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  • von Mark Denison
    24,00 €

    Thousands of books have been written on recovery. But nothing does what this book does. In Recovery Rules, Mark Denison lays out 100 very simple, profound, and memorable truisms that work for recovery from any kind of addiction. These pithy statements will frequently illicit an "aha moment" as the reader's eyes are opened to comprehend an important truth for the first time. Others will confirm what people in recovery have learned, often the hard way. "You need this book if you are serious about recovery. Dr. Denison unlocks often overlooked simple but profound truths that can make the difference between successful recovery and mediocre recovery. Once again, he brings hope to those who have been beaten down by addiction. This is a book of hope, healing, and good health. It will make a difference in the lives of many men, women, and couples. Thanks for sharing this with the recovery community!"Dr. Milton S. Magness, MA Psy, MA, LPC, CSATFounder, Hope & FreedomAuthor, Real Hope, True "Mark's 'Recovery Rules' is an honest, hard-hitting, and hopeful guide down the path of any recovery journey. Mark has poured out biblical wisdom mixed with practical application from his own personal recovery and countless hours of ministering and helping others do the same.Whether you are in a recovery program, looking for healthy ways to process your pain, or helping others who are, this book is a timeless resource of inspiration and insight."Ed YoungFounding Pastor, Fellowship Church, Grapevine, TexasBestselling author, New York Times "Powerful, insightful, and fun. The road to recovery needs a daily jolt, and 'Recovery Rules' is it! Mark Denison delivers memorable slices of wisdom that you can't help but chew on and come back for more."Sam BlackCovenant Eyes, Director of Recovery EducationAuthor, The Healing Church: What Churches Get Wrong About Pornography and How to Fix It "These 100 recovery rules will help you walk out the journey of recovery with integrity. I encourage you to implement each one of them!"Tom WeaverFounder, Come to the Table Ministry,

  • von Randy Marshall
    23,00 €

    The Marshall Chronicles is a trilogy encompassing the journey of Randy Marshall and his experiences as a servant of Jesus, a loving family man, and a minister of the Gospel. His life and work occur in a variety of arenas. This initial book captures Randy's experiences as a pastor.After seminary graduation, Randy took his first assignment - pastor of a small-town church located on a Farm-to-Market Road. The journey began. Randy tells of the many adventures in a pastor's life with refreshing honesty and enough humor to keep the reader on their toes. Many are common experiences of pastors all over the world. Others are unique to his time and situation. The journey includes stops at three locations along the Farm-to-Market Road, each unique because of the size and makeup of the congregation. Through it all, Randy related to each person and experience with love and compassion, often surviving by a refined sense of humor. If you are a pastor, you will be encouraged by the stories that resonate with your experience. If you are a church member, you will appreciate hearing the experiences described from a pastor's perspective.

  • von Alyse Sage Austin
    14,00 €

  • von Willie Dean
    28,98 €

  • von Foster Chambers
    19,00 €

  • von Terry Austin
    22,00 €

  • von Jack Zimmerman
    24,00 €

    Five minutes is not a long time, especially if your life depends on something happening. With a tenuous grip on life, the doctor assured Jack that if he could stay awake for five more minutes, he would live. As an Army infantryman, Jack Zimmerman stepped on an IED while on patrol. He survived, but he was not the same. He went from a healthy young man with a bright future to a man with no legs and severely damaged arms. "Five Minutes: 300 Seconds That Changed My Life" is the account of how Jack rebuilt his life. He knew, waking up in an Army hospital in San Antonio several days later, that everything was going to be much different than what he anticipated. With a commitment to define and shape his life into the best new version possible, he built on the attitudes and actions that reveal wisdom far beyond what you would expect from such a young age. The principles and truths that allowed Jack to rebuild his life are described with stunning clarity, and the good news is that they apply to everyone, not just those wounded in combat. You will appreciate the sacrifice made by this soldier. You will find yourself in his struggles. You will discover the ability within yourself to turn yourself into the best version of you possible. Friend and family provided one of the greatest resources for Jack. He was wounded two weeks after getting engaged, and his future wife was with him every day in the hospital, through all the rehab, and now as a supportive wife. A bonus is a chapter by Megan to provide the wife's perspective.

  • von Mark Denison & Beth Denison
    25,00 €

  • - How You Can Rise from the Rubble
    von John Caton
    19,00 €

  • - Safety and Operations Work Better Together
    von John Brattlof & Todd C Smith
    18,00 €

  • von Inez B Cotton
    23,00 €

  • von Beth Denison
    27,00 €

    You’ve discovered that your spouse has sexually betrayed you. It feels like a searing knife has pierced your soul and you struggle to catch your breath. Your mind is spinning and you’re in a fog. One thing stands clear – your life as you’ve known it is over. What do you do now?You need a knowledgeable and experienced guide to help you navigate these tumultuous waters. Beth Denison is equipped to be that guide and she has provided this workbook to help you find your way. Beth combines sound recovery principles, spiritual insights, and practical tools.The 12-Week Partner Recovery Guide includes lessons for:Recognizing TraumaDeveloping a Safety PlanManaging TriggersProcessing EmotionsSetting Healthy BoundariesClarifying Forgiveness

  • von Mark Denison
    35,00 €

  • - Suicide: An Unfinished Life
    von John Mark Caton
    13,00 €

    On August 1, 2007, Pastor John Mark Caton was heading home from work when he noticed multiple missed messages from his brother, James. He quickly sensed a looming problem as he returned the call. This would be the “Last Call” he would ever have with his brother, who took his life early the next morning.In the following years, John Mark walked through a valley of loss filled with questions that surround losing a loved one to suicide. The answers to these questions were not discovered in seminary theology classes or seminars but learned through personally walking this struggle and desperately leaning on Scripture for guidance. Suicide is a leading cause of death in the United States; few families escape losing a loved one in this manner. The questions addressed in Last Call- Suicide: An Unfinished Life are the same questions that torment everyone who has experienced such a loss. The confusion and anger that follow a suicide when a loved one chooses to end his/her own life are shared by all who walk this journey. Writing with the heart of a pastor, John Mark offers a path to healing. 

  • von Mark Denison
    23,00 €

  • von Stephen Ables
    17,00 €

    A lifetime of playing golf has taught Stephen Ables a great deal about life. The game can be challenging, exciting, infuriating, uplifting, discouraging, and a source of joy-just like life. Gathering the lessons from golf, Stephen has written daily thoughts to carry with you in your golf bag or your briefcase. These devotionals will continually draw your attention to the important things around you and help you see past the obstacles and sand traps along the way.Golfer and sports commentator Peter Jacobsen explained, "One of the most fascinating things about golf is how it reflects the cycle of life. No matter what you shoot-the next day you have to go back to the first tee and begin all over again and make yourself into something." This book is a collection of thoughts to help you do just that, not only on the green grass of your local course but also in the everyday events of your life."Teeing it Up" refers to placing the ball on a wooden or plastic tee at the beginning of each hole to make the ball easier to hit. These words by Stephen Ables will allow you to tee up your day with a significant advantage.

  • von Mark Denison
    23,00 €

    If you're caught in the endless cycle of lust and addiction, "90-Day Recovery Guide for Sex and Porn Addiction" can provide a jump start on your road to recovery. Working through this guide will provide a lift each day and allow you to build a solid foundation for lasting health.Mark Dennison was a pastor for 30 years. His family and the church were crucial for him. However, for the entire time, 30 years, he also had a secret life. He was addicted to sex and porn. He wanted to stop and did stop at least a hundred times, but he couldn't quit. It was killing him, threatening his marriage, and ultimately cost his position as a pastor.Mark found hope when he entered a 12-Step program. It was painful, but for the first time, he had hope. He knew he was on the path to healing.This book is designed to help you start down that path. Along with other resources provided by "There's Still Hope," you can find that place of knowing there is hope for you.

  • - An Executive's Guide to Survive and Thrive in the AI Economy
    von S a Ibrahim & Amit Jnagal
    21,00 €

  • von Mark Denison
    17,00 €

    Pornography may be the biggest threat to modern culture, family, and church. Recent data confirms the magnitude of the problem. And it's just as bad inside the church as in the general population . . . 40 million Americans are hooked on porn. (CBN) Porn is a $12 billion industry in America. (NBC News) 47% of Christian families are crippled by porn. (Focus on the Family) 62% of evangelical men view porn monthly. (Proven Men Ministries) 40% of women in the church now watch porn. (IITAP) 79% of men ages 18-30 watch porn regularly. (Barna) 30% of pastors view porn each month. ( A child's first exposure to porn occurs by age 8. (Capstone)Fortunately, help has come! In Dr. Mark Denison's latest book, you will find the hope you have been looking for. In Porn-Free in 40 Days, Denison unpacks a practical, daily plan to breaking the chains of porn addiction. These daily lessons and exercises offer freedom from the bondage of pornography.If you commit 30 minutes a day to the readings and exercises in this guide, you will be a different person in just 40 days.Dr. Mark Denison has earned four academic degrees, including a Doctor of Ministry and a Master's in Addiction Recovery. He is nearing completion of his PSAP certification and is a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors. Along with his wife Beth, Mark leads a national sexual addiction recovery ministry called There's Still Hope. You can access his resources at

  • von John Mark Caton
    19,00 €

    From the beginning, God has used men to accomplish great things. Men like Abraham, Moses, David, John, Stephen, and countless others have stood out in history for the role they were given by God. The Bible also records the failures of other men who missed opportunities. With a pastor's heart, John Mark Caton explores five pillars that allow men to walk in close fellowship with God and be instruments for good in the world.The "Five Pillars of Biblical Manhood" are derived from 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 where the instructions are to be on your guard, stand firm in the faith, be courageous, be strong, and do everything in love. Pastor Caton provides a thorough explanation of each pillar and practical encouragement for making them a part of your life. The words of this book provide a stable foundation for any man with a desire to serve God.John Mark Caton is the senior pastor of the multi-campus Cottonwood Creek Church in Allen, Texas. He has two Master Degrees in Theology and Divinity and a Ph.D. in Ethics. John Mark has successfully led Cottonwood Creek through substantial growth and relocation. John Mark's heart always has been for the church and understands and appreciates the role men have played in sustaining the church.

  • von Mark Denison
    28,00 €

    Dealing successfully with addiction is a daily battle. Mark Denison, in his book, "365 Days to Sexual Integrity" provides devotional thoughts for each day of the year that are a powerful resource for winning this battle.This collection of daily devotionals will encourage, inform, and equip you to remain firm in your commitment to sobriety. Using a mixture of biblical teaching, experiential wisdom, and subtle humor, Denison speaks as a fellow-traveler. He knows from first-hand experience what the addict needs.If you are in recovery or know someone else in recovery, "365 Days to Sexual Integrity" is the ideal daily companion for the journey.Mark Denison is a native Texan, raised in Houston. Though born into a supportive middle-class family, Mark was not raised in the Christian faith. He discovered Christ as a teenager, through the bus ministry of a local church. At the age of 15, Mark responded to God's call to ministry, and he began his formal training at Houston Bap­tist University, where he earned a Bachelor's Degree with a double major in Christianity and Speech. Mark would later earn Masters in Divinity and Doctor of Ministry degrees (M.Div., D.Min.) from South­western Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth.While in college, Mark met Beth, whom he would marry short­ly after graduation. Together, they planted Baybrook Baptist Church in the Houston area, and served there for 18 years. His other pas­torates included First Baptist, Gainesville, Texas, and First Baptist, Conroe, Texas. While pastoring for 31 years, Mark also served as a chaplain to the Houston Rockets, chaplain to the Texas Senate and House of Representatives, and he served on the Board at HBU for 15 years - three years as chair - and wrote The Daily Walk. His other responsibilities included service on numerous denominational, edu­cational, and institutional boards.In 2014, Mark and Beth moved to Florida, where they began preparation to launch a national ministry, There's Still Hope. As a re­covering addict himself, Mark knows the destruction sex and porn addiction can bring to a person, his family, and the church. Before launching this ministry in early 2018, Mark went back to school, earning a Master's Degree in Addiction Recovery from Liberty Uni­versity.Mark is a frequent writer for Covenant Eyes, a speaker at ma­jor events, and provides personal coaching and other resources to 386 schools, churches, pastors, and other individuals. In addition to The Daily Walk, Mark has authored two other books on recovery, Porn in the Pew and 90-Day Guide to Recovery. Mark and Beth are proud parents of one son, David, who is also involved in ministry.For more information on Mark and his ministry, visit his website at

  • - Confronting the Issue Nobody Wants to Talk About
    von Mark Denison
    17,00 €

    We're familiar with the expression "the elephant in the room." This book is about the elephant in the church - the prevalence of pornography use by Christians, even church leaders. Consider these statistics: 62% of evangelical men view porn monthly 13% of Christian men say they are addicted to porn More Christians view porn daily than non-Christians 37% of pastors admit to a struggle with porn "Porn in the Pew" not only describes the problem but it directs us to the solution.If you struggle with porn, then you need this book. If you are a church leader, then it is essential that you study this book. If you are a church member, this book can open your eyes to how to help others who are struggling.

  • von John Mark Caton
    17,00 €

  • von Rocky Turner
    21,00 €

    Most kids dream of what they want to be when they grow up, and many of those dreams never come true. As far back as he can remember, Rocky Turner wanted to be a professional athlete and a radio DJ. Both of these dreams came true, not because of good fortune but because of hard work and perseverance.Rocky Turner, better known to many as Rock-T, is a nationally recognized larger-than-life personality who motivates those around him with a message of hope. The title of this book, "No Excuses - Get it Done," is the motto that guides his life.Rocky shares 14 keys to help you unlock your dream job. His words will do much more than inspire you to roll up your sleeves and get busy, they will also provide practical guidance to help you get it done.Rocky "Rock-T" Turner is a national radio and television personality, motivational speaker, philanthropist, and entrepreneur. He is a former professional baseball player and currently, a member of the Ricky Smiley Morning Show heard every morning on radio stations around the country."In the pages of this book, you will find an oasis of wisdom. You will learn how to conquer your fears and eliminate doubt from your mind, blocking your possibilities. This book will teach you practical tools to continue on the path of your dreams when life shows up with roadblocks and detours. This is your map, providing keys to unlock your destination with resilience and motivation. Success doesn't come easy, and Rock's story is a lived, real example of what can be accomplished when you embrace your struggle and turn it into success."

  • - An Awesome Partnership with God
    von Carol Price
    18,00 €

    Participating with God in His way is a biblical perspective that is often downplayed or completely overlooked. This book will be highly informative for believers who are dissatisfied with their salvation experience, and for new converts who greatly desire to know God’s will for their lives.The Marvelous Participation is also highly informative for unfulfilled believers who want to know God’s will for their lives. Participating with God in His way is a biblical perspective that is often downplayed or completely overlooked.  This book focuses on essential aspects that… Speak to the power of God to completely change a life and undo the damage done from living in a fallen worldCall all believers to be renewed in our thinking so that we can understand what God’s will is for our livesShow how God designs people in specific ways for specific work that is spiritually productive and profoundly fulfillingCarol Price has served as an elder, licensed minister, teacher, and Ministry Administrative Assistant at The Life Center Church of God under the current senior pastor, Daniel Robinson. Carol uses her teaching gift to guide others toward discovering their place in ministry. She says, “The joy of watching a person’s eyes light up as they learn how much God loves and values them is indescribable.  When they begin to understand the marvelous investment God has in them, their lives take on a new sense of purpose and commitment as members of the Body of Christ.”

  • von John Mark Caton
    23,00 €

    The Christian faith has weathered numerous storms and attempts to change the principles to fit people's desires of the moment. However, the faith has remained constant because it was built on a basic set of doctrines that remain unchanged. Those who fail to understand these fundamental doctrines are susceptible to heresy and abuse."Building Blocks of Faith" explains the basic doctrines of the faith in a simple, understandable manner. John Mark Caton writes as a pastor, not a seminary professor. An advanced degree or years of study are not required to appreciate what is explained on these pages.Dr, Caton provides a thorough explanation of each of the following doctrines: Bible God Jesus Christ Holy Spirit Salvation Church Second Coming of JesusAfter reading this book, you will have a new appreciation of the Christian faith. You will also discover that good doctrine results in faithful actions and a stronger personal relationship with God.

  • von Carl M White
    25,00 €

    At the request of Pastor John Grant, the last chaplain of the United States Senate, Lisa Smithy embarks on the adventure of a lifetime: find a former Senate staff member and convince him to reveal to a DC reporter the plot that led to Dr. Grant's removal and the discrediting of his best friend, a United States Senator. From the South, to the West, to the Midwest, evil men are desperate to stop her, and romance surprisingly finds her. Can she bring together the former Senate staffer who knows all and the Washington reporter who can tell all, while eluding the men who would end it all?

  • - 21 Day Devotional to Being Free
    von Kevin Nelson
    12,00 €

    People use headphones, not only to listen to music but also to block out distractions. One of the reasons we struggle in our spiritual life is because we allow distractions to squeeze out the Word of God. Kevin Nelson offers 21 days of practical assistance to overcome this problem and strengthen your walk with Jesus.Each of these devotionals, along with the suggested scripture readings, will only take a few minutes each day. However, they will impact every minute of your day.The overarching lesson is that "whatever flaws you have, they are not the final sentence. You are now being transformed into the very image of Jesus!"Author: Kevin Nelson is a husband, father, educator, minister, motivational speaker, and image consultant. He lives in Midland, Texas with his wife and 5-year-old daughter.

  • von John C Rollins
    23,00 €

  • - Words of Hope, Humor, and Healing
    von Lynn (Northern Arizona University) Jones
    23,00 €

    Great preachers tell great stories. To be honest, every preacher knows you'll remember the stories long after you have forgotten the sermon. Lynn Jones has collected 50 years' worth of great stories. Each communicates a spiritual and practical truth that you can apply to your life.These stories have been compiled to provide an Inspiration Break that can breathe fresh air into your day. Just like you take a break to replenish your body, it is also important to take a break and refresh your soul.Your Inspiration Break is a collection of stories that communicate hope, humor, and healing.Lynn Jones is a native of Plainview, Louisiana, and is a graduate of Plainview High School. He is a graduate of Northwestern State University in Natchitoches, Louisiana and Southwestern Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. He began his ministry in 1964, and in the years since, has served as pastor of nine different churches in three different states. In addition to serving as a pastor, Lynn has taught high school English and social studies as well as community college and seminary Bible courses. He is married to Danielle and is the father of one son, Blake. Lynn and Danielle live in Oxford, Mississippi.

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