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Bücher veröffentlicht von Blessed Hope Publishing

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  • 16% sparen
    von Rhonda Noctor
    41,00 €

    God¿s great love! God wants you to be in heaven! God lives! He reigns! He is the Rock of our salvation! Blessed be the Rock! Blessed be the Rock of our Salvation ! In this verse, we hear about the good news of God¿s Salvation! Halelujah! God is our Rock! Amen! Praise be to God! He has declared that the kingdom of God has come! It is so blessing to know and understand the Birth of the Messiah, and God¿s great plan of salvation for all mankind. God wants all mankind to repent of their sins and to be saved. All people, God wants you to be in heaven. What must people do to be saved? They must repent, and they must trust in Jesus¿ Name for their salvation.

  • 15% sparen
    von Rhonda Noctor
    34,00 €

    The good news of God. He is the Great I AM. He is the Alpha and The Omega. Great is our Salvation! Halelujah! He has declared that the kingdom of God has come! It is so blessing to know and understand that God is the Author of our Salvation. He is the Finisher of our Faith. Because of the Messiah, we have eternal life. God wants all mankind to repent of their sins and to be saved. God wants you to be in heaven. What must people do to be saved? They must repent, and they must trust in Jesus¿ Name for their salvation

  • 16% sparen
    von Rhonda Noctor
    41,00 €

    JESUS IS THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD, THE WORD OF GOD have been sharing about the day of creation. THE HOLY SPIRIT, have been given to us for the preaching of the gospel for all people to receive salvation from their sins. In the verse, JESUS does share about the marvelous anointing from THE HOLY SPIRIT for preaching the gospel to all the world. JESUS have come to preach the gospel and the good news of the salvation for all mankind. This is a salvation scripture. All who believe in JESUS will be saved. GOD wants every believer to preach the gospel. GOD IS THE LIGHT! JESUS IS THE WAY! PRAISE GOD!

  • von Rhonda Noctor
    20,00 €

    The New Birth in Christ. In order to enter the kingdom of heaven, all of us must have a New Birth in Christ. WE REAP WHAT WE SOW. What is the New Birth? It is the result of our repentance and belief in the Savior. We must all be Born Again, Receive the Lord, and Believe in the Lord Jesus to be saved. Afterwards the whole world may be encouraged and edified through the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, God¿s One and Only Son. God has provided a Saviour for us! Praise the Lord! In this verse, we hear about the good news of Jesus Birth! Halelujah! He has declared that the kingdom of God has come! It is so blessing to know and understand the Birth of the Messiah, and God¿s great plan of salvation for all mankind. A Saviour, Jesus, was born, and because of his birth we can have eternal life.

  • von David Kabono
    20,00 €

    I have gone into detail in comparing the two religions, African Tradition Religion versus Christianity. My case study is Kikuyu people whom am one of them. Not everything that Kikuyu believed and did was wrong and not everything was right either. Nowadays as many Kikuyu Christians are embracing and going back to the teachings of their culture. In Kikuyu they are saying, "nirucoke mukaro" meaning the river should go back to where it diverted from. I have therefore tried to mention few evils in Kikuyu beliefs and practices that Christians are not supposed to embrace.

  • von Rhonda Noctor
    22,00 €

    What we need to do in order to be saved, is to start by, Recognize that you are a sinner and that your sin must be judged by God. See that Jesus died to pay the penalty for your sin, but that you must choose to accept His provision. Understand that you cannot earn your way to Heaven through good works or religious activity. Now turn to God and put your faith in Jesus Christ who died for you and rose again. If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believe unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10:9) God's pardoning their sin brought them out. All who find pardoning mercy, cannot but wonder at that mercy; we have reason to stand amazed, if we know what it is. When the Lord takes away the guilt of sin, that it may not condemn us, he will break the power of sin.

  • von Stephen Kamore
    22,00 €

    This book is inspired by the second epistle of Peter which contains a pastoral message directed to the church. Peter warns about false teachers and gives some important advice concerning purity, knowledge and spiritual growth. The epistle teaches that the grace of God converts and enables Christians to live virtuously. False teachers have arisen in church and are endangering the purity of Christian doctrines. Secularism is subtly dominating the church due to the corruption that is in the world. This book main objective is to inspire Christians to live virtuously as they pursue their life dreams and visions. According to St. Peter, God in His divine power has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness. This implies that Christians are assured of success in all they do both in life and in their spirituality. This book will inspire and equip readers with some basic Christian qualities to nurture to lead successful and virtuous lives which include; Faith, Goodness, Knowledge, Self-control, Endurance, Godliness, Kindness and Love. These qualities when integrated with talents, gifts, resources, creativity, wisdom and opportunities can lead to successful Christian Living.

  • von Marie-Claire Di Carlo
    20,00 €

    Life is about sacrifice and Jesus taught us through His sacrifice that we are all worthy of heaven. Here is an introduction to the Catholic faith. I used to be a catechist and got inspired to write my own catechism book that's easy to understand for anyone aged 10 years and older. Inside you will learn about saints, prophets, about Jesus in the Old Testament and the New Testament, his Mother Mary and our Mother as well, and His father Joseph as well as the Holy Family and how they can help us today. Faith is a journey and I hope you'd like to start your journey with me in this book and grow in your faith.

  • von Victor Bayai Churchill
    20,00 €

    Is a classic on friendship, relationship and association. In it you will discover how to start, develop and sustain a meaningful life relating at different levels successfully. It is a motivational book that cuts across all races, belief systems, cultures and traditions so that whatsoever your background, belief and core values you can find relevance because it is basic enough to treat the most fundamental need of man which is friendship, relationship and association.

  • von Ron Gooden
    20,00 €

    Many do not know how to approach life. They are confused as to what is correct perspective and many times agonize over life's trials and difficulties. They fail to realize that their failures are a result of indiscipline. Discipline is required in all spheres of life to be successful in any and everything. And this is lacking in all nations, tongues, and kindred. Therefore, a revitalizing of the spiritual senses is required to quell suffering and ignorance. However, many wish instead of work, or they hope instead of adhering to life's lessons. But most of all, they delve into life without the proper training as to how they should think and what they should do. They know not how to influence because they themselves lack the doctrine of prosperity and Love. They do not cherish life and hold all as dear and sacred in their hearts. Therefore, they suffer because of a lack of knowledge. Many have data and know not how to apply it. This is the reason why I have written this short yet very insightful book. It will enlighten the mind, embolden the heart, liberate the soul, and give flight to the Spirit. Even good physical health will be a feature of reading this book.

  • von Victor Bayai Churchill
    22,00 €

    About The Book In our societies today, where there is no effective and efficient leadership, lawlessness, confusion and anarchy become the order of the day; effective and efficient leadership, vibrant in every ramification is the basis for tranquility and purposeful living. I whole - heartedly believe that everything rises and falls on leadership. You will learn in this book that, the first step to leadership is submission, when you cannot submit; it is very difficult for you to lead. When you are able to submit, you will develop sensitivity and when you are sensitive, you will have audacity to lead. There are no born leaders, but every great and vibrant leader is made. You might be born with traces of greatness and abilities for leadership, ultimately; you must learn to master the art of leadership. It is easy, it is cheap, just flip through every page of this book, read and read it again and again, it will make a lot of sense and when you are through, and you will be made !

  • von Blessed Prince Agyapong
    22,00 €

    The most greatest freedom of a man is not political, financial, or physical, but freedom from sin-consciousness. It is better for a man to deny his existence than to let sin-consciousness to hold him captive all the days of his life. Sin-consciousness is dangerous than sin itself. It was sent from hell to torment and torture humanity. It has begat fear, guilt, inferiority complex and a sense of unworthiness in them. That is why many has been saved but they are not sound, like a boat land-locked in a narrow lagoon. Salvation has never been a reality to them. Their faith has never find a resting place in the lord. Until your conscience is purge from sin, you cannot serve the living God. Jesus did not only came to save us from sin, but beyond that He destroyed the power of sin-consciousness to make His work complete. At last the real solution for unresting soul of a man down through the ages has been unveil. It is impossible to walk with God with sin-consciousness! It is a must book for every believer who want to walk in victorious life. The time has come for you to set yourself free.

  • 12% sparen
    von Rhonda Noctor
    28,00 €

    Love one another! Love is of God! Everyone that loves, is born of God, and knows God! In this verse, we hear about God¿s love for us, and his mandate, to love one another! Halelujah! He has declared that the kingdom of God has come! It is so blessing to know and understand God¿s great plan of salvation for all mankind. A Saviour, Jesus, was born, and because of his birth we can have eternal life. God wants all mankind to repent of their sins and to be saved. All people, wise and unlearned, teachers, doctors, experts, and all kinds of people from all walks of life are to repent and to be saved. Regardless of who you are, or where you are from, God wants you to be in heaven. What must people do to be saved? They must repent, and they must trust in Jesus¿ Name for their salvation. God loves you!

  • von Marie-Claire Di Carlo
    20,00 €

    We met at World Youth Day (WYD) Toronto with the late Pope John Paul 2 in 2002. It was the only time in my life that I felt heaven on earth. People from all over the world sharing their Catholic faith altogether, and we met among those people. The people made Canada alive and rich with laughter and love. We coincidently met there but both came from Montreal, Quebec, Canada and were going to the same school in August Dawson College. It was a destined meet. He changed my life from then on. He will always be my forever love.

  • von Joseph Yeenu
    20,00 €

    Most believers find it difficult to win their battles against their enemies, which God said nobody can stand against them and defeat them all the days of their lives, making them undefeatable. Therefore, the book Israel Against Ai, will try to let believers know that because they have touched an accursed things, that is why they cannot stand against their enemies. God cannot be with his children anymore who have touched an accursed things, be it fornication, robbery, stealing, etc and as such it the same accursed things that the Israelites touched that made them find it difficult to win the battle against Ai. Just imagine returning as a victor against giants and your next battle is against dwarfs, you will jump into conclusion and say that, this is an easy battle, but the Israelites did not know that God was longer with them, until they destroyed the accursed things in their midst, before they were able to defeat Ai. This book is a must to be read, by believers who are into warfare and also believers in general who claim to be soldiers for Christ and intend to make heaven. I will encourage believers to get copies for their friends and love ones to help them not perish shalom.

  • von Joseph Yeenu
    20,00 €

    When you go to school and you study languages an example English language you will realize you will come to the topic called summary, which will enable you summaries a passage either in a single sentence or two lines etc. In the same vain you can be asked to deduce the theme for the passage you have read if there is no theme for the passage according to your own understanding and as such my knowledge of the scriptures has made me realized we can have a theme for the Bible which will serve as a yard stick on how to understand the Bible better and also how to serve God without ending up in hell fire hence the book "The Theme of the Bible" which will explain into details the Bible according to my own understanding and as such I will encourage readers of this book to peruse it with an open heart with the help of the Holy Spirit and finally it is an evangelistic tool for believers and unbelievers and as such I will encourage readers of this book to get copies for their friends and love ones so that they can get an idea of how to understand the Bible base on the theme of the Bible according to my own understanding by the help of the Holy Spirit shalom.

  • von Blessed Prince Agyapong
    22,00 €

    "For it is a good thing that the heart be established by grace, and not with food which have not profited those who have occupied by them "Hebrews 13:9 KJV. The most incredible gift God has given to man is ability to speak and to see it manifest in his life. There is no area in our personality more directly related to our total well-being than our mouth. It was given to us as a gift from God not just for eating, but to chat the course of our lives. A close mouth is a close destiny, because nothing happens until you speak. Your life is a result of your words, and it will automatically goes according to the direction of your mouth. But confession is a not formula or strategy of getting God to do something for you, it is speaking into your life the revelation you have received from God's word. This book unveils to you new depths of mysteries of confessing God's word to turn things to your favor. it doesn't matter the situation you are in now, things can go right. If you have a mouth you have a choice. It is a must read book for every believer who wants to see the power of God manifesting in any area of his/her life and as such get copies for your friends and love ones.

  • von Victor Bayai Churchill
    20,00 €

  • von Marie-Claire Di Carlo
    20,00 €

    Lord, you are Great! And in your Greatness I'd like to praise thee. You have always been by my side throughout the ups and downs f my life. You are my strength and I long to see you one day in Heaven. My poetries are a symbol of my love and admiration for you. May others come closer to you because of my poetries and songs. There's no music to the songs but you can create it with your imagaination. Thank you for choosing my book and may it bring you closer to God.

  • von Nkosinathi Lawrence Mbatha
    20,00 €

    This study looks specifically on the rituals performed during a funeral both in African and Reformed traditions. The research is about the practices carried out by African Christians and the teaching of Reformed theology. Our cultural and religious background forms our foundation and philosophy of life. It informs the decisions we make. When conducting this study, the author explains the Empangeni congregation with regard to its location, cultural background, and problem statement, and research gap, significance of the study, research question, limitations, what Practical Theology is, what African culture is, what Reformed tradition is, what to be African and Reformed is, objectives of the study, research approach, literature review and chapter outline of this study.

  • von Adamu Daniel
    20,00 €

    Christianity and faith is one of the best and most explicit book I have read out the book. I believe is going to contribute in a great measure to the greater understanding of many of us as expecting. it is very pragmatic and base on honesty biblical interpretation. I most highly recommend this book to all those who desire to have a greater understanding about Christianity and faith also want to pleased God be used by the holy spirit for the end time perfection of the saint in order for the church to grow and be sanctified and revived through their teaching and lifestyle (M&E officer Emmanuel Adamu Bello)

  • 15% sparen
    von Peter Echero
    34,00 €

    In cognizance of the supernatural power of God, Myles Munroe once said "when the purpose of a thing is unknown, abuse becomes inevitable." In view of this divine truth, it is of paramount significance to unveil the fact that we live in a generation that tends to trivialize the Power of praying in tongues. It has been commonised, thus losing its value. If we don't grasp the revelation behind praying in other tongues we will accomplish less with it. It's now time to let the world know that our speaking in tongues is not babbling! It has nothing to do with either being charismatic or being caught up in some kind of Holy Ghost jamboree. This book Utterance of the Spirit is loaded with 62 deeper revelations pertaining to why you should pray in the Holy Ghost! Your prayer life is about to speedy up! Get set for a total revolution and quantum leap in your life, ministry, business, family, finances, marriage, career and every facet of your life!

  • 12% sparen
    von Luigi April
    28,00 €

    God has been good to me and believe that there is someone out there in the world that needs to read this book to be blessed and to be empowered to change their circumstances. This book is to share my experiences out of my walk with God. I have been walking with God for over ten years now and what I have learned about myself is amazing. My hopes are that you will benefit from my experiences in my walk with God. Read this book with this thought in mind, that you are unique and that you can never be me.

  • von Blessed Prince Agyapong
    20,00 €

    "Take heed to yourself that you will not forget the Levites (Ministers of God) as long as you live on earth." Deuteronomy 12:19. Why do we need a prophet or a man of God today? Don't we have the scriptures which contain the whole counsel of God? If God's people have the Holy Spirit and can hear his voice then why do we need a man of God in our lives? This is and many questions would be answered as you go through the pages of this insightful book. You will learn why God said we should not forget them as long as we live on earth.If you have a man of God, you have grace in the sight of God. Why God cannot do anything unless He reveals to His servant the prophet. Why did God put your prosperity in their mouth and many more. No person will ever be so spiritual, holy,good, faithful or prayerful enough who will not need a man of God in his/her life. They cannot be replaced, not even by the Holy Spirit or an angel. It is a must read book for every believer who want to see God's blessing his/her life.

  • von Ron Gooden
    22,00 €

    Most have not even the slightest idea of Truth. They are lost and confused. Wandering in the wilderness without any food and water which will quell their hunger for the Truth and quench their thirst for fulfillment. "The Infallible Truth: Truly Immutable" is just the book to supply these needs with a masterful delivery of that which is enduring. I recommend this book to all Christians as it will liberate them from the bondage of ignorance, as well as the yoke of suffering. Those who enjoy reading the Bible will find this work to be truly exceptional beyond all mortal comprehension. All those who wish to have a deeper walk with GOD would do well to read the words of this book. It is perfection, to say the least. It explores all aspects of Truth in a very profound and simplistic manner. It teaches One how to end personal suffering in every manner possible, giving GLORY to GOD above all else. A one of a kind masterpiece indeed, for all to behold, learn, embody, and become.

  • von Marie-Claire Di Carlo
    20,00 €

    I've been writing poetry since I was small, back in St.Michael elementary school. They taught us to write and to rhyme our words. I used to love haikus. I didn't do any haikus this time but who knows the future. I find the soul guides the pen to write what it feels. Poetry is an expression of emotions through words. Everything can be poetic just write your feelings. I hope you discover your inner poet too.

  • von Joseph Yeenu
    20,00 €

    Currently when you enter into any church as a man or woman of God and you ask who are those who are born again in the church you will be surprise everybody will raise his/her hands irrespective of the kind of life style they are living and as such they believe they are born again because they believe in the name of Jesus Christ and have being baptized forgotten what Jesus Christ said if you love me you should keep my commandments and as such anybody who claims to love Jesus Christ and does not keep his commandment is a liar and as such this book are you sure you are born again? Will enlighten believers to know those who are truly born again to clarify the erroneous teachings and believes of some believers and even some men of God who are teaching false doctrine so that the reader of this book will not end up in hell fire after the end of his earthly journey or not left behind when Jesus Christ comes for the second time and as such this book is an evangelistic tool for new converts and Christians who believes they are matured in the faith to know their stand whether they are truly born again to be raptured shalom.

  • von Brodan Daniel Nwabufoh
    20,00 €

    This book is like a quick antidote, to nonchalant and apathetic attitudes of some Christian brothers and sisters, towards the Bible. It traces the history, inspiration, canonicity, publishing, preservation and translation of the Bible. The book further teaches how to study the Bible, what to avoid when studying the Bible, principles of Biblical interpretation, and how to apply the teachings of the Bible to one¿s life; also the years in which books of the Bible were written, names of the authors, the abbreviations of the books of the Bible, the purpose of the Gospel writers, and the dynamism of the Old and New Testaments are stated clearly. Events during Intertestamental Period is succinctly written, to enable readers to perfectly link the Old and New Testaments together. The overall goal of the book is to bring back interest, in studying the Bible, enable readers to be guided by some key principles of interpreting the Bible, to show, in practical terms, some simple but workable strategies of studying the Bible; and applying the lessons to one¿s life; thus, making people perceive Christ-likeness, in the lives of those who study His Word...

  • von Marie-Claire Di Carlo
    20,00 €

    I've already written the book Turning Water into Soup and now I'd like to publish my poetries. I'd love to share with the world my love for Jesus, the Holy Spirit and God. I remember WYD 2002 when the late Saint Pope John Paul 2 came to Toronto, Canada and joined over a million Catholics and helped us pray together and strengthen our faith. It was a life changing time for me then. This book is for any age and my hope is that you praise the Lord too.

  • von Bernard Muthamia
    20,00 €

    The purpose of evangelizing is to help a person to accept Jesus as savior and Lord. Producing converts is God's work. Evangelism is to present Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit, that men might come to trust Him as savior and serve Him as Lord. I have been asking myself this question. ¿Where do we go wrong?¿ This is because after preaching to non believers and they are born again, after a while they are not seen again in the believers assembly. I realized that we do not teach them according to the command of our Lord Jesus Christ. We need to come up with discipleship classes in order to ground the new believers in the basics of faith. When we train them, we impart skills to produce spiritual maturity and fruitfulness in their ministries. This will also help them to be real Christ followers, to reach out to others and follow them up, identify and use their gifts. A disciple is a learner who follows his leader with the intent to pass on what he has learned as he puts it into practice in his own life. A disciple is also a Christian who is growing in conformity to Christ, reaching out to others and is working in follow up to conserve his fruit and is reproducing himself.

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