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Bücher veröffentlicht von Ark House Press

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  • von Philip Stott
    40,00 €

    Old sins cast long shadows...King Manasseh is dead, but his terrible legacy of violence lives on. The people of Judah, enjoying a period of peace and prosperity, are apathetic and blissfully unaware of the terrible fate that looms over them. Little do they know that events in faraway Assyria will soon lead to the greatest catastrophe their small kingdom has ever known.Little do they know that the future of their realm, even their very continued survival, has in fact been entrusted to a handful of mere children - children that will be forced to endure a lifetime of suffering that will make or break their nation's destiny.Day of Darkness is a reconstruction of the story of the destruction of Jerusalem in 586 BCE by the Babylonians - a story of unspeakable horror, yet also of awe-inspiring faith and unstoppable hope. It shows that there can be light in the midsts of the darkest night; hope in the deepest despair; and restoration for those who have lost everything.

  • von Karyn Lee Chua
    19,00 €

    Dive deep into the heart of faith with Why Jesus? Navigating His Transformative Message. In this compelling exploration, the profound teachings of Jesus come alive, bridging the gap between ancient wisdom and contemporary lives.With eloquence and insight, this powerful book unveils the timeless impact of His words, revealing how they continue to shape the very fabric of our existence. Through riveting stories and insightful interpretations, readers are guided on a transformative journey, discovering profound truths that resonate across generations.Addressing challenging questions about God's existence, the presence of evil, and life's meaning, the author portrays Jesus not just as a teacher and saviour, but as a compassionate friend. She presents a way of life through Jesus that leads to peace, joy, and fulfilment.Why Jesus? challenges conventional beliefs, inviting readers to question, explore, and ultimately embrace the transformative power of Christ's message. As the pages unfold, witness miracles, compassion, and unwavering love, inspiring a deeper connection with spirituality and the divine.This book is not just a revelation... it's an invitation. An invitation to grasp the essence of Jesus' teachings, to navigate their profound impact on our lives, and to find enduring answers to the eternal question: Why Jesus?

  • von Jacqueline Clark
    19,00 €

    Based on a true story, Unchained Melody is an account of a compelling, but ordinary character, Melody, who will take you on a journey of discovery of the unseen spiritual realm.With curiosity and skepticism, she ventures into the 'unknown', where tragedy and adversity strikes. Melody faces her own spiritual battle.Melody is called to step into the dark, terrifying pit of despair to help those enslaved by addictions and the occult. There, she is confronted by the insidious manifestation of evil.A thought-provoking, deeply personal account that will engage and touch the reader, Unchained Melody is a must-read for those searching or contending for Truth and exposing the web of deception by shining the Light of God in the darkness.

  • von Julia Love
    15,00 €

    Big Fish and Deep Forgiveness is an exciting faith-based adventure story for teenagers. At the age of 15, Nathan a Filipino boy, is struggling in his relationship with both his step-dad and his Heavenly Father. After a crazy incident with a big fish he managed to catch, Nathan is forced to run away from home. Suddenly he finds himself homeless, miserable and full of resentment and anger. The Lord however, never gives up on Nathan, even when he repeatedly makes many wrong decisions. Eventually Nathan learns how to overcome his feelings of resentment and rejection and is reconciled with his family.

  • von Rodney Hutcheon
    18,00 €

    The New Testament Church was established by Jesus almost 2,000 years ago, when He sent the Holy Spirit to His followers at Pentecost. The Church started small, but grew rapidly in the Middle East - firstly among the Jews, but it quickly spread into the Gentile nations around the area.It was an ideal area to start the Church, being the crossroads for trade and traffic from the north and east, going through to Egypt, and vice versa.After almost 2,000 years of significant persecution, the Church appears to be not just surviving, but growing throughout the world. But, is this the reality?To what extent does the New Testament Church of today reflect its roots? And to what extent does the Church stand for Christ, just as it did when the Church was first founded 2,000 years ago? Most importantly, to what extent has the attitudes, standards, and sins of the world infiltrated the Church of today?Is the Church different enough from the world, for the unbelieving people to see Christ in us? In this remarkable new book, author Rodney Hutcheon explores where the New Testament Church fits into today's society. Let's see if we are disappointed with the answer!

  • von June Vorster
    25,00 €

    In this raw and soul-stirring memoir, June Vorster fearlessly unravels the tapestry of a life shaped by tumultuous choices, heart-wrenching challenges, and the unwavering presence of God. She candidly reveals the aftermath of her first husband's infidelity and the guilt stemming from a demanding work schedule that distanced her from her children's precious moments.Amidst the chaos, June grapples with her mental health, even attempting suicide. Her journey toward healing and redemption, sparked by hope and faith, shines through the darkness.Navigating divorce while advocating for her children's well-being, June faces unforeseen hardship after remarrying, including her new husband's gambling addiction. The complexity of motherhood becomes apparent as she strives to rebuild her shattered family and create a nurturing environment for her children. But the challenges do not define June, they propel her toward resilience and transformation. Her story showcases the transformative strength of God's grace in the face of adversity, offering inspiration to those navigating their own trials.With the unwavering presence of God woven throughout her narrative, she reminds us that with love, forgiveness and commitment, even in life's darkest moments, putting our trust in God can guide us through the most challenging times in life.

  • von Sean Ewing
    32,00 €

    Surrendering to Jesus extends beyond a single moment of confession; it embodies a journey of profound understanding and steadfast faith. In an age where fleeting convictions often eclipse deep-rooted beliefs, grasping the core of theology and doctrine for today's Christian is absolutely crucial.In Following Jesus, Sean Ewing explores the intricacies of these foundational principles, emphasizing their crucial role in every believer's life. Amidst a plethora of beliefs and interpretations, anchoring our faith in unshakable truths is more than beneficial-it's vital.As you delve into these pages, you'll understand the importance of not only knowing, but truly comprehending our beliefs. You will soon realize how a deep grasp of these tenets not only amplifies one's personal faith, but also prepares believers to traverse today's multifaceted world, positioning the eternal teachings of Jesus at the helm.Following Jesus will help you to immerse yourself and ignite a faith steeped in understanding, knowledge, and an unwavering devotion to a life centered around Jesus.

  • von Richard Berlach
    19,00 €

    What is the faith journey really about? Why was Jesus so hated? What do we know of the Kingdom of God? How is Jesus' resurrection relevant? What do we know of the Holy Spirit? How will it all end, and why is "the end of the age" associated with "birth pangs?"Reflections On Living In Grace is an exciting and illuminating book addressing questions such as these. A unique approach invites the reader to explore 130 themes found in the Gospels and the Book of Acts. Each theme is accompanied by a reflection intended to prompt deeper thinking. There is no armchair theologising here.The present-day relevance of each theme is clearly emphasised. This book is as encouraging as it is accessible. Each theme is kept to two pages. In this way, the busy reader is able to engage with a brief reading prior to commencing the day's activities. For those who have more time, the book can be used as a aid for more intentionally contemplating the mystery that is life.

  • von Gordon Moore
    15,00 €

    In LEADERSHIP STYLES & LEVELS OF CHURCH, Gordon Moore draws on over 40 years of first hand experience in all levels of church leadership to present his leadership styles model.Gordon has developed and applied these findings in the context of leading his own church, and in his role as a mentor to senior ministers as they seek to lead their churches through the different levels of growth.This book will enlighten you on the dynamics of churches at the different levels of growth, and provide you with practical insight on how to adjust your leadership style to match your environment.

  • von Gordon Moore
    15,00 €

    In 'GOING TO THE NEXT LEVEL', Gordon Moore draws on over 40 years of first hand experience in all levels of church leadership to present his second book on his leadership styles model.Gordon has developed and applied these principles in the context of leading his own church, and in his role as a mentor to senior ministers as they seek to lead their churches to the next level of growth and progress.This book will resource you on the practical dynamics of churches and ministries at all levels, and provide you with actual steps and insight on how you can take your church and ministry to the next level.

  • von Jenni de Vries
    18,00 €

    Broken Dreams in Wounded Hands started out as a record of the ups and downs of my husband's and my journey towards adoption, but became a story of the hand of God weaving his will through heartaches, questions, confusion, doubts and all kinds of troubles.Why would I, a committed Christian, have a godly desire, hope or dream that would never be fulfilled? After all, welcoming a child into your family through adoption is a good thing and I believe is close to the heart of God (see James 1:27). But when I prayed "Your kingdom come, Your will be done," in regards to adoption, did I really mean it? Was my trust in Christ based on what I wanted him to do for me by fulfilling my deep longing to adopt, or was it solely on what he already did for me on the cross?As I ponder our adoption journey, the Lord shows me more and more that His ways are higher than my ways, and that His thoughts are higher than my thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9); and that to truly follow Christ, I must die to myself and live for Him (Matthew 16:24, Philippians 1:21).That includes taking that good, even God-honouring dream of adoption and placing it in His wounded hands. He knows so much better than I what to do with it.Whether you long to adopt, get married, have children, be healed, serve in missions, or do any other good thing, Broken Dreams in Wounded Hands is written for you. My prayer is that it will help you to see the unwavering faithfulness of God in your life, and that you would be encouraged to fix your eyes on Jesus, to steadfastly trust him and serve him, and to ground yourself in nothing else but him and his word; especially when life doesn't go the direction you'd hoped it would.

  • von Neil Flower
    18,00 €

    Untold numbers of people in today's western culture are wandering aimlessly in a hopeless morass of 21st century 'ism's' that lead nowhere and give no satisfaction and purpose to life.A form of Christianity that once was a major force in society now does not satisfy because it has lost its way and is dying from the roots up. But this is the 21st century and things are very, very different now. Or are they?Multitudes of people are headed for a Christ-less eternity because they think that there is no hope and no future for this world and its people.Has the Gospel failed? Is Christianity a spent and failed force?Perhaps it has not really been tried the way it was intended and over the last few decades, has been modified and re-stated by those who feel that they have an answer that is better than the one that the Founder first proclaimed.The author of this volume, Evangelist Neil Flower, seeks to show the Church of today that real Christianity is not finished; in fact it can have a bright and hopeful future if it will ask God to take off the 'blinkers' of liberal and 'society decreed' culture and begin to simply do it 'God's way'.In this insightful book, Neil gives four great principles which, if tried, could bring the Church back onto its original course. While critics will scoff and say that it is all too late, they are the ones who have brought the church to where it is now and have been refusing to do 'it' God's way for the past century or so.Why not remove your blinkers and just try the Jesus way?

  • von Jane Lindsay
    20,00 €

    In their third adventure, teenager Nate and his good friend, Daniel, step through a time portal into the future and end up where they don't want to be: in south-west Tasmania, Australia.The rugged beauty of the wilderness is interrupted by unexpected danger. Nate and Daniel must use all their survival skills to find their way to safety.But betrayal and danger lurk ahead as they are taken to places not of their choosing. All is not as it seems and the duo find themselves in deeper and deeper trouble. Just when they think they are finally safe, a criminal mastermind is revealed and they are plunged into danger again. How can they escape?Can friends Ericson and Cathy, along with Liam and Nate's brother, Ollie, rescue Nate and Daniel? Nate's Christian faith is again sorely tested as he has to fight androids, robots and humans. But in the chaos, the light of Jesus' love still shines.

  • von Revd John Wyndham
    15,00 €

    Australia is a large country, bordered by the Pacific Ocean in the east and the Indian Ocean in the west, a distance of 3290 km. Following federation of the colonies in 1901, a railway line crossing the vast Nullarbor Plain was built, linking the eastern states with Western Australia. The railway line is 1658 km in length.Settlements, known as camps, each comprised of mainly six houses, were built every 80 km to provide accommodation for maintenance workers. They had no electricity and the only social activity was the arrival of the weekly Tea and Sugar provisions train. Small towns with workshops and schools 400 km apart were built at Tarcoola, Cook and Rawlinna.The founder of the Bush Church Aid Society (BCA), Rev S.J. Kirkby, visited the Trans Line in 1921 to see what could be done for the people in the railway camps. The trip gave Kirkby the desire to put a clergyman on the Line.While BCA established a medical work in 1937 with the opening of a hospital at Cook, there was only casual pastoral ministry along the railway line before Kirkby's dream came to fruition 43 years later.In The Cross and the Railway, John Wyndham initially gives us a brief history of the railway line as well as a history of early Christian ministry at Tarcoola, nearly 300 miles from Port Augusta. However, the main thrust of the book is the ministry following his appointment as resident clergyman in 1964.We have a picture of the isolation he and his wife experienced, the adventure of travelling 104,000km in 2¿ years by train and road, together with the opportunities to visit the 'camps' and proclaim the Gospel. And there is humour as well.

  • von Beryl Spencer
    21,00 €

  • von Rose of Sharon
    18,00 €

    "My heart will live in each one of those I call and they shall become a New Creation. They shall continue to grow and develop into that New Creation, like a butterfly which emerges from the cocoon."Letters received and written to encourage and help you discover your own personal and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. For those who have ears to hear, let them hear.

  • von Maria I. Gómez
    22,00 €

    For fifty-nine years, María was totally unaware of her condition. Since her ASD diagnosis in 2018, she decided to raise awareness and help others in a similar position. Aspies Living Among Us is the remarkable journey of a woman and her two adopted children and how she survived living with undiagnosed autism. Within each page of this book lays the hopeful story of four people originating from totally different corners of the world. Find out what they each had in common and how destiny brought them together to form the very unique family they are today. Each little piece of their fragmented lives had to be found and placed together before a beautiful picture could be seen.The suicide rate in people with ASD is exceptionally high, compared to the neurotypical population. According to an article by Australian researchers published in early 2022, suicide is the leading cause of premature death in autistic people of average IQ or above. Autistic people face a three to nine times higher risk of premature death by suicide. Many have already succeeded in taking their lives, leaving their loved ones behind with a life sentence of grief, birthdays, anniversaries, Christmases, weddings, and children and grandchildren born without them there. Aspies Living Among Us shows why the high number of individuals living with undiagnosed autism must be identified and brought to safety. Many remain desperately hiding behind their 'performing masks', torn between wishing to be 'normal' and longing to be loved for who they truly are-magnificent human beings with golden hearts.

  • von Abidemi Olajide
    20,00 €

    Life brings sometimes hurting troubles and painful problems, known as 'thorns in the flesh'. Paul the Apostle begged God for such a thorn of life to be removed but the response from God was "My grace is enough for you". Several questions arise such as the following:Why did God respond that way rather than simply remove the thorny problem? Why does God allow us to be afflicted with a problem?What actually is the grace of God and how can it be enough for our pains? What was the 'thorn in the flesh', which Paul chose not to reveal? Should we be thankful to God for the thorns of life with the often unbearable pains? Can anything new still come out of the story about the 'thorn in the flesh' of Paul?In When The Thorns of Life Hurt, the author has made bold attempts to answer all the above questions and many more using clues from the various writings of Paul. The personal stories of the author about God's grace always enough, will encourage you to be thankful for God's presence and mighty power at work in you, despite a problem with the associated pains. When The Thorns of Life Hurt will help you discover more how God's grace helps to unlock blessings on the issues of wisdom; patience; rejection; self-control; faith and hope in God; and contentment; from experiences due to the thorns of life. It's a book for all times to read.

  • von Richard K. Moore
    18,00 €

    The Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) bear a much closer relationship to one another than any one of them does to the Gospel of John. While some of the material in each of these Gospels is unique, in some cases two Gospels share events and teaching in the life of Jesus (the double tradition), while in other cases three Gospels share events and teaching in Jesus' life (the triple tradition). The author of each Gospel penned what he understood about the life, teaching, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and their significance. The four canonical Gospels are our most authoritative sources for the earthly life of Jesus Christ. In 2023 I published A Synopsis of the Synoptic Gospels (English version), a device which facilitates comparison of the Synoptic Gospels, enabling the reader to see immediately which passages, or sections, in each Gospel are unique to that Gospel, which sections are shared between two Gospels, and which sections are common to three Gospels. The present work is a commentary on my Synopsis, discussing the passages unique to one Gospel and drawing attention to both the shared and differing perspectives of the author of each Gospel in the double and triple traditions. A Gospel synopsis is an invaluable tool not only for scholars and preachers, but for anyone who wants to increase their understanding of the Synoptic Gospels and the life of Jesus.

  • von Wheway Marc
    18,00 €

    Embark on a spiritual quest that is as pertinent today as it has ever been-a journey shaped by countless hours of research and composition. Uncover the profound teachings of Joel and Malachi, the last prophetic voices to speak to Israel prior to the arrival of John the Baptist.Why is this significant for you? Because these time-worn texts are more than just artifacts of history; they serve as compelling pleas for repentance and unity that echo profoundly in our contemporary times. In navigating through divine admonitions and striking visions of the end times, you will discover cautionary accounts and an illuminating beacon of hope. The experience is transformative, providing a guide for those desiring to approach God with a penitent heart.The wisdom found in Joel and Malachi is comprehensive, touching on both personal, transformation and the broader reawakening of spiritual life. Whether you are an individual in search of spiritual insight, or a seasoned follower aiming to enrich your faith, this book will act as an essential spiritual guidepost.As you delve into these messages, you will acquire a singular comprehension of God's plan of redemption for mankind. In a world filled with adversity and uncertainty, Joel and Malachi offer a viewpoint that perceives these struggles not as isolated episodes of anguish, but as elements of a larger divine script.These difficulties are seen as opportunities for growth, intended to draw us nearer to God as we anticipate the return of His Son.

  • von Gordon Moore
    19,00 €

    NORMAL CHRISTIAN is written with one purpose: to present the accomplishments and provisions of the cross of Jesus Christ as normal for every believer.It is normal, therefore, for every believer in Christ to live in divine favour, blessing, provision, freedom and overflow! This is the central theme of NORMAL CHRISTIAN.

  • von Mike Richardson
    18,00 €

    When Jesus told Nicodemus that he must be 'born of the Spirit' He affirmed human sexuality as an appropriate metaphor for understanding the faith. Being 'born again' is one of the foundational concepts of Christianity, yet how many of us have ever heard a 'birds and bees' talk, expanding on how spiritual reproduction works?Traditionally, the church seems to avoid deep and open dialogue about sexuality, as a result Christians can find themselves poorly defended against pervasive secular trends, and ill-equipped to give compelling reasons for maintaining sexual standards. Discovering The Gospel In Our Sexuality reveals the faith affirming and purposeful nature of our sexuality. The cycle-of-life is not a series of random physical processes that must be negotiated as best we can; instead, human sexuality is a divinely crafted allegory that proclaims a profound message, beautifully articulating God's restorative plan for humanity.

  • von Julia Love
    14,00 €

    The Toilet Saved my Life, is a fast-paced children's story, about a troubled, lukewarm Christian teenage boy escaping a Jihadist rampage in the West African nation of Burkina Faso. Samuel had recently turned his back on his childhood faith, but suddenly at a wild party he finds himself alone, deserted by his friends and with no human way of escaping the deadly jihadist attack. Suddenly he has only the Lord to depend upon and God saves his life by giving him an extremely unusual escape route to safety. Samuel's life is totally turned around by the miracle he receives.

  • von Maureen Martin
    18,00 €

    When Maureen Martin's oldest son, Beau, was selected as an Australian Youth Ambassador to Indonesia in 2002, her family was naturally thrilled. Part way through the orientation for this once in a lifetime opportunity, the trip was postponed due to the aftermath of the Bali bombing.During the postponement, Beau was tragically killed in a shark attack on Australia's Gold Coast, leaving her family utterly shattered. Trying to adjust to life without him was extremely difficult, but before the family had recovered from the shock and grief of his passing, tragedy struck again. Maureen's husband was involved in a horse riding accident that left him left him with a brain injury.Following these two traumatic events, the family sustained a relentless bombardment of deeply personal and painful losses in quick succession, leaving the family reeling.Feeling depleted and despairing, so trapped in a life that turned out vastly different to how she imagined it to be, Maureen slowly fought her way out of the cycle of grief and depression As a mature aged student, she entered into tertiary Social Science studies, graduating with a major in Counselling.The qualification not only helped her heal, but opened doors to work with parents in distress, to facilitate groups in the men and women's prisons and to run support groups for young Aboriginal women.Her love of the outdoors had her regularly lacing on her hiking boots to go trekking which became surprisingly vital to the road to recovery. In A Trek of Faith, Maureen shares how the bedrock of her faith enabled her to face the challenges and will encourage you that no matter what life throws at you, there can be a surprising future up ahead.

  • von Desi Soitaridis
    16,00 €

    There were seasons in my life where it was hard to pray. I struggled to put sentences together, or even worse, I didn't want to speak to God. Why would He want to listen to me, anyway? Then I became a mother. A colleague gave me a card on my last day before maternity leave. Inside she had written, "Praying for your children is the best thing you can do". But how could I pray for my children when I couldn't even utter words to God for myself?Perhaps, you find yourself in a similar situation where it's hard to pray. Or you are in a season where it is easy. God still wants to hear from His children. In my early years as a mother, I so desperately wanted and needed God, but then the fatigue kicked in and I couldn't manage more than a word or two. These are the words I repeated over and over; things that were on my heart and mind, but I couldn't actually say out loud.Motherhood Moments began with my own collection of utterings. It is not intended to be read in one sitting. It contains a list of twenty words as a focus for when life feels overwhelming, lonely, busy and scary and when we feel like we can't quite reach the feet of Jesus, or can't put sentences together. Motherhood Moments will be there to meet you and encourage you on your journey.

  • von Dawn J. Barrie
    25,00 €

    Living With Purpose will help you experience the joy of really having a meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ. These daily devotions have been written from the author's years of experience of learning to listen and follow what God's Word teaches.2 Corinthians 3:17 (NIV) teaches us that "... where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." God wants each of His children to rejoice in the freedom of walking every moment of their life journey with Him. When we walk in the perfect love of God, our fears in life no longer torment us, for God's love drives out all fear.Growing in our relationship with the Lord is something all Christians must spend time doing, but the doing will create in your life something unexplainable to this world. As the Holy Spirit fills your heart with the joy and peace of God, the author's prayer is that all readers will be able to say, "Grant me now my spirit's longing: none of self and all of Thee!" (Theodore Monod)Through these daily devotions, as you apply the truths from God's Word, you too will experience the infilling of the Holy Spirit more deeply each day, so that you will find you want to read them again next year and in years to follow.

  • von Dawn Wolfik
    17,00 €

    Grief is a process that every person will face at some time in their lives. Sadly, it is simply a question of when, not if, we will face it. Grief is often an enemy lurking in the shadows, ready to pounce on us when something we didn't choose and didn't expect to happen interrupts our life and turns it upside down.Dawn Wolfik is one such person. Upon losing her husband of 44 years, Dawn's grief was overwhelming, almost unbearable. Dawn used journaling to express the grief that had ensnared her life.In Waiting for Morning, Dawn has woven into the story of her grief journey practical and biblical insights into finding joy in our darkest moments. As the dark night of grief gives way to the morning of renewed faith in God and a reason to live again, Waiting for Morning will help you find the courage and faith to trust the One who makes all things new.

  • von Colin Williams
    21,00 €

    Something is lurking in the Australian bush - something terrifying. From the myths and legends of the indigenous people of Australia, from the stories they told around the fire at night comes a creature so horrifying they called it "Banib"- in our language it means "Devil."When Bryan Morgan started investigating his brother's disappearance little did he know the can of worms he would be opening. Town secrets that date back to the 1800s, still haunt people today.Sara Whitney has only lived in Haighs Flat for three months having moved there to investigate the disappearance of her uncle. Why is it that no one even remembers her uncle living or working there?Could these disappearances be connected? Murder, conspiracies, and secrets all are being covered up by the powers-that-wanna-be and those with the power will stop at nothing to keep their secret safe.As each of the theories gets refuted, could it be that the ramblings of an old farmer be the only ones that make any sense? Could it even be scientifically plausible?With the evidence given them, will Bryan and Sara run with the truth or run from it?

  • von Keith Farmer
    23,00 €

    An essential book for everyone in Christian leadership of any kind."This book is both edifying and profoundly disturbing. It shines a light on the dysfunctional leadership trends that have infiltrated the contemporary church in recent times and points the way forward for personal and corporate reform."Dr. Dennis Nutt, Associate Professor of New Testament, Australian College of Ministries."Leading like Jesus is a call to radically rethink our approach to Christian leadership. Whether you are just starting out in Christian leadership or a veteran leader of 30 years, it casts a compelling vision for how to re-shape your leadership in ways which are sustainable and Christ-centred. Grounded in rich stories of the disciples' encounters with the radical Rabbi, it invites us to overturn almost everything we have learned about authority, position, power and influence, calling us, instead, to follow in the footsteps of the Radical Rabbi."Sarah Whitehead, Graduate School Manager, Australian College of Ministries.'This book will equip leaders to emerge stronger, wiser and more resilient."Dr. Mark Connor, Pastor, Speaker and Mentor

  • von Bruce R. Kelly
    30,00 €

    "Bruce Kelly can be described with one word: Christlike. If you want a more in-depth description, I would add words like serious, faithful, credible and intense. Serious about keeping the peace, serious about keeping his word, serious about his faith. Intense in that no word you speak to him will fall to the ground - he hears and processes what you are saying. Bruce is faithful to his wife, faithful to his country, faithful to his calling from the Lord. He is an iron-sharpening, credible witness for Christ. I am blessed to say Bruce is my friend."Warren Hardig - Men for Missions Global AmbassadorBorn in a small country 'bush nursing' hospital in the Goulburn Valley district of Victoria, Australia, Bruce Kelly lived his first twenty-five years on a nearby farm, where his parents looked after sheep.The lessons Bruce learned in caring for the flock stood him in good stead for an unexpected twenty-five-year police career looking after sheep with two legs! These skills helped in his career on the raw edge of life in attending murder scenes, suicides, domestic violence, accidents and petty crimes. In all of this, he learned more about others, himself and God.These basic principles also assisted in a fifteen-year church planting career as a home missioner with the Baptist Union of Victoria. He was the first pastor of three churches - two in Victoria and one in the Kimberleys region of Western Australia. He was also involved in interim ministries in New South Wales and with remote Aboriginal communities in Western Australia. In this he learned how to baptise, marry and bury.Upon returning to Victoria, he shared his story and literature in many languages with thousands of students, tourists and public over the last twenty years.In Front of Them All is not just Bruce's story, but will inspire and encourage you to adopt a lifetime role of Great Commission activities in accord with your giftedness and circumstances of life as Stanley Tam's book, Every Christian a Soul Winner, shares. As you read Bruce's remarkable story, you will be challenged to understand that evangelism is a core component of your life.

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