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Bücher veröffentlicht von Blessed Hope Publishing

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  • von Leon Peters
    28,00 €

    "Before The Final Call" aspires to incite Christian unity for evangelism. The work serves as a reminder to seasoned Christians of their Christian heritage through its biblical, historical, philosophical, and practical richness. It seeks to provide a foundational springboard from which a call to mission is operative. Primarily, the unbeliever is in no wise neglected. The very basis of the work is in favor of those in need of salvation. As such, the contemporary context calls for this form of unity with an acute focus on the youth.

  • von Isaac Kwasi Damoah
    22,00 €

    This book explain the meaning of a Christian, origin of divine call, types of Christians, the mind of a Christian, a backslider, attitudes of backslider, how one can become a Christian, a genuine Christian, attitude of a genuine Christian, the difference between church goers and Christians, evidence of a backsliding Christian, characteristics of baby Christians, the proof a mature Christian, the heart of a Christian, the purpose of being a Christian, misconceptions about Christians, divine expectation, the Christian and the world, how to identify fake Christians, the unbeliever, evidence of Spirit-filled Christian, basic doctrines of Christians, the "Do's and Don'ts of a Christian, hindrances to receive divine salvation, Petrine principles of Christian life, , how Christians can receive God's blessings, the Christian and the Bible, a mature Christian, the proof of mature Christian, how a Christian should talk, how Christian women ought to dress and the foundation of the Christian life.

  • von Isaac Kwasi Damoah
    22,00 €

    This book gives vivid explanation of Biblical marriage, secular views about marriage, Biblical origin of marriage, types of marriage, purpose of marriage, the term "one flesh", adultery, courtship, fornication, the results of fornication, the history of marriage, the command to honor marriage, characteristics of marriage, importance of marriage, who is a husband, who is a wife, the duties of a wife, the functions of a husband, attitudes of bad husband, qualities of good wife, attitudes of good husband, how to enjoy peaceful marriage, characteristics of Biblical marriage, attitudes of Godly wife, common mistakes in marriage, how married women can win the hearts of their husbands, common problems in marriage, criteria for marriage, factors to consider before marriage, the reasons why women should respect their husbands, the history of divorce, how husbands should treat their wives, divorce cases in Ghana, reasons why some people do not want to marry; how God design the institution of marriage, factors to consider before marriage, New Testament Concept of marriage, myths about marriage, how married women should respect their husbands, religious views about marriage, defines divorce.

  • von Kediemetse Molefi
    20,00 €

    This book came about due to a series of life experiences and being built into a stronger person who becomes fit enough to survive and also prosper in life. This book has shaped itself into a motivational guide into how you can life yourself up in the low moments you find yourself in, whether it is financial, love life, personal, family ¿ these are all aspects that we all have in common. But it¿s not all of us who know how to solve or rather get through tough situations that life throws at us. Some of us find it hard to seek help from others as we fear being shamed, embarrassed or even someone else knowing what exactly you have to deal with on a daily basis at the least. This book also became a comfort as it knew exactly what to tell me when I needed to hear it. This book has been a therapeutic experience as it allows on to vent but also go through life¿s rollercoaster without vomiting too often.

  • von Moses Idemudia
    31,00 €

    This book is Brother Moses¿ honest attempt at showing the acts of the devil and how believers can recognise them in their daily life experiences. It reveals the old craft of satanic manipulations clad in modern day realities and shows clearly, the original intent of the devil concerning humankind. More than these, the book presents the victory of our Lord Jesus Christ over the devil and shows that we all could enjoy this victory in our lives if we take shelter in the blood and stand firm in the name of Jesus. The book is presented in thirteen inspired chapters with many practical keys and prayers to help believers overcome satanic schemes and live victoriously in this present world.

  • von Duane Altheide
    19,00 €

    All of us must die; we can do it the hard way or the easy way. Seneca's ancient wisdom from 2000 years ago, augmented by 21st-century-theoretical physics, creates a most convincing version of death and eternity. Most people have a false view of death, that death is in the distant future; then when death suddenly appears, they are terrified. This book shows how to prepare for death, practice death, and rehearse for death. This guide to the end of life shows that death can be seen as a friend and, thus, how to die the easy way. And ultimately, life is more enjoyable.

  • von Prince Hasevi
    37,00 €

    This book is indeed, the light of the world; it addresses almost all the biblical controversies in our contemporary times, and exposes the dense deception that is taking its roots in the vista of Christianity across the globe. It is the true revelation of the mind of God or mystery of God makes bear to everyone in practical demonstration of Christ nature. It teaches the true life of believer and disciple of Christ through having self-realization of the true meaning of the word of God and its application, and can be used solely for teaching or supportive material to the Bible. It is also provide all-inclusive insights into relevant biblical philosophy and wisdom that will create moral virtues and essence for national and international system on religious issues in our contemporary society. I thereby, recommend it to be used as study and teaching materials in every gathering especially Institutions such as Churches, Schools and many more.

  • von Ruth Mwalyo
    37,00 €

    Africa is a blessed continent with rich resources including gold, diamonds, oil, coltan, bauxite, uranium, iron ore, copper, natural gas, and other valuable resources, as well as manpower. Unfortunately, Africa has remained the poorest continent on Earth. It is a mystery how a continent¿s abundant natural resources can in so many cases have so little effect on its people¿s quality of life over so many years. Like slavery, poverty is not natural but manmade, therefore it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings. According to a report released by the Development Aid organization on 25th Feb 2021, 35 % or 241 million males and 36 % or 249 million females live below the poverty line. The majority of these people are Christians active in churches. This book proves that the Christian faith can reduce poverty levels in Africa as an alternative way to supplement and strengthen existing strategies to reduce the poverty problem by involving God.The church in Africa deserves a front seat in the public arena when it comes to economic and social development. Truly we can alleviate poverty in Africa through the Christian faith.

  • von Robert Rottgers
    18,00 €

  • von Zalán K¿vári
    20,00 €

    A lélektani dráma általi lelki (pszichikai) gyógyítás/ meger¿sítés lényege, hogy dramatikus mozgásos tevékenység által feltárjuk a lélek gyenge pontjait. Ehhez más emberek ¿ egy csoport tagjai ¿ a saját lelki erejükb¿l adnak támaszt a játék, az ülés és egy egész tanfolyam id¿tartamára. Miután már jól látható ¿ akár alteregó személy használatával is ¿ a gyenge terület, akkor a protagonista (f¿szerepl¿) életének más területeir¿l, ¿hozzá azon a más területen pozitívan viszonyuló személyekt¿l pszichikai energiát táplálunk be erre a területre. Bármilyen traumatikus eset gyógyítható. Megmarad az élményr¿l a tudat információ a fejben, de a hozzá köt¿d¿ ¿ legtöbbször zsigerekben tárolt ¿ negatív energia ¿kisül¿. Ezáltal er¿források szabadulnak fel, és ezt az eddig fel nem használt bels¿ energiát a páciens felhasználhatja problémamegoldásra. Tehát neki kell megoldani a problémáit, a csoport csak tükröd ad neki, segíti és befogadja a visszacsatolását. E kis írás bemutatja, ehhez milyen eszközök állnak rendelkezésre a ¿mintha-tér¿-t¿l a szociális atomon át a szerep azonosulásokig, és mik az ezekhez felhasznált tárgyak. Szó van a határterületekr¿l is, mint a játékok, a színházi dráma, a tánc.

  • von Edward Djamome
    22,00 €

  • von Wisdom Shelter Ameku
    22,00 €

  • von Szarka Emese
    20,00 €

    2006 óta járom a spanyolországi el Camino de Santiago útvonalakat gyalogos zarándokként. A kezdetekt¿l foglalkoztat az egyéni útválasztások célja és a hozzáf¿zött remények beválása, továbbá a zarándoklétforma ¿lenyomatä, élettani hatása, vagyis az abból adódó személyiség - és életképváltozás. A különböz¿ nemzetiség¿ zarándokokkal tíz éve folytatott rövidebb-hosszabb beszélgetések arra indítottak, hogy tudományos igényességgel is vizsgálni kezdjem a zarándokutak jelent¿ségét az egyes emberi életekre nézve. Jelen tanulmány általában a zarándokutakról, néhány utazó pedagógusról és egy 2013-ban folytatott el¿vizsgálatnak az eredményeir¿l, illetve tanulságairól szól röviden. Terjedelmi okokból eltekintek az egyes zarándokutak bemutatásától, amely a kérd¿íves felmérésben említett több, mint nyolc úti cél részletes elemzését fedné le. Egy új kutatás szükségességét szorgalmazom, mert legyen bármennyire is felkapott vagy látszólag mára már túldimenzionált egy-egy zarándokútvonal, a történeti kutatásokon túl híján vagyunk a nemzetközi összehasonlító kvalitatív vizsgálatoknak.

  • von Edward Djamome
    20,00 €

    Love is a major message to the body of Christ. God wants the church to get to a point, where there can be a full manifestation of love. Love can bring us the revival we need in life. There is nothing that can stir a genuine revival like love. Love is the embodiment of all spiritual gifting. It is the foundation, on which the life of the believer stands. When we love one another we accomplish Jesus¿ ministry. He said ¿as the father has loved me, so do I love you, therefore, love one another¿. No man can make great impact in this world except through love. In this book love is everything, Edward Djamome expounds to you the need for love in the body of Christ and the benefits of love. It has to take love to bring us to the second coming. Love matures us and it is a fruit of the Spirit. We need more of love to end the world.

  • von Edit Molnár-Kovács
    41,00 €

    Ha valaki szereti a fordulatos Jane Austen regényeket az minden bizonnyal nem fog csalódni, mivel Anne Blight, IV. György korabeli viszontagságainak lehetünk tanúi, hogy miképp lesz egy csökönyös, makrancos lányból egy egész birtok higgadt vezet¿je, s válik h¿ társává annak, akit mindenkinél jobban megvetett. A f¿h¿sn¿t, az Isten valami megfejthetetlen okból, White Hole kastélyának fehér tornyai közé ¿szám¿zte', ahol megtanulja mire is képes a kitartó szeretet. S nem különben, mire nem képes az a vak gy¿lölet, amelyhez ha ész is társul hozzá, az egyenesen maga a katasztrófa. S az egyik fontos kérdés az, hogy mi változtathat meg egy embert olyannyira, hogy élete végén eljusson odáig, hogy meghalni is csak Isten közelében tud nyugodt szívvel? S a remények, amelyek végig kísérik egy lány feleséggé, anyává és közben el¿kel¿ ladyvé válását valójában soha nem vesznek el, csak újra rájuk kell lelni.

  • von Samuel Ngoma
    29,00 €

    The bulk of the material in this book, an analysis of the subject at hand, sometimes verbatim, is essentially already out there in the public domain vis-a-vis voluminous excerpts from Loraine Boettner's 1962 book, "Roman Catholicism". The author suggests that the fruit we see on the political landscape has deep theological roots. He is not the first to make the connection, if we read the story of the kings in the Bible. What politicians are taught and believe, as is true of all of us, will determine their thinking and choices and behavior. The reader may not agree with everything the author says, but he asks that the reader looks at the facts dispassionately and then afterwards decide whether he has made a convincing case. If the author has made his case validly in connecting theological foundations and the character of leaders, then we ignore the facts at our peril if we refuse to rock the boat from time to time. If, what the author reports is authentic, and journalistically accurate, then we must not shoot the messenger even if we do not like his message.

  • von George Pryor
    20,00 €

    ¿Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.¿ (II Tim. 2:15) Daily Bible reading and Prayer are your best companions. Man is tripartite by nature. He is Body, Soul and Spirit. How the three communicate with each other is a choice that is made by the body which is the dwelling place of the Soul, Spirit and mind. He can choose to be in touch with and controlled by the natural realm that surrounds him and that spirit of the flesh that is inherited at birth or he can become born again and be influenced by the new spiritual realm that now indwells in him.

  • von Joseph Yeenu
    20,00 €

    The reason why believers of today are not seeing the glory of God is that, they have failed to agree with God and as such any time man takes his own way rather than agreeing with God, God disassociates himself from that man and when this happens the spirit of God does not assist him/her to do whatever he/she want to do because he/she has taken his/her own way. The question that will be on the mind of believers of today is how can we agree with God? it is simply means reading his word and obeying whatever we have being commanded to do and also when we hear his voice we do exactly as he has told us to do and when we do that we have agreed with God hence this book will enlighten believers of today what it really meant to agree with God and the areas in their lives which they need to agree with God so that they will be able to walk with God and as such this book is an evangelical tool which is suppose to be believers manual who want to serve God faithfully and end up in heaven and as such i will encourage believers to buy a copy and also copies for their loves ones so that they don't serve God ignorantly and later on left behind when Jesus Christ comes for the second time Shalom.

  • von Francesco Sartori
    34,00 €

    The Mutations of Love are a treasure chest of consecrated verses to encounter between human love (éros) and divine love (Agáp¿). But this Poetic Anthology enters into a discriminating game another existential duality, no less critical for the spiritual evolution and cultural-artistic of Greek-Latin origin: love and death. On the contrary, the originality of the Anthology is intimately in having amalgamated these three dimensions of the spirit: human love, divine Love and the Death (Thánatos) by Love. This trilogy reflects humanity contradictory and imploding that lives around and within us, with various and increasingly frequent resonances and vendettas Cosmic-spiritual caused by man's self-deifying pride contemporary technocratic. This Anthology was found to be the winner of the VI National Prize for Italian Literature Contemporary for the year 2018/2019. Also available in Audiobook and e-book. The original text in Italian is on the side. The Author has edited the English translation.

  • von Phineas Chinyanga
    19,00 €

    Comprising seven stimulating stories with edifying experiences, this anthology is a must-read for nonbelievers, new, young and so-called mature Christians. The encounter with Jesus Christ is so engaging, but after choosing to follow Christ, one has to deal with both internal and external forces. At times one passes through the valley of the shadow of death. It is a world full of cunning, self-proclaimed men of God and gullible congregants. Many a time, unsuspecting Christians fall into the devil¿s trap which either derails their success or shatters their dreams. Yet, as one marches on, one must avoid hypocrisy, maintain the first love and remain rooted in Christ by holding on to the faith.

  • von Andreas Pawlas
    61,00 €

  • von Oluwaseun John Dada
    20,00 €

  • von Bernard Kipsang Rop
    22,00 €

    This simple book gives us a great delight and desire to offer to the entire Body of Christ in this end-time generation; having written in a simplistic and candid way of what God intended for a Christian home. Men and women (couples) need to understand their respective roles and responsibilities in the Christian home as they share a lifestyle that depicts Christ¿s characteristics; through the freedom they find in Christ without any feelings of guilt or resorting to hypocrisy. We mean to say here that one has to avoid current emerging unbiblical ¿traditions or customs¿ that would hinder them from rejoicing in their ordained mutual accountability in Christ, by openly expressing their obedience to the word of God or ¿the Book of Truth¿ (Daniel 10; 21), by believing the teaching, trusting the promises, and following the commands.

  • von Chinnah Promise Chinwe
    34,00 €

  • von Mamoalusi Vallerie Mothupi
    20,00 €

  • von Ernest Ofori Asamoah
    20,00 €

  • von Philip Odei Tettey
    26,00 €

    What is the role of the Holy Spirit in all this? Rom 8:23 says: "We ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our body." Paul claims that it is because we have the Spirit, not despite it that we groan. In this passage, it is precisely the presence of the Spirit within you that causes you to feel thisparticular kind of suffering¿the longing for final redemption in the midst of a fallen world. In this way, the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives reminds us of the stark contrast between the wonderful things God has prepared for us who believe and this fallen world that is so full of sin, suffering, and futility. 7. Pray in the Spirit Roman. 8:26¿28

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