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  • von Peter Tremblay
    20,00 €

  • von Peter Tremblay
    24,00 €

    Keeping your brain healthy is just as important as physical exercise. Peter Tremblay and Dr. John Chang''s The Amazing Brain Health Puzzle Book for Adults provides you with a unique combination of puzzle games that are as fun as they are stimulating to overall brain health. Your brain regulates your body''s vital functions and a younger brain helps support a younger body. Here are some features to look out for in this action-packed thrilling ride for your mind, body, and soul:Word search puzzles help stimulate pattern recognition and spelling skills. They can also help to expand vocabulary. Mazes have also found their way into this book, having fascinated humans for centuries. Did you know that the oldest known maze was found on rock tomb in Sardinia, Italy, and dates back 4000 years?  The brain power which is used to solve mazes corresponds with spatial awareness and navigation skills. In their "spot the difference" puzzles, you need to first identity the objects that you see. This involves our occipital lobes, the part of our brains responsible for visual perception.  You then need to compare and contrast spatial relationships between pictorial features, which involves both the occipital and parietal lobes. Spatial awareness manifests from our parietal lobes.  Having to quickly contrast what you''re seeing in both photos involves stimulating your short-term memory in the parietal lobes. Taking note of the differences mostly uses your frontal lobes, which are vital to such short-term memory tasks. Crossword puzzles exercise the parts of our brain related to vocabulary and overall problem-solving. Studies have shown that both sudoku and crossword puzzles are linked to significant anti-aging brain health benefits when integrated with a broadly healthy lifestyle.  Marupeke, another kind of puzzle featured in this book, was invented by Naoki Inaba, who is reputed to be Japan''s and the world''s most prolific inventor of grid logic puzzles. Futoshiki, gokigen, akari, tatami, sikaku and other Japanese-inspired logic puzzles that this book presents further complement a great brain workout.

  • von Peter Tremblay
    22,00 €

    Un r├⌐quisitoire saisissant contre les exploits anticonstitutionnels et le programme inhumain du premier ministre Fran├ºois Legault sous le couvert de la "sant├⌐ publique" et de la censure dans une pand├⌐mie invent├⌐e. C''est le livre dont tout le monde parlera au Qu├⌐bec et dans le reste du monde francophone. Dans Fran├ºois Legault et Le Programme Totalitaire de Vaccins Biom├⌐triques de la Covid-19, Peter Tremblay et le Dr John Chang enqu├¬tent sur les crimes du gouvernement du Qu├⌐bec au cours de la pand├⌐mie. Peter Tremblay et John Chang explorent comment le Qu├⌐bec, ainsi que d''autres gouvernements au Canada, a trahi son devoir de service aux citoyens, se transformant en une entit├⌐ au service d''une cabale qui travaille avec des int├⌐r├¬ts biotechnologiques et pharmaceutiques dans la poursuite du profit et de la domination.Fran├ºois Legault veut refuser l''acc├¿s aux soins de sant├⌐ universel au Qu├⌐bec ├á quiconque n''a pas ├⌐t├⌐ vaccin├⌐, vaccin qui a ├⌐t├⌐ d├⌐crit par le Dr Peter McCullough comme du ΓÇëbio-terrorismeΓÇë et par le Dr Sucharit Bhakdi comme un syst├¿me d''administration d''une r├⌐ponse auto-immune autodestructrice. Ce d├⌐ni des services de sant├⌐ publique est une attaque anticonstitutionnelle et diabolique contre le public. Dans une soci├⌐t├⌐ libre et d├⌐mocratique, le gouvernement a un r├┤le vital ├á jouer dans l''affirmation des droits et des libert├⌐s dans le droit constitutionnel. Lorsque des gouvernements comme celui de M. Legault cherchent ├á contraindre et ├á manipuler le public pour qu''il re├ºoive un vaccin pour lequel on a ├⌐tabli un lien avec une liste croissante d''effets ind├⌐sirables effroyables et de d├⌐c├¿s, non seulement ils trahissent leur responsabilit├⌐ inviolable de prot├⌐ger le bien-├¬tre de leurs citoyens, mais ils pr├⌐sentent ├⌐galement un programme non humain.Le journaliste d''investigation Peter Tremblay d├⌐voile les mensonges et les tromperies qui sont ├á la base des politiques int├⌐ress├⌐es de Fran├ºois Legault et de Justin Trudeau concernant le vaccin COVID-19. Ces politiques s''inscrivent dans le cadre d''un effort global de la Cabale pour institutionnaliser l''autoritarisme ├á l''├⌐chelle mondiale et cimenter le contr├┤le des humains par une intelligence artificielle.Dans ce livre, Peter Tremblay affirme que la COVID-19 est une arme de destruction massive lanc├⌐e contre l''humanit├⌐ pour atteindre des objectifs id├⌐ologiques et un programme extraterrestre. La COVID-19 est n├⌐e de l''esprit de psychopathes qui cherchent ├á d├⌐peupler notre plan├¿te Terre et ├á exercer un contr├┤le sans limites sur le reste d''une population qui ne sera plus humaine, au sens o├╣ nous l''entendons.Ils op├¿rent avec une seule et unique volont├⌐ : atteindre leur objectif d''injecter leur dispositif de th├⌐rapie g├⌐nique ├á 100 % des humains. Leur pression pour le pr├⌐tendu vaccin est coh├⌐rente avec leur reprogrammation par l''intelligence artificielle. C''est pourquoi ils op├¿rent sans aucune empathie pour les vies d├⌐truites.L''heure est venue pour l''humanit├⌐ de se r├⌐veiller, d''agir avec la m├¬me d├⌐termination que celle qui a galvanis├⌐ les nations contre l''Allemagne nazie. La COVID-19 est une guerre par procuration men├⌐e par les alli├⌐s d''une intelligence artificielle qui cherchent ├á utiliser le r├⌐cit d''un ΓÇëvaccinΓÇë pour assimiler l''humanit├⌐ dans sa matrice d├⌐moniaque.

  • von Domnita Georgescu-Moldoveanu
    23,00 €

  • - Pandemic adventures in the Mandela effect
    von Raymond Samuels
    20,00 €

    Have manipulative aliens replaced reality with some kind of simulation since 2012? Is the COVID-19 pandemic a product of apparent collaboration between such demonic entities and elites? Are elites in fact demonic entities masquerading as ''humans''.Is the "Earth" that you and I now experience some sort of computer generated copy of the real Earth which we have been abducted from, in order for a collection of demonic entities to perform experiments in their efforts to concoct a "New World Order" from an artificial timeline of their own making? In Axél & Remy, Raymond Samuels uses humour to challenge readers to explore what many describe as the "Mandela Effect" which could very well be the greatest conspiracy ever which far surpasses already well-known conspiracies associated with the UFO and alien phenomena.The "Mandela Effect" has nothing to do with a "collective forgetfulness" as disinformation agents in this apparent simulation like to claim as part of a gaslighting strategy. Rather, people who experience the Mandela Effect remember the ''real Earth'' before they were plopped into this artificial world which appears to be run by demonic entities and largely populated by apparent cloned beings along with human-looking avatars. Such beings have no recollection of the real Earth because they have, in fact, been apparently generated by the archontic controllers part of this fake environment.

  • von Michael A Lee
    17,00 €

  • - La choquante verite d'un avocat d'Ottawa et d'une juge de la Cour superieure de l'Ontario
    19,00 €

  • - The Shocking Truth of an Ottawa Lawyer and an Ontario Superior Judge
    17,98 €

    For most people, the premature death of George Floyd in the United States was yet another example of a racist police force gone wild. But the premature death of a Canadian black Jewish woman provides a revealing new perspective on police brutality and corresponding oppression in the Canadian legal system. John Summers and Sylvia Corthorn: The Shocking Truth of an Ottawa Lawyer and an Ontario Superior Judge exposes a cabal that includes the police, and which operates without basic respect for human life or the egalitarian ideals of the legal system. Peter Tremblay chronicles how a lawyer and a Judge colluded to reinforce the actions of dirty cops, demonstrating how the legal system has been infiltrated to perpetuate racism, corruption, and crimes against humanity. This book also pays tribute to the heroic actions of those ethical judges whose efforts, albeit unsuccessful, in defending the life of a black Jewish woman inspires hope for humanity, hope for a future free from a cabal whose insidious power is represented in the actions of a rogue judge and her self-serving legal accomplice.

  • von Santhosh Christudas
    22,00 €

  • - In defence of Canadian football during the pandemic
    von John MacKenzie
    18,98 €

  • - Memoir of a Young Girl Fleeing Antisemitism in Russia
    von Regina Gershman
    21,00 €

  • - New York City Dog
    von Suzann Capra
    21,00 €

  • - The Untold Story of Corruption, Systemic Racism and Evil at Bell Baker LLP
    von Peter & Tremblay
    36,00 €

  • von Domnita Georgesco-Moldoveanu
    23,00 €

     L''h├⌐ro├»ne principale du roman, Marie-├ëlise, a dans son ascendance deux princes daces provenus de Transylvanie qui entrainent des chevaliers Carpatins et Danubiens, et plusieurs patriotes, dans le but de d├⌐fendre ce territoire martyris├⌐ pendant des si├¿cles.            Un de ces braves roumains, Parasch├¿ve, se marie avec Flora, une joliesse qui vit en accord avec la nature et la Divinit├⌐ dont elle se sent investie. De ce mariage, r├⌐sulte deux gar├ºons et trois fille dont la petite Marie-Elise parait r├⌐pondre ├á l''espoir de Parach├¿ve. Il lui enseigne les sciences et l''histoire et il lui confie ses profondes r├⌐flexions ├⌐crites.           Quand Parasch├¿ve tombe victime de ses ennemis, Marie-Elise rassemble ses r├⌐flexions pour les sauver. Un jeune instituteur violoniste qui a ├⌐tudi├⌐ au conservatoire r├⌐ussit faire Marie-Elise se relever de sa douleur et l''├⌐pouse. Il est l''arri├¿re-arri├¿re petit-fils d''une famille entr├⌐e en l├⌐gende ├á c├┤t├⌐ d''Etienne le Grand qu''ils ont soutenu dans sa plus rude bataille contre les Turques, pour emp├¬cher l''assujettissement de Danube. Le roman continue avec la vie tourment├⌐e de MarieΓÇæElise, la m├¿re de l''auteur-m├¬me, qui vit l''occupation pendant la premier guerre mondiale, la grippe espagnole et la crise financi├¿re de 1930, jusqu''├á la deuxi├¿me guerre mondiale. Pendant ce tempsΓÇæl├á, elle a eu 13 enfants dont elle en a perdu 3 pendant la grippe espagnole. Elle r├⌐ussit quand-m├¬me ├á ├⌐lever 8 enfants ├á leur assurer les ├⌐tudes et la force de donner aux autres, par leurs professions, le meilleur d''eux-m├¬mes.Elle va toujours vers son id├⌐al de rendre l''homme meilleur pas sa voix de sagesse habill├⌐e de beaut├⌐. C''est quoi le meilleur de ce roman? Le profond sens philosophique? Le noble message? La magie po├⌐tique? Le dynamisme? L''inventivit├⌐ sans bornes? La fra├«cheur vivace des personnages? Ou bien l''aspiration ascendante vers la perfection, la lumi├¿re, l''absolue? La conscience semble ├¬tre l''axe fondamental de ce roman. Ce qui correspond ├á l''id├⌐al qui s''en d├⌐gage: rendre l''homme meilleur. C''est l''id├⌐al que l''auteure a poursuivi toute sa vie.  ___________________________________________________________________________ ENGLISH:  The main character of the novel, Marie-├ëlise, has in her ancestry two Dacian princes from Transylvania who train Carpatian and Danubian knights, and several patriots, to defend this territory martyrized for centuries.One of these brave Romanians, Parasch├¿ve, marries Flora, a pretty woman who lives in harmony with nature and the Divinity with which she feels invested. From this marriage resulted two boys and three girls. One of them, little Marie-Elise, seemed to respond to Parach├¿ve''s  hopes. He teaches her science and history and endows her with his deep written reflections.What is the best of this novel? The deep philosophical meaning? The noble message? Poetic magic? The dynamism? Unlimited inventiveness? The lively freshness of the characters? Or the ascending aspiration towards perfection, the light, the absolute?Conscience seems to be the fundamental axis of this novel. Which corresponds to the ideal that emerges: to make people better. This is the ideal that the author has pursued throughout her life.

  • - Saving our environment by changing the measurement of economic performance
    von Raymond Samuels & Horace Carby
    34,00 €

    In spite of widespread support for environmental protection,the destruction of our planet continues to worsen. But in the fight against climate change, one key factor is often overlooked: our current measurements of economic performance. Rooted in market-based capitalism, these indicators encourage those in power to strive for numerical "success"at the cost of environmental protection and quality of life.In The Quantuum Effect, 25-year veteran investigative journalist, researcher, and former government advisor Peter Tremblay proposes a new measurement of economic performance-one which promotes environmental protection instead of exploitation and destruction.Drawing on his background in environmental studies and his years of advising government on environmental protection and planning, Tremblay challenges the validity of the current sustainable development prism, which fails to challenge capitalism as the root cause of environmental destruction. He urges the replacement of market-based capitalism with a revised way of thinking that holds environmental protection as an integral objective with inherent value, sparking gravely needed public discussion on a new way of conceiving economic development and the global economy. 

  • - Aliens and Archons in Our Midst
    von Peter Tremblay
    22,00 €

  • - Love & Online Dating
    von Andre Prince de Grace
    26,00 €

    “Infinite Shades of Happiness: Love & Online Dating,” by author André Prince de Grâce, is a new and fascinating book about what women are looking for in a relationship, and the communication barriers that still exist between men and women, especially on dating websites.“Infinite Shades of Happiness” isn’t a book about fake dating profiles, catfishing, or online predators but acknowledge its existence. This is a captivating page-turner, a study of real-life accounts from the men and women who went online, posted a profile, and braved the responses as they searched for (as author Prince de Grâce puts it) “the heart of their lives.”What author André Prince de Grâce shows us is that with all of the infinite possibilities that online dating opens up, the old dating rituals are still firmly in our heads.  Nevertheless, through his own online dating experiences and also through those of the many women he interviews, Prince de Grâce makes sense of it all and presents a universal look at the process of searching for a soulmate on dating websites. The result is an amazing and unique book about the modern rules of online dating that is insightful, reassuring, and a must-read for anyone who is looking for a meaningful relationship on the internet. 

  • von G Cyr
    27,00 €

    Are you seeking a reference book which contains critical astronomy-related terms? The Astroglossary provides a great resource on the world of astronomy for both students and the general public alike.Mr Cyr had a great love for life, people and our planet. He touched the lives of everyone he met, and he had sought to inspire us, as humans, to re-connect with each other.The world of science, and specifically, astronomy became one of Mr Cyr's biggest passions. It was Mr Cyr's vision in preparing this Astroglossary to inspire a new generation in our awakening as members of this great universe. Mr Cyr also shared a deep appreciation of the need to act as socially responsible custodians of our planet.Knowing critical terms which help to educate us in the wonders of this universe is a first step in pursuing the kind of advanced knowledge of our universe and our place in it which will hopefully enable us all toshare in a needed new direction in this cosmos.However, it has been the perseverance of Ms Cyr, his wife, that we have to thank into re-kindling her husband's spirit which lives on in the revised edition of the Astroglossary.

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