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Bücher veröffentlicht von ACM

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  • - The 23rd Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking
    von Mobicom '17 Conference Committee
    179,00 €

  • - The annual symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play
    von Chi Play '17
    168,00 €

  • - Eleventh ACM Conference on Recommender Systems
    von Recsys '17 Conference Committee
    134,00 €

  • - 8th ACM International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics
    von Bcb '17 Conference Committee
    227,00 €

  • - International Computing Education Research Conference
    von Icer '17 Conference Committee
    93,00 €

  • - The 23rd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining - Vol 3
    von Kdd '17 Conference Committee
    249,00 €

  • - The 40th International ACM SIGIR conference on research and development in Information Retrieval
    von Sigir '17 Conference Committee
    217,00 €

  • - ACM SIGUCCS Annual Conference
    von Siguccs '17 Conference Committee
    66,00 €

  • - The 18th Annual Conference on Information Technology Education and the 6th Annual Conference on Research in Information Technology (RIIT)
    von Riit 2017 Conference Committee
    24,00 €

  • - The 18th Annual Conference on Information Technology Education and the 6th Annual Conference on Research in Information Technology (RIIT)
    von Sigite'17 Conference Committee
    61,00 €

  • - Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2017 - Vol 2
    von Dis '17 Conference Committee
    206,00 €

  • - Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2017 - Vol 1
    von Dis '17 Conference Committee
    203,00 €

  • - ACM Conference on Economics and Computation
    von Ec '17 Conference Committee
    209,00 €

  • - Workshop on Computing Within Limits
    von Limits '17 Conference Committee
    54,00 €

  • - Computers and People Research Conference
    von Sigmis-Cpr '17 Conference Committee
    66,00 €

  • - The 22nd ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT)
    von Sacmat'17 Conference Committee
    82,00 €

  • - ACM SIGMETRICS / International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems
    von Sigmetrics '17 Conference Committee
    40,00 €

  • - Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education
    von Iticse '17 Conference Committee
    119,00 €

  • - Interaction Design and Children
    von IDC '17 Conference Committee
    228,00 €

  • - ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing
    von Podc '17 Conference Committee
    138,00 €

  • - Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Web Science
    von Websci
    122,00 €

    It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 10th ACM Conference on Web Science, Amsterdam, 27-30 May 2018. This year's edition of the WebSci conference (WebSci'18) celebrates the ten year anniversary of the unique conference series where a multitude of disciplines converge in a creative and critical dialogue with the aim of understanding the Web and its impacts. The WebSci conference brings together researchers from multiple disciplines, like computer science, sociology, economics, information science, anthropology and psychology. Web Science is the emergent study of the people and technologies, applications, processes and practices that shape and are shaped by the World Wide Web. Web Science aims to draw together theories, methods and findings from across academic disciplines, and to collaborate with industry, business, government and civil society, to develop our knowledge and understanding of the Web: the largest socio-technical network in human history. This year we were very pleased to receive 113 submissions for the regular research track. Given the high quality of submissions, it has been a hard job to decide which of the contributions to select for the conference. We are grateful for the support of the Program Committee which consisted of 10 senior members and 35 regular members. All PC members worked hard, based on which we could select an interesting, varied, exciting program comprising 30 long and 15 short papers.

  • - Proceedings of the 2018 ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation
    von Sigsim-Pads
    73,00 €

    An enthusiastic welcome to the 2018 ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (PADS 2018), the 32nd for the PADS series, which this year is held in Rome. Building on its long successful history, this year the conference attracted high quality submissions on a range of topics on modelling and simulation. In total, forty six (46) submissions were submitted, thirty three (33) as regular papers and thirteen (13) as short papers. Following the rigorous double blind reviewing tradition of PADS, every paper received at least three (3) reviews. All papers and their reviews were then discussed extensively at a Programme Committee meeting that took place on the 2nd of March, 2018. Based on the deliberations of the Programme Committee, fifteen (15) papers were finally accepted as regular papers and eight (8) as short papers. Three (3) regular papers were conditionally accepted and were assigned to three shepherds respectively, who supervised their revision to a successful outcome. PADS has a long tradition of embracing the work of early career researchers as well as new ideas and cutting edge research which is in progress. A PhD Colloquium and a Poster session will showcase these exciting ideas. A significant recent development is the participation of PADS in the ACM Reproducibility Initiative. Evaluation of artifact and results replication was handled by a separate Reproducibility Committee. From the originally submitted papers, sixteen (16) regular and five (5) short papers opted for reproducibility evaluation, which is a very encouraging sign and suggests that our community is embracing this important initiative. From the finally accepted papers, five (5) regular and five (5) short have been further evaluated for reproducibility. Four (4) papers that ranked most highly by the reviewers were nominated for the Best Paper Award and were further considered by a panel to select the best paper for PADS 2018. The nominees, in no particular order, are:Fast-Forwarding Agent States to Accelerate Microscopic Traffic Simulations, by Philipp Andelfinger, Yadong Xu, Wentong Cai, David Eckhoff and Alois KnollComparing Dead Reckoning Algorithms for Distributed Car Simulations, by Youfu Chen and Elvis S. LiuPorting Event &Cross-State Synchronization to the Cloud, by Matteo Principe, Tommaso Tocci, Alessandro Pellegrini and Francesco QuagliaSimulation Study to Identify the Characteristics of Markov Chain Properties, by Atiqur Rahman and Peter Kemper

  • - The 40th International ACM SIGIR conference on research and development in Information Retrieval - Vol 2
    von Sigir '17 Conference Committee
    208,00 €

  • - 29th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures
    von Spaa '17 Conference Committee
    113,00 €

  • - ACM SIGIR International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval
    von Ictir '17 Conference Committee
    102,00 €

  • - 28th Conference on Hypertext and Social Media
    von Ht'17 Conference Committee
    98,00 €

  • - International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval
    von Icmr '17 Conference Committee
    150,00 €

  • - Proceedings of the Twenty-Third International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
    von Asplos
    247,00 €

    The ASPLOS'18 program is the result of a thorough evaluation process, which we started by forming the program committee (PC) with 50 members and the external review committee (ERC) with 73 members. Moreover, we split up the PC into two independent sub-PCs while keeping the ERC as a single unit. We carefully assigned the PC members to the two groups, ensuring that (1) each sub-PC would cover all ASPLOS topics and (2) the experts on each topic would be evenly split across the sub-PCs. In response to the call for papers, we received 319 submissions, just one shy of last year's record. (This number includes 18 submissions that were either withdrawn by their authors or desk-rejected for clear violations of the formatting rules.) After receiving reviewing bids from most committee members, we also split the submissions evenly across the two sub-PCs, so that each submission would receive reviews from only one sub-PC. We manually moved submissions across sub-PCs to maximize reviewer expertise, according to the PC members' bids. The review process proceeded in two rounds, followed by an extensive online discussion period. During the first round, all submissions received 3-4 reviews. Based on these reviews, we selected 158 submissions to go through the second round of reviews, which produced 2-4 additional reviews for these submissions. During the review process, we also requested reviews from 52 external experts on a case-by-case basis. Throughout the process, our main goal in assigning reviewers to submissions was to maximize reviewer expertise. Overall, the committees and external experts produced 1,227 reviews. After the online discussion period involving all reviewers, we selected 100 submissions for discussion (15 papers online-tagged tentative-accepts and 85 papers online-tagged discuss-at-meeting) during the PC meeting on November 10, 2017 at Georgia Tech. 47 of the 50 PC members were physically present at the meeting and 2 others participated remotely. The whole committee met together in the morning, and split up into the two independent sub- PCs in the afternoon. We did not set a limit for the number of accepted submissions. During the meeting, we accepted 47 submissions and conditionally accepted (subject to shepherding) 9 others. After carefully addressing the reviewers' comments, all shepherded submissions were ultimately accepted. The acceptance rate of the two sub-PCs was exactly the same: 28/151 and 28/150. To complete the program, we invited two outstanding keynote speakers: Hillery Hunter (IBM Research) and Fred Chong (University of Chicago). We are pleased that the 56 accepted submissions and 2 keynote talks represent an exciting spectrum of traditional and emerging ASPLOS topics.

  • - 23rd International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces
    von Iui
    210,00 €

    It's our great pleasure to welcome you to the 2018 ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2018), held in Tokyo from 7-11 of March. This is the twenty-third IUI conference, continuing its tradition of being the main international forum for reporting outstanding research at the intersection of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The work that appears at IUI bridges these two fields and delves also into related fields, such as psychology, cognitive science, computer graphics, the arts, and others. Members of the IUI community are interested in improving the symbiosis between humans and computers, and in making systems adapt to humans rather than the other way around. The program of IUI 2018 reflects the growth of the Intelligent User Interfaces research community. The calls for contributions attracted 297 full and short paper submissions from all over the world (a record number for the IUI conference series), 127 submissions of posters and demos, and 22 submissions to the student consortium. The conference committee accepted 68 papers (43 long papers and 25 short papers), covering a diverse range of topics, as reflected in the conference session titles. The conference program also includes 35 posters, 30 demos, and 11 student consortium papers. Building on the tradition of collaboration of IUI with ACM TiiS journal, 4 papers that were published by the journal in 2017 will be presented at the conference and selected papers presented at the conference will be invited to submit extended versions to the journal. In addition, IUI 2018 will feature 7 workshops on topics related to Intelligent User Interfaces. One of the main features of the conference are the 3 keynote talks. James A. Landay from Stanford University will open the conference with a keynote talk entitled From On Body to Out of Body User Experience. Following this, Masataka Goto from the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) will present his talk Intelligent Music Interfaces. Finally, Jennifer Golbeck from the University of Maryland will present her talk Surveillance or Support: When Personalization Turns Creepy. IUI 2018 will also feature the second edition of the lasting Impact Award, celebrating an impactful paper presented at one of the past editions of IUI. A novel aspect of IUI 2018 will be its co-location with IPSJ Interaction 2018, the leading domestic HCI conference in Japan. The two conferences will be held in the Hitotsubashi Hall and will be scheduled back-to-back, allowing the participants of one conference to also take part in the other. The two conferences will have a shared day that will feature the keynote talk of James A. Landay and a shared interactive poster/demo session. This co-location of the conferences will expose IUI to the local research community and hopefully attract new participants. We thank the IPSJ (Information Processing Society in Japan), and especially the five special-interest groups that organize IPSJ Interaction: IPSJ SIG-HCI, SIG-GN, SIG-UBI, SIG-EC and SIG-DCC. Without their immense help, this co-location would not have been possible. We also thank SIGCHI for their funding for Internationalisation, Diversity and Inclusion events at SIGCHI Sponsored Conferences to support this co-location.

  • - Proceedings of the 2018 ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays
    von Fpga
    96,00 €

    We are delighted to welcome you to the 2018 ACM International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (ACM FPGA 2018). ACM FPGA is the premiere forum for the presentation of new and exciting research on all aspects of FPGA technology, which include: Novel FPGA architectures and circuitsAdvances in CAD tools for FPGAs, in areas such as technology mapping, placement, routing, and others.High-level design methodologies that permit FPGA design at higher levels of abstraction.New applications for FPGAs, particularly their use as accelerators for achieving higher computational throughput and energy efficiency. Aside from the technical sessions, the conference provides the opportunity for FPGA researchers and practitioners from around the world to connect with long-time friends, meet new ones, and network with one another in beautiful Monterey, California, famous worldwide for its spectacular coast, Fisherman's Wharf, and Cannery Row. This year we received 116 submissions, of which 26 were accepted as full research papers (10 pages) to appear in the main conference or the pre-conference special-session on deep learning, and 4 papers were accepted as short research papers (6 pages). All full and short papers appear in these proceedings. In addition, 31 submissions were selected to be presented as posters; abstracts of these appear in these proceedings. At FPGA 2018, we continue to see an emphasis on the two themes causing tremendous interest in the FPGA industry: 1) the potential role for FPGAs in deep learning, and 2) the recent introduction of FPGAs in the cloud by increasing numbers of large companies, including Microsoft, Amazon, Baidu, Alibaba, Huawei, IBM and others. The panel discussion, at the Monday evening banquet, will consider whether FPGAs (as opposed to GPUs and CPUs) will ultimately succeed in becoming a widespread computing platform for deep learning. We expect a lively exchange among the panelists! The symposium kicks off with back-to-back Sunday morning workshops on cloud-deployed FPGAs, and a parallel workshop session on using FPGAs for packet processing as specified in the P4 language. Sunday afternoon will focus on how FPGAs can be used for deep learning, with both invited presentations and research presentations. The use of low computational precision will figure prominently in the deep-learning research presented.

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