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  • von Eric Ugland
    24,00 €

    Clyde Hatchett, Glaton's prodigal son, is finally home.Sure, he's got a whole new body and face, so nobody recognizes him. And technically he's not *from* Glaton - he's really only spent a few months there. But they say home is wherever your love resides, and since Nadya lives in Glaton...wait, does Clyde actually love Nadya?This is getting complicated. That, on top of all the problems Clyde left behind, which haven't gotten any less knotty while he was gone. The Senate is heating up, with numerous noble idiots vying for the throne. More gangs and more monsters than ever threaten the streets. And it seems everyone in Old Town looks to Clyde for direction, and Clyde isn't sure what to do about any of it.On a Throne of Lies is political intrigue, grotesque battles, spell slinging, and a bit of smoochy smoochy. Add to that a cameo from everyone's favorite overpowered tank-warrior, and you know you won't want to miss it.

  • von Eric Ugland
    23,00 €

    Forced behind enemy lines. Ready to do battle with slavers, spiders, and ghosts.Say hello to the new and improved Clyde Hatchett...Who's only a level four nothing.He's on a (seemingly never-ending) quest to get back to his life in Glaton. And now, all that stands in his way are the Empire-hating Carchedonians, a death cult, and a traitorous party member. Oh, and a mythical city that very probably doesn't exist. Prepare to be blown out of the water on this cutthroat journey through the darkest corners of Vuldranni. Clyde has reached the end of his known world. And that's where the adventure begins.Trick of the Night is edge-of-your-seat LitRPG action. Pick up this page-turner today!

  • von Eric Ugland
    23,00 €

    Somehow, he didn't die.Clyde actually killed the corpse-king, ripped him right out of his own body. He's not quite Clyde anymore, but it seems Vuldranni is willing to grant him the second chances that were never available on Earth.It's finally time for Clyde to get back to Glaton-- wait, he promised to visit the City of Darkness. Right. City of Darkness and then back to Glaton. Except... wait. What's going on with the small coastal town of Furtaxo? Okay, first Furtaxo. If Clyde can get that mystery figured out, then he can move on to the next quest.Back to One is an electrifying journey filled with unexpected twists, thrilling encounters, and messed up fairy folk. Perfect for fans of immersive world-building and character-driven plots, this book promises to take you on a ride you won't soon forget.

  • von Eric Ugland
    23,00 €

    Land-ho!Clyde and co. have finally - finally - made it to the City of Darkness. Which turns out to actually exist! One small problem though. Anyone and anything that sets foot on the island immediately disappears. Ceases to exist. Poof.To complete the quest, Clyde needs to figure out how to actually enter the city and steal the crown jewels...without getting stuck in the town forever. It's a foreboding, dark place (obviously), where corruption is rampant. And maybe worse: the game rules Clyde's gotten so good at bending to his will? They don't seem to apply. Darktown Funk is a riveting story full of wild twists, close calls, and deep lore. You'll stay up all night with this sensational LitRPG adventure!

  • von Eric Ugland
    24,00 €

    Straight out of the West (or, you know, somewhere through a gloom portal), in a thunder of hooves (but they're kinda like giant turtle hooves, if you can picture it?), comes Montana Coggeshall, gun (sword) slinger.Sure, he's survived Fiends' Night and an all-out goblin war. But for his people in Coggeshall to truly be safe, Montana needs to go out and find the source of all these crazy attacks.Along the way, Montana will be tested by feuding families, money-hungry miners, hookers with hearts of gold, and more than a few idiot tour guides. Turns out everything Montana's been through up until now wasn't hell. It was practice.Wild, Wild Quest is rabble rousin' LitRPG like you've never read before. If you like genre-twisting plots full of mind-bending battles, pick up this page turner today.Forget going to 11. This book goes to 12.

  • von Eric Ugland
    24,00 €

    He's tried to ignore them for too long.But the long-simmering conflict between Montana's holding at Coggeshall and the Night Goblins who also occupy the valley is about to boil over.Usually, goblins aren't anything to write home about: an enemy without much size, intellect, or weaponry. But these goblins? Well, that's just not the case.These are goblins with limitless resources, never-before-seen tactics, and horrifying monsters at their disposal. Worst of all, they don't fear death in the slightest.They just might force a good guy to become what he has always struggled to defeat.Killing Them Awfully is chaotic warfare, nonstop battles, and more monsters with digestive issues than totally necessary. Ready? Let's go to war!

  • von Eric Ugland
    23,00 €

    So, remember that whole 'send Montana to the capital - he's ready for prime time' plan?Yeah. That might've been a little bit hasty. Our bullish hirsute hero really stepped in it. Like, is on the verge of losing his dukedom and everything he's worked for stepped in it. The only way out? A little-known technicality that stops Senate proceedings and sends Montana off on what's most likely an insurmountable quest. One where odds are good that he'll either die without a respawn or accidentally commit treason against the Empire.Neat. Can Montana stop the Dark Queen's army on his own and hold the line for Glaton? Will he do enough to save Coggeshall from the aristocratic vultures circling? And will he finally find the god sword he lost on his very first day in Vuldranni?Of Slicing Men is The Good Guys at its finest: gorey battles, surprise tactics, and unexpected heroes. Come for the long-term campaign play and rich character progression. Stay for the stupid banter and crazed, demonic inch worms.

  • von Eric Ugland
    24,00 €

    An endless night, full of hungry shadows.The most dangerous night of the year is upon Coggeshall. Fiends' Night, when the boundary between Vuldranni and hell is the weakest. And so hell comes out to play.To survive the night, Montana must put his entire holding on lockdown, and turn hastily made cave apartments into an actual, inviting home for thousands of Coggeshall residents. Most of whom don't really know or like each other. And all of whom have different ideas of what needs to be done on Fiends' Night.So, intent on becoming the duke his people deserve, Montana spends the night flitting about Imperial balls, handing out gifts to children, squeezing through kobold tunnels, and building with the dwarves. It's his hand-shaking, baby-kissing time to shine.Oh, except that The Master he just took care of in Osterstadt? That was the wrong one.The real Master is hiding in Coggeshall, and Montana has to catch him before the entire holding becomes his dinner.Eat, Slay, Love is high-drama, fast-paced LitRPG at its finest. Pick up this page-turner today for palace intrigue, deals with the devil, and yes, even a little romance.

  • von Eric Ugland
    24,00 €

    Up until now, Montana's gotten by pretending he's a regular guy.Well, a regular, overpowered, god-defeating guy who maybe just learned his hair is in all the wrong places. But the big city is calling, and in order to succeed there, Montana must prove himself a deserving duke. If Glaton finds him lacking, everything he's worked for could be taken away. With no allies besides Lord Northwoods, the Senate could easily strip Montana of his title and lands. But if Glaton falls in love with him, the regular guy from Motor City could end up with limitless power, in charge of it all. And just like that, the fate of the entire Empire is in Montana's hands. Flex in the city is nonstop monsters, kidnappings, court intrigue, and maybe the most scary of all - a date with a countess. Pick up this page-turner today!

  • von Eric Ugland
    24,00 €

    It all comes down to this: kill or be corpsed.Clyde Hatchett has known he's had a corpse-king inside him, slowly trying to take over his body and raise an army of undead for a while now. And while that may seem like a rather, um, urgent matter to attend to, it's only now, after being forced out of Glaton by his best friends and then having to rescue someone's sister from a bad marriage, that he's actually in a place to deal with it. And he better deal with it quickly, since his entire left hand is starting to look like it belongs to the Crypt-Keeper.But Gloomguard, where the mage Clyde needs lives, operates on a completely different plane than anywhere else in Vuldranni. Everyone is out for themself, and there's no such thing as doing a favor. So in order to even talk to the mage, Clyde must embark on a series of preposterous quests he doesn't have time for and isn't guaranteed to survive.High Gloom is the gritty sixth installment in the Bad Guys LitRPG series. If you like fast-moving adventure, profound magic and witty necromancers, you'll love Eric Ugland's latest novel.

  • von Eric Ugland
    20,00 €

  • von Eric Ugland
    19,00 €

  • von Eric Ugland
    19,00 €

    Freshly respawned.Far from home.All alone.Up until now, Montana's journey really only went one direction: up. But now he's back at square one, stuck on top of a mountain with only the most basic gear to help get him back to Coggeshall. It's going to be a loooong walk.But not a boring one.In one of LitRPG's most legendary medieval fantasy road trips (and also possibly the only one), Montana encounters a pack of just-this-side-of-feral wolf people; a town straight out of the Wild West - complete with heavy-handed sheriff; a lion desperately trying to take down a colossal fish monster; ancient cursed ruins; and a giant flying frog.Eastbound & Town is an epic story full of combat, loot, and achievements. You better believe Montana is loaded up and truckin,' and gonna do what they say can't be done.Hit the road with Montana today!

  • von Eric Ugland
    19,00 €

  • von Eric Ugland
    21,00 €

    It could all be over before it even begins.Clyde Hatchett and the rest of the Skull & Thrones better play their cards right -- otherwise their newly-formed guild will fall in a war with the Iron Silents, the overpowered immortals fond of spawn-camping and well, anything that puts them ahead.So much for resting on laurels, huh?To keep his dreams alive, and his newfound family safe, Clyde is committed to do whatever it takes. As usual, he''ll lie, cheat, and steal to get ahead, but this time he''ll also throw magic, his ties to the prince, and even some kobolds at the problem. He just hopes it''ll be enough.War of the Posers is the fourth novel in the exhilarating Bad Guys LitRPG series. If you like epic battles, sharp humor, and a touch of palace intrigue, you''ll love Eric Ugland''s sprawling, surprising new novel.

  • von Eric Ugland
    19,00 €

    As usual, Montana Coggeshall is hell-bent on doing what''s right, even if what''s right isn''t exactly what''s wise. So he embarks on a quest to vanquish the corrupted ursus, a threat so large they could destroy the entire world of iNcarn8. Does Montana head out after months of training for cold weather conditions, amassing an army, and strategizing with his top aides? Not really. It''s more like he just walks out of his holding one day with a guide and the members of his hir├░. They''re just a bunch of angry teddy bears, right?Montana acts on pure instinct, tinged with a healthy dose of rage. He''s stripped bare, and soon finds himself without food, supplies, a key magic weapon, or even his most loyal friends. Still, he continues.Montana Coggeshall is on the hunt.

  • - The Loot
    von Eric Ugland
    18,00 €

    Montana Coggeshall, duke of Coggeshall, defeater of dungeons, he of far fewer intelligence points than is probably recommended, is finally ready to start building his dukedom. He just needs one more thing before he can leave Osterstadt: a few hard-working friends to join him on this adventure.Well, and some lumber. And nails and whatnot. And enough food to get through the winter. And probably some more gold.All Montana needs before he can leave Osterstadt are some friends, some building materials, food, and money.But he did promise to retrieve some magic texts from a cemetery for Emmeline. And he really should try to help the lost little boy who keeps following him around. And all the undead in that basement crypt aren''t going to re-kill themselves.Maybe Montana''s taken on a few too many side quests.Four: The Loot is an unputdownable installment of the LitRPG series The Good Guys. If you like your gamelit heavy on combat, dry humor, and of course, a lot of loot, this is the book for you.

  • von Eric Ugland
    19,00 €

    Montana Coggeshall is feeling the squeeze - and not just because of his new leather pants from the goddess Eona. His little safeholding in the ruthless world of Vuldranni is under siege. On both sides. At the front is Lord Caticorix, a grade-A Imperial flunkey if there ever was one. He''s clearly ridiculous, but the army he brought with him might not be. Plus they''re bent on blocking Coggeshall from getting any food or supplies from the outside world.And at the back are the ursus, the larger-than-life bear people who''ve traditionally called this valley home. They''re none too pleased with Montana for taking in a few ursus refugees, and would like the 400-lb Goldilocks and her followers out of their house now, thankyouverymuch.Battles are brewing, and the entire town is being held hostage. And despite all his strength and ability, Montana needs to do some serious training to get Coggeshall out of this. There are actual stakes this time - children could starve, his friends have gone missing - and Montana''s not sure he has what it takes to save everyone.This video game world is starting to feel way too much like reality.

  • von Eric Ugland
    18,00 €

    Montana''s new life in Vuldranni, the medieval fantasy game world he lucked into, isn''t quite the tranquil extended fishing trip he''d been hoping for. But you gotta admit, he''s doing pretty well for himself. Now he''s Montana Coggeshall, heir to a dukedom. As long as he can get his crew to Osterstadt and claim it in time.Heir Today, Pawn Tomorrow is a heart-pounding adventure through uncharted territory. Montana and the party must cross WarWaters, a lake that offers everything but a pleasure cruise, and then race through a dense, forbidden forest full of hungry beasts, unfriendly races, and a few cocky nobles. If you''re ready for an epic quest full of hellbeasts, ghost royals, and wyrm guts, this is the book for you.Dive into book two of The Good Guys today!

  • von Eric Ugland
    20,00 €

    Clyde Hatchett: last man standing.Well, he''s the last elf standing. It''s confusing not being human anymore.But being the only living member of the Biscuit''s Union has its benefits. No need to take on shifts baking cookies, for one. No one to tell Clyde what to do. No one...You have been offered a quest by the Biscuit''s Union:Rebuild the GuildReform the guild by having at least eight (8) members in good standing by the end of one (1) week.Reward for success: survival of the guild, unknown, XPPenalty for failure (or refusal): the death of the guildYes/NoOkay then. So in order for any of the work Clyde''s put in to matter, for any of the numerous deaths he''s gone through to count, he has to keep the guild going and remain its leader. Which means he''s got a busy week ahead of him.7 Days. 8 Guild Members. Countless Problems.

  • von Eric Ugland
    21,00 €

    From the #1 Bestselling author of One More Last Time!Just yesterday, Ben was a petty criminal getting by on fleecing New York''s one-percenters. Today, he''s got a new face, a new name, and a new world to navigate. And Ben''s thinking maybe this time around, he''ll use his skills at disarming and deceiving to help out people other than himself. Maybe. Watching a medieval City Guard fight off a 20-foot-tall ooze that crawled up from the sewers will make you think twice about life decisions. Tomorrow, he''ll need to save a girl, steal a crown, join a guild, and most importantly, convince an innkeep to make a decent bacon egg and cheese.Scamps and Scoundrels is the witty, action-packed entree into The Bad Guys, a new series from epic LitRPG writer Eric Ugland. If you like immersive world-building full of magic, monsters, and mischief, this is the book for you.

  • - A LitRPG/Gamelit Adventure
    von Eric Ugland
    18,00 €

    A ruined life. A broken heart.¿He thought it was the end, and his gun sat ready to make sure.But an oddball offer from his only friend comes at the literal last second. Curiosity gets the best of him, and he finds himself sucked into iNcarn8, a game claiming to be a whole new life. Now as Montana, the larger-than-life tank warrior, he has one more last time to get his life right.One More Last time is the first book in The Good Guys, a LitRPG GameLit series. If you like fast-paced adventure, RPG mechanics, and sweet level progression with a deep magic and game system, this book is for you. It has notes of The Land and classic Dungeons & Dragons campaigns, and stars a lovable idiot of a main character who can't seem to shake his dark past and find the quiet life he so wants.Pick up this page-turner today!

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