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  • von Biman Roy
    14,00 €

    Each dreamlike lyric in Biman Roy's Navigating the Quartz Forest is charmingly paired with a small handwritten note hastily jotted down on blue-lined notebook paper-artifacts from his daughter's life outside the family home. "All through the evening, we keep talking nonessentials, / tiptoeing around secret tulips," he says. These notes, like scraps of overheard conversations removed from their natural habitats, become the crystalline seeds of new poems. Side-by-side with each other, the poems act as translator for these somewhat oracular messages from an unknown world of teenage gossip and pop culture references, fitting the pieces together like a shattered mirror and filling in the jagged-edged gaps with the poet's expansive imagination. In Navigating the Quartz Forest, Roy's whimsical poems become a sparkling tribute from a father to his beloved daughter.

  • von Jacques Roy
    24,00 €

    Don't Quit-Don't Cry is a Canadian's gripping life story. August 1967: Canada celebrates its centennial; Jacques R. Roy studies African history and Kiswahili in Montreal. With a deep sense of justice, freedom, and liberty, Jacques joins CUSO as a teacher and leaves for Dares Salaam. Tanzania. Jacques meets Dr. Agostinho Neto, President and Founder of the MPLA (People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola). Dr. Neto needs radio links. Jacques can solve this problem. All of this will require complete secrecy.April 1968: Dr. Neto invites Jacques to the eastern Angolan front. He likes the radio results and sends Roy to mobilize Canadian public opinion. - 1970: South Africa's ANC external leaders Hani and Mbeki ask Jacques to create a spy unit. Cover: a love story with missions worthy of James Bond and Indiana Jones. - 1974: Jacques brings Dr. Neto to Ottawa's parliamentary committee. Dr. Neto asks for liberation for six nations from minority rule". - November 11, 1975: Independence. CIA steps in. - 1998: Unstoppable, Roy goes to Angola. Mission: Stop the civil war. The plan: Follow the blood diamonds. - Results: Canada's UN Ambassador Robert Fowler visits Africa, writes the Fowler Report. The UN imposes sanctions and blood diamond funds dry up. - April 2002: civil war ends. - 2008: Veterans of Angola Liberation (LIVEGA) induct Jacques Roy, card number 00A. We (MPLA) ... recognize Jacques Roy, educator, practical man ... an internationalist, a diplomat ... is welcome at all times in Angola." President Agostinho Neto, 1975.

  • von Wilfred Candler
    17,00 - 25,00 €

  • von Sarah K. Taber
    21,00 €

    Sally and Kate are the best of friends, and they want to show you that learning is fun! Join them as the teach your children the basic shapes for building a snowman, of course while having a blast! Learning Together with Sally and Kate is a fun little book for teaching basic math concepts to little children.

  • von Lillian Whitlow
    15,00 €

    Wild geese fly south in the winter in search of warmer climate and better feeding grounds, but what if one falls in your backyard late at night? This happened to Madam in December of 1967 in Linton, Oklahoma. Madam's cantankerous cat, Flo, is asleep on the sofa in the den when she's awakened by a noise. The disturbances are the croaking and honking sounds of a goose, but it sounds like it has a cold. The sound disturbs Flo, so she goes to Madam's bedroom to summon her to take care of matters. Madam goes out and gets the goose over Flo's protest, but she convinces Flo that they have to take care of the goose until it is able to fly again. Madam knows that the struggle between Flo and the goose isn't going to be easy, but her goal is to help the goose heal.

  • von Rhonda Remington
    17,00 - 23,00 €

  • von Nadenia Buntin
    14,00 €

    Ten-year-old Josh Winters and his cousin, Clint Daniels, help lead their team to victory at the Little League World Series.

  • von W. D Nicholas
    17,00 €

    "Vector" was written to help believers to know how to explain their faith to non-believers. This was done by first sighting Biblical prophecy written hundreds of years before the event yet being fulfilled in intricate detail. Then by using proof from geology, biology, and the fossil record the theory of evolution is debunked.

  • von Margaret Allen
    27,00 €

    Eleven year old Adam Elgin is an avid baseball player who has been playing the piano since he was four years old. An orchestra is to be formed in his small elementary school in order to participate in a Gala for the Year of the Child Project. They have teamed up with another small elementary school to expand the orchestra's numbers. All interested students must audition for the orchestra. Adam gets the audition music for the piano, from the school's music teacher and has a short time to prepare for the audition.Everybody who plays an instrument, wants to be in the orchestra and so they practice, and practice, and practice for their audition. But on the weekendbefore Adam's scheduled audition on Monday morning, he gets ill and misses his audition. Two students are chosen for the piano, one is to be the alternate, and rehearsals begin.But a lot is going on to prepare for his school's customary year-end festivities, taking place the last week of school: the winter concert on Tuesday, the play on Wednesday, and the orchestral debut in a dress rehearsal on Thursday, school is closed on Friday, plus the school has started a gigantic fundraiser to help with expenses for the Year of the Child gala. Both teachers and students are "stretched to the limit" in these endeavors.It is the last day of school before the Christmas vacation, and the first dress rehearsal, but at this first dress rehearsal the two students chosen for the piano, fail to perform their best and the dress rehearsal comes to a screeching halt.Without a reliable pianist, the gala seems unlikely for these two schools. Can the Principal fi nd a suitable replacement that can play without fear of the crowd and the pressures of performing, someone who can take them to the Gala!

  • von Claudia Henderson
    18,00 €

    My Mess Become Our Message of Love, this timely book gives hope to all those in the trial of life that includes sickness, financial problems, stress, depression, and rejections. There is God, and for God so loved the world, he gave his only Son, Jesus. That if you believe in Jesus, he will help you out of your situation that includes suicide. 20th Century provides hope in this challenging time. We experienced deadly diseases, plane crashes, tornadoes, different levels of abuse, and abandonment. Our High Priest Jesus, Apostle David, and many others who Jesus helped include healing our bodies, including Covid-19, hypertension, cancer, aids, and other diseases. We are still praying for Jesus to continue to heal us and provide for us even now in 2020.Â

  • von Laurel Richards
    15,00 €

    Poems and Essays is a collection of poems written about a family during their first ten years in the United States of America. The book reflects their experiences in their new country, their hopes and their dreams. Most of the poems record what they felt, as they struggled through adjustments in their new environment. This family arrived in the USA in 1990 and settled in Fairfax County, Virginia. The author's eldest son, Carlos Rodrigo, had just graduated from high school and Victor Ronald needed to complete two years in high school. The author arranged for their school transfers after her second marriage to an American who made their immigration and building another home possible. Their happiness is reflected in "What is a Home". The book is a testimony of faith, hope and love - written through poems and essays. "Ode to a Princess" was written as a gift for the author on her birthday. "Two" reflects the anguish felt by the author after her divorce. "Summer Love" is a testimony to what love should be. Thus, we see a journal of family life in the USA skillfully woven into poems and essays for everyone to remember.

  • von Jake Gray
    14,00 - 20,00 €

  • von Selvon Seebran
    22,00 €

    LONELINESS is possibly one of the fastest growing sickness in America and the World. In How to Handle Loneliness, Dr Selvon Seebran recounts first-hand the issue of loneliness in the lives of people based on intensive research and one to one interaction.Author communicates the real and overlooked "sickness" of loneliness and offers in this book real life changing answers and solutions for this diabolical problem."YOU SEE LONELY PEOPLE EVERY DAYYOU LIVE WITH THEMYOU TRAVEL WITH THEMYOU WORK WITH THEMYOU MIGHT BE MARRIED TO ONE OF THEMPOSSIBLY YOU ARE ONE OF THEM"

  • von M. P. Prabhakaran
    42,00 €

    "I travel, therefore I am - apologies to Descartes for twisting his noble thought." That's how M. P. Prabhakaran explains his passion for travel in the "Preface" to this book. If academic qualifications are a measure of one's learning experience, he has a string of them, he says. But they are no match for what he has learned from his travels around the world, he adds. He shares with the readers what he learned through the pages of this book.He introduces them to the geopolitical, historical and cultural landscapes of various countries stretching from Argentina to China. He narrates in one English prose the scenic beauty of some of the places he visited and personal stories of some of the people he met. In the course of interacting with those people, he also projects among them the real image of India - the image of a country which, in spite of being multi-religious, multiethnic and multicultural, has remained intact as a single political entity and become the most vibrant democracy in the world. The book is a page turner.

  • von Lillian Whitlow
    23,00 €

    A LAMP IN THE WINDOW is based on facts and fiction. The author based her story, on childhood stories that her mother, Clemmie, told her about her childhood, while growing up on the family's farm in Minden, Louisiana. She used the stories that she remembered, and added her imagination to complete what she thought might have or could have happen.

  • von Charles Abbott
    22,00 €

    Patches, the farmer's favorite scarecrow, is very dedicated to his job. Day after day he stands in the corn field, keeping watch over the corn. Then one day, he is surprised by a new friend, who comes floating out of the sky!Leif is an adventurous traveling leaf. When he was pulled off the branch on which he was raised one windy day, instead of floating safely to the ground with his family and friends, he took advantage of the opportunity and sailed away to see the world on the wind.He shares his adventures with Patches, the first of which is his discovery of a school, where he peeks in on children who are learning the alphabet, counting, and a little bit about animals and plants. He passes what he has learned on to Patches before sailing away on more adventures, but promises to return to teach the scarecrow what he learns.With charming illustrations and straightforward language, Charles R. Abbott employs Patches and Leif to teach children valuable lessons about friendship, learning, and taking chances.

  • von Khrona Tensei
    20,00 €

    SIN; WALK OF SHAME is a story that I created as an adolescent about the Seven Deadly Sins and the people in Hell who must find the Seven Heavenly Virtues in order to escape slavery by the Sins. Their journey through the various parts of Hell in their enslavement to SIN and see the workings of all of the Sins as well as the Virtues against the Sins. This story is a precursor to other stories that I have created and hope to spread a message with, as well. I hope that the stories I create are influential to those who read them.

  • von Enoch Opoku Antwi
    21,00 €

    Servant Leaders are the greatest among us. Their humility and instinctively serviceable nature make them resourceful, go-to individuals, friends, advisors, mentors, and the memory of homes, communities, organizations and countries. Yet, the path of servanthood to leadership is peculiar. Why serve first and lead second? Because serving is good work, hard work, noble work and our work. Evidently, there is the difficulty of understanding research language and using them in leadership practices. This book fills that gap. Servant leadership is NOT an attitude. Neither is it only rooted in faith. It is a context-specific researched theory rooted in positivism. Servant leaders touch the souls of individuals and remain on their lips in every conversation. Do you want to be that kind of leader? Then, this book is for you. The future of next generational leadership could hinge on this book. Direct connection of servant leadership to career is the abundant need of such leaders in academia, nonprofit, police, military, politics, faith-based institutions and the corporate world. Topics in this fifteen chapters, well-researched book includes: Why Do We Need Servant Leaders? Can A Servant Lead? Understanding Theory in Servant Leadership Studies, Statistics in Theory - Don't Be Intimidated, Snapshot of Prevailing Leadership Theories Besides Servant Leadership, Servant Leadership - The Foundation, Servant Leadership - Other Perspectives, Servant Leadership and Building Community, Servant Leadership and Values; Interviews: 10 Questions for 11 Leaders of 11 Different Organizations, Servant Leadership and the Religious Environment, Servant Leadership and Wisdom, Servant Leadership and Executive Coaching, Servant Leadership in the Boardroom, Servant Leadership and Ethics, Servant Leadership and Change, Steward Leadership and Servant Leadership, and Concluding Thoughts.

  • von Jason Quimby
    17,00 €

    This book is a must read for ALL Business Students and all current and future Business Managers. Quimby will give you practical tips to deal with all aspects of business management. It is particularly interesting for professionals in the Retail, Distribution, and Wholesale areas. Quimby provides some insight into the successful management of Iberia Tiles which is considered one of the leading Ceramic Tile, Marble, and Stone importing and distribution companies in Southeast Florida. Quimby not only provides insight that will help the reader professionally but also provides good practical and spiritual insights that will enhance the personal life as well.

  • von Baisong Zhong
    35,00 €

    Covid-19 has been a global challenge for more than two years. We do not know exactly how and when this, the worst epidemic in the last 100 years will end, but we are almost sure that it will keep mutating and remain with us well into the future. As globalization and urbanization increase, we will continue to encounter unknown viruses and the so-called Disease X. Since there is no cure yet, we must research and deploy standard and alternative measures.In China, more than 500 plagues were recorded in the past 3000 years, Traditional Chinese Medicine grew up struggling with those mainstream medical crises. TCM has formed mature theories on integrated treatment plans and has accumulated and recorded rich therapeutic experiences.Diseases like influenza, SARS and Covid-19 have utilized TCM theories and have benefitted from its robust history. This book details TCMÊ¿s role in the treatment of Covid-19 in three primary parts.Initially a retrospection of TMC history of plagues is offered, including the earliest theories of antiserum therapy and ancient vaccines and variolation. This section also includes information on the various schools of TCM and their various approaches in understanding and treating plagues. Next, we explore modern TCM theories on the etiology and pathogenesis of Covid-19. Finally, we discuss prevention strategies as well as treatment of accompanying and underlying patterns and immune disorders associated with Covid-19. We include examples of how early physicians dealt with contagions and patients and how they tried to do their work, but not contract the diseases they were treating. We also include a section on the various stages of Covid-19 infection from initial to critical as well as the sequelae of this infection. TCM has been found to be especially useful in the post-infection phase for patients with lingering symptoms.This book is based on a combination of scientific research emanating from Western as well as TCM sources.For practitioners of Chinese Medicine, we feel this book deserves your attention.

  • von Thomas Michael Kielbasinski
    17,00 €

    We live in a timespan whose establishment weaves in the data age so effective project manage is essential. Remaining a step ahead has become a necessity that tends to grow momentum on an annual basis. In terms of project management, one must remain mindful of overall business conditions and stringent wants are the standard. Author Thomas Kielbasinski's new book, Project management Strategies of America, is a comprehensive inside disclosure that offers real examples supported by brilliant and detailed research. PMSOA has all that you need to successfully administer project goals from start to finish from a professional who understands it like no other.

  • von Chase Hayes
    18,00 €

    Don't get me wrong here, I've had an amazing life, the last thing that I want anyone to think is that this book, My Private Life, is about sour grapes. I consider myself a true American red-blooded capitalist like all other good Americans. This book is about my experiences growing up, my experiences fighting back and growing up to become the best that I can be.Growing up black in the South, I felt that I had the cards stacked against me from the start. Despite that, I managed to get an education, join the United States Marine Corps and start a successful company. I'm not afraid of hard work either. I paid for tuition by picking up trash after school, delivering papers before school and working in a shipyard. I owned a boutique, ran and built a successful company from the ground with my own blood, sweat and tears. There are a million different ways that my life could have turned out, but I wouldn't change it for anything. This is my story, My Private Life, I hope you enjoy reading my story as much as I enjoyed living it.

  • von Sean O'Conaill
    24,00 €

    Johnny Mullan wants to understand why bullying happens and not just in school. Margaret Phillips is troubled by the threat to the Earth environment, and wonders what to do about that. Eddy Li is fascinated by crime of all kinds and wants to be a detective.Mary McNevin wonders why there are so many different problems, and wants to write songs that will help. When these four meet in their first year at their second-level school Iona College they come to the conclusion that all of the major problems that interest them have a common cause. When they argue their case in a school debate they find themselves opposed by a senior teacher, and are threatened with censorship or expulsion.They discover that their school is itself divided, and are faced with an important choice. Challenged to abandon their own deepest convictions, Johnny, Margaret, Eddy and Mary stand firm - not knowing how this will affect their friendship and the rest of their lives.

  • von Gail Borkosky
    20,00 €

    Gail resides with her husband of over forty years in a rural community of Western Massachusetts where she was born and raised. She was inspired to write this story to leave as a legacy for her first grandchild, Annika. Gail is a mother of two grown daughters and travels to her vacation home in upstate New York with her family as often as she can. Her interests include boating on Lake George, hiking in the Adirondack mountains, and quilting. Gail is currently employed as a purchasing agent for a paper company based in Georgia.

  • von Lucinda Dark
    23,00 €

    Desperation makes warriors of captives.The Gods split the skies and rained down tyranny upon the mortal realm long ago. Ever since then, the only thing worse than being human is being of Divine Blood.For someone like me-an undocumented God child, indebted to the Underworld Assassination Guild-that means only one thing: A life in the shadows.Or so it should have been ... until Mortal Gods Academy. Until them.The Darkhaven Brothers are truly the worst of all the Gods' spawn. Arrogant. Wicked. Violent.To them, I'm nothing more than a human plaything meant for torment. For me ... they're the path and the key to my freedom.But if any of them find out who I am, what I am ... even the shadows won't be able to save me.

  • von Rich Perotta
    26,00 - 27,00 €

  • von Matt Jackson
    40,00 €

    ...Ben Het has tanks in the wire!"Hawk Claw is engaging," the pilot reports firing the first TOW missile ever from a helicopter in combat.Fire Base Delta had already been over run and Fire Base Charlie was fighting for its life. How much would fall before the North Vietnamese army was knocking on the doors of the key city of Kontum?This was the third phase of the North Vietnamese Easter Offensive Campaign of 1972. Standing across the country between them and the fall of Saigon was a poorly led South Vietnamese Army, brave South Vietnamese soldiers, and US Advisors. How much ground would be lost before they could stop the flow of men and tanks coming across the borders?This is their story as related to the author by those who were there.Follow Major Steinhauer as he withdraws with the fleeing South Vietnamese soldiers from the long-forgotten battlefields of Ben Het, Dak To and Pleng Klung. Ride with the crews that were the first to engage enemy forces with the aerial TOW weapon system in combat. Comprehend the bravery of the South Vietnamese soldier when properly led, and the defeated cowardice of the South Vietnamese senior officers. Examine how an American civilian was serving in the capacity of a two-star general commanding all the forces opposed to the North Vietnamese invasion in the Kontum region. Serve with the civilian volunteer nurses that remained in the besieged city of Kontum to care for the wounded during the battle.The events are all true, as are most of the characters who are still alive, who retold their tales of what it was like to be under siege for so many days against overwhelming odds.The courage, dedication, and loyalty of US advisors towards their South Vietnamese counterparts as well as the bravery of the South Vietnamese soldiers when properly led will astound you. The determination of Army Aviators to curtail the enemy and save the advisors is nothing short of miraculous.Get your copy of this sixth volume, Battle of Kontum, 1972 in the Undaunted Valor series.

  • von Nicholas G Louh
    22,00 €

    During His darkest moments, Jesus uttered seven statements on the Cross that offer us tremendous wisdom in our own dark seasons-when we feel alone, forgotten, and unable to surrender, forgive, or let go of our mistakes. In 6 Hours, 7 Lessons, Orthodox Christian priest Father Nicholas Louh and licensed clinical psychologist Dr. Roxanne Louh show us that there is no darkness so dark that our Lord hasn't already experienced it. Christ's final words direct us toward the light of His love and protection while giving us the guidance we need to find hope and healing.

  • von Iris Saraiva Russowsky
    17,00 €

    O século XX foi marcado pela facilitação de circulação de bens, capitais e pessoas entre países. A integração regional desenvolvida a partir dos blocos de integração regional como União Europeia e Mercosul acabaram por desenvolver economicamente os países que deles fazem parte, havendo ainda, na União Europeia um avanço grande no bloco com a instauração da moeda única. Toda essa facilitação de circulação a partir da relativização das fronteiras acabou também por trazer alguns efeitos nefastos, como o desenvolvimento da criminalidade transnacional e o deslocamento de bens, valores e pessoas ligados aos crimes, o que faz surgir a necessidade de desenvolvimento e aprimoramento dos meios de cooperação jurídica internacional em matéria penal com a finalidade de evitar ao máximo a impunidade e a máxima de que o crime não deve compensar.

  • von Karen Brough
    23,00 €

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