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Bücher veröffentlicht von Bedazzled Ink Publishing Company

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  • von Orna Taub
    22,00 €

  • - A New Life in the Arizona Sun
    von Linda Strader
    21,00 €

  • - the Life of an Unusual Woman Changed by Encounters with The Impossible
    von Daniela Giordano
    23,00 €

  • - and Other Stories
    von Xequina Maria Berber
    18,00 €

  • von P H C Marchesi
    21,00 €

  • von Jordan Falconer
    19,98 €

  • von T K Galarneau
    16,00 €

  • - and Becoming a Better Writer
    von Katherine Hetzel
    18,00 €

  • - Mysteries of Camp Spooky
    von Diana Corbitt
    21,00 €

  • - How One Journalist Helped Pave the Way to #MeToo
    von Alison Bass
    20,00 €

    Alison Bass learned as a child to challenge the status quo. As an adult, she not only challenged, but smashed it as a scrappy outlier, establishing herself as a respected, award-winning investigative journalist in a male-dominated industry. Bass grew up in Bryn Gweled, Pennsylvania, an unusual cooperative community founded by Quakers, where she gained a unique view of the world that compelled her to question everything but also be empathetic and open-minded about the answers she uncovered. The perfect combination for an investigative journalist. In 1989, Bass was the first reporter in the nation to write about how common it was for male psychiatrists to sexually abuse female patients. She was also the first reporter at The Boston Globe to write about the molestation of children by Catholic priests-a decade ahead of the Spotlight investigation chronicled in the 2016 movie that won the Academy Award for Best Picture. Despite her success, Bass alienated her bosses with her assertive reporting style and refusal to take "no" for an answer. Editors at The Miami Herald in the early 1980s didn''t know what to do with a "brassy northern broad." At The Boston Globe, she was denied a berth on the Spotlight team because she was considered too independent-minded for a woman. Alison Bass'' story is much more than how a sassy outsider became an investigative journalist despite the odds against her. Her perseverance in chipping away at the wall of male bias in how female victims are treated in the media helped pave the way to the #MeToo movement.

  • von Patricia Taylor Wells
    19,00 €

  • von Janet Nichols Lynch
    12,98 €

  • von Haviva Ner-David
    19,00 €

  • von Cherie Battista
    19,00 €

    The Velvet Sky is a creative nonfiction biography by Cherie Battista who combines field research, family history, and fiction to piece together her Great Uncle Stephen Duckhouse''s life. He shares his story with his sister in spirit, Annie, who guides him throughout the story.  Stephen Duckhouse was born in 1897 in Birmingham, England and in 1910, Stephen and his brother Albert immigrated to Canada as Home Children--poor and orphaned children sent from the United Kingdom to Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and South Africa.  There he resided with Edgar McPhail, Ada Alde McPhail and John A. McPhail until 1916, when he joined the C.E.F. 129th Wentworth Battalion Regiment in Dundas, Wentworth County Ontario. Although under age, he said that he wanted to do his duty. Later in Europe, Private Duckhouse became part of the action at Vimy Ridge and Hill 70.  With respect to those voices who can no longer speak for themselves, it is important to acknowledge that Stephen and Albert and their close family are real people. Stephen''s story develops from darkness to light and evolves to show how a bleak chapter of British and Canadian history can enlighten the path for others.

  • - An Inside Guide to the Other Bipolar Disorder
    von K Simpson
    20,00 €

    Pop quiz: Is Bugs Bunny bipolar? Was Winston Churchill? How about Margot Kidder, Henry VIII, and Frank Sinatra?*What about you?If you''re one of the roughly 4 percent of the population with diagnosed bipolar disorder-or the even smaller percentage with bipolar II-join the club.Bipolar disorder is mental illness. It''s manic depression. It''s serious. If you''ve just been diagnosed, however, take heart: You haven''t joined a secret society. We manic-depressives are everywhere, and you already know some of us. You''re not alone.Bipolarized II (written by a practicing BP II) can help you make sense of a serious but misunderstood mental illness-the only one with an up side. With luck, it may make you laugh, too. If you''re looking for gloom and doom, don''t look here. But if you''re up for an irreverent guide to a quirky condition, this is the place.Take heart: You''re not crazy. You''re only bipolar.* Why not, no, yes, probably not, and yes.

  • von Robbi Sommers Bryant
    17,00 €

    Cate stepped out of the gym to the parking lot and moaned. Her back tire sat flat against the ground. "Oh, sheets!" She tossed her gym bag across the asphalt. "Now what?" A tear welled in her eye. It was times like this that she missed her dad more than usual."Looks like you''ve got a bit of a problem. Let me give you a hand."Cate turned to find Dylan-of-the-gym right behind her. He''d crept upon her without making a sound. Oh God, did he see me having my tantrum? She tried to be nonchalant as she walked across the lot to retrieve her bag.He squatted next to the tire. "There''s a nail in the sidewall. You got a spare?""Yes, but I have no idea how to change a tire.""Don''t you worry. The cavalry has arrived." Edward Olson presents himself as the all-American guy. His stunning looks, captivating blue eyes, and charisma make it easy to meet women. But Edward has a dark secret-behind his charming smile, a vicious serial killer lies in wait.Edward is driven to kill by an entity he calls The Darkness. Believing this creature is the evil that possesses him, he struggles to rid himself of the creature he thinks has stolen his soul.Nurse Cate Derry, Edward''s na├»ve girlfriend, is the newest member of the hospital''s critical care unit with secrets of her own. Her rocky relationship with Edward and her connection to a detective on the case plunge all three into a downward spiral to a world where no one is safe.The Darkness is a harrowing journey into the depths of evil and the battle to overcome it.

  • von Debbie Ann Ice
    20,00 €

  • von Brenda Sparks Prescott
    24,00 €

  • von Ruth Simkin
    20,00 €

  • von Ronny Frishman
    13,98 €

  • von Alice Wilson-Fried
    23,00 €

  • von Katherine Hetzel
    20,00 €

    Tilda's initiation is barely over and she's already taking her first powermaging lessons and learning the legends of Issraya. She secretly practices making illuminorbs in her room until she drains her energy to a level she knows Silviu will notice. She sneaks to the Ringroom to get a power boost. To her horror, she discovers the silviron in the Ringstone had been tainted in the battle with Luisa and the conduit to the Power is fading. Tilda's waning Merjanian portion of the Power reveals there's more silviron in the mines of Pergatt.Despite Silviu's orders to remain at Issraya, Tilda travels to Pergatt with Mage Duska in the hope of discovering the precious starmetal. Under the pretense of learning about the history of powermages and their regions, she joins a team of young gem miners in the hope they will lead her to the silviron.In the mines, she stumbles upon evidence of the cursed stone from the most evil legend in the history of the mages.  Now she hopes she has enough knowledge and skill to defeat its dark magic.

  • von Cm Harris
    24,00 €

    Kate, a devoted wife and mother, has lived her whole life under the mythic bluff called Maiden Leap in a scenic river town. Her contented life is turned inside out when her former high school girlfriend Lucy returns to town as a graduate of a gay conversion therapy program. Now Kate must cope with her guilt and anger over how she and Lucy parted.As Kate struggles to balance her marriage to her reliable husband and her friendship with mercurial Lucy, their old flame is rekindled and a town secret is uncovered. Kate must learn how to navigate a new world of possibilities, confront her moral conundrums, and solve the age-old mystery surrounding Maiden Leap.

  • - The Politics Behind the Killing of America's Pets
    von Deloris Delluomo
    26,00 €

    Based on more than three decades as a volunteer in the world of animal welfare and founder of one of the earliest high-volume, low-cost neuter spay facilities in the nation, Delluomo puts into words her passion for the plight of unwanted animals, and her frustration with the fact that euthanasia has been the standard approach to the century-old tragedy of pet overpopulation in America. Upon her decision to tackle pet overpopulation and euthanasia, Delluomo describes her surprise and dismay that local veterinarians, and the Oklahoma State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners, who she believed would be allies, would indeed become bitter enemies of a project designed to save animal lives. Along the way, Delluomo questions the mentality of a fragmented humane movement which embraces no-kill shelters while arguing that breeding laws are a waste of time. By an unexpected investigation and ruling of the Federal Trade Commission against Oklahoma veterinarians, which Delluomo refers to as "divine intervention," the neuter/spay clinic is able to survive the harassment of the veterinarians and the OSBVME. However, in a surprise ending, once again the Board and its corrupt investigator, with multiple conflicts of interest, go after Lawton citizens and the Animal Birth Control Clinic in a report of the investigation of the city-operated animal shelter rather than those he was enlisted to investigate. Delluomo describes the periods of burn-out and feelings of failure that are an integral part of lending one''s life to the cause of animal welfare.

  • von Anne Britting Oleson
    20,00 €

  • - Following the Nile on Foot
    von Jomana Ismail
    20,00 €

  • von Michelle A Carter
    22,00 - 26,00 €

  • von Lori Ann Stephens
    17,98 €

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