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Bücher veröffentlicht von Blessed Hope Publishing

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  • 18% sparen
    von Riaan Engelbrecht
    50,00 €

  • von Kokou Missogbe Thomas R Akogbe
    20,00 €

  • 14% sparen
    von Samuel Ngoma
    29,00 €

  • 12% sparen
    von Wolfgang Jenke
    28,00 €

  • von Blessed Prince Agyapong
    20,00 €

  • von Sunday Akodu
    20,00 €

  • 17% sparen
    von Enoch Asante
    54,00 €

  • von Blessed Prince Agyapong
    22,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Mouner Alajji
    51,00 €

  • von Blessed Thabang Mobosi
    22,00 €

  • von Marie-Claire Di Carlo
    20,00 €

  • von Kokou Missogbe Thomas R Akogbe
    22,00 €

  • von Michael Adikwu
    20,00 €

  • von Blessed Prince Agyapong
    20,00 €

  • 12% sparen
    von Kokou Missogbe Thomas R Akogbe
    28,00 €

  • von Prince Akpan
    20,00 €

  • von Peter Kimathi
    20,00 €

    "Five steps to prominence" is a alleged to prove to you that you can be prominent and have impact despite your situation and background. This is a story of Joseph in Genesis who rose from slavery to prime minister in Egypt. Take concern Deuteronomy 28:1" you shall be the head and not the tail."Anybody can be the head it is not a puzzle. There are five steps that Joseph implemented on his way to the highest office in the land that is our main focus in this topic.First, It was a dream conceived, then he exercised his gifts. Don't forget that there was hatchet on the way,pharaoh wife enticed her for sex, who overcame by clinging to his integrity. God has ordained you to be great, why yield to be a mediocre? As you enact these five principles ,beyond doubt you shall climb to the top, I wish you the best, see you on the top!

  • von Angelo Sorte
    20,00 €

    This is a book on God's Justice, how I discovered it in my life and how I tried to live by it. I decided to write a second book cuz I had other things to say. I wanted to tell what I lived while I was in Catania and share some teachings to the young people. I hope to transmit some values to the youth. That's the reason why I wrote the book. I wanted to say about this trial that I had. I wanted to tell something more about it.

  • 15% sparen
    von Ademola Adegbile
    34,00 €

  • von Ron Gooden
    20,00 €

    When we are in ignorance we lock ourselves away in a delusional bliss. We may think that our discourses, our sorrows, and hardships are compulsory and that there is no better way of living. However, there is a more exalted stature, the way of bliss and comfort. It is the saving grace of knowledge; the knowledge of the "Zero Point: The Highest Meditation". This book is presented to all who would like to have a better experience in life. He who seeks that which is higher than what the world has to offer will find joy in these pages. For he who would like to know how to please GOD, every page of this book shall bring resolve and peace. All those who would like to improve their spirituality, expand their mental capacity, control their emotions, and live a better life, this would be the perfect book. This book teaches of the discipline required not only to find happiness but to enjoy life to the fullest extent possible. Nothing shall hinder the one who finds and adheres to the discipline taught in this book. It will bring every reader of its pages a power which cannot be found anywhere else. The entire content of this work was written from experience and practice. You too must live it.

  • von Mony Almalech
    20,00 €

    The biblical facts regarding donkey: the donkey is forbidden food; ¿the donkey and the ox have to rest on Saturday; the first donkey is not ¿subject to destruction in the Egyptian punishments. In addition to these ¿general data, the donkey is charged with a rich, important biblical ¿symbolism. Usually, the kings choose a strong and combatant animal for ¿ceremonies ¿ a thoroughbred horse, an imposing elephant or even a ¿camel. Christ enters Jerusalem on ¿the foal of a she-ass¿, as the king of the ¿Jews. This is to fulfill the tradition ¿ David has a ¿royal she-ass¿ and ¿Solomon is anointed as king on a ¿wild donkey¿. It is either wisdom or ¿stupidity for a king to ride an animal symbolizing love of peace and ¿sexuality. How do we account for the fact that in Hebrew the ass¿s foal is ¿not a diminutive of the word ¿donkey¿, as well as the fact that the she-ass ¿signifies ¿slow pace¿ and has nothing in common with the jackass? And ¿what does Solomon¿s wild donkey signify?¿ ¿

  • von Vincent Gabriel Furtado
    20,00 €

    The need for a fresh impetus towards Asian Christian Theology is evident to all people interested in the subject. The present theological trend demands that any renewal of theology should primarily pay attention to two basic principles of indigenization and contextualisation, which means the Christian message need to be expressed in national and cultural patterns with liturgy, church music, catechetics, doctrinal discourse and the like highlighting national and regional features. Regarding Asia this cannot be done unless one is familiar with a deeper knowledge of Asian cultures and religions. The plurality of religions in Asia for example has been a difficult nut to crack even for Christians.Often the Christians in Asia are perplexed as they encounter so many different religions surrounding them with diversity of belief structures and outlooks.

  • von Ron Gooden
    20,00 €

    A great deal of the world is in anguish. They suffer because of a lack of knowledge. Their sincerity is shaky at best. And they are tossed by every wind of trouble because they do not have a firm standing. This work was written for these exact problems. It was written in the hopes of quelling the turmoil of all who read its pages. However, it must be heeded in all aspects of life. If this is done, then one can expect a change in all areas of life. This book is written in simple language that every reader can understand with sophistication like none other. Those who adhere to this teaching will find the light that they have been searching for all their lives. In a world where everyone is lost and confused, this book shall help you find your way and bring clarity with great exactitude. It is a work of rare quality. One which is of the Truth that so many would wish to find. This work will open up the heart, expand the mind, and allow the Spirit to soar to new and unseen heights. It teaches of the unchangeable Truths which go far beyond the surface of the Bible. Anyone who wishes to find light in the Bible will do well to read this book thoroughly and soak up its many lessons.

  • von William Hemsworth
    20,00 €

    This first eucharistic prayer, or Roman Canon, in older that the rest and has its origins in the pre-Christian era. The Roman canon is so full of theological depth that much of Catholic doctrine can be deduced from it. What is even more intriguing is the development that it undertook so quickly in the early centuries of the church. The history and theology of the Roman Canon was also influential in the catechesis of the faithful. The Roman Canon has a long and stories history, The great saints of Christendom had their hands on its development, and consequently, its theology. In this book I look at the theology and history of the Roman Canon, and why that theology is important in teaching the faith.

  • von Peter Kimathi
    20,00 €

    "Are you fighting for dead thing"is alleged to arouse your concern and attention to analyze if what you believe has life or dead.Any alteration to the word of God is "dead thing 'yet many vigorously fight for and uphold false beliefs.Jesus came to give us life:I come to give you life in abundance'(John 10:10). But do you know that there can never be life in you until you disband any dead belief?This book will impact and usher new insights to those endeavoring to walk by power of God discover what hinders His presence.

  • 12% sparen
    von Paul Karanja
    28,00 €

    This book will help anyone who has passion to achieve something in life to explore and go beyond all odds, overcome every obstacles in life and finally achieve his desired dreams. It has talked and given many testimonies of those who are before us, their struggles and their achievements and finally their achievements. Do not lose heart, it is possible to achieve your dreams. may our good Lord and Saviour see you through as you go through this journey.

  • von Patrick Kamau
    20,00 €

    The Maasai community is among the indigenous people we have in Kenya. They can be found in two counties that is in Narok and kajiando counties. It should be noted that they are among the known African who holds their tradition dearly. The Maasai did not welcome missionaries like other communities as a result of that they have lacked behind in terms of civilization and education.This work will help the 21st missionaries who want to work with Maasai community so that they will not have conflict as the one experienced by other Missionaries. We cannot Africanize the Gospel; we have to take it the way it is to the Maasai community.Though the Maasai community believed in monotheism, one almighty God but they never knew about Jesus Christ the savior and redeemer of human kind who sent by his father save the world. the Maasai community needs to hear about Jesus Christ more than yesterday.However, the Maasai land has been neglected for so long, in terms of preaching the gospel. due to un conducive environment that create a lot of challenges to missionaries.

  • 17% sparen
    von Alain Bousquet
    61,00 €

    Humanity as a whole is pushed into the Aquarian Era by the Divine Plan. Its future depends on the free choice of each woman and each man who constitutes it, to implement the energy of Good Will - Divine Love in action. Humanity must unite as one man and make the beauty of the Plan shine on our beautiful blue planet, for the greater good of the many. This is her role as a medium between the spiritual reign and the subhuman kingdoms through the New Group of World Servers, the global network of Triangles and can count on the unwavering support of Christ and His disciples, the Masters of Wisdom - The Spiritual Hierarchy. This book was conceived as a synthesis of the practical tools from the teachings that Alice Ann Bailey (1880-1949) received through mental telepathy and published by Lucis Trust Publishing at the request of Master Djwal Khul (DK) member of the Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet, from 1919 to 1949.

  • 18% sparen
    von Philip Tettey
    50,00 €

    God¿s covenantal blessings were gifts to be received, not grasped. They carried the responsibility that they be used for others, not hoarded. This was lost on Jacob. Though Jacob had faith (unlike his brother Esau), he depended on his own abilities to secure the rights he valued. Jacob exploited hungry Esau into selling him the birthright (Gen. 25:29-34). It is good that Jacob valued the birthright, but deeply faithless for him to secure it for himself, especially in the manner he did so. Following the advice of his mother Rebekah (who also pursued right ends by wrong means), Jacob deceived his father. His life as a fugitive from the family testifies to the odious nature of his behaviour. Jacob began a long period of genuine belief in God¿s covenantal promises, yet he fails to live in confidence of what God will do for him. Mature, godly people who have learned to let their faith transform their choices (and not the other way around) are in a position to serve out of their strength. Courageous and astute decisions that result in success may be rightly praised for their sheer effectiveness.

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