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  • von Marie-Hélène Contal
    48,00 €

    Architecture Is Education highlights the impact of education in the field of architecture, illustrated by the groundbreaking work of the Global Award for Sustainable Architecture 2024 winners: Andrés Jaque, Klaus K. Loenhart, Ciro Pirondi, Iyas Shahin and Wesam Al Asali (IWLAB), and Marina Tabassum. Focusingon four key areas-experimentation, dissemination, consultancy, and training-this publication demonstrates how architectural education is a vital force in addressing global sustainability challenges.Featuring interviews with the laureates and introducing exemplary projects, this volume offers a detailed exploration of compelling and innovative methods for integrating educational concepts into architectural work. It emphasizes the powerful ability of architecture to transform when a strong desireto share knowledge is followed.The book reveals how these architects engage with education. They blend traditional skills with innovation and modern technology, encourage community-engaged designs through active involvement, broadly disseminate knowledge, and offer customized consultancy to adapt to various global needs.By emphasizing interdisciplinary teamwork and environmental awareness, Architecture Is Education shows how education extends beyond conventional classroom settings to become a significant driver of architectural innovation-presenting a wealth of ideas and solutions for a sustainable future.

  • von Marie-Hélène Contal
    48,00 €

    Architecture Is Experimentation shines a spotlight on the intersection of architectural innovation and sustainable solutions through the lens of the Global Award for Sustainable Architecture 2023 laureates: Ronald and Erik Rietveld, Benedetta Tagliabue, Simon Teyssou, Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen, and Xu Tiantian. This publication brings to the fore their pioneering efforts in merging community engagement, technological innovation, and deep respect for cultural and urban heritage in order to advance sustainable architectural practices.Featuring interviews with each winner, the book provides insights into their creative processes and philosophies by introducing projects that exemplify their approach to experimentation. It serves as a guide, detailing the tools, methods, and approaches that define the cutting edge of architectural experimentation.By documenting the impactful work of these architects from diverse backgrounds and regions around the world, Architecture Is Experimentation offers insights into how architectural practice can lead to significant social, economic, and environmental progress. Compiled to inspire and inform, this publication is an essential resource for those interested in exploring how experimentation in architecture can contribute to more sustainable, responsive, and contextually aware architectural solutions.

  • von Toma Berlanda
    38,00 €

    Architecture of Commonality. Grounds for Hope is an edited collection of essays that expands on the role of museums and cultural institutions in Palestine and the Arab world. The book is guided by reflections on the Palestinian Museum in Birzeit, Palestine, which won the 2019 Aga Khan Award for Architecture.The long history of the genesis of the Museum as an institution is the framing device for a multiplicity of voices to reflect on the role architecture plays in the orchestration of memorialization, on the significance of curatorial strategies that respond to situations of conflict, and a discussion of the blurred boundaries between architecture, landscape and land art.As a way to reflect on the deep ties the Museum and the gardens hold with the ground and the landscape, the collection of essays by scholars across cultures, and interviews with designers, is structured around four main themes, Stones, Seeds, Voices and Walks. The intention is to expand beyond the confines of the singular project in order to invite reflections on the positive role cultural institutions play in planting hope for the future and locating the conversations within the political and historical framework of the region.

  • von Tanja C. Vollmer
    55,00 €

    "Das Kranke(n)haus. Wie Architektur heilen hilft" untersucht die heutigen Notstände und großen Herausforderungen des Klinikwesens und stellt innovative Modelle und Lösungsansätze im Gesundheitsbau vor. Eine Vielzahl von Autoren untersucht im kritisch wissenschaftsfundierten Diskurs die Frage, wie es um das Gesundheitswesen und den Krankenhausbau steht, was den Krankenhäusern fehlt und wie die Architektur helfen kann, zum Heilungsprozess der Patient*innen beizutragen. Die Publikation beantwortet diese Fragen in drei umfangreichen Kapiteln, die an den medizinischen Prozess angelehnt sind: Symptomatik, Diagnostik und Therapie. Der erste, einleitende Abschnitt beschreibt die Symptome des "kranken Hauses" und zeigt die dringende Notwendigkeit auf, diese Probleme gesamtgesellschaftlich und architektonisch ernst zu nehmen. Im zweiten Abschnitt werfen Expert*innen aus der Psychologie, Medizin, angrenzenden Naturwissenschaften, aus der Architekturtheorie und Philosophie einen diagnostischen Blick auf die komplexen Ursachen, die zur "Erkrankung des Hauses" führen. Schließlich werden im dritten Abschnitt unter Einbeziehung gestalterischer Instrumente aus dem Evidence Based Design sieben "Wirkstoffe" beziehungsweise wissenschaftlich untersuchte Umgebungsvariablen zur erfolgreichen Therapie vorgestellt. Abschließend wird anhand von 13 internationalen Fallstudien aufgezeigt, wie der bewusste Einsatz der Umgebungsvariablen zu einer Krankenhausarchitektur führt, die heilen hilft. "Das Kranke(n)haus. Wie Architektur heilen hilft" schließt die Lücke zwischen dem stets wachsenden Fachwissen zum Gesundheitsbau und dringend notwendiger öffentlicher, planerischer und politischer Aufmerksamkeit für eines der wichtigsten Themen der heutigen Architektur: Gesundheit.

  • von Tanja C. Vollmer
    55,00 €

    "Building to Heal: New Architecture for Hospitals" examines the hardships and major challenges faced by the hospital system today and presents innovative models and solutions in healthcare architecture. Through critical, scientifically based discourse, a variety of authors examine healthcare systems and hospital architecture, what hospitals are missing, and how architecture can contribute to the healing process of patients. The publication answers these questions in three comprehensive chapters based on the medical process: "Symptoms," "Diagnosis," and "Therapy." The introductory section describes the symptoms of the "sick house" and spotlights the urgent need to take these problems seriously in the contexts of both society as a whole and architecture. In the second section, experts from psychology, medicine, and the related sciences, as well as from architectural theory and philosophy, take a diagnostic look at the complex causes that lead to the "diseased house." The third section presents seven "active ingredients" or scientifically investigated environmental variables for successful therapy, incorporating tools from evidence-based design. Finally, thirteen international case studies show how the conscious use of environmental variables leads to a hospital architecture that promotes healing. Building to Heal: New Architecture for Hospitals bridges the gap between the ever-growing expertise on healthcare architecture and the urgent need for planners, politicians, and the public to pay attention to one of the most important issues in architecture today: health.

  • von Benno Albrecht
    38,00 €

    The changes in history and the spread of global culture and economics have brought about significant and frightening risks worldwide. These range from the destruction of cities through violent conflict to the impact of climate change and an increase in natural disasters. Additionally, there's been a vast widening of economic and social inequality. Venice is in danger of sinking, many cities around the world are facing earthquakes, and the gap between poverty and wealth is becoming increasingly visible in many cities. Today, humanity faces monumental challenges that demand a complete transformation of our living spaces. Cities Under Pressure presents a new approach to design - a flexible system that aims to establish a dynamic balance, constantly adapting to change. This innovative concept imagines new urban environments that move away from rigid design principles and instead embrace evolving mechanisms. These mechanisms support a sustainable transition, ensuring a resilient and peaceful future for our cities.

  • von Sarah M. Whiting
    38,00 €

    Aga Khan Award for Architecture 2022 - Inclusive ArchitectureThe release of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture every three years is an enormously important moment for the architecture world. The projects recognized by this Award represent the vanguard of thinking and practice in architecture that goes beyond the regular scope of building, planning and preservation through its strong impact on the needs and aspirations of societies. This publication presents the twenty shortlisted projects, including the six recipients of the 2020-22 cycle of the Award.The Aga Khan Award for Architecture's mandate is different from that of many other architecture prizes: it not only rewards architects but also identifies municipalities, builders, clients, artisans and engineers who have played essential roles in the realization of a project. This publication thus presents the projects from various viewpoints alongside detailed and up-to-date images and descriptions.The acclaimed, interdisciplinary master jury and steering committee of this cycle of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture that determines the projects presented include David Chipperfield, Francis Kéré, Anna Lacaton, Marina Tabassum, and Sarah M. Whiting, to name but a few. Scholarly essays across various disciplines from members of the master jury and steering committee round out the publication. Contributions include a text on the optimism of humanity by Souleymane Bachir Diagne, director of the Institute of African Studies, Columbia University, and a contextualization of Modern Architecture in the Muslim World by Sibel Bozdogan of Boston University. Kazi Khaleed Ashraf, director-general of the Bengal Institute for Architecture, Landscapes and Settlements, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, writes on the perspective of the dialogical, while Nasser Rabbat, the Aga Khan Professor at MIT, shares notes on architecture as a humanist empire. The texts also include a Salon des Refusés by Nader Teherani, founding principal of Boston-based architecture firm NADAAA.The texts, which come from a wide range of geographies, are informative and descriptive, often striking an emotional note. Together with the project presentations, the publication thereby guides the reader through a contemplation of an architectural question of increasing urgency in our current times of crisis: how to build ethically for our shared global future.With contributions by Kazi Khaleed Ashraf, Sibel Bozdogan, Souleymane Bachir Diagne, Farrokh Derakhshani, Nasser Rabbat, Nader Teherani, and Sarah M. Whiting.

  • von Cristina Steingräber
    68,00 €

    MARINA TABASSUM Architecture: My Journey is the first book devoted to the Bangladeshi architect Marina Tabassum and her multifaceted architectural oeuvre.Marina Tabassum's exploratory approach makes her architectural practice one of the outstanding contemporary positions internationally. Her diverse oeuvre spans from governmental projects to housing and has brought her numerous honors and accolades in the international field of architecture.This volume presents various public and private building projects that Marina Tabassum has worked on since 1995, first with the architectural office URBANA and since 2005 through Marina Tabassum Architects (MTA). The selection of her architecture in this book ranges from early projects in the city of Dhaka shortly after completing her studies at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), such as the Museum of Independence and the celebrated Bait Ur Rouf Mosque, to recent mobile modular structures called Khudi Bari. Tabassum is establishing the latter for the people affected by displacement in various geographically and climatically challenged locations-both in the Ganges Delta and in the Rohingya refugee camp at Cox's Bazar on the border to Myanmar, which is currently the largest refugee camp in the world.The internationally renowned authors reflect on various perspectives and interpretations of Tabassum's work. Besides the historical and political background, the contributions deal, among other things, with spotlighting particular architectural elements that pervade Tabassum's work, such as place and memory, light and spirituality, brick and materiality, and people and community.With contributions by Sean Anderson, Vera Simone Bader, Kareem Ibrahim, Hanif Kara, Andres Lepik, Nondita Correa Mehrotra, Tanzil Shafique, Cristina Steingräber, Marina Tabassum, Sarah M. Whiting, and Danny Wicaksono.

  • von Manuel Aires Mateus
    68,00 €

    The acclaimed architectural geniuses of the Portuguese world, AIRES MATEUS, have been invited to participate in the Venice Architecture Biennale five times since 2010. This publication introduces the five breathtakingly poetic installations that they have contributed to the world's most renowned architectural event. The Venice Architecture Biennale, one of the most acclaimed events in the world of architecture, is undoubtedly the most prominent of about twenty biennales and triennials devoted to the field worldwide. The international affair brings together leading practitioners from around the world to share knowledge and developments on questions of contemporary relevance. It is a particular distinguishment for the architectural practice AIRES MATEUS to have been invited to participate in this biennale five times. Founded in the 1980s and led by the two brothers Manuel and Francisco Aires Mateus, the practice has gained international recognition for its poetic reinterpretation of architectural traditions in Portugal. Their impact on the current architectural scene in the Portuguese world is unparalleled. This publication, which introduces the five architectural installations contributed to the Venice Biennale by AIRES MATEUS over the past decade, consists of five individual parts. Each of the five books is dedicated to one installation in Venice. They are held together by a vertical slipcase, discretely and beautifully embossed. The breathtaking projects presented in this volume set an outstanding example of how architectural installations reflect space in a sensitive, poetic, and even mathematical way. Every installation is introduced by a short essay, specially written for this publication by philosophers, architects, and an art critic. Contributors include Francisco and Manuel Aires Mateus, Ricardo Carvalho, Nuno Crespo, Sofia Pinto Basto, Paulo Pires do Vale, and Delfim Sardo.

  • von Andres Lepik
    48,00 €

    Who's Next? Obdachlosigkeit, Architektur und die Stadt Obdachlosigkeit - der Zustand, keine feste Wohnung zu haben - ist ein zunehmendes globales Problem, das auf lokaler Ebene diskutiert und gelöst werden muss und das angesichts der Corona-Pandemie zusehends zu einem gesellschaftlichen Anliegen wurde. In vielen Ländern der Welt war der politische Diskurs der letzten Jahre durch die Haltung geprägt, dass Armut ein persönliches Verschulden ist und dass der Grund für Obdachlosigkeit darin liegt, dass sich die betroffenen Menschen nicht stark genug um eine Unterkunft und eine gesicherte Lebensgrundlage bemüht haben. Auch wenn Architektur das Problem der Wohnungslosigkeit nicht alleine lösen kann, stellt sich die Frage, wie und mit welchem Beitrag sie Einfluss nehmen kann. Oder, genauer gesagt: Wie kann Architektur in Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Berufsgruppen dazu beitragen, Menschen ohne Obdach eine permanente Unterkunft zu verschaffen? Mit Hilfe der Expertise von bundesweiten, regionalen und städtischen Behörden, Nichtregierungsorganisationen, Einrichtungen des Gesundheitswesens und unterschiedlicher akademischer Disziplinen setzt sich Who's Next? Obdachlosigkeit, Architektur und die Stadt das Ziel, diesen realen Umstand zu untersuchen und zu verstehen. Wissenschaftliche Aufsätze, Interviews und die Analyse von architektonischen Fallbeispielen sowie Recherchen über historische und aktuelle Entwicklungen in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, São Paulo, Moskau, Mumbai, Shanghai und Tokio liefern verschiedene Ansatzpunkte zum Verständnis von Obdachlosigkeit, und die damit einhergehenden vielfältigen Probleme.Dieses Buch ist ein vielschichtiger Ansatz, dieses Thema in so viele Teile wie nötig zu zerlegen, um die Besonderheiten und die Komplexität einer der dringendsten Krisen unserer Zeit in den Fokus zu rücken.

  • von Mohsen Mostafavi
    38,00 €

    Small stone hutongs, built within a courtyard-and-alley system, are emblematic of Beijing's traditional inner-city architecture which still contends with modern, cooperate redevelopments to shape the character of the city. In one of the oldest cities in China, the important tasks of preservation and revitalization require particular sensitivity. Captured at the centre of the battlefield between development, conservation and renovation, the hutongs, on the verge of erasure, call into question the paradoxical nature of these paradigms. The Micro Hutong Renewal series by ZAO/ standardarchitecture focusses on small structures which residents have added to hutong courtyards in the last 60 years. The anchor project of this publication is the Hutong Children's Library & Art Centre , which won the Aga Khan Award for Architecture in 2016 . A foreword from the Aga Khan Award director, Farrokh Derakhshani, and a series of photographs and drawings by the architect will present this project alongside another project from the series; The Micro Hutong and Co-living Courtyard, as well as ZAO/standardarchitecture's social housing projects in the center of Beijing. In addition, scholarly essays from across disciplines will explore alternative perspectives of China's historical cities and the challenges they face. Several interviews with different people involved with the Hutong projects, such as residents and users of different ages will ensure a broad range of perspectives. The holistic message of the book will illustrate how ZAO/standardarchitecture's work considers the city and its components as living organisms. This is what gives rise to the title: Hutong Metabolism.

  • von Rahul Mehrotra
    45,00 €

    This book presents Rahul Mehrotra's writings over the last thirty years and illustrates his long-term engagement with and analysis of urbanism in India. This work has given rise to a new conceptualization of the city. Mehrotra calls it the Kinetic City, which is the counterpoint to the Static City, as familiar to most of us from conventional city maps. He argues that the city should instead be perceived, read, and mapped in terms of patterns of occupation and associative values attributed to space. The framework is established in this publication by Rahul Mehrotra's anchor essay, which draws out its potential to "allow a better understanding of the blurred lines of contemporary urbanism and the changing roles of people and spaces in urban society." The emerging urban Indian condition, of which the Kinetic City is symbolic, is examined in this publication through a selection of writings curated by Mehrotra, which led to and then subsequently built on this framework. The theory is reinforced by different perspectives that Rahul Mehrotra brings to bear on discourse, and on the profession of architects and urban designers, thanks to his career as an architect, urban designer, conservationist, educator, and advocate for the city. From essays such as "Evolution, Involution and the City's Future: A Perspective on Bombay's Urban Form" to more generally applicable ruminations such as "Our Home in the World," this book offers an in-depth look at the last thirty years of reflection and theorizing behind Mehrotra's work. The publication is divided into three parts. The anchor essay, "Negotiating the Static and Kinetic Cities," and other contributions (twenty-one in total) make up the main section. A second book within the book is dedicated to an expansive complimentary photo essay by the photographer Rajesh Vora, illustrating the key themes transaction, instability, spectacle, and habitation . The last section presents an illustrated bibliography of Rahul Mehrotra's wide range of research and writings.

  • von Arno Brandlhuber
    38,00 €

    Die Geschichte der europäischen Stadt ist durch ständigen Wandel geprägt. Bauliche Reaktionen auf gesellschaftliche Brüche, verursacht durch Naturkatastrophen, Seuchen oder Kriege, haben die Stadt in Europa durch die Jahrhunderte zum Zivilisationsmotor entwickelt. Damit einher ging das Versprechen von wirtschaftlicher Unabhängigkeit, sozialem Zusammenhalt und individueller Freiheit.Fundamentale Herausforderungen wie der Klimawandel konfrontieren Städte heute mit Veränderungen, die die Kontinuität und Nachhaltigkeit der ethischen Grundlagen städtischer Lebensformen in Frage stellen. Mutige und entschlossene Schritte sind erforderlich.Inwieweit können Maßnahmen des Städtebaus, der Landschaftsplanung und der Architektur die notwendigen Veränderungsprozesse befördern? Wie können in der Stadt etwaige mit der Umstellung von Lebensstilen verbundene Verluste kompensiert, neue Technologien integriert, neue Verhaltensformen eingeübt und letztlich zu einer funktionierenden Kultur sublimiert werden?Die Mitglieder der Sektion Baukunst und ihre eingeladenen Gäste aus ganz Europa stellen anhand von Projekten, Visionen und Manifesten ihre Positionen vor. Essays ausgewählter Autorinnen und Autoren ergänzen den praktischen Diskurs aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln.

  • von Balkrishna Doshi
    29,00 €

    This book presents a curated selection of Balkrishna Doshi's exceptional writings since the 1950s, with some published here for the first time. The collection of 15 lectures, articles and essays is richly illustrated with more than 50 of Doshi's personal hand-drawn sketches.

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