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Bücher veröffentlicht von Advanced Publishing LLC

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  • - How to Play Mixed Doubles with Your Spouse and Live to Tell About It
    von Mike Carter, Greg Carter & Pat Carter
    22,00 €

  • von Valerie Carlson Pressley
    16,98 €

  • von Valerie Carlson Pressley
    16,00 €

  • - A Little Book About My Big First Year
    von Valerie Carlson Pressley
    16,00 €

  • - Fulfilling Mankind's Primary Purpose on Earth
    von Richard Gene
    27,00 €

  • von Adrienne H Small
    18,00 €

  • von Michael S Copeland
    23,00 €

  • von James Rolph Moore
    26,00 €

    The Life of Robert Noble Burgess is about a Canadian immigrant who came to California in 1884 at six years of age. An autodidact with an eighth-grade education he became a successful land investor, builder, shipbuilder, and financier during the early decades of the twentieth century. His life was a life in two arcs; one characterized by great financial and commercial success, with attendant wealth and social standing, all lost in a financial collapse, and effective banishment from his peer group, in his early forties. The second half of his life saw his considerable energies and talents devoted to a decades-long, mostly unsuccessful, attempt at reconstituting what he had lost. It is a story of a young man’s ambition, energy, talent, pride, hubris, overconfidence, and collapse in the geopolitical, social, and financial contagion surrounding World War I, and a study of both America and California. Burgess’ story is relevant today because he was a precursor of a type, an early twentieth century example of what came to be a hyper-driven, young financier who used his native understanding of economics and finance to give him a leg up on his competitors. Unfortunately, a combination of his own flaws and economic and social events far beyond his ability to control, resulted in his losing almost everything he had worked to achieve in his professional life. 

  • - No Limit!: From Educator to A's Scoreboard Operator; A Trip Down Memory Lane
    von Chester Farrow
    26,00 - 40,00 €

  • - My Journey of Hope and Faith
    von Ildiko Scott
    21,00 - 36,00 €

  • - The Gator Navy in the Pacific, 1975
    von Joey Fogarty
    27,00 €

    This sea story isn’t another high-stakes thriller, the likes of which flood the magazine aisle at the local supermarket. It is instead, that side of the fleet seen only by the men who man the grey ghosts of the US Navy—the story of the long, hot, sometimes dangerous, and always critical watches in a ship’s engine room; the hole snipes, in particular, and the lifer corps in general, regardless of their rating. This is a story of that lifer corps that makes the navy work and about the culture that it breeds and the rare breed that rules that culture. Not all career navy men resemble some of the characters in this story, but there is not one fleet sailor, career or not, that does not remember one. This story is for them.

  • - Legends, Heroes & Heartthrobs
    von Dale Fehringer
    46,00 €

  • - Designing Your Next Great Adventure
    von Denise P Kalm
    21,00 €

    Retire to a life of joy or simply stop working? Without a plan, many of us retirees see the days, months and years slip away while our bodies age, reducing the choices we can make.Retirement Savvy provides a roadmap to design a life filled with all the adventures, activities and relationships you dreamed of in the long years of work, and helps you answer questions such as: Should I move and how? How can I maintain my health and my brain? Do I want to work or volunteer? How do I want to travel? How do I get in sync with my partner? How do I manage my life as a caretaker?This book also includes an Introduction to Medicare and Managing Internet Security. Make your retirement great - plan it!

  • von Patrick Bernart
    37,00 €

  • - 100 Savings Tips for College Students
    von Michelle Perry Higgins
    18,00 €

  • von Connie Luna
    23,00 €

    In Trains in My Heart, we enter not only the world of travel by rail, but the entertaining world of Connie Luna, a comedic hard-working, highly-regarded, private railroad car chef who created lifelong memories for countless rail travelers. Connie's first-hand account of her most memorable experiences on legendary railcars that include the Native Son, the Plaza Santa Fe, the Royal Gorge, and the Tamalpais, will delight train lovers everywhere and entice even those readers who have never enjoyed the experience of traveling by train to heed the call: "All aboard!"

  • von Belinda M Sanders
    28,00 €

    The Moon Has Phases is a delightful and ethereal book about Earth's satellite, the Moon! This book is sure to entertain readers of every age; and especially readers who love observing the Moon as it journeys across the night sky. Sanders has written an interactive book that incorporates science activities. This free-verse poetic book displays beautiful artistic illustrations that draws you into the story and is most certain to be a bedtime favorite.

  • - Financial, Estate, and Personal Affairs Organizer
    von Michelle Perry Higgins
    21,00 €

    The Everything Binder Book has been designed to help you keep all your personal information safe and organized in one place-primary contacts, medical history, insurance information, private access information, estate planning, retirement details, final wishes, letters to loved ones and much more. There's even a section for your four-legged friends. Protect yourself, your family, and keep everything in one easy to access place, just in case. The Everything Binder Book was designed and created by Michelle Perry Higgins, whose work has been recognized numerous times over the last 20 years. Among her many achievements, Ms. Higgins was named to Investopedia's Top 100 Most Influential Financial Advisors list in 2017. Previously, ranked her on their Top 25 Women-Owned RIAs list in 2012, 2014, and 2015, on the Top 50 Women-Owned RIAs in 2013, as well as the "Top 40 Under 40".She has appeared on CNBC, CBS, and Fox, and has been quoted in, Forbes, USA Today, The Los Angeles Times, and many more publications. Ms. Higgins is a contributor on The Wall Street Journal Expert Panel.

  • - True Stories of Early Texas as Told by Two Who Lived It
    von Donna Gholson Cook
    31,00 €

    Gholson Brothers in The Thick of It: True Stories of Early Texas as Told by Two Who Lived It is Donna Gholson Cook's fourth book. Donna is a sixth-Generation Texan and Great-Granddaughter of Benjamin Franklin Gholson. Sam and Frank Gholson were born in the Republic of Texas and were two of the first Texas Rangers in their teens. Their stories range from gut wrenching to heartwarming, and every account in this book is from participants or eyewitnesses. Albert and his sons were involved in Indian fights and were major early Texas cattlemen. Albert died young, leaving three young children, but his two older sons lived to a ripe old age-Sam in New Mexico and Frank in his rock home in central Texas, which has been beautifully restored. The home is a monument to the Texas frontier and their stories are a treasure trove of Texas history.

  • - Revised Second Edition
    von Richard Gene
    33,00 €

    The spiritual model formulated in this book could describe the inner workings of the spirit world, as spirituality is revisited in a manner never done before. A measure of engineering logic is used instead of relying strictly on faith, which is the case for spiritual models that exist up to now. The new spiritual model describes the inner workings of the spirit world, defines our spirit and our soul, and describes the role of our spirit and soul in enabling our physical body to exist in our physical world. Thus, it shows how we are carrying out our lives simultaneously in the spirit world and our physical world. For example, our spirit resides in the spirit world while our body resides in our physical world. We form our thoughts and decisions in the spirit world, and we put them into action in our physical world. The model can plausibly spiritually explain common everyday observations and experiences. Examples are; why we need sleep, why dreams tend to be surrealistic, why evolution is spiritual first and physical second, how missing links can happen, how identical twins can communicate telepathically, how pets could understand their owners'' thoughts telepathically, how some individuals can see and read auras, why our universe was brought into being, and how quantum superposition and entanglement can happen. Many other examples are also presented. Such extensive correlation with reality means the model is valid to a large degree. No other spiritual model that exists up to now could do similarly and do it in the technical sense this model could. Thus, the model offers a new and very different perspective regarding spirituality. Ultimately, the model is capable of indicating why we are here and the purposes we are to fulfill.

  • von Clarence Chang
    23,00 €

    This light-hearted mystery will be enjoyable for anyone who has watched Antiques Roadshow or been to a garage or estate sale. Malcolm McMaster buys a Picasso print, Les Demoiselles D''Avignon, at a neighborhood estate sale. Little did he realize what devious schemes lay in store for him: zany impostors, intrigue and deceptions by his four children and their conspirators. His former classmates are also scheming against him.What truths will Malcolm discover amidst all these schemes?

  • - Journey of a Traveling Ostomate
    von Kristin Furlong
    17,00 €

    Travel with Kristin as she shares her heartfelt struggle with an unexpected and incurable disease. From medical interventions, to the inevitable body-altering surgery that saved her life, Kristin is able to reveal her experience with the truth of her despair, and the humor that helped save her sanity.Unwilling to allow her circumstances to rob her of the life she wants to live, Kristin forges on with her traveling, scuba diving, and many other activities.Her story is inspiring for anyone struggling with disease or who loves someone who may be struggling. This is a story of hope, acceptance, and the unexpected joy that comes from a second chance at life.

  • von Lawrence E Anderson
    27,00 €

    Notes on Key by Lawrence E. Anderson, Ph.D., is a masterwork of music education in a single volume. The breadth and depth of Dr. Anderson's knowledge about music is beyond impressive, and his passion for encouraging readers to explore and expand their own connection with the many dimensions of music is apparent in every chapter. From obscure African instruments to seemingly esoteric definitions of operatic nomenclature, Dr. Lawrence Anderson's direct style yet easy manner of sharing make learning about music an effortless, enriching experience. Said another way: Dr. Anderson is to music what Walt Disney is to film and fantasy. His book belongs in every music classroom and every home where there even the slightest appreciation of music.

  • - True Stories of Early Texas as Told by Two Who Lived It
    24,00 €

    Gholson Brothers in The Thick of It: True Stories of Early Texas as Told by Two Who Lived It is Donna Gholson Cook's fourth book. Donna is a sixth-Generation Texan and Great-Granddaughter of Benjamin Franklin Gholson. Sam and Frank Gholson were born in the Republic of Texas and were two of the first Texas Rangers in their teens. Their stories range from gut wrenching to heartwarming, and every account in this book is from participants or eyewitnesses. Albert and his sons were involved in Indian fights and were major early Texas cattlemen. Albert died young, leaving three young children, but his two older sons lived to a ripe old age-Sam in New Mexico and Frank in his rock home in central Texas, which has been beautifully restored. The home is a monument to the Texas frontier and their stories are a treasure trove of Texas history.

  • - Redemption in Unexpected Places
    von Paul D Johnston
    23,00 €

    Professor G.G. Peggotty, of the Horsefeathers School for Gifted Humans, is a flying, joking, wisecracking horse whose mission it is to bring redemption to four lost souls, even if they don't want it. Ernest Bodkins, a man so afraid of emotions that he has become a slave to logic, is catapulted out of his logical retreat from life when his wife leaves him and a bulldozer destroys his house. Gerta Twilight, who escapes life by being "not me" seeks the dark side until, almost too late, she discovers she doesn't always like the dark side. Willy Williams who lives on hate, blame, and anger until he discovers it is just an excuse to avoid taking responsibility for his actions. Daisy Maidstone seeks redemption in hard work. Through her kindness and generosity she eventually comes to know that thinking doesn't always end in tears.

  • von Jacque Hall
    27,00 €

    All children love Halloween. As the night approaches, their excitement grows. Dressing up as a super-hero or a spooky ghost, lighting a Jack-o-lantern, and roaming the neighborhood after dark, ringing doorbells with the challenge, "Trick or Treat," delivers the perfect reward-candy! In this, Jacque Hall's 7th book, Boo!, delivers the excitement and smiles of Halloween every night at story-time.

  • - A Boomer's Odyssey from Hardcore in the Heartland to the Heart of Hardwareland
    von John A Barry
    26,00 €

    The anti–Vietnam War and draft-resistance movements. March on the Pentagon in 1967. Woodstock. Larry Flynt breaking taboos with Hustler. Birth of publishing empires that covered the nascent PC industry. Meteoric rise of Sun Microsystems. These are some of the seminal events of the twentieth century’s last half in which author John Barry participated. HARD is the story of Baby Boomer Barry’s odyssey from editing a boosterish community newspaper owned by a man who had been active in CREEP (Committee to Reelect the President [Nixon]), to slaving in Flynt’s smut mines, to helping ramp up and run pioneering personal-computer publications Microcomputing and InfoWorld, to working for disruptive Sun Microsystems and coauthoring the definitive book about the company.Along this hard road, he encountered a disparate cast of characters, from a CREEPy sunlight-shunner, to drug-addled editors, to pornmongers, to tech industry titans. In his improbable and unconventional career trajectory, he worked for shady, shifty, eccentric publishing and tech magnates from coast to coast. And survived to tell the story.

  • von Ray Salo
    21,00 €

    Based upon decades of experience and observation, Ray Salo believes most men fail to understand women. This book will help them re-think their attitudes and behavior. "Understanding Women from A to Z," is for men who would like to understand women, and it's for women who would like to give the man in her life a little guidance. There are 160 topics in this book, covering everything from love and romance to grooming, weight control, and shoes!

  • von Sierra May Young
    25,00 €

    The "Opa Wizard" is the story of "Wolfy," the young would-be magician who always dreamed of being a powerful wizard like his father. When Wolfy's father and mother die, he goes to live with his uncle, Maximus, the King of Germany, where life becomes more difficult. But Wolfy doesn't give up, and eventually finds a way to fulfill his dream of becoming a great and powerful wizard! Written and illustrated by Sierra May Young when she was only ten years old, this wonderful little book-Sierra's first-makes a perfect "first reader" for young children.

  • - Memories of My Grandmother
    von Donna Gholson Cook
    23,00 €

    In Annie Lippe's 103 years, she witnessed the greatest changes ever known in human history in such a short time, from the first automobiles and airplanes to watching the moon landing on television. Life on the farm was a daily struggle, trying to survive and feed eleven children by raising cotton on rented farms in Texas in the early 1900s. Annie and her husband, Fritz, grew almost everything they ate-vegetables from the garden; hogs for meat, lard, and soap; and chickens for meat and eggs. Money from the sale of the annual cotton crop was used to buy coffee, sugar, and farm tools and other necessary items. Even though the future must have seemed very bleak at times, Annie's faith in God, stemming from her German Lutheran roots, always sustained her.

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