprehensive account of Wesley's doctrine of justification. To properly understand Wesley's via salutis and theology, one needs to grasp the particulars of his doctrine of justification. The best way to do this is to tell the story of how he came to understand the doctrine over the course of his life. It is a complex story, with many twists and turns, that deserves to be fully told.

  • von Karen Lampe
    26,00 €

    Aprenda a desarrollar, implementar y sostener un ministerio de cuidado congregacional en su iglesia, sin importar el tamaño, su forma o a la denominación a la cual pertenezca. Los pastores y líderes de la iglesia realmente quieren cuidar a las personas en sus congregaciones y comunidades. No obstante, ellos no pueden cuidar a una iglesia por sí solos. Además, la mayoría del liderato laico no tiene la capacitación requerida para ejercer este ministerio de cuidado. El Ministerio del Cuidado Congregacional es un modelo del cuidado de persona a persona, el cual su efectividad ha sido comprobada en iglesias pequeñas y grandes en los EE. UU. Es un ministerio centrado en el servicio del laicado. Estos líderes reciben una capacitación rigurosa, y luego son comisionados para servir como ministros del cuidado congregacional (MCC), para brindar el cuidado en sus congregaciones y comunidades extendidas. Este notable enfoque del cuidado congregacional fue primeramente desarrollado, por la autora, Karen Lampe, junto con su equipo, en la Iglesia Metodista Unida de la Resurrección, en Kansas City. El mismo ha sido probado, refinado y fortalecido, y ahora se está adaptando a todo tipo de contextos congregacionales. Una de las primeras adaptadoras de este modelo fue la coautora, Melissa Gepford, quien desarrolló un Ministerio del Cuidado Congregacional en su iglesia rural. Juntas han creado esta guía, inmensamente práctica, para cualquier pastor/pastora o líder que busque desarrollar un Ministerio del Cuidado Congregacional. Este libro presenta el modelo de ministerio, y explica los cinco pasos esenciales que establecen el fundamento para el ministerio. Es extremadamente práctico, lleno de listas de verificación y otras herramientas para ayudar a los pastores y a otros líderes a comprender (y explicar) esta forma de brindar el cuidado congregacional. El libro también incluye una sección enfocada en el componente vital de este ministerio: el ministro/la ministra del cuidado congregacional, o el/la MCC. Esta sección describe completamente las características de los MCC, tales como: reclutar personas para este ministerio; cómo discernir quiénes son los candidatos idóneos para el ministerio, y cómo llevar a cabo la capacitación de los MCC durante un período de varias semanas. Detalla, además, información importante que los MCC deben saber y los comportamientos y hábitos que deben practicar para ser efectivos en el desempeño del ministerio.

  • von David William Scott
    31,00 €

    Living into a less colonial way of being together. Methodism and American Empire investigates historical trajectories and theological developments that connect American imperialism since World War II to the Methodist tradition as a global movement. The volume asks: to what extent is United Methodists' vision of the globe marred by American imperialism? Through historical analyses and theological reflections, this volume chronicles the formation of an understanding of The United Methodist Church since the mid-20th century that is both global and at the same time dominated by American interests and concerns. Methodism and American Empire provides a historical and theological perspective to understand the current context of The United Methodist Church while also raising ecclesiological questions about the impact of imperialism on how Methodists have understood the nature and mission of the church over the last century. Gathering voices and perspectives from around the world, this volume suggests that the project of global Methodism and the tensions one witnesses therein ought to be understood in the context of American imperialism and that such an understanding is critical to the task of continuing to be a global denomination. The volume tells a tale of complex negotiations happening between United Methodists across different national, cultural, and ecclesial contexts and sets up the historical backdrop for the imminent schism of The United Methodist Church.

  • von Adam Hamilton
    21,00 €

  • von Randy L Maddox
    69,00 €

    The correspondence presented in this fifth volume of Wesley's letters includes a large number of his pastoral letters to various female and male lay persons in his societies. It also traces the fluctuations of Wesley's stance on the British colonists in North America (and their Whig supporters in England) from the growing flames through the closing battles of their revolution. The volume includes over 180 items not found in previous editions of Wesley's letters. All Works of John Wesley volumes are designed to keep the pages clean and in place for years to come., with casebound non-cloth hardcover, dust jacket, and secure adhesive binding.

  • von Matt Miofsky
    23,00 €

    Daily prayer the Wesleyan way. Prayer is a spiritual practice, and daily prayer uses the repetition of forms and words to cultivate a deep, meaningful ritual, drawing the individual into an ever-closer relationship with God. This book is organized by liturgical season, but is undated, so the individual is free to begin using it at any point during the year. The book is concise and easy to use and includes the words of scripture and other necessary text. It is a simple, frictionless tool for spiritual health. The Methodist Book of Daily Prayer provides complete texts for Morning Prayers and Evening Prayers, with a new set of texts for each week of the year. Each week is anchored in its liturgical season: Advent, Christmastide, Epiphany, Lent, Holy Week, Eastertide, Pentecost, Sow & Rest (Ordinary Time), and Harvest & Create (Ordinary Time). Each set of prayers centers on a scripture passage, with an emphasis on the Psalms. The prayers draw from familiar historic, classic, and ancient Christian texts, and from Methodism's rich hymnody. They also feature fresh, original words from new writers. This book facilitates deep daily connection with God--a method for spiritual sustenance.

  • von Steve Harper
    25,00 €

    A spiritual practice for serious-minded (but busy) people.Everyone needs renewal, even the most committed among us. The spiritual life requires regular practice and a bit of time. Coming Alive: Daily Meditations for Spiritual Renewal offers five brief meditations each week for focused reading, reflection, and prayer. Each entry centers on a passage of scripture or spiritual writing. The meditations are deep, insightful, and beautifully simple, as readers have come to expect from Steve Harper's writing. This timeless book offers a gently challenging daily habit, which leads to renewal of spirit and mind. Coming Alive features- Brief readings, about 10 minutes per day- Undated readings, so readers can determine their own pattern of practice- Spiritual depth and wisdom from ancient and contemporary sources- Foreword by Brian McLarenFrom the Foreword:"e;Steve Harper's new book beautifully focuses in on the real core of the spiritual life: Not dogma, not rules and regulations, not duties or guilt, not pressure or obligation ... but life, life to the full, what I like to call aliveness."e;--Brian McLaren

  • von Michael Adam Beck
    22,00 €

    Fresh Expressions is a canary in the coal mine, alerting congregations to reevaluate what the Church is, where and when it can happen, and who can lead it. Church as we know it is inaccessible to most people. A fundamental premise of the movement is that Church can become accessible again by emerging in every nook and cranny where life already happens. Fresh Expressions is based in simplification, returning to basic scriptural principles, and a recovery of a "e;priesthood of all believers"e;-in the three places where people live and relate to others.First Place: The home or primary place of residence. Second Place: The workplace or school place. Third Place: The public places separate from the two usual social environments of home and workplace, which host regular, voluntary, informal, and neutral spaces of communion and play. Examples are environments such as cafes, pubs, theaters, parks, and so on.During a pandemic, our two primary mission spaces were closed off; the second and third places were shut down. We couldn't have Tattoo Parlor Church; the tattoo parlor was closed. We couldn't gather in Moe's Southwest Grill for Burritos and Bibles; they were doing take-out only. The dog park was empty; no Paws of Praise. This limited us to the only spaces we have left: the first place, or the home place. The digital place, or the "e;space of flows."e; This forces us into recognizing the digital space as its own kind of third place, a new missional frontier.

  • - Daily Devotions for a Year
    von E. Stanley Jones
    20,00 €

    Jesus Christ lifted our fear by giving us the capacity to face things that happen to us and to make something out of them. In Mastery, E. Stanley Jones shows us how to attain the moral and spiritual mastery that came to the disciples on the Day of Pentecost. He demonstrates that mastery of living comes not by being tense and anxious, but by being receptive to the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit. In daily inspirational readings, affirmations, and prayers for one full year, Jones offers us guidance in mastering our lives.guidance in mastering our lives.

  • - An Advent Study Based on the Revised Common Lectionary
    von Robin Wilson
    12,98 €

    Make this year's Advent even more special than usual. Prepare your heart and life for the celebration of God's presence in this season of waiting with God Is With Us, a study of the lectionary Bible readings for Advent and Christmas. By following the lectionary, your study of the Bible and your prayers will be in tune with your pastor's sermon. You'll have a better understanding of the flow of the Scripture readings chosen for the season. Be ready to claim and celebrate the new hope we have in Jesus Christ!God Is With Us is based on the Revised Common Lectionary scriptures for church Year A, the first of a three-year cycle of Bible readings. The study includes commentary and reflection on readings from the Old Testament, the Epistles, and the Gospels. It offers the opportunity to explore these Bible readings in a five-session study.

  • - John Wesley's Evangelistic Vision
    von Jack Jackson
    40,00 €

    After decades of conversation serving up a mosaic of understandings ofWesleyan evangelism (focusing on proclamation, initiation, andembodiment), Jack Jackson offers a clearer portrait of Wesley'sevangelistic vision, understood through the lens of ';offering grace.'Anydiscussion of Wesley's vision of evangelism must center on theproclamation of the story of God in Christ. But for John Wesleyevangelism was much more than preaching for conversion. This book offersa fresh conception of Wesley's evangelistic vision by analyzing hismethod of gospel proclamation. Wesley was not constrained by thetruncated vision of evangelism that has been dominant since the latenineteenth century, one that all too often centers on group preachingwith a sole emphasis on conversion. Rather, he stressed a number ofpractices that focus on a verbal proclamation of the gospel. These practices occur in a variety of settings, only one of which ispublic preaching, and result in a number of responses, only one of whichis conversion. Of crucial importance for current theological students,clergy, and church leaders around the world, the book demonstrates thatvisitation, for the purpose of spiritual direction and evangelism, wasin many ways the critical leadership and pastoral practice of earlyBritish Methodism. This book offers important insights into earlyMethodism that inform both contemporary practices of evangelism andChristian leadership for both clergy and laity.

  • - A Book About Grief That's Really About Hope
    von Ronald J. Greer
    14,00 €

    "e;Grief permeates most of the waking moments of those who are mourning. This book is a Christian message about the hope and fulfillment that can be known at the far side of that journey."e;-Ronald J. GreerRon Greer and his wife lost their two-year-old son Eric in a tragic automobile accident many years ago. In this brief, moving book, the author draws on his experiences as a father and as a pastoral counselor to offer hope, help, and healing to people who are grieving. "e;Ron Greer has helped my wife and me grapple with many tough issues over the years. But all of them pale by comparison to his own personal tragedy. The loss of a child is the most devastating, life-changing event a parent would shudder to even envision. But as I have learned through the years, Ron has an uncanny ability to dig deep into our dark, unexplored emotional mines-turn on some lights-and then find those precious veins of hope. There are no good answers to why bad things happen to good people. But there are good people who are able to use bad things as a lever to learn something profound about themselves and-in rare cases-to help others find the same emotional tools. Ron Greer has that tremendous gift. Thank God he is willing to share it with us."e;-Miles O'Brien,CNN anchor "e;For many years Ron Greer has skillfully counseled folks whose turn it was to 'walk through the valley of the shadow of death.' Then it was Ron's turn. By faith, transforming a terrible tragedy into a time of deepening faith, Ron shows the rest of us the way, when it's our time to walk through the desert of grief. All of us are either preparing for grief, or dealing with past grief, and we need all the help we can get. Ron can show you how to do grief with faith, hope-and love too."e;-William H. Willimon,author and United Methodist bishop "e;Ron Greer touches our hearts and gives us some great insights into healing and hope with this book. Ron writes from the depths of his own grief and his journey to healing as he and his wife dealt with the death of their two-year-old son. I have known Ron for thirty-five years, and he is made of the 'real stuff.' He enables the reader to deal with 'real stuff' with his book. The reader will be amazed at the hope the book produces on each page."e;-Don Harp,senior minister, Peachtree Road United Methodist Church "e;Markings on the Windowsill is sacred ground. When a person of Ron Greer's depth and compassion bares his soul, and that of his amazing wife, Karen, one treads with reverence and rapt attention. Be careful with this book... When you pick it up, go to a very quiet place, and plan to be there awhile. God will speak to you. Your life will be changed. I promise."e;-Bill Curry,ESPN sports analyst and speaker

  • - Formal and Popular Expressions of the Core Beliefs of Wesleyan Communities
    von Ted A. Campbell
    44,00 €

    Wesleyan Beliefs examines foundational beliefs as expressed in the works of John and Charles Wesley in formal doctrinal statements adopted by Wesleyan communities and in a variety of other literature including hymnals, catechisms, and works of systematic theology approved for study by preachers. It further considers the expression of these core beliefs through such popular means as personal testimonies and spiritual autobiographies and in the architectures of Methodist Wesleyan and Methodist worship spaces. For more information, please see the author's website:

  • - The Future of Christian Education
    von Charles R. Foster
    24,00 €

    A leading Christian educator offers a practical guide for revisioning a church's educational program. After identifying the weaknesses in current education programs, Charles Foster offers an alternative vision that is more cooperative, more attentive to the whole of the congregation's life, and that helps people critically correlate the Bible and Christian tradition to their own experience.

  • von James H. Ritchie
    9,98 - 12,98 €

  • von Rueben Job
    11,98 - 13,00 €

    This six-week study introduces youth to John Wesley s General Rules, challenging them to find ways to apply the rules to their daily lives. Study includes Scripture and excerpts from Wesley s writings and Rueben P. Job s original book Three Simple Rules and provides commentary and questions for reflection and discussion. The Youth student component challenges young people to apply the General Rules to situations that they might face.

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