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Bücher veröffentlicht von Aneko Press

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  • von Greg Hershberg
    16,00 €

    Las personas se obsesionan con la vida; nadie quiere morir. De hecho, le tenemos terror a la muerte.Casi todos conocemos este dicho: "Solo se vive una vez". Pero tenemos que formularnos la pregunta más importante: ¿Qué sucede con nosotros después de que morimos?Para la mayoría, la muerte es un gran misterio o tema de gran negación. Sin embargo, hay un hecho real que sigue allí: todos moriremos. ¿Qué pasaría si esta vida no es la única? ¿Qué, si en verdad hay vida después de la muerte? Y si es así, ¿quién puede decirnos lo que pasa después de que morimos? Por su experiencia de primera mano en el Cielo y su conocimiento del futuro, Jesús puede hacerlo. Él nos presenta tres verdades básicas sobre el tema de la vida después de la muerte:1. Hay vida después de la muerte.2. Hay dos destinos entre los cuales todos tenemos que elegir.3. Hay una forma de asegurarte de elegir bien.Ahora mismo tal vez estés muriendo de sed, pero no tienes por qué hacerlo. Del mismo modo, quizá el pecado te abrume, pero no tienes por qué morir en tus pecados. Hay algo que puedes hacer ahora mismo, para asegurar que cuando mueras tengas vida eterna y felicidad.Lo más importante que tienes que hacer en esta ida es asegurarte de no morir en tus pecados.Porque Dios no envió a su Hijo al mundo para juzgar al mundo, sino para que el mundo sea salvo por Él - Juan 3:17

  • von Horatius Bonar
    20,00 €

    Your "turning" or "conversion" is only a beginning, and no more. It is not the whole journey; it is merely the first step. You are a disciple, that is, one who is under teaching; but your teaching, your discipleship, has only just begun. Your life is a book; it may be a bigger or smaller volume, but conversion is only the title page or the preface. The book itself remains to be written, and your years, weeks, and days are its chapters, pages, and lines. It is a book written for eternity; make sure that it is written well. It is a book for the inspection of enemies as well as friends; be careful of every word. It is a book written under the eye of God; let it be done reverently, not frivolously, but also without constraint or terror.For encouragement and help on this journey, please join me in diving into what the Bible says about fruitful Christian living. Make sure you start well, continue well, and end well. The Lord has ensured that you have all the instructions you'll need, if only you take the time to learn and apply them.List of Chapters:Ch. 1: Keep Your Eyes on JesusCh. 2: Keep Your Conscience CleanCh. 3: Hold Tightly to What You Have ReceivedCh. 4: Deal Honestly with YourselfCh. 5: Keep Company with God and with the People of GodCh. 6: Study the BibleCh. 7: Watch Your StepsCh. 8: Put Away Vanity and the Love of PraiseCh. 9: Watch Against SatanCh. 10: Beware of One-Sided TruthCh. 11: Do Something for GodCh. 12: Live with Anticipation for Christ's Return

  • von Corey Miller
    21,00 €

    La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días (mormona) tiene 90.000 misioneros en el campo, tratando de convertir a los miembros de las iglesias cristianas. Debido a que las lecciones que estos misioneros enseñan representan las afirmaciones centrales del mormonismo, este libro interactúa con esas lecciones desde una perspectiva bíblica. Escrito y editado por ex mormones que ahora son cristianos, incluye información privilegiada, historias personales, conocimientos culturales, sabiduría evangelística y las mejores prácticas de los propios ex misioneros SUD, para ayudar a los cristianos a fortalecer su propia fe mientras aprenden cómo compartir su fe sabia y eficazmente con los Santos de los Últimos Días.

  • von Charles H. Spurgeon
    23,00 €

    And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats. (Matthew 25:32)Volume 10A deep, inspiring, and often challenging study of the Lord Jesus Christ's miracles and parables.Men who were led by the hand or groped their way along the wall to reach Jesus were touched by his finger and went home without a guide, rejoicing that Jesus Christ had opened their eyes. Jesus is still able to perform such miracles. And, with the power of the Holy Spirit, his Word will be expounded and we'll watch for the signs to follow, expecting to see them at once. Why shouldn't those who read this be blessed with the light of heaven? This is my heart's inmost desire.I can't put fine words together. I've never studied speech. In fact, my heart loathes the very thought of intentionally speaking with fine words when souls are in danger of eternal punishment. No, I work to speak straight to your hearts and consciences, and if there is anyone with faith to receive, God will bless them with fresh revelation.- Charles H. SpurgeonIn this tenth volume, Charles H. Spurgeon expounds on small and large debts forgiven, the parable of the good Samaritan, the parable of the unfruitful fig tree, the parable of the wedding feast, excuses, counting the cost, the parable of the lost silver coin, the parable of the prodigal son, what it means to truly confess and repent of our sins.List of ChaptersBankrupt Debtors Discharged (Luke 7:42)Love's Competition (Luke 7:42-43)The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)Good News for You (Luke 10:33)Judgment Threatening but Mercy Sparing (Luke 13:7-8)This Year Too (Luke 13:8)All Things Are Ready. Come. (Luke 14:17)A Bad Excuse Is Worse Than None (Luke 14:18)A Straight Talk (Luke 14:20)Come In (Luke 14:23)Counting the Cost (Luke 14:28-30)Consider before You Fight (Luke 14:31-32)The Lost Silver Piece (Luke 15:8-10)Bread Enough to Spare (Luke 15:17)Confession of Sin (Proverbs 28:13)The Turning Point (Luke 15:20)

  • von Dwight L. Moody
    20,00 €

    El Cielo ¿es una realidad para nosotros? ¿O nos sigue pareciendo lejano e incierto?El objetivo de este libro es motivarnos a que busquemos el Cielo. Al leer las Escrituras con atención encontramos que el Cielo es lo que anhela todo creyente nacido de nuevo. Nuestro tiempo en la Tierra no es más que algo temporario, y el Cielo es el verdadero hogar de todos los hijos de Dios. Al estudiar y conocer más del Cielo, eso cambia nuestra forma de ver cada día e incluso, el modo en que vemos a quienes nos rodean. Aunque esta vida es real, se nos asegura que el Cielo es real también. Si bien no debemos dejar de lado los deberes que Dios nos ha dado aquí, al mismo tiempo tenemos que prepararnos para nuestro hogar futuro, y hasta anhelar con ansias nuestro hogar eterno.

  • von Charles H. Spurgeon
    23,00 €

    "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it." (Matthew 13:45-46)Volume 9A deep, inspiring, and often challenging study of the Lord Jesus Christ's miracles and parables.Men who were led by the hand or groped their way along the wall to reach Jesus were touched by his finger and went home without a guide, rejoicing that Jesus Christ had opened their eyes. Jesus is still able to perform such miracles. And, with the power of the Holy Spirit, his Word will be expounded and we'll watch for the signs to follow, expecting to see them at once. Why shouldn't those who read this be blessed with the light of heaven? This is my heart's inmost desire.I can't put fine words together. I've never studied speech. In fact, my heart loathes the very thought of intentionally speaking with fine words when souls are in danger of eternal punishment. No, I work to speak straight to your hearts and consciences, and if there is anyone with faith to receive, God will bless them with fresh revelation.- Charles H. SpurgeonIn this ninth volume, Charles H. Spurgeon expounds on the pearl of great price, the parable of the vineyard workers, the first and the last, the parable of the wedding feast, the parable of the talents, the parable of the sower, the blind leading the blind, the separating of the goats and the sheep, and he includes a message for nominal believers.List of ChaptersA Great Bargain (Matthew 13:45-46)Early and Late (Matthew 20:1, 3, 5-6)The First Last, and the Last First (Matthew 19:30)A Message to Nominal Followers of Religion (Matthew 21:28-32)Work for Jesus (Matthew 21:28)The Parable of the Wedding Feast (Matthew 22:2-4)Making Light of Christ (Matthew 22:5)The Wedding Was Furnished with Guests (Matthew 22:10)What Is the Wedding Garment? (Matthew 22:11-13)The Wedding Garment (Matthew 22:11-14)Unprofitable Servants (Matthew 25:30)The Two Talents (Matthew 25:22-23)The Reward of the Righteous (Matthew 25:31-36)The Final Separation (Matthew 25:32)What the Farm Laborers Can Do and What They Cannot Do (Mark 4:26-29)The Choice of a Leader (Luke 6:39-40)

  • von Howard Taylor
    25,00 €

    The Inspiring Life and Legacy of William Borden, a Man of Unwavering Faith and Profound ImpactWilliam Borden was extraordinary in almost every sense. Born into wealth and privilege, he could have chosen to live a life of luxury and ease. Instead, he surrendered it all for a life of service to Christ. "Borden of Yale" is the riveting account of a man who exemplified what it means to be fully committed to God.Raised in Moody Church in Chicago and educated at both Yale and Princeton, Borden first felt the missionary call during a round-the-world journey gifted to him by his parents at the age of sixteen. The following year, he received a distinct call to dedicate his life to serving the Muslims of China, a decision that shaped everything he did from that point forward.Though a scholar in his own right, Borden's theological insights were not merely intellectual pursuits; they were living beliefs that propelled him into action. From leading Bible studies in dorms and founding the Yale Hope Mission to serving as a director at the National Bible Institute and spearheading evangelistic efforts that impacted the entire city of Cairo, Borden was unwavering in his commitment to share the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.As promising as his life appeared, Borden passed away in Egypt while en route to serve the Muslims in China. Thousands mourned, contemplating what might have been. Yet countless others have been inspired to follow in his footsteps to the mission field.William Borden was a visionary, a trailblazer, and an inspiration for all who seek to follow Jesus Christ. This is not just a book; it's an invitation to reevaluate what truly matters and to live wholeheartedly for the Lord.

  • von Howard W. Pope
    22,00 €

    Every Christian ought to be a soul-winner. Regardless of your occupation, your primary business is to win souls. Failing to do so means not only failure in this life but also regret and remorse in the life to come.The world has always been willing to listen to a man with a real message from heaven. As Christians, we possess the greatest news ever told. Upon becoming a Christian, one should realize that, armed with the Gospel, he has more to offer the world than the whole world has to offer in return.To be effective in personal evangelism, study human tendencies and the best ways to approach your fellow man. Study the Bible and learn how to apply its principles. Above all, uplift Christ, confident in the absolute assurance that the Holy Spirit will bless your efforts each time you speak for Christ. "My word will not return to Me void."This book is designed to help those who wish to share the gospel with others but have limited experience and would welcome guidance and practical tips from a fellow laborer.

  • von Stowe Ryle Moody
    19,00 €

    Quien no toma en cuenta la segunda venida de Cristo tiene solamente un evangelio mutilado, porque la Biblia nos enseña no solo sobre la muerte y sufrimientos de Cristo, sino también sobre Su retorno para reinar en honor y gloria. Se menciona y se hace referencia a Su segunda venida más de trescientas veces. Casi no hay iglesias que no pongan gran énfasis en el bautismo, pero en todas las epístolas de Pablo el bautismo aparece solamente trece veces, en tanto que cincuenta veces nos habla del regreso de nuestro Señor; y sin embargo la Iglesia poco tiene para decir sobre ello. El diablo no quiere que veamos esta verdad, porque no hay nada que pudiera despertar de tal modo a la Iglesia.En el momento en que una persona reconoce que Jesucristo volverá para recibir para Sí a Sus seguidores, este mundo ya deja de resultarle tan relevante. Los precios del gas, las innovaciones tecnológicas, y el mercado de la Bolsa, ya dejan de ser importantes. Porque su corazón es libre y busca la bendita aparición de Su Señor, que a Su venida le llevará a Su bendito reino. ¿Estás velando y preparado para el regreso de Cristo, que viene a buscar a Su esposa? ¿Te ocupas de la obra que Él te ha dado para cumplir en Su reino, aquí en la tierra, de modo que puedas tener tu recompensa cuando Él venga?

  • von Thomas Watson
    21,00 €

    Repentance is not optional. It is not left to our choice whether or not we will repent, but it is an indispensable command. God has enacted a law in the High Court of heaven that no sinner will be saved except the repenting sinner, and he will not break his own law. No one can willfully continue in sin and expect to be covered by the blood of Christ. Even if all the angels stood before God and begged for the life of an unrepenting person, God would not grant it. The Lord God, compassionate and merciful, . . . who keeps faithfulness for thousands, . . . will by no means leave the guilty unpunished (Exodus 34:6-7). Though God is more full of mercy than the sun is of light, still He will not forgive a sinner who willfully continues to sin.We have, by sin, wronged God. We have eclipsed his honor. We have infringed upon his law, and we should, reasonably, repent of our old ways. By repentance, we humble and judge ourselves for sin. We agree that God would be righteous if he destroyed us, and so we give glory to God and do what we can to repair his honor.Dying to sin is the life of repentance. The very day a Christian turns from sin, he must require of himself a perpetual fast. The eye must fast from impure glances. The ear must fast from listening to slander. The tongue must fast from cursing. The hands must fast from bribes. The feet must fast from unclean paths. And the soul must fast from the love of wickedness. This turning away from sin implies a noticeable change in the lives of those who truly follow Christ.Therefore let us, while we are on this side of the grave, make our peace with God!

  • von J. Wilbur Chapman
    21,00 €

    Most people want to live forever. They desire long, healthy, fulfilling lives. But God has a bigger, better plan, though it comes at a cost. There is a training process that we need to go through. More than that, a complete change of heart is needed - we must be born again. And to follow Christ, our will must be submitted to His will, and our lives must be filled with His Spirit. There is only one way to eternal life.The Apostle Peter signed up for a life like that. He left his career, his family, and whatever meager enjoyments he might have had to follow a humble, nondescript Teacher named Jesus. During those three years of training, Peter was taught by the Master. Some of those lessons were not easy at all; yet Peter was given grace in the eyes of the Lord, and when he fell, the Lord forgave him, strengthened him, and kept him to the end.What about you? Do you need courage, strengthening, and training? In this book, J. Wilbur Chapman admonishes, teaches, and encourages. Chapman's love for the Lord and for His people shines clearly in his messages. He expounds on Scripture, relates real-life stories, and tells us about the only way to be saved - and how we may experience the fullness of life in Christ.

  • von Bernard Palmer
    18,00 €

    Listening is often hard to do, especially when you want to do something that you should not. Danny and Rick witness to Ken Meyer about accepting Jesus as his Savior, but Ken doesn't listen. He says he has plenty of time to do that later. Ken finds himself in trouble again and again because of his stubborn rebellion. A dog nearly drowns in icy water; a fishing boat almost sinks, and Ken runs his boat into a dock. Ken doesn't have "plenty of time later" to make things right with Jesus. Instead, his careless ways catch up with him, and tragedy strikes.

  • von Thomas Watson
    23,00 €

    Here in this book, you have a godly person's portrait, and you see him portrayed in his full qualities and features. What a rare thing godliness is! Godliness is a ray and beam that shines from God. If God is true, then godliness is true. Genuine godliness is not light and fluffy, but it is solid and will engage the heart and spirit.Christian, aspire after piety; it is a lawful ambition. Look at the saints' characteristics here, and never stop until you have got those same characteristics stamped upon your own soul.

  • von ¿¿¿ Charles H ¿¿¿ Spurgeon
    19,00 €

    ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ (¿¿¿¿ 3¿36)¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿· H·¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿

  • von Thomas Watson
    21,00 €

    The contented heart is never out of heart. Contentment is a golden shield that beats back discouragement. True contentment will trust God even when it cannot see Him. Why are you discontented? Is it because you are temporarily dispossessed of comforts? You who are discontented because you do not have all you would like to have, let me tell you, either your faith is a nonentity, or, at best, it is just an embryo. It is a weak faith that must have stilts and crutches to support it. Discontent is not only below faith, but it is also below reason. Discontent is unworthy of the relationship we have with God. Christians are invested with the title and privilege of sonship; we are heirs of the promise. God will be sure to reward the contented Christian.List of ChaptersCh. 1: The ScholarCh. 2: The LessonCh. 3: The Character of ContentmentCh. 4: Why Should We Be Content?Ch. 5: The Usefulness of ContentmentCh. 6: How Is It Possible to Be Content?Ch. 7: Motivations to ContentmentCh. 8: DiscontentCh. 9: More MotivationCh. 10: CautionsCh. 11: Characteristics of ContentmentCh. 12: Rules for ContentmentCh. 13: The Contented Christian's Comfort

  • von Greg Hershberg
    17,00 €

    People are obsessed with life; no one wants to die. In fact, we are scared to death of dying.Most of us are familiar with the saying, "You only live once." But we have to ask ourselves an all-important question: What happens to us after we die?For most people, death is either a great mystery or a subject of great denial. However, the fact remains - we all die. What if this life is not all there is? What if there actually is life after death? If so, who can tell us what happens after we die? Because of His firsthand experience in heaven and His knowledge of the future, Jesus can. He presents us with three basic truths about the subject of life after death:There is life after death.There are two destinations from which everyone must choose.There is a way to ensure you make the right choice.Right now, you may be dying of thirst, but you don't have to perish in your thirst. Likewise, you may be overcome with sin, but you don't have to die in your sins. There is something you can do, right now, to ensure that when you die, you will have everlasting life and happiness.The most important thing you must do in this life is to make sure you don't die in your sins.God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. - John 3:17 (NLT)

  • von Bernard Palmer
    17,00 €

    Danny has just moved with Ginger and her family to a farm outside of Wolf Creek. Coming home from school one day, Danny is sure he spotted someone in the window of the neighboring abandoned farmhouse. He enlists the help of his friends to solve the mystery of the stranger in the creepy, old house. Will the love and care of Ginger, Danny, and all their friends change the stranger's life?

  • von Eddie Byun
    21,00 €

    It is clear that God is passionate about justice and righteousness in His Word and in our world. With tens of millions of people in slavery today, human trafficking is one of the darkest evils of our generation. But what can we do as believers? A Light in Darkness gives a biblical foundation for the church to understand God's call for us to pursue justice, and provides practical steps for us to demonstrate the gospel as we shine light into these dark places.EndorsementsWorldwide human trafficking is a modern form of slavery that negates justice and neighbor-love in the worst possible way. God, give us ears to hear Eddie Byun's word for our times. J.I. PackerA profoundly important message for the church today.Kyle StrobelDr. Eddie Byun was instrumental in helping ignite a flame for justice in our school and guiding our student ministries. He lives and breathes by the power of the Holy Spirit to bring awareness and action plans to battle this worldwide evil.Dr. Terry FransonEddie Byun opens our eyes to the realities of human trafficking around the world.Uche AnizorEddie's book is instructive, insightful, and impactful.Mark del MundoIn this book, Eddie gives the Church proven methods to answer God's command to stand with the oppressed and fight injustice.Don Brewster Eddie calls the Church to pursue justice - not because it's trendy - but because God loves justice and hates injustice. This book walks us through the path of seeking justice. Eugene Cho

  • von Dwight L. Moody
    18,00 €

    Pagtagumpayan ang iyong pinamalaking kaaway, ang iyong sarili. Magtatagumpay ka ba? O, pinapahirapan ka ng mga munting kasalanang nagkukulong sa iyo? Mas masama'y, nagkukulang ka na sa iyong paglalakbay bilang Cristiano, ngunit itinatanggi at ayaw tugunan ito? Walang Cristiano ang maaaring magpabalewala sa tawag upang magtagumpay. Ang halagang babayaran sa lupa'y maliit lamang; ang walang-hanggang kagantihan ay higit sa anumang sukatan. Si Dwight L. Moody ay isang dalubhasa sa pagtuklas sa mga nagpapahirap sa atin. Kinakasangkapan niya ang mga kwento at katatawanan upang ipaliwanag ang mga mahahalagang aral ng matagumpay na pamumuhay bilang Cristiano. Ang bawat aspeto ng tagumpay ay sinusuri mula sa praktikal at mauunawaang anggulo. Ang solusyon na inihahain ni Moody para sa ating mga suliranin ay hindi relihion, mga patakaran, o ibang panlabas na pagbabago. Sa halip, ginagabayan niya tayo sa puso ng usapan at nagbibigay ng mga biblikal, mga lunas mula sa Dios para sa buhay ng bawat Cristiano. Maging handa upang yakapin ang tunay na tagumpay sa ngayon, at kagalakan sa walang hanggan. Kabilang sa mga paksang pangkalooban ay:* Pagpipigil * Kagutuman * Paninibugho * Kapalaluan * Ang Laman Kabilang sa mga paksang pagkataong labas ay:* Ang Sanglibutan * Gawain * Pag-uusig * Ang Ating Mga Anak Tungkol sa May-akdaSi Dwight L. Moody, na nangapagpasiyang magkamal ng kayamanan, ay nagtungo sa Chicago at nagsimulang magbenta ng mga sapatos. Ngunit natagpuan siya ni Cristo at ang kanyang enerhiya'y itinuon sa paglalaan ng kanyang buong oras sa ministeryo. At kalugod-lugod na ministeryo ang kanyang pinamahalaan. Ngayon, ang pangalan ni Moody ay patuloy pa rin na nagbibigay-karangalan sa isang iglesia, isang misyon, isang kolehiyo, at higit pa. Iniibig ni Moody ang Dios at tao, at ang kapangyarihan ng pag-ibig na gaya nito'y nakaaapekto sa maraming mga henerasyon.

  • von Spurgeon Moody Talmage
    21,00 €

    Choose you this day whom ye will serve. - Joshua 24:15This life will not last forever. The trumpet will one day sound and call you forth from your narrow bed. The graves will be opened, and you will be summoned forth to meet your God. The proud heart that rejects or mocks Christianity down here will be compelled to listen to the judgment sentence of God. The ears that will not obey the sound of the church-going bell will be compelled to obey the sound of the last trumpet. The eyes that behold evil here will one day gaze upon the spotless throne of God. Do not forever disobey. May God help you to submit your proud will without delay in loving, childlike obedience to Him.

  • von Bernard Palmer
    17,00 €

    Danny Orlis and his cousin Larry navigate a series of challenges and tests of faith. From rescuing Larry after a perilous fall overboard, to facing the consequences of a fight, their time together is marked by hazards. Even as they strive to remain faithful to Jesus in spite of the pressures of high school football, they find themselves caught in a dangerous gambling scheme that threatens the integrity of the team. With courage and determination, they must expose the culprits while staying true to their convictions. Amidst it all, they discover the power of forgiveness, the strength of real friendship, and the importance of unwavering faith.

  • von Charles H. Spurgeon
    21,00 €

    The "artillery" herein has been proven by one of the most skillful archers to be effective in piercing the armor joints of many sinners' harnesses. The arrows of conviction have gone home to many hearts when shot from a bow drawn at a venture (1 Kings 22:34). It has been a profitable pleasure to bundle the arrows, and it is hoped that the war-worn soldiers may be relieved a little as we hand them their ammunition in this form. As Spurgeon said, "When the Word of God becomes an arrow in a man's heart, he writhes; and he would gladly tear it out; but it is a barbed shaft."This wonderful volume has been compiled from the sermons of Charles H. Spurgeon. During a season of sickness and recovery, Spurgeon's son found organizing the illustrations, anecdotes, and similes used by his beloved father a pleasing pastime. Knowing the Lord's archers' desire for the arrows of truth to stick fast in the hearts of the King's enemies, it was felt that such a sheaf of arrows, so well barbed, would prove useful to fellow bowmen.

  • von Horatius Bonar
    24,00 €

    God speaks to us through the Bible. That Book embodies His words. Creation itself is the visible embodiment of His power and wisdom. It is the result of His words. This Book of His is, in a different way, the effect of His speaking. It is His written wisdom and power. There is His voice to us. The thunder and tempest are His loud voice of grandeur. The sunshine and the gentle breeze are His still small voice. But deeper, clearer, keener, softer, and still more penetrating than all of these is His written Word to us.The Bible is what it is because it contains the words of God. It is through the Word, and in connection with it, that God communicates with us. The Word revives: Your word has revived me (Psalm 119:50). The word produces faith: Faith comes from hearing (Romans 10:17). The Word strengthens, comforts, heals, nourishes, and revives. It gets into contact with each part of our souls and works its own work there. And it does this because it is divine. No human words could be trusted to work the work in a human soul so unrestrictedly. It is not eloquence, poetry, nor argument, but something more than all these together. It is something peculiar and indescribable, which man could not have formed and which he cannot understand, that makes it so suitable for the soul of a foolish and sinful man.

  • von Dwight L. Moody
    20,00 €


  • von Dwight L. Moody
    19,00 €

    May buhay kay Kristo. Mayaman, masaya, at kamangha-manghang buhay. Tama na ang Panginoon ay nagdidisiplina sa mga mahal Niya at kadalasan ay inuusig tayo ng mundo at ng ating kaaway, ang diyablo. Ngunit kung nalalaman natin kung paano lampasan ang mga pagsubok na ito at manatili sa krus ni Hesus Kristo at ituloy ang ating pananaw sa Panginoon, ang ating gantimpala rito sa lupa at sa langit ay aabot sa isandaang beses kaysa sa iniaalok ng mundo.Ang aklat na ito ay malawak at komprehensibo. Ipinapakita nito ang pagmamahal ng Diyos, sinusuri ang kalagayan ng kaluluwa ng hindi nakaligtas, at inaalam kung ano ang nangyari sa krus para sa ating mga kasalanan. Ang Daan tungo sa Diyos ay tumitingin nang tapat sa ating pangangailangan upang magsisi at sundin si Hesus, at nagbibigay ng pag-asa para sa walang hanggan at masayang buhay sa langit.

  • von Corey Miller
    21,00 €

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon) has 90,000 missionaries in the field, seeking to convert members of Christian churches. Because the lessons these missionaries teach represent the core claims of Mormonism, this book interacts with those lessons from a biblical perspective.Written and edited by former Mormons who are now Christians, it includes insider knowledge, personal stories, cultural insights, evangelistic wisdom, and best practices from former LDS missionaries themselves, to help Christians fortify their own faith while learning how to share their faith wisely and effectively with Latter-day Saints.

  • von J. Wilbur Chapman
    21,00 €

    God forbid that any of us should miss our crown at the great day of awards! God grant that we may receive a full reward!After the return of Christ for His church, there will be a great day of awards. Those who have been faithful will receive recognition at the hands of the Lord in the presence of the assembled hosts. Our reward will be in proportion to our faith and our faithfulness. Scripture tells us that one may be saved, yet be missing the peace and joy of God. After living such a life, one may be ushered into eternity just barely saved, as Paul puts it: so as through fire (1 Corinthians 3:15). This is not a very happy outlook, and God throws out danger signals all along the way so that we may turn aside from such mediocre living.Those who truly deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow Christ will enter into God's presence with fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11). They will be welcomed with the shouts of angels and will be saluted with Well done, good and faithful servant by the Master Himself (Matthew 25:23). Such an entrance into glory is certainly to be desired, and such a joyous experience may be given to every consistent follower of Christ.The purpose of this book is to convince us to lay hold of the promises of God so that our lives may be so shaped according to His will that, when that day comes, we will stand before Him with rejoicing, not sorrow.

  • von Bernard Palmer
    17,00 €

    Confrontations can happen anywhere, anytime, to anyone. Tim Barton, the new star quarterback at Cedarton, insists on playing a one-man game, sparking rebellion among the rest of the team. Each side is determined to break the other first. Can Danny bring reconciliation to the two sides before the championship game? Marilyn Foster's mother is adamant about sending Marilyn to a private school, in an effort to distance her from her Christian friends. Will Marilyn be forced to leave? What steps will Danny and Kay take to defuse these confrontations? What role will God play?

  • von Moody Whittle Stowe
    21,00 €

    When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne. - Matthew 25:31Whoever neglects the second coming of Christ has only a mutilated gospel, for the Bible teaches us not only of the death and sufferings of Christ, but also of His return to reign in honor and glory. His second coming is mentioned and referred to over three hundred times. There is hardly any church that does not make a great deal of baptism, yet in all of Paul's epistles, baptism is spoken of only thirteen times, while he speaks about the return of our Lord fifty times; and yet the church has had very little to say about it. The devil does not want us to see this truth, for nothing would wake up the church so much. The moment a man realizes that Jesus Christ is coming back again to receive His followers to Himself, this world loses its hold upon that man. Gas prices, technology innovations, and the stock market are of much less consequence to him then. His heart is free, and he looks for the blessed appearing of His Lord, who, at His coming, will take him into His blessed kingdom. Are you watching and ready for Christ's return for His bride? Are you occupied with the work He has given you to do in His kingdom here on earth, so that you may have a reward when He comes?

  • von Bernard Palmer
    17,00 €

    Danny and Ron Orlis drive to Zongolica, Mexico, to deliver a station wagon to the mission station where Kay's mother and Aunt Mabel serve as missionaries. Once there, they find themselves searching in the jungle for a lost ancient sacred cave. Dangers assault them from snakes, thieves, the swamp, and.... What does the future hold for their new friends Newton and Miguel? How will they survive? How will God protect them?

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