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Bücher veröffentlicht von ATF Press

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  • - Special Feasts
    von William J. Grimm
    21,00 - 27,00 €

  • - The Crucial Questions: Divorce and Homosexuality
    von Bishop Geoffrey Robinson
    22,00 - 34,00 €

  • - Challenges and Responsibilities
    von John D'Arcy May
    31,00 €

  • - Selected Writings of Antony Campbell SJ
    von Antony F. Campbell
    47,00 - 52,00 €

  • - A Very Personal Australian Story
    von Julie Thorpe
    31,00 - 40,00 €

    This book tells the stories of women and men of the Aquinas Academy, a centre of adult education in Sydney founded in 1945 by an Australian Marist priest, Austin Woodbury. The book places the personal narratives within the social, cultural and intellectual landscape of Australian Catholicism spanning seven decades. Chapters trace the founding vision of the academy as a Catholic institution of higher education affiliated with Saint Thomas Aquinas's university in Rome, the expansion of programmes of adult spirituality across the eastern Australian states and the growing place of contemplative and mystical prayer in a church rediscovering its spiritual core. Combining archival research and conversations with former students and staff about childhood, war, family and the struggles to make sense of losses and loves, the Aquinas Academy is a story ultimately about adults learning to grow up.

  • - Its Beginnings and History, Its Theology and Its Importance Today
    von Robert Crotty & Terence Lovat
    29,00 - 40,00 €

    Terrorism is the threat of the age, or so we are told, and inevitably associated with it is the word 'Islam'. The notion of the 'Muslim terrorist' has become a colloquialism in Western media. Interestingly, in all the history books about the Second World War, the phrase 'Christian fascist' is rarely seen in spite of the fact that skewed Christian theologies were used liberally by the Nazis to further their hatred. This points to a blind spot in Western understanding about the ways in which religious (and non-religious) ideology can be mutilated to serve hateful ends. We think we see it in Islam but we can't see it in ourselves. This book is dedicated to uncovering the many understandings of Islam we lack and the many misunderstandings we need to overcome.

  • von Susan Bardy
    28,00 - 41,00 €

    'Death is inevitable--none of us will escape it. Ending life with a terminal illness is a slow and rather lonely process. I am interested in the question of why some nurses choose to work in the field of palliative care. I am one who willingly stepped into the role of being with patients at their most vulnerable time ?when death became inevitable. My nursing history has spanned fifty years, of which the last twenty were in palliative care of terminally ill and dying patients. What was it that influenced me to move from a curing model to comfort caring only? My work is an account of how I discovered palliative care nursing after thirty years in the acute-care setting. I migrated to Australia at the age of seventeen after the violence of World War II and the death of my father in a refugee camp. It seemed that taking on nursing was the best way to settle into a new life. I was happy with general nursing but had a feeling that there was more I could contribute to my patient care. My mother's unexpected death with cancer was responsible for showing the way. She died in the hospice unit of the hospital where I was employed. Sitting by her side showed me another aspect of nursing that attracted me to a career change. I transferred to the Hospice after mother died and remained there for twenty years. Naturally I wondered why this change of direction happened.' - Susan Bardy

  • von Susan Bardy
    28,00 - 40,00 €

    In this volume the personal journey of why a nurse chose to leave Acute Care nursing to be involved in Palliative Care nursing connect with a broader culture of Palliative Care nursing by interviewing those who chose palliative care nursing and examine the reasons for changes in careers from acute, curing based, nursing to Palliative Caring for those in end of life nursing. The longest section of the study travels the world of Palliative nursing with participant observers. It is about the actively working nurse and includes extensive analytical discussion of an attempt to understand the sense of professional change, and the significance of beliefs for the reasoning behind vocational transformation. The second section examines the interviews, the third addresses the heart of the research question and examines nursing moving from a curing model to a caring only approach when death of the patient is inevitable. The volume ends with a letter written by the author to her sons asking them to be there when her time comes at the end of life through a life limiting illness and requests her sons and the Palliative Care professionals observe her final wishes.

  • - A New Testament Guide
    von Alan Hogan
    33,00 - 40,00 €

    After more than 50 years as a lawyer, having been a clerk, Judge's associate, barrister, solicitor, law teacher, and five various types of judicial officer, Alan Hogan decided to retire, in order to do something different. He obtained a Masters degree, majoring in Biblical Studies, at the Catholic Institute of Sydney. He was astonished at how little he had known about the fundamental documents of his religion. This book is an attempt to share some of what he learnt about the New Testament with other Catholics, and with anyone else who may be interested. It is not so much a book about the New Testament as a plan for reading all the books that go to make it up, roughly in the order in which they were written, with such additional information as to make available the message that each author intended to convey.

  • - Une breve theologie des catastrophes
    von Jacques Arnould
    37,00 €

    Le jour d'apres. Personne ne peut pretendre, ni esperer echapper a un evenement, personnel ou collectif, qui ebranle son existence. Et Dieu, ou etait-il dans ce moment de rupture, qu'il ait ete tragique ou heureux? Il convient de relire avec un regard different ces recits bibliques, devenus incontournables, qui mettent en scene Noe, Abraham et Isaac, Job ou Jonas. Il faut rendre a Dieu et a l'homme ce qui revient a chacun d'entre eux. Le Dieu du jour d'apres n'est-il pas celui qui se tait comme s'il entrait en lui-meme pour laisser l'etre humain naitre, renaitre, ressusciter? Le jour d'apres peut etre le temps de la confiance en l'homme et de la foi en Dieu?

  • von Jacques Arnould
    29,00 - 31,00 €

    We live in an evolving and increasingly complex global community and with this complexity comes a broad range of ethical issues. The Ethics: Contemporary Perspectives brings together scholars from across the humanities, social sciences, and sciences, including disciplines as diverse as philosophy, law, medicine and the study of world religions, to discuss these broad ethical issues in contemporary society. Its aim is explore our complex world, addressing both old and new ethical issues through scholarly discourse. This collection of essays looks Extraterrestrial life. It looks at as a discipline itself and also the religious questions that arise in the investigation of the topic. It also looks at the topic of astrobiology and space exploration. The contributors are Christian theologians, ethicists as well as those who study and work at the International Space University based in France but with links around the world.

  • von Jacques Arnould
    32,00 - 38,00 €

    'A cloth spread under an apple tree can catch only apples', wrote Antoine de Saint Exupery in Terre des hommes (Land of Men), (English title: Wind, Sand and Stars), 'and a cloth spread under stars can catch only stardust ... What was most marvellous was that, there, standing on the planet's rounded back, between this magnetic cloth and those stars, was a man's consciousness in which that star-fall could be reflected as in a mirror.' And a few pages further on he writes: 'I was but a mere mortal lost between sand and stars, aware simply of the sweet pleasure of breathing.' From the author of those lines to the writer of the first well known verses of the Bible: 'In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth ...', stretch centuries of time and an intellectual and cultural abyss as well. What could there be in common between the pilot of the first air route from Toulouse to Dakar and the direct descendants of Semitic nomads? Certainly not much, but for those star-pierced nights that deserts alone can offer for contemplation, combined with the tormenting question: what a thing is man, confronted by the cosmos, magnificent and terrible at the same time? This question has been haunting humanity from the beginning and gnaws at each of us: 'Who am I? Where did I come from? Where does my destiny lie?' To these questions, the desert dwellers, and the aviator lost like all their brothers in humanity, have given the same response. Certainly we are mortal beings, lost in the middle of the cosmos as in a desert, crushed by the weight of reality as by the immense celestial vault. And yet, we are unique, singular, irreplaceable; we are not less than the consciousness of the world, and, believers among them will say, we are even created in the image of God. Is that courage or lack of awareness, pretentiousness or faith?

  • von Charles Girard
    146,00 - 164,00 €

    In 1836, the newly created Society of Mary receives from the Holy See the responsibility of evangelizing Oceania. Jean-Claude Colin, freshly elected Superior General, will eventually send 117 missionaries there. These men record what they observe, they keep their logbooks, they say how they are received, they state the difficulties they meet, they record the works they undertake... in short, they write.

  • - Anglican Essays on Sexuality, Ecclesiology and Theology
    von Alan Cadwallader
    33,00 - 44,00 €

    There has been considerable debate in recent years in the Anglican Church of Australia about issues of sexual diversity. To this end, two collections of essays have been published. The first, Five Uneasy Pieces, addressed the texts that have frequently been used to argue against the legitimacy of homosexual expression within Christian life and leadership. The book demonstrated clearly that the texts that have been interpreted to slam gay and lesbian people are in fact misused, with little or no regard either for ancient context or for contemporary hermeneutics. However, as all biblical liberationist projects have demonstrated, it is not enough to invalidate oppressive uses of selected texts. The obligation is to establish Scripture's hospitable inclusion of those who have been subjected to such oppression. This is more than a generalized divine invitation to the world; it requires a retrieval of those texts that actively embrace gays and lesbians. Hence, a second collection followed, Pieces of Ease and Grace. This collection broke significant new ground in the way the Bible can contribute to contemporary debates. The collection utilized a range of methodologies and unlocked authentic, significant and original readings that restored the Bible to a pastoral and transformative support for those whose self-identification was not shaped by heterosexual normativity. However, the project has raised significant issues for wider theological analysis, as well as calling for general theological reflection that can address historical, systematic and ecclesial concerns for supportive, inclusive recognition of those who identify as and with gay and lesbian people of faith. A third volume is therefore prepared focusing theological analysis for the benefit of reflection in the Anglican Church and beyond. Given recent developments in Ireland and the potential repercussions in Australian politics, it is clear that the Church needs to harness its thinking and its actions in relation to its place within society.

  • von Frank Brennan
    33,00 - 48,00 €

    In these reflections on leadership in Church and State, Frank Brennan states ideals and proposes practical challenges in addresses ranging from his non-partisan 'Light on the Hill' address to the Australian Labor Party after the 2013 federal election to his address to the representatives of the world's Jesuit universities. He reflects on the leadership of past prime ministers Gough Whitlam and Malcolm Fraser. He offers insights into tested leadership with his ANZAC Centenary Address in the Harvard Memorial Chapel. He challenges church leaders to be more transparent and compassionate in their responses before the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. He draws inspiration from leaders like Pope Francis, El Salvador's Archbishop Oscar Romero and Redfern's Fr Ted Kennedy. Frank writes with the conviction that we the people are seeking spiritual and political leaders who can inspire us to dedicate ourselves to taking up the burdens of the fallen in the Great War and, with the same high courage and steadfastness with which they went into battle, to setting our hands to the tasks they left unfinished (some of which they could not possibly have imagined a century ago), and giving our utmost to make the world a better and happier place for all people, through whatever means are open to us. As well as being bloodied and tested, our new leaders need to be nurtured, encouraged, and espoused. They need strong moral contours to navigate the modern demands of leadership when taking on the big issues like climate change and entrenched inequality.

  • - Symbols and Sources Behind Pentecostal/Charismatic Growth in Indonesia
    von Chrsitine Gudorf, Zainal Abidin & Mathen Tahun
    33,00 €

    Indonesia is the largest Muslim majority nation in the world and at the same time has a growing Pentecostal/Charismatic movement, gaining more public attention, both for its size and wealth. Building on two years of research, thousands of member surveys, and visits to almost 300 churches, this book gives insights into the reasons for its growth. It explores the characteristics of the growing community and its social relations with other Christian communities as well as Muslims in Indonesia.

  • - Christian Perspectives on Globalisation
    von Peter Price
    35,00 €

    The processes of globalisation are reshaping our world dramatically and rapidly. The great issues of our day emphasise that we are all in this together: startling inequalities, pressures on the environment, continuing hunger and poverty, climate change, economic integration, mass migrations, instant communications and recurring armed conflicts.

  • - A Photographic Field Guide
    von Chris Baxter
    146,00 €

    Regional bird field guides are few and far between in South Australia and Chris Baxter's photographic guide to the birds of Kangaroo Island is the stand-out in this genre. This comprehensive account covers all 267 bird species recorded on the Island or offshore over the seas. It builds on the annotated list produced by the same author in 1989 and revised in 1995. The photographs provided by some of Australia's most highly regarded photographers beautifully illustrate the detailed descriptions of the birds, their habits, habitats, breeding, status, abundance and distribution on the Island. In addition there are recommendations on where to look for each species, with cautions about not getting too close to endangered birds and their nests. Chris Baxter has called on a lifetime of bird watching on Kangaroo Island and observations from visitors and residents to present an attractive field guide that is a must for all birdwatchers from casual observers to serious ornithologists.

  • - Based on Principles for Promoting Peace with Planet Earth
    von Norm Habel
    31,00 €

    "2019 Charles Strong Trust lecture"--Cover.

  • - Martin Luther's Theology Past Present and Future
    32,00 €

    21,00 €

    The journal is a scholarly ecumenical and interdisciplinary publication, aiming to serve the church and its mission, promoting a broad based interpretation of Christian theology within a trinitarian context, encouraging dialogue between Christianity and other faiths, and exploring the interface between faith and culture. It is published in English for an international audience.

  • - Applied Ethics
    15,00 €

    The journal is a scholarly ecumenical and interdisciplinary publication, aiming to serve the church and its mission, promoting a broad based interpretation of Christian theology within a trinitarian context, encouraging dialogue between Christianity and other faiths, and exploring the interface between faith and culture. It is published in English for an international audience.

  • - Volume 1: The French Romance
    von Father David Strong SJ
    118,00 €

    China was bulked large in the imagination of the Catholic Church for 500 years. It had been central to the missionary dream of the Jesuits for almost as long. However, only with this book's appearance has the detailed focus of attention shifted to the substantial and neglected period of catholic and Jesuit engagement with china - the almost 120 years from the second arrival of the Jesuits.Matteo Ricci the polymath, Ferdinand Verbeist and Adam Schall von Bell the astronomers and the exquisite painter who in uenced Chinese painting beyond measure, Giuseppe Castiglione, have been written about, made ls of and been the heart and soul of the rst stage of Jesuit impact on China - in the 17th and 18th Centuries. They brought Western learning and art to China and took Chinese language and literature to Europe.The Jesuits were the rst multinational to be welcomed in China and they came with a speci c method of engagement - to make friends build relationships and share their gifts before anything else was transacted, including conversations about Christianity. It remains an unsurpassed method of engagement with a rich and ancient people.But the second arrival - from the 1840's - was very different. It was made possible by the arrival of European governments and traders, many of whom came not just for nancial gain but to spread their "superior" religion.This work by David Strong in two volumes is the rst major treatment of the period from the arrival of the European and eventually American Jesuit missionaries under the protection of the so called Unequal Treaties through to their expulsion after the Communist victory in the long running civil war in 1949.Volume 1: The French Romance - traces the people, projects, expansion and impact of those who provided the predominant Jesuit presence. At the height of it's engagement with China, the French Government has 19 Consulates and attendant military and navy throughout China. The French Jesuits were afforded access and protection by their government and activated missions in northern and central China - schools, seminaries, universities, parishes, retreat houses, publications - and attracted Chinese nationals to join their number.

  • - L'Exode d'Auschwitz
    von Hisao Miyamto
    20,00 €

    Auschwitz n'est pas un simple fait historique : c'est un arche¿type de notre trage¿die. Comment peut-on sortir d'une telle barbarie contem- poraine ? Pour y re¿pondre, l'auteur nous invite ä un exode hors de la pense¿e occidentale qui a nalement abouti au totalitarisme (e¿cono- technobureaucratie). Le point de de¿part d'une telle entreprise consiste en une ge¿ne¿alogie de l'ontothe¿ologie qui a conduit ä la de¿shuman- isation et ä l'e acement d'autrui. Pour en sortir, une conversion du regard est indispensable. L'auteur propose donc de scruter la pense¿e de Gre¿goire de Nysse et de Mai¿tre Eckhart a n d'y de¿couvrir un courant enracine¿ dans la pense¿e he¿brai¿que, qui l'irrigue de manie¿re souter- raine. C'est une voie d'exode vers l'accueil de l'autre, voie par laquelle le monde contemporain peut retrouver l'humanite¿.Hisao Miyamoto, ne¿ en 1945 ä Nagaoka (re¿gion de Nigata, Japon), fre¿re dominicain, ancien e¿le¿ve de l'E¿cole biblique de Je¿rusalem, professeur e¿me¿rite de l'universite¿ de Tokyo (Graduate school of Art and Science), ancien professeur de l'universite¿ Sophia (Universite¿ je¿suite - Jöchi, Faculty of eology and Graduate School), est actuelle- ment directeur du Centre de la culture chre¿tienne ä la Tokyo Junshin University. Il a longtemps anime¿, comme pre¿sident, la Japanese Society of Medieval Philosophy et la Japanese Society for Patristic Studies. Ses recherches couvrent plusieurs domaines, qu'il conjugue : Bible, patro- logie, philosophie me¿die¿vale (notamment omas d'Aquin et Mai¿tre Eckhart), dialogues avec les penseurs contemporains (H Arendt, E Levinas, J-L Marion, G Agamben) ainsi qu'avec les penseurs japonais ä travers les äges.Il donne aussi de nombreuses confe¿rences, tant au Japon que dans d'autres pays d'Asie, notamment la Core¿e du Sud.

  • - Australasian Journal of Bonhoeffer Studies
    von Terence Lovat
    26,00 €

  • - In Public and Political Life
    33,00 €

  • von Michael Attridge
    37,00 €

  • - Australasian Journal of Bonhoeffer Studies
    22,00 €

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