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Bücher veröffentlicht von Anthony of Boston

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  • von Antoniego z Bostonu
    29,00 €

    Ta ksi¿¿ka pokazuje, w jaki sposób pró¿nie w¿adzy i operacje psychologiczne odegräy zasadnicz¿ rol¿ w realizacji geopolitycznej agendy g¿ównych mocarstw, takich jak Rosja i Stany Zjednoczone, i jak takie mo¿liwo¿ci ostatecznie zaokr¿¿¿ si¿ i wyl¿duj¿ tu¿ za progiem Kijowa, pozwalaj¿c Ukrainie na przeprowadzenie w¿asnej operacji kladestynowej w celu odzyskania cäej Ukrainy.

  • von Anthony Of Boston
    32,00 €

    When it comes to predicting the timing of heavier rainfall and droughts, taking into consideration Mars within 30 degrees of the lunar node would allow Iran to calculate the optimal time to divert water resources to and from farmland as needed. Theoretically, when Mars is within 30 degrees of the lunar node and thus potentially triggering higher than average rainfall, irrigated water in Iran can be allocated to industrial areas during that time, allowing the anticipated higher rainfall to aid farmland. Also, the wheat crop in Iran is normally planted in October and harvested around summer time in June, July and August. Keeping watch over Mars within 30 degrees of the lunar node can help farmers shift the timing of planting and harvesting, either slightly forward or backwards as needed in order to ensure that soil gets the adequate rainfall. This also helps with budgeting, in that it can help budget managers anticipate when more resources for irrigation will be required as a result of drought periods.

  • von Anthony Of Boston
    26,00 €

    This writing is to inform the Vatican of the magnitude regarding the role of the Pope in initiating the second coming of Christ. Back in 2019, the author was compelled by the Lord to write a document entitled "Ares Le Mandat,"outlining the history of the Catholic Church in regards to the falling away period that followed Vatican II. He describes how in the decades leading up to the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic Church was warned by a number of Catholic writers and mystics about the consequences of not carrying out instructions given by the Virgin Mother to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. These instructions were detailed within 3 secrets encompassing visions and prophecies, all given to 3 children in Fatima, Portugal during a series of Marian apparitions they experienced between May and October of 1917, followed by a miracle of the sun on October 13, 1917. The first two secrets were revealed in 1941 in the memoirs of Lucia De Santos-one of the children present during the Marian apparition. The first secret was a vision of hell. The second secret were explicit instructions for the Catholic Church to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart. The 3rd secret, which was sent to the Vatican with instructions that it be revealed no later than 1960, turned out to predict a great apostasy in the Catholic Church which ultimately did transpire at Vatican II when the Catholic Church encroached the Sabbath and removed the mandate that required the Catholic Mass to be spoken in Latin. The timing and execution of this triggered the rise of societal ills such as Rock and Roll, abortion, Rap Music, pornography, mass shootings, disobedience, liberal theology(many ways to salvation), pedophilia, Gay Marriage, and promotion of sexual perversion. Meanwhile, over the years, following Fatima and Vatican II, the Catholic Church was urged to do a proper consecration of Russia where the Vatican would single out Russia. This objective remained on the table in many Catholic circles. Following World War I, the Catholic Church conducted two formal consecrations in 1942 and 1984, but those were meant for the entire world as opposed to just Russia. Lucia Dos Santos warned the Church that the consecration had to be done in a way that set Russia apart. After Lucia Dos Santos passed away, Father Nicolas Gruner, a Roman Catholic Priest and crusader for Fatima, dedicated his life to urging the Church to do a proper consecration. He passed away in 2015 not long after Russia began its geopolitical conflict with Ukraine. After Father Gruner's death, the promotion of the ills of society accelerated rapidly in the west and at times nearly divided the Catholic Church. During this time, the author wrote Ares Le Mandat and revealed the lawless one in accordance with the prophecies of Paul concerning the falling away and the revelation of the lawless one. In Ares Le Mandat, not only did he calculate the number of the beast to stand for Mars 360, he also formally took that concept and much like the miracle of the sun, performed his own miracle of Mars by accurately predicting and warning God's chosen people of the exact time frame during the year 2020 that Gaza militants would carry out its largest assault of rocket fire on Israel. He also predicted this accurately for the next year in 2021 when the Gaza War occurred. Following this prophecy on his part, the Church had become tasked with 3 objectives, all related to Fatima and the revelation of the lawless one. The first is to reinstate the Latin Mass, the second is to consecrate Russia, the third is to confirm that Mars 360 is the lawless one, the spirit of war that has plagued the world since antiquity. Confirming this will confirm the Pope to be the second coming of Christ and his words in simply identifying this Mars 360 beast will destroy it with the breath of his mouth.

  • von Anthony Of Boston
    47,00 €

    A four volume edition of the writings of Anthony of Boston. It contains four books with various attempts to formulate would be solutions to the Ukraine conflict at various junctures throughout the year of 2022. The author takes into the account the fear of nuclear escalation, as well as the demands for a peaceful settlement, all without losing sight of the fact that Ukraine is justified to defend their territory. The book also castigates US foreign policy as an influential component in escalating the conflict, and yet still the author manages to show how Ukraine can still win back all of its territory. There is one factor that Russia is ignoring and to which will ultimately work against them. The long forgotten war between Russia and Chechnya in 1996 becomes relevant and may be key in helping the reader understand that victory for Ukraine against the Russian Federation is a very real possibility.

  • von Anthony Of Boston
    28,00 €

    An era of US dollar hegemony comes to an end. This book prepares the reader for the unforseen tragic circumstances that will follow the fall of the US dollar, circumstances put in motion by years of disastrous US foreign policy

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