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Bücher veröffentlicht von Blessed Hope Publishing

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  • von Isaac Obayemi
    20,00 €

    The Bibles says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." (Hosea 4:6). Your ignorance of Who God is, who you are and who the devil is, can cost you a great fortune. When you are abreast of good information about anything, deformation will be out of place. What you don't know is bigger than you. What you dare will fear you but what you fear will always dare you in the face. This book before you is thereby packaged to show you why you need not parley with the enemy who is supposed to be under your feet. Why answer the serpent who will like to engage you in long, unending and "costly" discussions? All you need do is resist him. Why Answer the Serpent? is a book that will help you to always be on top and not beneath. Be informed and not deformed. Happy reading.

  • 15% sparen
    von Robert Thorpe
    34,00 €

    The Post-modern Christian Church is afflicted by an insidious theology that places the responsibility for all the activities and actions in the world on the shoulders of individual Christians. This theology requires people to do all kinds of spiritual gymnastics in order to get God to bless them. Christians find themselves then in a great bondage of ¿performance¿ Christianity. They try to do everything right and ultimately fail over and over again. The Way of Freedom shows Christians the biblical avenue that releases us from this bondage and demonstrates how we can live in the freedom Christ promises us in Galatians 5:1, ¿Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free. . . ¿

  • von Oluyadi Dominion
    22,00 €

    This book you are about to read is not the normal conventional one you may have been familiar with.The subject of Mandate covers all sphere of life.Many are confused in life not really because they are poor but because they refused to find fulfillment in 'ALL" they have ever laid their hands upon!Life is a personal race, to loose track of your field in a race is to become disqualified. The is the exact situation of many, especially in Christianity today-the crave for materialism and temporary comfort has caused many their actual destiny, just like Esau; who sold his birthright to Jacob for a morsel of meal because of impatience and character.Many of the saints will be refused entrance at the gate of heaven on judgement day- not because of fornication or adultery or idolatry- but because they neglected the use of their mandate!We are all meant to be saviors in the generation each one belong-every redeemed has the responsibility to introduce others to the availability of SALVATION-through our individual mandate: this is when we can truly be saviors![Obadiah 21]. But thank God because this book will open your eyes to such realities you never thought existed in the faith.WELCOME!

  • 16% sparen
    von Benson Njoroge
    51,00 €

    Understanding what we believe in Pentecostal churches is a tool to enlighten, educate and inform those in Pentecostal churches and those outside Pentecostal churches who desire to understand what we believe. This book will unveil all the truth related to the doctrine of the Bible on Pentecostal faith and belief. May we strive to embrace and maintain the core teachings on what we believe. ¿You stumble day and night, and the prophets stumble with you. So I will destroy your mother ¿ my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge¿. (Hosea 4:5-6). ¿Because God wanted to make the unchanging nature of his purpose very clear to the heirs of what was promised, he confirmed it with an oath. God did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of the hope set before us may be greatly encouraged.¿(Heb.6:17-18). Since the truth is always true and only true can be, keep me, o Lord, as true to truth. As truth is true to Thee ¿ T Baird.

  • - A launchpad to greatness
    von Gabriel Ikechukwu Onoyima
    20,00 €

    Greatness is an integral part of every person. It has to unfold. No one is born to be a failure. We become failures when we fail to use our talents or if we fail to rise after a failure. Greatness starts when we make e¿ort towards developing our talents. Failure is a situation no one may wish to experience. When it happens, it is never a pleasant experience. Focusing on failure paralysis one from taking future action especially if the person is not courageous. Gold is never beautiful until it passes through purifying ¿re. Arrow never hit its target unless it experiences a drawback. The experience of failure instead of being a negative drawback is an assurance that we can do better. Each person is endowed with a talent from God. Every person¿s talent passes through some developmental process in order to achieve greatness. In such periods there could be some failures before attaining greatness. Everyone is destined for greatness provided one goes through the process of developing his or her talent. You have yours. You can be great if you work smart and develop your God¿s gift. Be not afraid when you fail. Rise up and remain focused.

  • von George Palamattam
    17,00 €

    Scripture Reflections are points to ponder on the readings for masses on Sundays and solemnities. They are not homilies. They may help homilists in preparing homilies. For those who like to get a message, to carry on and apply the Word of God into daily living may have some tickle in these reflections. They may also help the faithful to have an advance reflection before they go for worship. If they like to have a second look at the scripture message after the liturgy and after listening to the day¿s proclamation, they may have it in these reflections. These reflections were put into words, per one each week. Hence it took one year, a full liturgical cycle to complete this set, and more years and revising to edit and get it ready for publishing. There are no anecdotes or stories in these reflections, which may detract the mind from the message. Hence you may need to apply the mind to capture the message. All of them will not be equally exciting. Some may touch you and others may not. Each day¿s message was the inspiration of that year. The next cycle I do not go back to it but look and pray and a different one crops up. Holy spirit is unstoppable!

  • 16% sparen
    von John Rumao
    41,00 €

    ¿Call To Love And Charity , A Study of Christian Holy Scriptures¿ is a beautiful survey of God's Fatherly love and man's brotherly love in the Bible. It is also a confluence of one of the best summaries of almost all the books of the Bible. While refuting the claims of modern day misconceptions of love and charity, it provides the reader with some new and original insights into the definition of love, charity and philanthropy. The book is meant be a sure guide to those looking sincerely for the true enlightenment amidst the web of numerous religious scriptures and traditions claiming to be a sure sign of divine wisdom. The book will genuinely assist an honest seeker of truth get acquainted with the Christian biblical traditions, journey through innumerable references to the ¿Call to Love and Charity¿ and arrive at his/her own realization of what God really intends from every human being.

  • von Jerry Rosario
    19,00 €

    The Apostolic Exhortation of POPE FRANCIS, titled, ¿THE JOY OF LOVE¿ on family-life, is put through here popularly, purposefully and prayerfully as A FAMILY NOVENA. Depending on the FAMILY and PARISH needs, the NOVENA - PAGES can be creatively edited, challengingly conducted and charmingly celebrated..! ¿No family drops down from heaven perfectly formed..! Families need to constantly grow and need to mature in love..!¿

  • 14% sparen
    von Antony Pancras
    31,00 €

    This book presents 100 prayers arising from an innocent heart. It is a garland of prayers for various occasions and situations. In this poetic form of prayers, one can travel from practical and ordinary sphere of life to spiritual and mystical experience, leading to God. ¿The ability to ¿read¿ nature, and enter into nature¿s language and the longings and cries of the human heart comes through in these poems. There is, yes, an innocence to these verses and a striking freedom from complications. There is, too, a warm sense of God as close and caring.¿

  • von Nilo Macapinlac
    18,00 €

    A pastoral message of encouragement for God's flock, to attune to the Word of God despite of the busy and noisy world where we live in. Words both of inspirations and challenges that lead us to hope and to have faith to the One who holds our bright future who gives us life eternal, The Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ, "The Incarnate Word". The Word of God is the soul of the message since the voice is of the Good Shepherd who assured us of His words of eternal life. A collection of pastor's message along with the parish life and activities which anchored on God's revelation through His Son. Listening to God's Word leadings us to be more docile to the prompting of the Holy Spirit in our busy world...

  • von Papphilip Jabang
    20,00 €

    Since time immemorial, missions were seen to be a one-way traffic from the West to the rest of the world and that time is fading away fast and we are living in a time when we are all partakers of this Godly mandate. This book is about WEC¿s operations and impact in the Gambia. The author decided to limit his deliberations on WEC¿s operations in the Gambia but does not fail to include or deny their other operations in other countries on the African continent. The author is fortunate to visit WEC in four countries namely; Gambia, Senegal, Ghana, Guinea Bissau, and Kenya. The spiritual, social and cultural impact of WEC in Gambia covers themes of Christian missions. This is not a systematic presentation of major issues in the field of study but serves as a complement to most of the traditional missiological books and practice. This book is positive and also evangelistic in nature for the missionary and would-be missionaries. It is intended for students, missionaries, would be missionaries, pastors, professors, coordinators, philosophers, project managers, missionary sending agencies.

  • von Atoloye David Olumuyiwa
    20,00 €

    "Made for Domination" examines the dynamics of God's executive order to man to have rulership over all of God's creation. The work endeavours to explore the dynamics of the spiritual and physical dimensions of man's Domination. This book is about to encourage you to occupy your rightful position in making Domination visible in all areas of your life.

  • 13% sparen
    von Joe E Morris
    27,00 €

    The Christian Right: Neither Christian Nor Right, questions the movement¿s claim to be Christian as well as its assertion to be ¿Right.¿ The Christian Right is basically a Fundamentalist political movement. Under scrutiny, Fundamentalism is a leftist theology and a rehash of religious beliefs considered unacceptable by the early Church Fathers and current mainstream Christianity. More significantly, the policies and political agenda of the Christian Right on issues of immigration, welfare, the death penalty and gun control, to name a few, contrast sharply with the teachings of Jesus. The Christian Right: Neither Christian Nor Right states that The Christian Right¿s political roots are leftist. Its political forbearers, the Pilgrim Puritans, belonged to a lineage of leftist movements through history that used the Old, not the New, Testament as its basis of government. The heroes of the Christian Right¿s cohort, the Tea Party, were a band of leftists bent on overthrowing a government. Regardless of the outcome of the 2016 elections, the 2018 midterm elections loom with the Christian Right and Tea Party as major players.

  • 16% sparen
    von Daniel Orieke
    41,00 €

    ¿If your relationship cannot address your destiny positively, then Satan would rejoice he had succeeded about destroying another star¿. Relationship remains a silent, but a strong rung to the top and the only potent weapon against solitary. There is no life without relationship; no warmness without intimacy and no communication without fellowship. This book ¿Golden Relationship Series; Purpose-Poise-Purity¿ is a treasure and well packaged insight on relationship. You have with you a book revealing the content, context and concept of divine intent in relationship. Subjects discussed include: Dynamics of Relationship, Deference of Relationship, Devotions of Relationship, Depths of Relationship.

  • von Eliot Messiah
    20,00 €

    DO YOU KNOW YOU ARE A GENIUS? What do you think makes the difference between you and those you call genius? The mindset, self-acceptance, and confidence is the answer. ¿You Are A Genius: You Just Don¿t Know¿ is a remarkable book for ALL. It is inspired and motivated by the inspiration of the LORD to unravel the ¿True You.¿ The message in this book is anointed to inspire and empower your spirit, soul, and body to identify that where you are now is not your limit. You are worth more than who you are now! EVERYONE IS A GENIUS! The presence of the Lord your God has never left you but is always with you in the boat of your life journey. ¿You Are A Genius: You Just Don¿t Know¿ is a compilation of godly transforming wisdom anointed and watered by the Blood of Jesus to give you the revelation of yourself as you read about: Why me?; 11+1 Self-confidence; Resting in Confidence; Soaring High; Don¿t give up; How Relevance is Salvation: The Truth; Those Whom You Don¿t Know. Those who are making a name and history today aren't different from you. The quotes in this book shall provoke you to do what you haven¿t done before and see what you ought to see but haven¿t seen until now. YOU ARE BLESSED!

  • von Dele James
    20,00 €

    ABOUT THE BOOK You are at the verge of discovering the purpose of God for your life.The book Set Among The Stars will wake up your reasoning ability and every limitation will give way.In it; you'll find some life changing stories and illustrations that will remove every obstacles,barriers that has been disturbing your star from shining.

  • von Isaac Obayemi
    22,00 €

    We are in the world where moral decadence is prevailing, and the value for Character is fast depreciating. More of noise and less of value is in vogue. Matthew 12: 33, declares, "A tree is known by its fruit" and NOT by its leaves. That means you are known better by your character and not by your gymnastic display only. This book is here to unfold to you the damning dangers associated with Charisma without Character, and the blessings of having both in place. Charisma only or with Character? is a timely book of priceless value. Grab your copies today, and send some to your friends, as gifts for different occasions.

  • von Olufunmi Whesu
    20,00 €

    Power to do exploits, to overcome sin and live in righteousness is embedded in our spirits as children of God but we must understand ourselves as tripartite beings made in God's image and the effect of the fall of man on the power and the authority of the spirit. Powerhouse is an exposition on man as a tripartite being having, body, soul and spirit and the effect each one has on the other and which was designed to dominate.

  • von Moses Khanu
    18,00 €

    Marriage is a human institution established by God for procreation and companionship with the ultimate aim of the two becoming one. Unfortunately the institution has suffered many challenges that undermine God¿s original plan for marriage. Many research, writings and seminars have been done to discover the nature of marriage, the challenges and what is needed to bring back marriage to its right path. This book ¿THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE¿ is another effort to help Christians discover God¿s ultimate purpose in marriage. This book is unique in the sense that it searched the Word of God to bring out the meaning and principles of the two becoming one, the character and role of the couple and other persons who make the two become one, the fruits, challenges and blessings of becoming one. The book ends with concluding encouragements to couples noting that becoming one is a mystery and that God alone through the Holy Spirit reveals the true meaning of marriage. The couple must therefore rely on the Holy Spirit help to help them carry out their marital tasks and face the challenges with endurance and makes the marriage succeed.

  • von Matthew Ifediegwu
    20,00 €

    There are so many things we were not told while coming into this world and unfortunately those things are the battle we fight on daily basis. As far as this life is concerned, knowledge and ignorant are the channels of our freedom and bondage. There are so many questions but unfortunately only few answers are available and thus making ignorance the greatest problem of mankind.The Almighty Himself confirmed this in the book of Hosea 4:6 when He said; "My people perish for lack of knowledge." And Christ pressed on it as well when he said "you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." The key to every transformation is information and until you are informed you can never be transformed. This is a swift revelation, an eye opener and a path to peace, love and eternal salvation.

  • 15% sparen
    von David Gooday
    34,00 €

    Many preachers present a sermon which inspires, instructs and uplifts the listeners, and hopefully brings them nearer to God, and they do this in a memorable and logical way. But many other preachers do not possess this skill. Still more preachers start off with a wonderful story which rivets the attention of their congregation, but then they get lost and go round in circles trying to figure out where to go. If you want your listeners to understand and remember the lessons you feel that God wants you to convey, then there are many advantages in writing out the whole sermon. So if the preacher is going to write out the whole sermon, what is the point of having a book of sermons like this one? It is always best if the preacher can prepare a new sermon for every occasion, audience or circumstance and this book will provide thoughts, stories, illustrations, which can be woven into the lesson he or she wants to convey. It is based on readings for the seasons in the Christian year and will also provide help and inspiration to readers who are following the Anglican Prayer Boook or Catholic Missal, or any other Christian wanting to learn more about the Gospel of love and grace.

  • von Jerry Rosario
    20,00 €

    ¿It is not the GOSPEL that changes. But, it is we who begin to understand the Gospel better. Now the moment has come that we read and recognise the signs of our time, and seize the God-given opportunity to serve the side-lined of today, and also, look forward to sunnier tomorrows of our Church and of our World!¿ (St. Pope John XXIII). We are proud to bring out this book, published originally by New Leader Publications, India. Charged by the words of Jesus the Nazarene, drawn from apt Gospel-scenario, Jerry presents their contextual meanings accompanied by challenges, quotes and prayers for the servant-leadership which is need of the hour.

  • von Isaac Olufemi Obayemi
    22,00 €

  • 15% sparen
    von Ray Lyne
    34,00 €

    DARK DAYS! With dramatic and powerful political changes that are now directly affecting the Church and community in ways that have never been seen before it is time for a fresh and new look at both political decisions and End-Time doctrine. Very soon it will not only be Muslim or communist countries that will be persecuting Christians but western democratic governments as well. The situation that is unfolding now has all been prophesied in the Bible and so this subject must be examined from a prophetic Biblical point of view. For far too long most Bible prophecy interpreters have predicted events that never come to pass. For this reason most Churches don't want to talk about End-Times. Now is the time for a different and honest look at Bible Prophecy.

  • von Frank Alvin Mmanga
    22,00 €

    A curse is a word that is pronounced against an individual that has a spiritual in print in the life of an individual. Curses as important to consider as the blessings but in contemporary churches, leaders are only concerned with preaching about blessings. They do not reveal it that where blessings manifest, they do as a result of absence of curses and vice versa. It is important to mention here that its a biblical fact that curses exist and people have to live a life that will help them not to be cursed hence failing to enjoy God's blessings.

  • 11% sparen
    von Asabe Mathew Bobai & Mathew Bobai
    22,00 €

  • 15% sparen
    von Onor Wildrop
    34,00 €

    In a country divided by racial prejudice, with one race exalted to suppress the other; one man victimized by such a national dichotomy uses his talent to transcend this stronghold to eventually bring down the walls of that hate. That man is Wesno Chapman. But would he also succeed to overcome his own personal paradox ¿ a living representation of something he lives to fight and becomes famous for. A parody of contrasts, Metamorphosis is a two part labyrinth of a tale with an ingenious structure, a powerful portrait of how well evolution can remarkably reach its peak if acceptance of multi-racial diversity is accommodated.

  • 15% sparen
    von Claudio Goncalves
    34,00 €

    No pensamento social de João Calvino a causa do caos econômico, da ganância, da pobreza e da injustiça social é devido ao pecado que entrou no mundo através da Queda no Éden. Mas a obra de Cristo, através da sua Igreja, é responsável pela reorganização moral e social da humanidade caída. Calvino combatia a teologia medieval da opção pela pobreza no ascetismo monástico. Para ele a vida material está intrinsecamente ligada à vida espiritual. A formação de Calvino, a sua piedade, erudição e experiência nas instituições que atuou (Academia de Genebra, o Hospital Geral e o Fundo Francês) foram essenciais para a o movimento da Reforma Protestante. Ela mudou a atitude para com o dinheiro, o trabalho e a responsabilidade social. O conceito de Calvino sobre o uso social da riqueza deve nos atingir por inteiro, em todas as áreas da nossa vida.

  • 10% sparen
    von Lisema Walter Ralitsoele
    26,00 €

    God used all the women in Some Formidable Gender Biblical Relationships as major change agents to teach us that He is a Sovereign and loving God whom we should glorify and be blessed or choose to be disobedient and reap what we sow. I hope that through this book, individuals and organizations involved in fighting the scourge of women abuse will be further empowered. The victims should find solace in the book from knowing that they come from a distinguished lineage purposely created by God without which creation would be incomplete. If God gave such significant roles to women, we should give them due appreciation, love and respect. The women differ in social status. God assigned a widow to take care of Elijah; the Virgin Mary gave birth to our Lord and Savior Jesus. Lot¿s daughters got their father drunk to continue the family lineage. Tamar tricked his father-in-law into believing she was a prostitute. And on the elite side are Queen Jezebel and Queen Esther. Through this book, men will understand, and be convicted by, the fact that the abuse of women is cannibalizing the flesh of our flesh and the bone of our bones.

  • von Thato Boitumelo Setlhabi
    20,00 €

    Second Chance: Elected by grace is an offering based on matters of being called by God into the Christian walk of Salvation. It reflects on the "Born-again" experience which includes adoption, regeneration and Salvation. It also touches on the changes that come with being elected by grace and the genetic modification which comes together with the mercy and the Grace of God. Genetic modification is not only found in science, God existed and lived before science. As Genetic Modification creates a breed that can resist disease, God sent Jesus Christ to defeat sin, modify our flesh and make us resistant to sin.

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