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  • - How to Receive This Promised Gift
    von Reuben A Torrey
    17,00 €

    Have ye received the Holy Spirit since ye believed? - Acts 19:2Scripture clearly separates being born again, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and being filled with the Holy Spirit. These three are not lumped together as one in Scripture. Instead, they are presented as separate experiences for the Lord's people.Today, however, few people know exactly what the Scriptures say regarding the Holy Spirit, and the consequence is men trying to do things in their own strength. Sadder still is how one group denies the power of the Holy Spirit, while another group pursues the things of the Spirit more than they pursue Christ Himself. Somewhere in the middle is the truth. This book takes a close look at Scripture to see what the Lord Himself tells us regarding His Holy Spirit and how it relates to us today.Chapters included in this book: What Is the Baptism with the Holy Spirit? The Baptism with the Holy Spirit Is Necessary How to Obtain the Baptism with the Holy Spirit The Refilling with the Holy Spirit How to Keep Spiritual PowerOriginal Title: The Baptism with the Holy SpiritAbout the AuthorReuben Archer Torrey traveled all over the world leading evangelistic tours, preaching to the unsaved. It is believed that more than one hundred thousand were saved under his preaching. Torrey married Clara Smith in 1879, with whom he had five children. In 1908, he helped start the Montrose Bible Conference in Pennsylvania, which continues today. He became dean of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles (now Biola University) in 1912, and was the pastor of the Church of the Open Door in Los Angeles from 1915 to 1924. Torrey continued speaking all over the world and holding Bible conferences. He died in Asheville, North Carolina, on October 26, 1928.

  • - Things Every Minister of the Gospel Must Consider
    von Horatius Bonar
    16,00 €

    Take heed therefore unto yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has placed you as bishops to feed the congregation of God, which he has purchased with his own blood. - Acts 20:28The objective of the Christian ministry is to convert sinners and to edify the body of Christ. No faithful minister can possibly rest short of this. Applause, fame, popularity, honor, and wealth - all these are vain. If souls are not won, and if saints are not matured, our ministry itself is futile.Questions we have to ask ourselves: Has it been the purpose of my ministry and the desire of my heart to save the lost and guide the saved? Is this my aim in every sermon I preach and in every visit I make? Is it under the influence of this feeling that I continually live and walk and speak? Do I pray and toil and fast and weep for this? Do I spend and am I spent for this, counting it, next to the salvation of my own soul, my greatest joy to be the instrument of saving others? Is it for this that I exist? To accomplish this, would I gladly die? Have I seen the pleasure of the Lord prospering in my hand? Have I seen souls converted under my ministry? Have God's people found refreshment from my lips and gone on their way rejoicing, or have I seen no fruit of my labors? Am I content to remain fruitless? Am I satisfied to preach without knowing of one saving impression I made or one sinner awakened?Opinions are not what man needs; he needs truth. Not theology, but God. Not religion, but Christ. Not literature and science, but the knowledge of the free love of God in the gift of His only begotten Son.Table of Contents The Importance of Being Hot for Christ The Importance of Being Right with God Ourselves The Danger of Unfruitful Ministry The Importance of Eliminating Our Faults The Need of Revival in Ministry Former Title: Words to Winners of Souls About the Author In 1808, Horatius Bonar was born into a family of several generations of ministers of the gospel. He graduated from the University of Edinburgh and was ordained in 1838. As a young pastor at North Parish, Kelso, he preached in villages and farmhouses, proving himself to be a comforter and guide. In 1843, he joined 450 other pastors to form the Free Church of Scotland after the "Disruption." Horatius Bonar wrote numerous books, tracts, periodicals, and more than 600 hymns. He believed that people needed truth, not opinions; God, not theology; and Christ, not religion. From his first sermon to his last, he ended with "In such an hour as ye think not, the Son of Man cometh."

  • - Losing Your Life for His Sake
    von Charles H Spurgeon
    18,00 €

    Whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your slave. - Matthew 20:27You cannot have Christ if you will not serve Him. If you take Christ, you must take Him in all His qualities. You must not simply take Him as a Friend, but you must also take Him as your Master. If you are to become His disciple, you must also become His servant. God-forbid that anyone fights against that truth. It is certainly one of our greatest delights on earth to serve our Lord, and this is to be our joyful vocation even in heaven itself: His servants shall serve Him: and they shall see His face (Revelation 22:3-4).Charles H. Spurgeon originally wrote this book for members of the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor. Spurgeon's heartfelt writing style makes this book one that today still encourages believers to move into Christian action. He emphasizes simply moving forward, using the talents and resources you already have at your disposal, for the Lord's service and your own eternal reward. The concepts presented are easy to understand and straight-forward, if only you are ready to lay down your life to follow Christ.Table of ContentsOriginal Title: We EndeavorAbout the AuthorCharles Haddon (C. H.) Spurgeon (1834-1892) was a British Baptist preacher. He started preaching at age 16 and quickly became famous. He is still known as the "Prince of Preachers" and frequently had more than 10,000 people present to hear him preach at the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London. His sermons were printed in newspapers, translated into many languages, and published in many books.

  • - Un Programa Cristiano de 9 Pasos
    von Larry Skrant
    21,00 €

    Un Programa Cristiano de 9 PasosAdictos Ante La Cruz adopta una postura audaz y osada al declarar que la Biblia es verdad: Así que, si el Hijo os libertare, seréis verdaderamente libres (Juan 8:36). Los 9 pasos acompañarán a los alumnos hasta la cruz, donde Cristo libera a los cautivos. Estos pasos no son mágicos, pero una búsqueda voluntaria y resuelta de alcanzar la libertad mediante ellos, guiará al alumno al lugar donde la victoria sobre la adicción está asegurada.La sociedad nos dice que la pobreza, la falta de educación y el desempleo son las raíces que causan la adicción. Aunque las familias fuertes y la educación son apoyos vitales para una sociedad estable, ya que ayudan a la persona a descubrir cómo actuar y qué hacer, las raíces de la adicción se desarrollan y crecen a partir de "quién" es la persona. Este estudio de 9 pasos está diseñado para dragar el lodo del corazón del adicto y desarraigar las causas subyacentes de la adicción, liberando así al adicto de forma genuina.

  • - How Christians Ought to Pray
    von Edward M Bounds
    18,00 €

    New, updated, and annotated edition.And the very God of peace sanctify you completely, that your spirit, soul, and body be preserved whole without reprehension for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thessalonians 5:23)Christians who pray well, who bring the largest things to pass, and who move God to do great things, are those who are entirely given over to God in their praying. God wants, and must have, all that there is in us. We must be wholehearted people through whom he can work out his purposes and plans concerning us. God must have us in our entirety. No double-minded people need apply. No vacillating person can be used. No person with a divided allegiance to God, the world, and self can do the praying that is needed. Holiness is wholeness, and so God wants holy people - wholehearted and true - for his service and for the work of praying.This book challenges the reader to first make sure he is ready to pray, and it also shows from Scripture when and how we ought to pray. E. M. Bounds examines the lack of prayer and its causes, but he also includes examples of answered prayer to give hope to those who feel like their prayers aren't being answered. Some may experience guilt for their lack and inconsistency of prayer, but sincere Christians will also be stirred in their heart to pray, and to pray well.About the AuthorEdward McKendree Bounds was born in Shelby County, Missouri, on August 15, 1835, and died on August 24, 1913, in Washington, Georgia. He was admitted to the bar in 1854 at the age of nineteen, but left the profession five years later when he answered the call of God to the ministry. Beginning in 1863, in the midst of the Civil War, he became the chaplain of the 5th Missouri Regiment of the Confederacy.Bounds married Miss Emmie Barnett of Eufaula, Alabama, in 1876. By this union, he became the father of two daughters, Celeste and Corneille, and a son, Edward, who died at the age of six. His wife Emmie died in 1886, and later Bounds married Miss Hattie Barnett, Emmie's cousin. Together they had six children: Samuel, Charles, Osborne, Elizabeth, Mary, and Emmie. However, Charles died at the age of one, so in the end, the family consisted of seven children.After serving several important churches in St. Louis and other places to the south, Bounds became editor of the St. Louis Christian Advocate for eight years and, later, associate editor of The Nashville Christian Advocate for four years. The trial of his faith came while he was in Nashville, and he quietly retired to his home without even asking for a pension. His principal work in Washington, Georgia (his home), was rising at four o'clock in the morning and praying until seven o'clock. He filled a few engagements as an evangelist during the eighteen years of his life work in Washington, Georgia.

  • - My Yoke Is Easy, and My Burden Is Light
    von F B Meyer
    17,00 €

    Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust corrupt and where thieves do not break through nor steal. - Matthew 6:20Are you prepared to sign your name to a blank sheet of paper and then hand it over to God for Him to fill in as He pleases? If not, ask Him to make you willing and able to do this and everything else. You will never be happy until you let the Lord Jesus keep the house of your nature, closely scrutinizing every visitor and admitting only His friends. He must reign. He must have all or nothing. He must have the key of every closet, of every cupboard, and of every room. Do not try to make them fit for Him. Simply give Him the key. He will cleanse and renovate and make beautiful.Learn… How to gain victory over sin How to have a blessed life What it means to be separate from the world How to love reading your Bible How to turn monotony into purpose How to avoid the tendency to drift from Christian livingAbout the AuthorFrederick Brotherton Meyer (1847-1929) was a Bible teacher, pastor, and evangelist of German descent, born in London. He attended Brighton College and Regent's College, and graduated from the University of London in 1869.Meyer influence giants of the faith like Charles H. Spurgeon who said, "Meyer preaches as a man who has seen God face to face." Meyer led a long and fruitful life, preaching more than 16,000 sermons, before he went home to be with the Lord in 1929.

  • - What the Bible Tells Us About Genuine, Effective Prayer
    von Reuben A Torrey
    17,00 €

    Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit and watching in this with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints - Ephesians 6:18Prayer. Satan laughs as he looks at the church today and says to himself, "You can have your Sunday schools and your young people's small groups, your boys' and girls' programs, your vacation Bible schools, your Christian schools, your elegant churches, your retreats, your music programs, your brilliant preachers, and even your revival efforts - as long as you don't bring the power of almighty God into them by earnest, persistent, believing, mighty prayer."It is not necessary that the whole church prays to begin with. Great revivals always begin first in the hearts of a few men and women whom God arouses by His Spirit to believe in Him as a living God, as a God who answers prayer, and upon whose heart He lays a burden from which no rest can be found except in persistent crying unto God.May God use this book to inspire many who are currently prayerless, or nearly so, to pray earnestly. May God stir up your own heart to be one of those burdened to pray, and to pray until God answers.About the AuthorReuben Archer Torrey traveled all over the world leading evangelistic tours, preaching to the unsaved. It is believed that more than one hundred thousand were saved under his preaching. Torrey married Clara Smith in 1879, with whom he had five children. In 1908, he helped start the Montrose Bible Conference in Pennsylvania, which continues today. He became dean of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles (now Biola University) in 1912, and was the pastor of the Church of the Open Door in Los Angeles from 1915 to 1924. Torrey continued speaking all over the world and holding Bible conferences. He died in Asheville, North Carolina, on October 26, 1928.

  • - A Prayer Book for Kids and the People who Love Them
    von Sue M Barksdale
    15,99 €

  • - Parenting Your Children God's Way
    von J C Ryle
    17,00 €

    Training your children well and not causing them to stumble in any way ought to be one of the highest priorities of Christian parents. In The Duties of Parents, J. C. Ryle presents seventeen simple and yet profound responsibilities of Christian parents. Nothing new is contained in this little volume, yet what is presented has the potential to change future generations both now and for eternity. Learn how to shepherd your children; learn how to utilize the most significant key of all - love; and learn first and foremost how to present and represent Christ to your children. As you read this book, expect to find yourself both challenged and excited to begin a wonderful, appropriate, and growing relationship with the most wonderful gift God can give us in our lifetime - our dear children.About the AuthorJohn Charles Ryle (1816-1900) graduated from Eton and Oxford and then pursued a career in politics, but due to lack of funds, he entered the clergy of the Church of England. He was a contemporary of Spurgeon, Moody, Mueller, and Taylor and read the great theologians like Wesley, Bunyan, Knox, Calvin, and Luther. These all influenced Ryle's understanding and theology. Ryle began his writing career with a tract following the Great Yarmouth suspension bridge tragedy, where more than a hundred people drowned. He gained a reputation for straightforward preaching and evangelism. He travelled, preached, and wrote more than 300 pamphlets, tracts, and books, including Expository Thoughts on the Gospels, Principles for Churchmen, and Christian Leaders of the Eighteenth Century. Ryle used the royalties from his writing to pay his father's debts, but he also felt indebted to that ruin for changing the direction of his life. He was recommended by Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli to be Bishop of Liverpool where he ended his career in 1900.

  • von William Law
    28,00 €

    Updated and adapted for today's society.The style of the Serious Call is admirably adapted to its subject. It is serious, clear, and strong, but not graceful. There is never the slightest doubt about William Law's meaning. He conveys to the reader the exact idea that is in his own mind. The book is addressed to Christians, and it is, as its title implies, a Serious Call to be what they profess. The point is inevitable; it is driven home with extraordinary force, and Law's whole life gives weight to every word.It is not necessary to agree with Law in all the details. But the questions that he urges upon the reader are vital, "Are you living the Christian life as it ought to be lived? Do you believe the Bible? Are you a true follower of Jesus or not?"About the AuthorWilliam Law was born in 1686, at King's Cliffe, England. He graduated from Emmanuel College in Cambridge with a Master of Arts degree in 1712 and was ordained in the Church of England. When Queen Anne died and the German George I became the new ruler of England, William refused to take the oath of allegiance, and so was deprived of his Fellowship and of all hope of a career in the Church. He became a private tutor for ten years, and soon began writing.After his time of being a private tutor, Law returned to his hometown of King's Cliffe, where he died in 1761. He lived a somewhat secluded life - writing, spending much time with God, and giving away any extra income to help others, setting a good example of practicing what he preached. William Law was a sincere and godly man who read the Scriptures and lived them as he understood them; and he expected all Christians to do the same.His most famous book, A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life, was published in 1729. This book was influential in the lives of many Christians, including John and Charles Wesley, George Whitefield, Dr. Samuel Johnson, Edward Gibbon, Andrew Murray, and William Wilberforce.

  • - More than 100 Inspiring Stories for and about Children
    von Dwight L Moody
    18,00 €

    Previous Title: Moody's Child StoriesCarefully selected from Mr. Moody's sermons at home and abroad, it is hoped that these true and wonderful stories may prove of special and personal interest to readers of all ages. As a bonus, this book also contains an overview of Moody's life and ministry. In the interest of the Savior's cause, the volume is dedicated especially to the children of America.About the AuthorDwight L. Moody, determined to make a fortune, arrived in Chicago and started selling shoes. But Christ found him and his energies were redirected into full-time ministry. And what a ministry it was. Today, Moody's name still graces a church, a mission, a college, and more. Moody loved God and men, and the power of a love like that impacts generations.

  • - The "Esmaul-Husna" in the Qur'an and in the Bible
    von Daniel Wickwire
    17,00 €

    Blessed is the name of your Lord, Owner of Majesty and Honor. - Rahman 55:78Who is God? Men have come up with a wide range of answers to this age-old question. But a careful study of the Qur'an and the Bible reveal answers that may surprise you. This book presents and substantiates the 99 names of God, giving us an objective understanding of who God really is.A few of the names of God: El-Ahad: There is none other besides Him. El-Basir: He sees and hears all things. El-Basit: He extends His mercy to whom He wills. Ed-Darr: He sends affliction as well as blessing. El-Ghaffar: He is ever ready to pardon and forgive. El-Hadi: He leads and guides in safe paths. El-Hafid: He abases some while He exalts others. El-Halim: He is both forgiving and kindly disposed. El-Hayy: He is the source of all life. El-Jami: He gathers all men to an appointed Day. El-Jelil: He alone is mighty and great. El-Kahhar: He powerfully avenges and overcomes all. El-Kerim: He is liberal in His generosity. El-Mughni: He provides bounty and supplies others needs. El-Mujib: He answers prayers when his servants call. El-Muntekim: He will avenge all wrongs done. Es-Sabur: He is very patient and slow to punish. Es-Selam: His name is Peace. Zül'-Jelal-i ve'l-Ikram: All majesty and honor belongs to Him.About the AuthorDan Wickwire was born in California in 1951 and grew up in the city of Bakersfield. His military service included three years in the U.S. army, during which he was trained as a medic, a paratrooper, and a Green Beret. He served a tour of duty as a combat medic in Vietnam.Dan's education includes: Bakersfield College, earning an associate's degree in liberal arts. Multnomah School of the Bible, studying Bible, Hebrew, and Greek, and earning a bachelor's degree in theology. Columbia Biblical Seminary & School of Missions, earning a master's degree in Bible. Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL); the University of Texas at Arlington; and the University of Oklahoma at Norman, studying linguistics. Dan earned a master's degree in linguistics at Pacific Western University. Ankara University in Ankara, Turkey, completing one year of doctoral studies in Islamics in the Department of Islamic Theology.Dan is married to Devri and is the father of three sons: Derek Yekta, Andrew Nadir, and Peter Can. He is an ordained minister who has served as a church planting missionary in Turkey for twenty-eight years. Dan and Devri currently reside in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

  • - A Comparison of the Holy Books Showing Important Similarities and Differences
    von Dan Wickwire
    19,00 €

    Would you like objective answers to important spiritual questions, answered directly by the Bible and the Qur'an? This book addresses 200 spiritual questions every Muslim believer should consider and uses scripture as the answers to the questions. Clarifying notes are added if needed, though rarely, instead letting the Holy Books speak for themselves.200 Questions about the Bible and the Qur'an answers questions such as these: Is it accepted that the Holy Bible is the Word of God? (Tevrat, Zebur & Injil) Does God want to protect all of His Holy Books from change and corruption? (Purpose /Niyet) Are the "God" of the Bible and the "Allah" of the Qur'an one and the same entity? In the Holy Books when God refers to Himself, does He ever speak in the first person plural "We"? Does God look on believers as being merely His slaves or servants? Is the Holy Spirit accepted as God? Is it accepted that Christ is the one and only mediator between God and man? Is it accepted that Christ is alive today and that he will come again? Is Muhammad's self-proclamation of being a prophet a valid test or proof of prophethood? Does a holy God take small sins seriously? Is a person's salvation contingent upon their own good works? (Ameller) Will everyone have to spend a period of time suffering in hell? Are women required to wear a veil outside the home? Did God create people in His own image and likeness? Did God promise the land of Palestine specifically to the Jews?About the AuthorDan Wickwire was born in California in 1951 and grew up in the city of Bakersfield. His military service included three years in the U.S. army, during which he was trained as a medic, a paratrooper, and a Green Beret. He served a tour of duty as a combat medic in Vietnam.Dan's education includes: Bakersfield College, earning an associate's degree in liberal arts. Multnomah School of the Bible, studying Bible, Hebrew, and Greek, and earning a bachelor's degree in theology. Columbia Biblical Seminary & School of Missions, earning a master's degree in Bible. Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL); the University of Texas at Arlington; and the University of Oklahoma at Norman, studying linguistics. Dan earned a master's degree in linguistics at Pacific Western University. Ankara University in Ankara, Turkey, completing one year of doctoral studies in Islamics in the Department of Islamic Theology.Dan is married to Devri and is the father of three sons: Derek Yekta, Andrew Nadir, and Peter Can. He is an ordained minister who has served as a church planting missionary in Turkey for twenty-eight years. Dan and Devri currently reside in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

  • - Persevering in Prayer
    von Murray Andrew
    18,00 €

    Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit and watching in this with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints. - Ephesians 6:18The sin of prayerlessness as one of the deepest roots of the evil. Few can plead themselves free from this. Nothing so reveals the defective spiritual life in a pastor and the congregation as the lack of believing and unceasing prayer. Prayer is indeed the very pulse of the spiritual life. It is the great means of bringing to a pastor and the people the blessing and power of heaven. Persevering and believing prayer means a strong and abundant spiritual life.Chapters included in this book… The Sin of Prayerlessness How to Be Delivered from Prayerlessness The Blessing of Victory The Example of Our Lord The Holy Spirit and Prayer The Holiness of God Obedience and the Victorious Life Time in Inner Chamber Taking Up the Cross The Holy Spirit and the CrossAbout the AuthorAndrew Murray (1828-1917) was a well-known South African writer, teacher, and pastor. More than two million copies of his books have been sold, and his name is mentioned among other great leaders of the past, such as Charles Spurgeon, T. Austin-Sparks, George Muller, D. L. Moody, and more.

  • - The Place We Long For
    von Dwight L Moody
    18,00 €

    For here we have no continuing city, but we seek the one that is coming. - Hebrews 13:14Is heaven a reality to you, or does it still appear far off and uncertain? The goal of this book is to whet your appetite for heaven. A careful look at Scripture reveals that heaven is what every born-again believer is longing for. Our time on earth is only in a temporary dwelling place, and heaven is the true home of all God's children. A study of heaven can change how you approach each day, and even how you view others around you. As real as this life is, we are assured that heaven is just as real. While we must not neglect our present God-given duties, we must at the same time be preparing for our future home and should even be looking forward with great anticipation to our eternal home.About the AuthorDwight L. Moody, determined to make a fortune, arrived in Chicago and started selling shoes. But Christ found him, and his energies were redirected into full-time ministry. And what a ministry it was. Today, Moody's name still graces a church, a mission, a college, and more. Moody loved God and men, and the power of a love like that impacts generations.

  • - A Refreshing yet Challenging Look at Biblical Christian Living
    von F B Meyer
    17,00 €

    Original Title: Five "Musts" of the Christian Life, and Other SermonsThis book is a refreshing, interesting, and yet challenging look at five essential aspects of healthy Christian living. These are not new, of course, as nothing can be added to what's been already recorded in scripture. Rather, the topics as they are written are a breath of fresh air in simplicity of presentation, yet striking to the core of what is necessary in order to truly follow Christ. The "Must" of the New Birth The "Must" of Sacrifice The "Must" of the Decreasing Self The "Must" of Service The "Must" of Spiritual Worship and of the Holy SpiritIncluded are chapters on the Holy Spirit, God's faithfulness, and more.About the AuthorFrederick Brotherton Meyer (1847-1929) was a Bible teacher, pastor, and evangelist of German descent, born in London. He attended Brighton College and Regent's College, and graduated from the University of London in 1869.Meyer influence giants of the faith like Charles H. Spurgeon who said, "Meyer preaches as a man who has seen God face to face." Meyer led a long and fruitful life, preaching more than 16,000 sermons, before he went home to be with the Lord in 1929.

  • - A 31-Day Study
    von Andrew Murray
    18,00 €

    Wait for the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart; wait, I say, for the LORD - Psalm 27:14Too little time is given to waiting on the Lord at our conventions and assemblies, and in our private devotions. Isn't He willing to make things right in His own divine way? Has the life of God's people reached the utmost limit of what He is willing to do for them? Surely not. We need to wait on Him and put away our experiences, however blessed they have been; our personal concept of truth, however sound and scriptural we think it is; our plans, however needful and suitable they appear. We must give the Lord time and place to show us what He could do and what He will do. The Lord has new developments and new resources. He can do new things, unheard-of things, and hidden things. Let us enlarge our hearts and not limit Him.Precedes Working for God, also by Andrew MurrayAbout the AuthorAndrew Murray (1828-1917) was a well-known South African writer, teacher, and pastor. More than two million copies of his books have been sold, and his name is mentioned among other great leaders of the past, such as Charles Spurgeon, T. Austin-Sparks, George Muller, D. L. Moody, and more.

  • - An Exposition of Psalm 119
    von Charles H Spurgeon
    22,00 €

    Blessed are those who walk in the perfect way, who walk in the law of the LORD. - Psalm 119:1The singular blending of testimony, prayer, and praise in Psalm 119 is admirable. In one verse, the psalmist bears witness; in a second verse, he praises; in a third verse, he prays. It is an incense made up of many spices, but they are wonderfully mixed and worked together to form one perfect sweetness. The blending greatly increases the value of the whole. You would not like to have the first third of the psalm composed of prayer, then second third made up exclusively of praise, and the third portion entirely made of testimony. It is best to have all these divinely sweet ingredients intermixed and worked together into a sacred unity, as you have them in this thrice-hallowed psalm. Its prayers bear witness, and its testimonies are fragrant with praise.This wonderful psalm, from its great length, helps us to marvel at the immensity of Scripture. As it keeps to the same subject, it helps us adore the unity of Scripture. Yet, from the many turns it brings to that one subject, it helps us see the variety of Scripture. How manifold are the words and thoughts of God! In His Word, just as in creation, the wonders of His skill are displayed in many ways.About the AuthorCharles Haddon (C. H.) Spurgeon (1834-1892) was a British Baptist preacher. He started preaching at age 16 and quickly became famous. He is still known as the "Prince of Preachers" and frequently had more than 10,000 people present to hear him preach at the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London. His sermons were printed in newspapers, translated into many languages, and published in many books.

  • - Reasonable Rules for Life
    von Dwight L Moody
    18,00 €

    Original Title: Weighed and Wanting. New, updated edition.The ten commandments are not popular today. Atheists want them nowhere in sight. Many Christians say they are outdated. But Dwight L. Moody challenges us to take a closer look. Which of the ten commandments can we honestly say are not good? Which of the ten commandments can we break and not suffer the consequences, both here and in eternity?This book will challenge you to examine God's rules for life. God doesn't ask anything of us that is difficult or unreasonable, and this is certainly true with Jesus Christ as our strength and the Holy Spirit to guide us. This book is a challenging yet refreshing look at some of the oldest, most well-known words of God.About the AuthorDwight L. Moody, determined to make a fortune, arrived in Chicago and started selling shoes. But Christ found him and his energies were redirected into full-time ministry. And what a ministry it was. Today, Moody's name still graces a church, a mission, a college, and more. Moody loved God and men, and the power of a love like that impacts generations.

  • - An Analysis of a Wicked Man's Life, as a Warning for Others
    von John Bunyan
    20,00 €

  • - A Rabbi's Analysis of Life, the Cross, and Eternity
    von Rabbi Greg Hershberg
    17,00 €

  • von Dwight L Moody
    17,00 €

    My eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me; he that walks in the way of perfection, he shall serve me - Psalm 101:6When you wish to know something about godly living, where do you look? Is there a better place to look than to the men of the Bible? The Lord, in all His wisdom, left us with a wonderful textbook ­- the Holy Scriptures.Some make the mistake of worshiping these heroes of the faith. Others make the mistake of only highlighting these men's weaknesses. Somewhere in the middle, though, is what God intended, and if our heart is right, we can learn all we need to know about healthy, rewarding Christian living from these incredible men of the Lord.Men of the Bible Contents Abraham - Faith and Obedience Moses - God's Voice Naaman - God's Methods Nehemiah - Uncompromising Vision Herod and John the Baptist - Dealing with Sin The Blind Man and Joseph of Arimathaea - Boldness The Penitent Thief - It's Not Too Late

  • von Rick Coram
    17,00 €

  • - Obtaining Our Lord's Heart for Loving and Teaching Children
    von Charles H Spurgeon
    18,00 €

  • - Spurgeon's Urgent Message for Pastors, Teachers, and Evangelists
    von Charles H. Spurgeon
    17,00 €

  • - For Those Wavering Between Belief and Unbelief
    von Charles H Spurgeon
    19,00 €

    He that believes in the Son has eternal life, and he that does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him. (John 3:36)This book, Words of Warning, is an analysis of people and the gospel of Christ. Under inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Charles H. Spurgeon sheds light on the many ways people may refuse to come to Christ, but he also shines a brilliant light on how we can be saved. Unsaved or wavering individuals will be convicted, and if they allow it, they will be led to Christ. Sincere Christians will be happy and blessed as they consider the great salvation with which they have been saved.Whether or not we look to Jesus Christ for salvation is the single most important determination we must make during our lifetime. Countless books have been written addressing just about every imaginable self-help topic. Other books are written solely for entertainment. Some of these books are okay in their own right, but what good are they to the reader if he is lost in the end? Why do we spend so much time even with good things, but neglect the great? Not one thing we can do during our seventy or eighty years on earth amounts to anything if we are not in Christ. What we do for Christ is everlasting, and by claiming our salvation in Him, we have an exceedingly bright future.About the AuthorCharles Haddon (C. H.) Spurgeon (1834-1892) was a British Baptist preacher. He started preaching at age 16 and quickly became famous. He is still known as the "Prince of Preachers" and frequently had more than 10,000 people present to hear him preach at the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London. His sermons were printed in newspapers, translated into many languages, and published in many books.

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