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Bücher veröffentlicht von ASTRID MELBERG

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  • von Paul Eastwood
    15,00 €

    Find out how to strike the ball flawlessly each and every time you swing. This Book contains all the information you need to take your golf game to the next level and beyond! You will learn how to create a golf swing that will have people stopping what they're doing to watch you swing! The three secrets to playing great golf: master these three easy concepts, and you'll see an increase in your score.

  • von Kevin Milborne
    15,00 €

    I'm going to give away the keys that will, at last, enable you or a loved one to stop snoring and have a restful night's sleep tonight, tomorrow, the night after that, and so forth!But first, allow me to ask you a brief question before we continue:Did you know that snoring is frequently a symptom of a far more serious health condition rather than just a little annoying problem?

  • von Helene H. Hawks
    17,00 €

    Effective online marketing requires copywriting. In fact, many would argue that it's the most crucial component based on their experiences.You can use words (spoken or written) to influence the proper individuals to take action by mastering the art and science of copywriting. The best copywriting site on the internet, Copyblogger, has produced this simple book that will help you get started right away with the fundamentals of creating effective copy that will sell your idea, product, or service.

  • von Olga Shelbourne
    16,00 €

    Looking for a way to put it on the market for more and pay less? Need to create a listing and expand your client base? Want to gain reputation and increase client satisfaction? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, the joint task advertising and marketing is for you. Joint task advertising and marketing is an excellent way to increase awareness, grow your business, and maximise your earning potential by collaborating with other businesses. You can save money and time by pooling resources, purchasing and selling services, and sharing your lists.

  • von Dan Selness
    15,00 €

    Because of the intensity and pace of our professional lives, many of us feel as if we're on a galloping horse going at high speed. The perpetual incessantness of our daily life, with too many things to do and not enough hours in the day, the pressures to produce and accomplish activities on a daily basis, all appear to have an influence on our quality and direction.It is possible to alter your approach to your day. The only requirement is a willingness to take a smaller approach. It may appear simple, but it can be challenging. We frequently wrongly believe that eating less makes us lazy and leads to lower productivity. We are better off doing less. We can reduce the amount of needless

  • von Olga Rashford
    15,00 €

    Some of the biggest findings in the subject of nicotine have come from the secretive Nicotine Research Collaborative, which is made up of researchers, doctors, and academics. However, because they were worried about political and professional issues, they never linked the organisation to any papers that were disclosed. Since the group has conducted extensive research on the nicotine molecule and reached contentious and frequently unpopular conclusions, its membership has remained unknown to this day. The group focuses on studying nicotine, not cigarettes or other tobacco products, and has never accepted support from the industry. An overview of their meetings over the past 30 years is provided in this booklet. As a student and later as a research associate of one of the most well-known thinkers and researchers in the group, I had the honour of attending these sessions.

  • von Oscar W. Simpson
    16,00 €

    "Get All The Support And Guidance You Need To Be A Success At Living Your Life!"For those who want to design their own destiny and path, this book may be one of the most helpful resources available anywhere!Do you take charge of your life, or does it take control of you? Which path ought you to choose? Which route will get you to your desired destination, do you know? Only a select few people are able to successfully create and shape their own destiny; the most drift aimlessly through life, hoping that one day their predestined fate will intervene and good fortune will smile upon them.This effective tool will supply you all the information you require to succeed and realise your aspiration of living a better life.Introducing... Living With A Purpose.This product will take you, step-by-step, through the exact procedure we devised to assist individuals gather all the information they need to be successful. It also contains wonderful advice about living on purpose. Who Can Use This Book? - Entrepreneurs - Internet marketers - Network marketers - Life Coaches - Personal Development Enthusiasts - Self Improvement Bloggers - Web Publishers - Writers and Content Creators - And Many More! In This Book, You Will Learn: - Living On Purpose Basics - Figuring Out What You Want Your Life To Look Like - Making Goals And Sticking To Them - How Living On Purpose Works - And so much more!

  • von George J. Doublin
    15,00 €

    How to Maintain the Dream!Network marketing is one of the most rapidly increasing job fields in the United States. Millions of people, just like you, have left dead-end employment to pursue their ambition of starting their own businesses. However, many of them discover that the first year in network marketing is often the most difficult-and, for some, the most demoralising.Mark Yarnell and Rene Reid Yarnell, two of the industry's most renowned and accomplished experts, present ideas for overcoming first-year challenges and positioning yourself for lasting success. The Yarnells offer a wealth of savvy guidance on everything you need to know to thrive in network marketing, including proven strategies for recruiting, training, and compensation. In an easy, step-by-step approach, you will learn how to: ·Deal with rejection ·Recruit and train ·Avoid overmanaging your downline ·Remain focused ·Stay enthusiastic ·Avoid unrealistic expectations ·Conduct those in-home meetings ·Ease out of another profession You owe it to yourself to read this inspiring book! "This will be the Bible of Network Marketing." - Doug Wead, former special assistant to the president, the Bush Administration

  • von Enrico Wallet
    16,00 €

    Ever wonder why some people seem to have no trouble realising their aspirations while others find it difficult to advance? Unlocking your latent potential and enabling you to materialise your desires and change your life is what "The Art of Creative Visualisation: Manifesting Your Dreams" is all about.The Ability to Visualise See how visualisation may change your world and its transforming power. Find out how your inner flame of manifestation can be sparked by creative visualisation.How to Interpret Creative Visualisation Learn the fundamentals and methods of creative visualisation and discover how your goals and thoughts can come to pass in the actual world.Clarifying One's Intentions Learn how to create clear, motivating intentions that form the cornerstone of your ambitions. The secret to focused manifestation is having clear intentions.How to Make a Bright Vision Board Make a vivid and captivating vision board to help you visualise your dreams. You can use your vision board as a daily reminder of your ambitions and goals.Using the Law of Attraction in Your Favour Explore the Law of Attraction and discover how to bring your desires into your life by bringing your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours into alignment with them.Developing a Robust Belief Framework Develop a steadfast faith in your capacity to bring your dreams to life. Examine methods for boosting your confidence and eradicating self-doubt.Developing an Upbeat Attitude Develop a powerful, upbeat mindset that aligns with your goals. Modify your attitudes, ideas, and beliefs to aid in your manifesting process.Making Use of Daily Affirmations See how daily affirmations can help you rewire your subconscious. Make use of these inspiring quotes to help you stay committed to your dreams.Making Use of Guided Imagery Methods Learn how to use guided imagery to increase the likelihood that your intended outcomes will materialise by developing a vivid sense of vision and sensation.

  • von Samantha Ketsby
    18,00 €

    This book, which was updated in 2015 and is packed with useful information, leads every wannabe winemaker through every process required for developing and enjoying wine from the comfort of your own home. Homemade wine can be on your table and wowing visitors in no time, thanks to the basics of distillation and the components utilised. You will learn the fundamentals of creating homemade wine, beginning with the greatest ingredients, and that is not all. Other characteristics include · Basic aspects of both red and white wines· How the body and bouquet of each wine is supposed to taste and feel· How the grapes are pressed and how long you must wait between the pressing· The addition of other ingredients, both when and how to include them· The bottling of the wine More than 100 winemakers, winery owners, and home wine specialists were interviewed to get a general understanding of how winemaking is done, including specifics about the differences between each wine, the appropriate combination of components, the better wine flavour, and the testing and trying of new things in each bottle. You will learn how to test and regulate the sulphur dioxide levels in your wine, and how to eventually control every aspect of your wines, from taste to dryness to odour and colour. This comprehensive reference for anyone with an interest in the pastime contains all you could possible want to know about wine making and much more.

  • von Mary Jo Lampard
    16,00 €

    An in-depth look at the many various aspects of alternative medicine and how they might benefit you. Concise, easy to read, and comprehensive. This guide covers many different alternative therapies, such as:- Hypnosis - Color therapy - Yoga - Meditation - Herbal remedies - Vitamin therapy - And many more! Here is just some of what you will learn by reading this amazing book:- The differences between conventional and alternative treatment methods - plus, how to know if an alternative treatment is right for you!- The history of alternative medicine - you may be very surprised by what you read here!- The type of alternative medicine that 25% of the world's population practices - along with its five most popular treatment methods and what each can do for you!- A type of alternative medicine that relies almost solely on herbal remedies - this treatment method has been around for over 2,500 years and could be just what you need to begin feeling better in no time!- The alternative medicine techniques of Native American Indians - these techniques have been used effectively for over 40,000 years, according to many experts ... and they work just as well today as they ever have!- Why practitioners of Ayurvedic Medicine believe the body must be balanced - and how that can be accomplished quickly and easily!- The most popular form of alternative medicine - and five reasons why you should try it to begin feeling better immediately!- Herbal remedies for common ailments - find out how to naturally cure acne, anxiety, burns, warts and much more here!- How to cure numerous ailments including arthritis, constipation, depression and the flu with herbal tea - you'll be amazed at how easy it is to do when you follow these simple tips!- How five products produced by bees could have you feeling better fast - you'll be simply amazed when you read this!- And much, much more.

  • von Rachel Milcom
    17,00 €

    Friends. Partners in business. Lovers?When Ryan gets caught cheating, Laura Willis is busy organizing their wedding. Again. With her best pal this time. She slams her fist-and her wedding band-in his face and gets to work at Brenda's House of Hair. However, Brenda uses shortcuts and goes on the rampage, so there is also a lot of turmoil at the salon. Hairstylist Matt Stephenson, a coworker of Laura's, is looking for a new job and residence. He chooses to take a chance and opens his own salon, inviting Laura to collaborate with him. Can their friendship withstand the effort, or will this collaborative venture prove to be more than any of them anticipated? Readers learn about the romance between recurring characters Matt and Laura in Joint Venture, which takes place a few years before Wisdom to Know. To witness their romance for yourself, order your copy today.

  • von Franck Jacquet
    18,00 €

    Livre de bord quotidien du jardinage est un moyen parfait pour suivre vos objectifs de jardinage pour les débutants et les jardiniers expérimentés.Ce livre de 120 pages est conçu pour être utile pour le jardinage intérieur et extérieur des fruits, des fleurs, des légumes et des herbes. Ce carnet simple et direct comprend les sections suivantes : - Informations sur les fournitures de jardinage- Informations sur les engrais- Dates de germination, de plantation et de récolte- Instructions de plantation et d'entretien- Liste d'achats pour chaque mois- Besoins en eau et bien plus encoreVous pouvez organiser et suivre tous vos projets de jardinage, enregistrer ce qui a fonctionné et peut-être aussi ce qui n'a pas fonctionné, afin de vous aider dans vos futurs projets de jardinage. Livre de bord quotidien du jardinage:- Taille parfaite 6 x 9 pouces- Livre de 120 pages- Couverture élégante, mate et de qualité supérieure

  • von Eduardo Ortega Alvarez
    19,00 €

    Este bloc de notas diario para bebés le ayudará a llevar un registro del día de su bebé. Se incluyen los cambios de pañal, los horarios de sueño, las tomas, las actividades, el estado de ánimo del bebé, los medicamentos y las notas. Este diario del bebé está diseñado para ser sencillo, bonito y fácil de usar.Características Libro de registro del bebé recién nacido:- Dimensiones: 6" x 9" pulgadas 120 páginas- Cada registro incluye áreas para anotar la fecha, la hora, la alimentación, así como información sobre la actividad y el sueño- Lleva un registro de las visitas al médico, las vacunas, las comidas, el sueño, las actividades, los cambios de pañal y mucho más.- Interior: papel blanco- Cubierta elegante y brillante

  • von Leonia Bagnasco
    19,00 €

    Questo libro di bordo vi aiuterà a tenere traccia dell'alimentazione quotidiana, delle emozioni, dell'assunzione di vitamine e integratori, delle ore di sonno, dell'assunzione di proteine, del consumo di acqua e molto altro ancora. Questo libro di bordo vi aiuterà nel vostro percorso di perdita di peso e di salute. Registrate il vostro umore, la qualità del sonno, il peso, l'acqua e l'assunzione di cibo. Vi permetterà di presentare le informazioni in modo chiaro e di rivelare schemi che forse non avevate mai notato prima! Adatto a persone prima e dopo un intervento chirurgico.Dettagli personali:- Inseguitore dell'umore- Tracciamento del sonno- Livello di energia- Livello di attività- Farmaci- Integratori- Tracciamento del peso- Assunzione di acqua- Tracciamento del cibo- Tracciamento dei fattori scatenanti- E molto altro ancora! Perfetto per uso personale o come regalo a una persona cara che deve sottoporsi a un intervento di bypass gastrico.

  • von Oluver Andrews
    20,00 €

    Building Site Project Logobok, Help you To Record Construction Project Name,Visitors, Schedule, Problems, Safety Issues, Summary of Work, Employee and many many more ... This logbook designed for Foremen, Site Manager, Chief Engineer or Supervisor to provides a clear, consistent, complete format to make record-keeping easier. Ideal to keep everything recorded in one place.¿ Date, Day¿ Foreman¿ Contarct No¿ Hours Lost Due to Bad Wheater¿ Wheater conditions¿ Visitors¿ Problems, delays¿ Schedule - completion date, days ahead of schedute,days behind schedute ¿ Safety issues¿ Accidents¿ Summary of Work Performed Today¿ Equipment on Site Get your copy today! Building Site Project Logobok:¿ Good quality paper with matte modern cover¿ Double-sided pages, to improve thinness and handling¿ Size 8.5 x 11 inches¿ Book with 110 Pages

  • von Tatiana Coutinho
    19,00 €

    Este livro de registo da dor, simples, prático e fácil de usar, foi concebido profissionalmente para o ajudar a manter um registo detalhado: - Data, Energia- Actividade, Dormir- Nível/Area de dor- Refeições (Pequeno-almoço, Almoço, Jantar, Lanches)- Tempo, Sintomas, Gatilhos- Progressão da dor(Nível de dor - Hora do dia) Características Livro de registo da dor: - Livro Branco sem Ácido de Qualidade Premium- Tamanho 6'x9', Perfeitamente dimensionado para caber numa bolsa, bolso ou saco para fácil utilização em viagem- Livro com 120 Páginas com muito espaço para preencher- Capa brilhante e elegante

  • von Ildegonda Perito
    19,00 €

    Il libro di bordo di 120 pagine è stato progettato per essere utile sia per il giardinaggio indoor che per quello outdoor di frutta, fiori, ortaggi ed erbe. Questo diario, semplice e lineare, comprende le seguenti sezioni:- Informazioni sulle forniture per il giardinaggio- Informazioni sui fertilizzanti- Date di germinazione, semina e raccolto- Istruzioni per la semina e la cura- Lista della spesa per ogni mese- Requisiti idrici e molto altro ancoraPotrete organizzare e tenere traccia di tutti i vostri progetti di giardinaggio, registrare ciò che funziona e forse anche ciò che non ha funzionato, per aiutarvi anche nei vostri progetti futuri. Libro di bordo del giardino:- Formato perfetto 6 x 9 pollici- Libro con 120 pagine- Copertina opaca ed elegante

  • von Bertrand Cailloux
    18,00 €

    Ce livre de tir sportif de qualité supérieure, pratique et facile à utiliser, avec une couverture moderne et de qualité supérieure pour les tireurs, les tireurs d'élite et les tireuses d'élite, est conçu de manière professionnelle pour vous aider à tenir un registre détaillé de la date, de l'heure, du lieu, de l'arme à feu, du type de lunette, des munitions, de la profondeur d'assise, de la distance, de la poudre, de l'amorce, du laiton, des pages de diagramme. Obtenez votre exemplaire dès aujourd'hui ! Livre de bord du tir sportif:Livre de 120 pagesCouverture mate avec design de couverture haut de gammeIntérieur : Papier blanc de bonne qualitéTaille 6 x 9 pouces

  • von Megg Haaland
    19,00 €

    Denne enkle, praktiske og brukervennlige smerteloggen er profesjonelt utformet for å hjelpe deg med å holde detaljert oversikt: - Dato, Energi- Aktivitet, søvn- Smertenivå/område- Måltider (frokost, lunsj, middag, snacks)- Tid, symptomer, utløsere- Smerteprogresjon (smertenivå - dagtid) Smerte Loggbok:- Syrefritt hvitt papir av førsteklasses kvalitet- Størrelse 6'x9', perfekt størrelse for å passe i en veske, lomme eller bag for enkel bruk på farten.- Bok med 120 sider med mye plass å fylle ut- Glanset, elegant omslag

  • von Maria Ortega Perez
    19,00 €

    Libro de registro del proyecto de construcción, ayuda para registrar el nombre del proyecto de construcción, los visitantes, el horario, los problemas, las cuestiones de seguridad, el resumen del trabajo, el empleado y muchos muchos más ... Nuestro Libro de Registro, diseñado para capataces, jefes de obra o supervisores, ofrece un formato claro, coherente y completo para facilitar el mantenimiento de registros. Características Libro de registro del proyecto de construcción:¿ Papel de buena calidad con cubierta moderna brillante¿ Páginas a doble cara, para mejorar la finura y el manejo¿ Tamaño 6 x 9 pulgadas¿ Libro con 120 páginas

  • von Lucca Moretti
    19,00 €

    Libro di bordo del progetto di costruzione, aiuta a registrare il nome del progetto di costruzione, i visitatori, il calendario, i problemi, i problemi di sicurezza, il riepilogo del lavoro, i dipendenti e molti altri ... Il nostro libro di bordo è stato progettato per capisquadra, direttori di cantiere o supervisori e fornisce un formato chiaro, coerente e completo per facilitare la tenuta dei registri. Ideale per tenere tutto registrato in un unico posto.¿ Data, giorno¿ Caposquadra¿ Numero di contratto¿ Ore perse a causa delle cattive condizioni del mare¿ Condizioni dell'acqua¿ Visitatori¿ Problemi, ritardi¿ Programma - data di completamento, giorni di anticipo, giorni di ritardo ¿ Problemi di sicurezza¿ Incidenti¿ Riepilogo del lavoro svolto oggi¿ Attrezzature in cantiere Libro di bordo del progetto di costruzione:¿ Carta di buona qualità con copertina moderna e lucida¿ Pagine fronte-retro, per migliorare la sottigliezza e la maneggevolezza¿ Formato 6 x 9 pollici¿ Libro con 120 pagine

  • von Janon Aahonnen
    19,00 €

    Tämä loki on suunniteltu huolellisesti auttamaan sinua päänsäryn ja migreenin kirjaamisessa terveydenhuollon ammattilaisten suositusten mukaisesti.Kun pystyt tunnistamaan, missä kipusi on, se voi auttaa sinua selvittämään, miksi sinulla on kipua. Päiväkirja voi auttaa sinua seuraamaan oireitasi ja auttaa sinua löytämään tehokasta helpotusta tai päättämään, onko sinun hakeuduttava lääkärin hoitoon.Tämän päiväkirjan avulla voit oppia tunnistamaan päänsärkysi tyypit, oireet, syyt, diagnoosin ja hoidon. Päänsärkyjä on useita eri lajeja, ja jokaisella näyttää olevan omat aiheuttajansa, oireensa ja hoitovaihtoehtonsa. Erilaiset päänsäryt liittyvät myös tiettyihin kohtiin niskassa ja päässä. Jotkin yleisimmistä päänsärkytyypeistä - kuten jännityspäänsärky - voivat esiintyä koko päässä, kun taas toiset tyypit - kuten sinus- tai klusteripäänsärky - esiintyvät yleensä tietyllä alueella.Tämä migreenipäiväkirja on suunniteltu erityisesti sinua varten, jotta voit seurata tarkasti päänsärkyäsi ja migreenikohtauksiasi, ja siinä on seuraavat ominaisuudet: - Tallennus:* Päivä ja kellonaika, jolloin päänsärky tapahtui* Mikä on laukaissut päänsäryn* Päänsäryn voimakkuus* Päänsäryn tyyppi ja sijainti* Kokeilemasi helpotustoimenpiteet Migreeni Lokikirja:- 120 sivua - 6x9 tuumaa - täydellinen koko kuljettaa mukanasi.- täydellinen sidonta- laadukas kiiltävä kansi, jossa on ensiluokkainen muotoilu

  • von Vanessa Ashbridge
    17,00 €

    The "Newest Baby Boomers Guide" is a comprehensive and instructional resource aimed solely towards the baby boomer generation, which refers to persons born between 1946 and 1964. This website is intended to help baby boomers navigate the challenges and opportunities that come with aging, retirement, and beyond. The book covers a wide range of topics relevant to baby boomers, including healthcare, financial planning, travel, lifestyle choices, social security, and more. It provides practical advice and suggestions for managing finances, staying healthy, and making the most of retirement. It also examines the social and cultural events that occurred throughout the baby boomer generation's lifetime and how they influenced the world we live in today. The "Newest Baby Boomers Guide" is meant to be user-friendly and accessible, with clear and basic information presented in an easy-to-read and understand format. It is a fantastic resource for anyone in the baby boomer generation who wants to stay informed, involved, and empowered as they navigate the challenges and opportunities of aging.

  • von Gemma Valdovinos
    19,00 €

    Este libro de registro ha sido cuidadosamente diseñado para ayudarle a llevar un registro de sus cefaleas y migrañas, tal y como recomiendan los profesionales de la salud. Identificar dónde se encuentra el dolor puede ser clave para ayudarle a averiguar por qué lo padece. Este diario puede ayudarte a hacer un seguimiento de tus síntomas y ayudarte a encontrar un alivio eficaz, o a decidir si necesitas buscar atención médica. Con este diario podrá aprender a reconocer los tipos, síntomas, causas, diagnóstico y tratamiento de sus dolores de cabeza. Existen varios tipos diferentes de dolores de cabeza, y cada uno parece tener sus propios desencadenantes, síntomas y opciones de tratamiento. Los distintos dolores de cabeza se asocian también a localizaciones específicas del cuello y la cabeza.Algunos de los tipos más comunes de dolor de cabeza -como las cefaleas tensionales- pueden aparecer en toda la cabeza, mientras que otros tipos -como las cefaleas sinusales o en racimo- suelen aparecer en una zona más específica.Este Libro de registro de la migraña ha sido especialmente diseñado para que usted pueda llevar un control preciso de sus dolores de cabeza y ataques de migraña, y cuenta con las siguientes características: - Grabación de:* Fecha y hora en que se produjo el dolor de cabeza* Qué ha desencadenado los dolores de cabeza* Gravedad del dolor de cabeza* Tipo y localización del dolor de cabeza* Medidas de alivio que ha probado Libro de migraña:- Libro con 120 páginas - Tamaño 6x9 pulgadas - tamaño perfecto para llevar con usted- encuadernación perfecta- cubierta brillante de calidad con un diseño moderno de primera

  • von Bbradley Stephens
    16,00 €

    Email marketing tips that work. This book contains themes on basic email marketing subjects for internet marketing, such as keeping it relevant, brief and succinct, not too formal, writing it your way, using teasers and links, and using teasers and links in your marketing emails. Use the frequency that works best for you., make a decent subject line so your email doesn't get trashed, include some amazing freebies, and adapt it to your readers' needs. Get your copy today!

  • von Calvin Baltimore
    17,00 €

    People now have more power than ever before to make a fortune on the Internet. That includes you.Whether you're a part-time dabbler, an existing marketer looking for serious passive income who just can't get consistent sales with your current funnel, or a newbie with no experience and a lot of desire, you have the ability to pull six-figure profits off the Internet as consistently and routinely as clockwork. In fact, the only thing that distinguishes the wannabes from the wealthy, the tinkerers from the doers, is that successful Internet entrepreneurs have learnt how to efficiently and persistently draw people to whatever it is they are delivering in an ever-changing Internet world.This book contains more information on how to make money on the internet during these difficult times. Get your copy today!

  • von Maxx Morisson
    17,00 €

    Do you eat to fulfill your taste buds or merely to boost your appetite? Or do you eat in order to get more control over your life?This book explains how just changing your diet can drastically enhance your quality of life. Get your copy today!

  • von Margarette Stevens
    17,00 €

    Many individuals are perplexed by mental illness, with many claiming that such disorders do not exist and that those who suffer from them are to blame. It may be difficult to determine whether a diagnosis is correct, however, because counselors frequently diagnose persons with mental illness issues. As a result, there is a great deal of debate surrounding these conditions.Life in general is dependent on strong mental health. The majority of people can function normally throughout their lives, yet some appear to be constantly stopped. We can know there is a problem because of these interruptions, which signal that something is amiss with these people's brains.To understand the abnormalities that occur in the brain, we must look at a variety of disorders and symptoms. For instance, bipolar depression is a good example. In today's world, this is one of the most commonly diagnosed conditions. In fact, it's likely that you know someone who suffers from bipolar depression but are unaware of it. Although bipolar disorder is quite common, many people are unaware of its full extent.

  • von Ben Olearey
    19,00 €

    Building Site Log for Foreman, help you to record Construction Project Name,Visitors, Schedule, Problems, Safety Issues, Summary of Work, Employee and many many more ... Our book designed for Foremen to provides a clear, consistent, complete format to make record-keeping easier. Features Building Site Log for Foreman:¿ Good quality paper with matte modern cover¿ Double-sided pages, to improve thinness and handling¿ Size 6 x 9 inches¿ Book with 120 Pages

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