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Bücher veröffentlicht von ACM

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  • - Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction
    von Tei'19
    263,00 €

  • - Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing
    von Podc'19
    191,00 €

  • - Proceedings of the 2019 International Symposium on Physical Design
    von Ispd'19
    61,00 €

  • - Proceedings of the11th ACM Conference on Web Science
    von Websci '19
    139,00 €

  • - Proceedings of the 38th ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGAI Symposium on Principles of Database Systems
    von Pods '19
    171,00 €

  • - Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education
    von Iticse '19
    188,00 €

  • - Proceedings of the 2019 International Symposium on Data and Application Security and Privacy
    von Codaspy'19
    129,00 €

  • - Proceedings of the 22nd International ACM Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems
    von Mswim'19
    119,00 €

  • - Proceedings of the 20th International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications
    von Hotmobile'19
    73,00 €

  • - Proceedings of the Twelfth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining
    von Wsdm'19
    294,00 €

  • - Proceedings of the 2019 Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI
    von Glsvlsi '19
    193,00 €

  • - Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Global Computing Education
    von Comped'19
    92,00 €

  • - Proceedings of the 2019 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society
    von Aies'19
    197,00 €

  • - Proceedings of the 2019 ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays
    von Fpga'19
    124,00 €

  • - Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval
    von Chiir
    159,00 €

  • - Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Human Information Interaction & Retrieval
    von Chiir
    146,00 €

    It is our great pleasure to welcome you to New Brunswick, New Jersey and the third ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR 2018). CHIIR, as you may know, has roots in two previously successful communities: The Information Interaction in Context (IIiX) conference and the Human Computer Information Retrieval (HCIR) symposium, which ran from 2006 and 2007 respectively. These meetings were focused on issues that involved Human Information Behavior (HIB), Interactive Information Retrieval (IIR) and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Those roots, as well as decades of research and development on information seeking and other forms of information interaction, human-centered design, and information retrieval are the backbone of CHIIR. At the same time, this vibrant new community has picked up more scholars and themes as it continues to attract new students and professionals, as well as emerging research topics that are evident in this year's program. In fact, CHIIR is one of the few forums that explicitly supports presentation of bold new ideas through its Perspective Papers category. In addition, we have picked up Demos as a new category for presentations this year. All of these wonderful things could not be possible without a large number of people making significant contributions. We are quite fortunate to have Katriina Byströouml;ouml;m, Falk Scholer, and Jeff Huang as our Program Chairs this year. These three brave souls took upon a tremendous effort of working with dozens of submissions, reviewers, and meta-reviewers and constructing a high-quality program while coordinating from three different continents. Soo Young Rieh and Preben Hansen, on the other hand dealt with higher than expected load for short papers and still managed to get them reviewed and assessed on time. Even our Doctoral Consortium (DC) this year ended up being quite challenging as we received twice as many submissions as before, but our fine DC chairs Jaceck Gwizdka and Vivek Singh found world-class mentors for these doctoral students. Thanks to our Workshops and Tutorials Chair Xiaojun Yuan, we have a fantastic lineup of tutorials on the first day and workshops on the last day. When the whole program was ready for the conference, it was our Proceedings Chair Roberto Gonzalez-Ibanez who managed to put together these proceedings that you are holding in your hands, or more likely viewing in the ACM Digital Library! We are thankful for having an energetic and resourceful local arrangement committee with Michael Cole as the Treasurer, Fernando Diaz as the Sponsorship Chair, Kaitlin Costello as the Local Organizing Chair, and Sunyoung Kim and Matt Mitsui as the Student Volunteers Chairs. And it was our Publicity Chair Anita Crescenzi, who helped us with not only the outreach efforts, but also with the registration system. Finally, none of these would have happened without the authors and reviewers from more than 30 countries whose contributions are reflected in every aspect of this conference. So, thank you all!

  • - Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining
    von Wsdm
    276,00 €

    We are delighted to welcome you to the Eleventh ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM 2018) held in Los Angeles, California, USA, on February 5-9, 2018. Now in its eleventh year, WSDM has become a top tier conference in Web-inspired research relating to search and data mining. As in previous years, we continued observing a growth in number of submissions. The conference this year, with 514 valid submissions, maintained the major boost that was observed last year in Cambridge UK (with 505 submissions as compared to 386 in year 2016 in San Francisco). Interestingly, we saw an increase in 10% in abstract submissions with a record breaking 757 abstracts (as compared to 687 in 2017) but only 68% of those ended up as valid submissions. This is partly due to a relatively high number of invalid submissions that did not adhere to our new double-blind review policy. The 514 valid submissions originated from 41 countries, out of which 84 (as compared to 80 in 2017) were accepted for full paper publication in the proceedings, thus reaching an acceptance rate of 16.12% (as compared to 15.94% last year) and within the range of the last 11 years (with a min of 15.5% and a max of 22.3%.) Unfortunately, three papers were withdrawn/rejected after acceptance due to their violations of WSDM guidelines. The final 81 papers that will be published in the proceedings are from 23 countries, spanning four continents, making this a truly international forum. Oral presentation slots were allocated to all papers. Yet, in order to maintain the single track model that most attendees prefer, we followed the spotlight short presentation plus poster approach that was introduced in 2012. Out of the 81 accepted papers, 58 were assigned such a two-minute spotlight slot, while 23 were assigned a long twenty-minute talk slot. The type of slot was chosen by the Senior PC members and Program co-chairs, mostly based on whether the topic and the content of the paper were best suited for a large group presentation or for a more focused and interactive poster style of presentation. The double-blind flavor we adopted this year allowed the authors to indicate the source of their data set, or deployment environment (so as not to refer to major commercial search engines as has often been done in the past). However, we observed that several authors failed to indicate their conflict of interest (COI) adequately and we will make sure to enforce COI guidelines (through both awareness campaigns and hopefully automated tools) more rigorously now that the double-blind review policy has been adopted.

  • - Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences for TV and Online Video
    von Tvx
    95,00 €

    It is our great pleasure to welcome you to Seoul, Korea, for the fifth edition of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences for Television and Online Video - ACM TVX 2018. We are certain that this is a great place to meet diverse research and industry communities from around the world, including those that have not previously been heavily involved in the TVX conference series. As such, we are incredibly excited to be able to present a stimulating program for ACM TVX 2018 in an equally magnificent part of the world; incidentally representing a first for this conference series - a host city in Asia! As the leading international conference for the presentation and discussion of research and developments into interactive experiences for online video and TV, the conference brings together international researchers and practitioners from a wide range of disciplines, ranging from human-computer interaction, multimedia engineering and design to media studies, psychology and sociology, to present and discuss the latest insights in the field. The ultimate mission of the conference is to share novel ideas, concepts, and solutions that fulfill the needs of new media environments and identify new directions for future research and development. This year's conference continues its tradition of being the premier forum in this field, following the success of the four previous editions of TVX (held in Hilversum, Chicago, Brussels and Newcastle upon Tyne), and building on the legacy of the EuroiTV conference series organized all across Europe, between 2003 and 2013. We continue to present research on topics in scope such as immersive experiences, user experiences & interaction design, content production, systems & infrastructure, devise & interaction techniques, media studies, business models & marketing, and innovative concepts & media art. In addition, we introduced two hot topics to the call for papers associated with ACM TVX 2018: AI/Big Data and Social Computing. The call for papers attracted 36 long and short paper submissions from Asia, Europe, North & South America across both academia and industry. Being the first edition in Asia, it received new submissions from China, Japan, and Korea which were less visible in the conference series until now. All submissions went through a rigorous double-blind peer review process. Each paper was assigned a primary Associate Chair (AC) and a secondary AC. The primary AC recruited at least two reviewers for each of their assigned paper, whilst the secondary AC recruited at least one reviewer for their assigned paper. Once the reviewers submitted their evaluation of the suitability of the paper, the primary AC wrote a meta-review summarizing the main points of each review. Authors of the submissions were then notified of the completed review and given the chance to respond to the reviewers' comments during a rebuttal phase. During the TPC meeting on March 16, 2018 in Lisbon, Portugal, each paper was discussed in-depth with the ACs, and the final decision on the accepted papers was made, resulting in a high-quality program of 12 accepted full and short papers, accounting for an acceptance rate of 33%. Full papers, Short papers, the abstracts of the 2 Workshops co-located with TVX (in addition to an industry workshop close to the public), and the 17 Work In Progress papers are part of the main proceedings and will be included in the ACM Digital Library. In addition to these submissions, there were several other tracks that attracted a considerable number of contributions, resulting in 8 TVX in Industry presentations, 8 Demonstrations, 3 Doctoral Consortium papers, and 2 Grand Challenge presentations, all made available in the adjunct proceedings, along with the papers from the Wo

  • von Sacmat
    95,00 €

  • - Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining Vol 3
    von Kdd
    326,00 €

    On behalf of the organizing committee, it is our great pleasure to welcome you to the historic city of London for the 24th ACM Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining - KDD 2018. These are very exciting times for our community. The terms Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Mining and Big Data have, in the last few years, grown out of research labs and gained presence in the media and in everyday conversations. We hear these terms on social media and from decision makers at various level, both in governments and corporations. The impact of these technologies is felt in almost every walk of life with novel applications in self driving cars, AI assistants and in the discovery of new cures. Importantly, the current rapid progress in data science is facilitated by the timely sharing of newly discovered approaches across research and industry. It is the hallmark of KDD conferences in the past that they have been the bridge between theory and practice, a great facilitator and catalyst for this exchange. Researchers and practitioners meet and interact in person over several days. Our program, with its keynotes and interactive tutorials, is designed to bring these two groups together. It is also a very exciting time for London, which has recently been named as the the AI capital of Europe. We could have chosen no better place to host this year's conference. London is home to more than 750 AI companies, operating in more than 30 industrial sectors, with almost half of these enterprises having a non-UK founder, and about a third with founders from a minority background. It is also home to many world-leading academic institutions and research centers. This confirms London's international and open nature as a leading hub for innovation and technology. The conference this year continues with its tradition of a strong engaging and hands-on program including a full day of tutorials on Sunday and plenty of cutting edge workshops on Monday. The final three days are devoted to peer reviewed contributed technical papers, describing both novel, important research contributions, and applied, innovative solutions. Four stellar keynote talks, by British Academy Fellow David Hand, Nobel Laureate Alvin E. Roth, Columbia Univ. Data Science Director Jeannette M. Wing and Oxford University Professor Yee Whye Teh, will touch on some of the important, emerging issues in the field of data mining. With a growing industry around AI, our KDD Panel brings together experts to spawn discussions and exchange ideas about how AI can be used for social good. We have an outstanding lineup of industry speakers sharing their experiences and expertise in deploying industrial data mining solutions. Thanks to a strong hands-on tutorial program, participants will learn how to use practical data science tools. KDD 2018 puts a strong emphasis on AI development with mainstream applications featured by KDD Cup of Fresh Air with 4173 teams around the globe participating in a challenge to predict air quality in cities like London and Beijing; a unique Deep Learning day, with world class research leaders addressing the frontiers in deep learning research and applications; and a Global AI Initiatives Session where major government initiatives in AI will be presented by representatives from various countries including UK, USA, China etc. We hope that the content and the professional networking opportunities at KDD 2018 will help you to succeed professionally, identify new technology trends, learn from contributed papers, presentations, and posters, discover new tools, processes and practices, identify new job opportunities and hire new team members.

  • - Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining Vol 2
    von Kdd
    341,00 €

    On behalf of the organizing committee, it is our great pleasure to welcome you to the historic city of London for the 24th ACM Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining - KDD 2018. These are very exciting times for our community. The terms Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Mining and Big Data have, in the last few years, grown out of research labs and gained presence in the media and in everyday conversations. We hear these terms on social media and from decision makers at various level, both in governments and corporations. The impact of these technologies is felt in almost every walk of life with novel applications in self driving cars, AI assistants and in the discovery of new cures. Importantly, the current rapid progress in data science is facilitated by the timely sharing of newly discovered approaches across research and industry. It is the hallmark of KDD conferences in the past that they have been the bridge between theory and practice, a great facilitator and catalyst for this exchange. Researchers and practitioners meet and interact in person over several days. Our program, with its keynotes and interactive tutorials, is designed to bring these two groups together. It is also a very exciting time for London, which has recently been named as the the AI capital of Europe. We could have chosen no better place to host this year's conference. London is home to more than 750 AI companies, operating in more than 30 industrial sectors, with almost half of these enterprises having a non-UK founder, and about a third with founders from a minority background. It is also home to many world-leading academic institutions and research centers. This confirms London's international and open nature as a leading hub for innovation and technology. The conference this year continues with its tradition of a strong engaging and hands-on program including a full day of tutorials on Sunday and plenty of cutting edge workshops on Monday. The final three days are devoted to peer reviewed contributed technical papers, describing both novel, important research contributions, and applied, innovative solutions. Four stellar keynote talks, by British Academy Fellow David Hand, Nobel Laureate Alvin E. Roth, Columbia Univ. Data Science Director Jeannette M. Wing and Oxford University Professor Yee Whye Teh, will touch on some of the important, emerging issues in the field of data mining. With a growing industry around AI, our KDD Panel brings together experts to spawn discussions and exchange ideas about how AI can be used for social good. We have an outstanding lineup of industry speakers sharing their experiences and expertise in deploying industrial data mining solutions. Thanks to a strong hands-on tutorial program, participants will learn how to use practical data science tools. KDD 2018 puts a strong emphasis on AI development with mainstream applications featured by KDD Cup of Fresh Air with 4173 teams around the globe participating in a challenge to predict air quality in cities like London and Beijing; a unique Deep Learning day, with world class research leaders addressing the frontiers in deep learning research and applications; and a Global AI Initiatives Session where major government initiatives in AI will be presented by representatives from various countries including UK, USA, China etc. We hope that the content and the professional networking opportunities at KDD 2018 will help you to succeed professionally, identify new technology trends, learn from contributed papers, presentations, and posters, discover new tools, processes and practices, identify new job opportunities and hire new team members.

  • - Proceedings of the 29th on Hypertext and Social Media
    von Ht
    95,00 €

    It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 2018 ACM International Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT 2018) in Baltimore, Maryland, on July 9--12. HT is a top-tier ACM conference in the areas of Hypertext and Social Media. Since 1987, it has successfully brought together leading researchers and developers from the community. It is concerned with all aspects of modern hypertext research, including social media, adaptation, personalization, recommendations, user modeling, linked data and semantic web, dynamic and computed hypertext, and its application in digital humanities, as well as the interplay between those aspects such as linking stories with data or linking people with resources. HT 2018 continues to create an outstanding technical program consisting of research and demo paper presentations. The single-track conference brings together researchers working in topics including Algorithms and Methods for Social Media Analysis, Digital Humanities and Computational Social Science, Adaptive Hypertext and Recommendations, Semantic Web and Connected Data, Digital Storytelling and News, and Collaboration and Crowdsourcing. In total, we have received 69 regular paper (10 pages) submissions reviewed by a group of 66 regular and 33 senior program committee members, who led the discussions. In the end, 19 regular papers (acceptance rate of 27%) were accepted with another 10 full papers accepted as short papers. Additionally, 3 of 16 short paper submissions were accepted. This year, for the first time, we also organized a Blue Sky Ideas track with the support of the Computing Community Consortium (CCC). This track received 5 submissions of which 3 were accepted and received partial travel support from CCC. To help provide a broad perspective on current trends at the intersection of data science and society, the conference will host the following four, diverse keynote speakers: Leslie Sage, the Director of Data Science at DevResults; Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, the author of the NYT bestseller Everybody Lies; Elizabeth Kittrie, a Strategic Advisor for Data and Open Science at the National Library of Medicine (NLM); and Ben Zhao, the Neubauer Professor of Computer Science at the University of Chicago. In addition to the scientific presentations and the keynotes, the pre-conference day on July 9 will also feature three focused workshops and a tutorial.

  • von Ec
    246,00 €

  • von Issac
    146,00 €

  • von Podc
    176,00 €

  • von Sigir
    221,00 - 310,00 €

  • - Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining Vol 1
    von Kdd
    339,00 €

    On behalf of the organizing committee, it is our great pleasure to welcome you to the historic city of London for the 24th ACM Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining - KDD 2018. These are very exciting times for our community. The terms Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Mining and Big Data have, in the last few years, grown out of research labs and gained presence in the media and in everyday conversations. We hear these terms on social media and from decision makers at various level, both in governments and corporations. The impact of these technologies is felt in almost every walk of life with novel applications in self driving cars, AI assistants and in the discovery of new cures. Importantly, the current rapid progress in data science is facilitated by the timely sharing of newly discovered approaches across research and industry. It is the hallmark of KDD conferences in the past that they have been the bridge between theory and practice, a great facilitator and catalyst for this exchange. Researchers and practitioners meet and interact in person over several days. Our program, with its keynotes and interactive tutorials, is designed to bring these two groups together. It is also a very exciting time for London, which has recently been named as the the AI capital of Europe. We could have chosen no better place to host this year's conference. London is home to more than 750 AI companies, operating in more than 30 industrial sectors, with almost half of these enterprises having a non-UK founder, and about a third with founders from a minority background. It is also home to many world-leading academic institutions and research centers. This confirms London's international and open nature as a leading hub for innovation and technology. The conference this year continues with its tradition of a strong engaging and hands-on program including a full day of tutorials on Sunday and plenty of cutting edge workshops on Monday. The final three days are devoted to peer reviewed contributed technical papers, describing both novel, important research contributions, and applied, innovative solutions. Four stellar keynote talks, by British Academy Fellow David Hand, Nobel Laureate Alvin E. Roth, Columbia Univ. Data Science Director Jeannette M. Wing and Oxford University Professor Yee Whye Teh, will touch on some of the important, emerging issues in the field of data mining. With a growing industry around AI, our KDD Panel brings together experts to spawn discussions and exchange ideas about how AI can be used for social good. We have an outstanding lineup of industry speakers sharing their experiences and expertise in deploying industrial data mining solutions. Thanks to a strong hands-on tutorial program, participants will learn how to use practical data science tools. KDD 2018 puts a strong emphasis on AI development with mainstream applications featured by KDD Cup of Fresh Air with 4173 teams around the globe participating in a challenge to predict air quality in cities like London and Beijing; a unique Deep Learning day, with world class research leaders addressing the frontiers in deep learning research and applications; and a Global AI Initiatives Session where major government initiatives in AI will be presented by representatives from various countries including UK, USA, China etc. We hope that the content and the professional networking opportunities at KDD 2018 will help you to succeed professionally, identify new technology trends, learn from contributed papers, presentations, and posters, discover new tools, processes and practices, identify new job opportunities and hire new team members.

  • - Companion of the 2018 ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering
    von Icpe
    115,00 €

    It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 9th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE 2018), being held in Berlin, Germany from April 9 to 13, 2018. The goal of the ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE) is to integrate theory and practice in the field of performance engineering by providing a forum for sharing ideas and experiences between industry and academia. The call for contributions solicited submissions for several tracks, namely for research papers, industry/experience papers, work-in-progress/vision papers, artifacts (for accepted full papers), posters and demonstrations, tutorials, and workshops. In the research track, 14 out of 59 papers were accepted as full papers. Hence, the full paper acceptance rate is 24 %. Two full papers received an ACM artifact badge after the subsequent review process in the newly introduced artifact evaluation track. Seven submissions were accepted as short research papers. In the industry/experience track, four out of 16 papers were accepted as full papers. Six submissions were accepted as short papers. The awards chairs selected three papers from the research track and two papers from the industry/experience track as candidates for the best paper award. The winner for both tracks will be announced during the banquet, after the candidates have presented their work during the conference. In the work-in-progress/vision track, ten out of 23 papers were accepted. The technical program features the following three invited keynotes: Peter Braam: Performance Engineering for the SKA TelescopeMichael R. Lyu: AI Techniques in Software Engineering ParadigmAad van Moorsel: Benchmarks and Models for Blockchain In addition, the technical program includes three tutorials, the presentation of the SPEC Distinguished Dissertation Award, a poster and demonstration session, as well as six workshops on Performance Analysis of Big data Systems (PABS), Hot Topics in Cloud Computing Performance (HotCloudPerf), Challenges in Performance Methods for Software Development (WOSP-C), Load Testing and Benchmarking of Software Systems (LTB), Energy-aware Simulation and Modelling (ENERGY-SIM), and Quality-Aware DevOps (QUDOS). The program covers traditional ICPE topics such as performance modeling, prediction, optimization, monitoring, profiling, load testing, benchmarking, and runtime adaptation for fields such as cloud and high performance computing, big data, energy, and enterprise applications.

  • - Proceedings of the 2018 International Symposium on Physical Design
    von Ispd
    64,00 €

    On behalf of the organizing committee, we are delighted to welcome you to the 2018 ACM International Symposium on Physical Design (ISPD), held at Seaside, California. Continuing the great tradition established by its twenty-six predecessors, which includes a series of five ACM/SIGDA Physical Design Workshops held intermittently in 1987-1996 and twenty one editions of ISPD in the current form since 1997. The 2018 ISPD provides a premier forum to present leading-edge research results, exchange ideas, and promote research on critical areas related to the physical design of VLSI and other related systems. The regular papers in the ISPD 2018 program were selected after a rigorous, month-long, double-blind review process and a face-to-face meeting by the Technical Program Committee (TPC) members. The papers selected exhibit latest advancements in a variety of topics in physical design, including emerging challenges for current and future process technologies, FPGA architectures, placement, detailed routing, and application of machine-learning based techniques to physical design. The ISPD 2018 program is complemented by two keynote addresses, eleven invited talks and a tribute session, all of which are delivered by distinguished researchers from both industry and academia. On Monday morning, Dr. Anthony Hill, fellow of Texas Instruments, Inc., will talk about challenges and opportunities in automotive, industrial, and IoT Physical Design. In the second keynote on Tuesday, Andreas Olofsson, DARPA's Microsystems Technology Office Program Manager, will discuss the next generation of silicon compilers. A commemorative session on Tuesday afternoon will pay tribute to Professor Te Chiang Hu. His collaborators will share with us Dr. Hu's exceptional contributions to research in physical design and VLSI applications, including his influential work on trees, flows, and networks. There will be other invited talks interspersed with the presentations of the regular papers. The topics of the invited papers range from advanced FPGA applications, high-speed processor design, logic computation, machine learning in EDA, interconnect optimization, to electromigration-aware physical design. Since 2005, the ISPD has organized highly competitive contests to promote and advance research in placement, global routing, clock network synthesis, discrete gate sizing, and detailed routingdriven placement. The contest this year, organized by Cadence, focuses on detailed routing. Continuing the tradition of all the past contests, a new large-scale real-world benchmark suite for detailed routing has been specified using LEF/DEF and will be released in the ISPD website ( The contest evaluates the routing quality and the ability to connect all the nets of a design without design rule violations. It is expected to lead and motivate more research and contributions on the detailed routing of large integrated circuits.

  • - Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy
    von Codaspy
    138,00 €

    It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the eighth edition of the ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY 2018), which follows the successful seven editions held in February/March 2011-2017. This conference series has been founded to foster novel and exciting research in this arena and to help generate new directions for further research and development. The initial concept was established by the two co-founders, Elisa Bertino and Ravi Sandhu, and sharpened by subsequent discussions with a number of fellow cyber security researchers. Their enthusiastic encouragement persuaded the co-founders to move ahead with the always daunting task of creating a high-quality conference. Data and applications that manipulate data are crucial assets in today's information age. With the increasing drive towards availability of data and services anytime and anywhere, security and privacy risks have increased. Vast amounts of privacy-sensitive data are being collected today by organizations for a variety of reasons. Unauthorized disclosure, modification, usage or denial of access to these data and corresponding services may result in high human and financial costs. New applications such as social networking and social computing provide value by aggregating input from numerous individual users and the mobile devices they carry. The emerging area of Internet of Things also poses serious privacy and security challenges. To achieve efficiency and effectiveness in traditional domains such as healthcare, there is a drive to make these records electronic and highly available. The need for organizations to share information effectively is underscored by rapid innovations in the business world that require close collaboration across traditional boundaries. Security and privacy in these and other arenas can be meaningfully achieved only in context of the application domain. Data and applications security and privacy has rapidly expanded as a research field with many important challenges to be addressed. In response to the call for papers of CODASPY 2018, 110 papers were submitted from Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe and North America. The program committee selected 23 full-length research papers (20.9% acceptance rate). These papers cover a variety of topics, including security issues in web, cloud, IoT, and mobile devices, privacy, access control, authentication, malware, code analysis, and hardware and system security. The program committee also selected 12 short papers for presentation. The program includes a poster paper session presenting exciting work in progress. The program is complemented by three keynote speeches by Christian Collberg, Ninghui Li and Brad Wardman. This year's edition also features three workshops: the International Workshop on Security and Privacy Analytics, the ACM International Workshop on Security in Software Defined Networks & Network Function Virtualization, and the ACM Workshop on Attribute-Based Access Control.

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