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Bücher veröffentlicht von Ark House Press

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  • von Nenia Tavrou
    60,00 €

  • von Ken Edgecombe
    25,00 €

  • von Marc Wheway
    18,00 €

  • von Huw Donaldson
    18,00 €

  • von Gordon J Moore
    20,00 €

  • von Martin Ellgar
    21,00 €

  • von Jim Wenman
    19,00 €

  • von Philip S Weeks
    24,00 €

  • von Keren Masters
    22,00 €

  • von Andy Robinson
    19,00 €

  • von Alan Kelshaw
    25,00 €

  • von Cecelia Catherine Loppy
    18,00 €

  • von Dawn Pryor
    19,00 €

  • von Richard K Moore
    34,00 - 42,00 €

  • von Adele Grobler
    16,00 €

  • von R. J. Leenman
    19,00 €

  • von Marc Wheway
    20,00 €

  • von Zoey Penwarden
    33,00 €

  • von Andrew Darrah
    20,00 €

    Nothing is worse than a teenager who has to deal with no sense of meaning and purpose in life and the doubts associated with being born into a religious family. I had to attend Sunday services, and whether I felt like it or not, join in the worship and praise, hear the long often boring sermons, and pay my way out for the attendance by means of the offerings collected. Church meant nothing more to me than an activity that stole my time from my favourite television show, which happened to be on at the same time as the services. I could not identify with the church, because I felt it was not relevant to the issues I was dealing with then. Of course there is the promise of heaven, and that was good to know, but I was naively confident I would live long enough to make the necessary changes in my life required to make it to heaven before I died. The promise of heaven was not enough for me to take church seriously as a teenager. I was on the search for relevance, and Christianity was too future-orientated for me to identify with.My quest for germaneness led me to the Spirit-inspired teachings of the late Dr. Myles Monroe. In my mid twenties I had a dramatic personal encounter with God. Little did I know that it would mark the end of a meaningless life of confusion and open a new chapter of life dedicated to seeking and serving God in truth.I came to the realization that God wanted to use me to address the very questions I had asked myself several times as a teenager. "What is the role of the church in our societies and the world at larger?"In this book I will be discussing truths that are concealed or often ignored. Truths that the world may not be able to accept and yet the very truths that will set humanity free from all our struggles.www.thekingdomgovernment.comYoutube: Kingdom Government

  • von Roe Paul
    22,00 €

    Dr Paul Roe is a historian with a foot either side of Australia's Great Dividing Range. One foot planted in suburban Sydney - the other in the outback town of Bourke. In a community on a large-scale farm, he taught students how to bring the ancient Biblical narratives to life. At the same time, he was listening to the stories of outback people and transferring them on local radio. This experience of learning Australia's heart-music shaped him as 'The Outback Historian'. On the red soil plains, he tracked the doings of an amazing array of men and women who have shaped modern Australia.The historian in him was grieved to see the footprints of those who have carried vital Christianity all across this country being scuffed over and the formative story of Jesus left lying, neglected. He's convinced that their extensive practical service alone has earned these Australians the right to have their stories recovered and broadcast.This book is a call to gather this extensive faith-narrative and set it to work in public spaces. Paul wants to stir creative storytellers to relay it to the new generations who are plotting our multi-cultured future. He says, 'It's not a matter of pushing religion - it's cultivating the kind of honest history that teaches us our spiritual DNA. There's another story we need to know if we're going to really understand ourselves.'

  • von R. L. Watson
    23,00 €

  • von Shadi Alexander
    19,00 €

  • von Mike Hubbard
    21,00 €

  • von John Roodenburg
    19,00 €

    As a teaching novel, this book seeks to demonstrate ways in which a past with significant traumas does not need to hold us captive. It involves an enjoyable expedition on to an island called Rustenberg, where its characters mainly inhabit the town affectionately known as KP - Kleine Paradijs. In a tranquil tropical setting the reader is introduced to further psychological insights about several people and their oft misunderstood behaviours and reactions. A seeming simple year's research trip investigating coffee morphs into unexpected encounters with the visitors' pasts, as well as their becoming part of a tragic event that spoils the deceptively safe tranquillity of the island experience. Written by two retired psychologists with many years' experience as practitioners, the journey allows us to explore individual responses to life's curved balls, while learning to accept the very real limitations of believing in the idea of paradise on earth. The teaching novel genre is based on a previous international award-winning book John wrote with two colleagues: A Guide to Promoting a Positive Classroom Environment. "Here is a book rich in insights that will help liberate readers from things that have held them captive."Rev Dr Peter Crawford OAM, Anglican Minister, Vice President CMS Australia, former secretary EFAC Australia

  • von Rodney Hutcheon
    21,00 €

  • von Andrew Jobling
    23,00 €

  • von Leanne Dalapu
    17,00 €

    Come discover a Gift so precious that it cannot be priced, for the value is of eternal weight and glory. Within this small, yet powerful book lay hidden truth: signposts and symbols spoken of throughout the Scriptures by the Prophets of old.These prophetic Scriptures have made known to all nations the Promise of blessing for all people everywhere - blessings that will last forever. The veils shall be removed as each truth is revealed, causing your eyes to be opened to the mystery of the kingdom of God.The revelation of the mystery which was manifest is according to the commandment of God for obedience to faith in God's Gift.

  • von Gordon Moore
    18,00 €

  • von Christine Bullock
    18,00 €

    Diamonds from the King is a book of stories. Stories from the life of an ordinary Christian who loves God and is looking to find Him in her everyday life. Stories of God intervening miraculously to bring hope from disappointment and to teach about promise and identity. Stories of God coming through in the hardest of circumstances and bringing jewels out of tragedy and challenge. The diamonds of the title are the beautiful truths that God has given her through her different life experiences, transforming that which seemed useless into something precious. You will be encouraged as you read this to look for the diamonds that God has been developing in your own life as you share in the truths that He has taught her. With reflection questions at the end of each chapter, this is a book that will become your story as well.

  • von Wendy Hayes
    18,00 €

    Many Christian women live under the weight of the misuse and abuse of authority, without recognising it. Escape from Egypt exposes the subtle and not so subtle ways the enemy has used religion to keep women of God from walking in the fullness of their Kingdom authority.An over-emphasis on submission, the laying down of rights and that God hates divorce has created a culture in which oppression thrives. As a result, many Christian women cannot correctly distinguish between abuses of authority and proper Kingdom authority.In this powerful new book, you will learn:To distinguish between religious oppression and true Kingdom authority.The difference between submission to Godly leaders and bowing to intimidation.To recognise and take steps to break free from shame, control, false guilt, manipulation and intimidation in your relationships.To identify and take back your God-given authority and begin to walk in the freedom of your identity in God.To recognise the hallmarks of healthy relationships as well as abusive relationships.

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