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Bücher veröffentlicht von Blessings for All, LLC

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  • - Romance con un Multimillonario
    von Kimberly Johanson
    16,00 - 24,00 €

  • - Romance con un Multimillonario
    von Kimberly Johanson
    17,00 - 23,00 €

  • - Romance con un Multimillonario
    von Kimberly Johanson
    16,00 - 24,00 €

  • - A Second Chance Romance
    von Michelle Love & Scarlett King
    19,00 €

  • - Second Chance Baby Romance
    von Michelle Love & Scarlett King
    20,00 €

    I've bent her near to the breaking point forwhat she's stolen from me, my heart.But she will never carry my name.Only a woman of integrity can have that- only integrity isn't my cup of tea.It's time to grow up and be responsible.Leave the past where it belongs.Leave my sinful ways behind and find a good woman.A woman that my family will accept.¿She'll have to stay with me in secret feeding my darkest desires.

  • - Paranormal Romance
    von Michelle Love
    36,00 €

    Desire. Secrecy. Dilemma.Eden Fontaine is a man on a mission as he seeks out his betrothed bride he''s allowed to live a normal life up until the time has come to make her his wife and begin their new life as legendary shifters.Alyssa Devlin is living a normal life in Cloudcroft, New Mexico with her over-protective parents. She''s kept a secret from them. She has a boyfriend and they''re planning on moving away together.When Eden finds out what''s happened and that she''s fallen in love with another, he speeds up his plans and decides he wants her to fall in love with him and choose him over the other man.Kyle Stephens is Alyssa''s boyfriend and first true-love. He''s not about to let her go, and finds her love for him takes him into the paranormal world the three have to move onto.Twists and turns fill the pages of the full length novel, ''The Billionaire''s Wings of Thunder''. Get ready for steaming hot romance, sizzling heated scenes, and a look at an existence where the unreal becomes real.

  • von Camile Deneuve
    36,00 €

    Espoir. Attirance. Passion.Elizabeth Cook est une conservationniste qui essaye de sauver un phare sur la cote Nord de Chesapeake, dans le Rhode Island. Zane White, c'est le milliardaire qui vient d'acheter le terrain sur lequel il se tient et qu'il prevoit de demolir pour construire des appartements avec vue sur l'ocean Atlantique. Elizabeth a passe beaucoup de temps avec son grand-pere dans ce vieux phare. Elle y a de nombreux souvenirs. Depuis qu'il est mort, elle y retourne souvent, pour honorer sa memoire. Quand elle apprend que le nouveau proprietaire prevoit de faire construire des immeubles, elle decide de lui rendre une petite visite. Mais ce qu'elle va trouver en allant a son bureau de New York, c'est l'homme le plus beau qu'elle ait jamais rencontre. Zane, lui aussi, est seduit. Bien sur, Zane ne laissera pas son attirance pour elle contrecarrer ses plans. Il n'accorde pas a cette tres belle femme ce qu'elle est venue reclamer.Elle peut le supplier de ne pas detruire le phare autant qu'elle le voudra. Zane est focalise sur sa carriere. Les affaires passent avant tout. Elizabeth s'en remettra. Et, avec un peu chance, il la possedera avant qu'elle ne quitte New York...

  • von Camile Deneuve
    32,00 €

    Intensite. Passion. Rivalite Jenna Foster a du attendre jusqu'a ses dix-huit ans pour pouvoir sortir avec Rod Manning, un garcon de cinq ans son aine, que ses parents n'estimaient pas etre quelqu'un de frequentable. Rod Manning avait desire Jenna pendant pres de deux ans et s'etait langui d'elle inlassablement jusqu'a ce qu'elle lui revienne. Les deux ont ensuite entame une relation passionnee, qu'il a rapidement transformee en contrat BDSM stipulant que l'amour est une faiblesse et que leur lien charnel existera jusqu'a leur mort. Puis, un jour, Rod disparait, laissant Jenna seule a se demander ce qui a bien pu arriver a l'homme qu'elle etait sur le point d'epouser. Deux annees passent et Reed Manning, qui est devenu millionnaire,ne peut plus reprimer sa fascination pour l'ancienne petite-amie de son frere.Lorsque les deux se rencontrent par hasard durant leurs vacances d'ete dans leur petite ville natale, ils tombent eperdument amoureux l'un de l'autre, un amour qui declenche bientot uneguerre sans merci entre les deux freres, lorsque Rod apprend leur fiancailles. Jenna sera t-elle capable de surmonter ses sentiments passes pour Rod afin de continuer sa relation avec Reed ?Ou choisira t-elle de prendre ses distances alors que la famille Manning est dechiree par la lutte des deux freres pour elle ?Les choses semblent se calmer lorsqu'elle n'est plus la, mais Jenna sera t-elle assez forte pour oublier son amour pour Reed,pour le bien de sa famille ? Reed laissera t-il son frere aine dicter sa vie a jamais et l'empecher d'etre avec la femme qu'il aime ?

  • von Camile Deneuve
    33,00 €

    Intrigue. Indifference. Deni.Mercy Noland est manager dans un spa de luxe, et a quelques secrets qu'elle garde jalousement. Elle a herite de sa niece et de son neveu apres la mort de leurs parents dans un accident de voiture. Sa vie tourne autour de son travail et de ses enfants.Jude Hurst est un milliardaire pourri gate de trente ans. Ne avec une cuillere en argent dans la bouche, il n'a jamais travaille de sa vie, si ce n'est lorsqu'il a appris a chasser avec son grand-pere maternel. Des qu'il voit Mercy, il commence a avoir des vues sur elle.Mercy n'a pas de place dans sa vie pour une relation, et surtout pas pour un homme comme Jude. Avec la mort de sa sA ur et de ses parents lors de l'accident de voiture, elle ne voit pas l'attitude temeraire de Jude fonctionner avec sa famille.Jude pourra-t-il la faire voir au-dela du travail et de ses responsabilites ? Mercy fera-t-elle comprendre a Jude qu'elle n'est pas prete a etre avec un homme ? Decouvrez le debut de leur histoire dans le premier tome de la saga La proie du milliardaire .

  • von Camile Deneuve
    30,00 €

    Nicholai Grimm est, a 28 ans, le President milliardaire de Grimm Defense & Technologie.Natasha Greenwell, etudiante de 23 ans, prepare un diplome en Genie Mecanique.Conviee avec sa colocataire a une soi-disant soiree caritative, Natasha attise malheureusement la convoitise de Nicholai.Nicholai n'est pas homme a accepter qu'on lui dise non, un mot que Natasha emploie pourtant frequemment.Dans l'obscur monde du BDSM, Nicholai tente de conclure avec la magnifique jeune femme un pacte diabolique.Natasha, fille d'un agent du FBI, est tout sauf influencable. Son pere lui a appris des le plus jeune age a se prendre en charge et garde un A il sur Nicholai. Son but est de devoiler au grand jour les sombres activites de vente d'armes de sa societe.La situation devient explosive lorsque leurs deux peres interviennent dans leur vie privee. Le couple pourra-t-il surmonter une telle epreuve ? Nicholai depassera-t-il les limites que Natasha est prete a tolerer ? Noel leur reservera peut-etre son petit miracle...

  • von Camile Deneuve
    27,00 €

    L'arrogant milliardaire italien, Arturo Bachi, est indigne par le fait que le dernier appartement de l'immeuble qu'il envisageait de transformer en hotel, lui est passe sous le nez, lors d'une surenchere de derniere minute. Mais sa colere va s'estomper apres sa rencontre avec une jeune femme magnifique, avec laquelle il passe une nuit incroyablement passionnee. Arturo tombe immediatement sous son charme, parce que pour ne rien gacher, elle se trouve etre la plus belle femme qu'il ait jamais vue, meme si elle le quitte sans lui avoir dit son vrai nom. Bien qu'il soit encore hante par le meurtre de Flavia, son amour de jeunesse, vingt ans plus tot, le cA ur autrefois engourdi d'Arturo, se remet a battre.Ce qu'il ignore, c'est que Hero Donati est la personne qui a achete l'appartement qu'il convoitait, et qu'elle essaie d'echapper a une terrible tragedie de son passe qui l'empeche de donner son cA ur a nouveau.Bien que les deux individus commencent rapidement a tomber amoureux, leurs problemes sont loin d'etre resolus. L'autre voisin de Hero, George Galiano, un ancien ami d'Arturo et devenu son ennemi jure, desire lui aussi Hero. Bientot, Hero se retrouve piegee dans une guerre sans merci entre les deux hommes et sans savoir a qui faire confiance.Pire encore, le tueur de Flavia refait surface, avec Hero comme cible. ...Arturo et Hero pourront-ils se battre pour leur amour et leur vie ou se dechireront-ils aussi brutalement et sauvagement que possible

  • von Camile Deneuve
    26,00 €

    Je n'ai jamais rencontre d'homme aussi excitant - aussi dangereux. Sa reputation le precede mais j'ai un dossier a boucler - eviter les ennuis a mon client, tout faire pour que sa vie ne s'etale pas au grand jour dans un article signe Stone Vanderberg.Mais, bon sang, j'ignorais qu'il etait si attirant et si sensuel, avec un cote macho hyper excitant.J'ai envie de lui des que je le vois, impossible de lui resister.Je brule de desir...J'ignore combien de temps je vais pouvoir tenir...... ni si j'en ai envie.Je suis censee bosser mais impossible d'oublier Stone Vanderberg, ce qu'il ferait de moi.Ce que je meurs d'envie de faire avec lui...

  • von Camile Deneuve
    26,00 €

    Il y a un homme dans ce monde avec lequel je ne peux pas etre - et c'est le seul que je desire.C'est mon patron, mon leader. Notre leader. Le President des Etats-Unis.Il ne s'agit pas d'une amourette, mais je sais que c'est impossible. Sauf...La facon dont il me regarde montre qu'il veut etre avec moi, pres de moi, en moi.Chaque fois qu'il prononce mon nom, mon corps reagit d'un desir brulant.Un desir ardent.Je dois lui resister, il est de mon devoir de lui resister...Je ne sais pas si j'en serai capable....

  • von Camile Deneuve
    28,00 €

    J'avais pense ne plus jamais connaitre ce sentiment.Perdre ma femme m'avait tout simplement aneanti. Mais je n'etais pas pret a avoir un coup de foudre pour une personne aussi vulnerable et jeune que Biba May. Meme son nom me faisait sourire. Son esprit, son rire, la facon dont ses yeux sombres me regardaient... elle me rendait fou. Mais je ne pouvais pas laisser libre cours a cette passion - elle travaillait pour La Folle... Si seulement sa peau n'etait pas si douce, sa voix si envoutante, son corps si seduisant... J'avais envie d'elle et je ne savais pas comment me contenir. Honnetement ... je n'etais meme pas sur de vouloir essayer...

  • von Michelle Love
    60,00 €

    Six steamy reads to tempt your senses!Bad Billionaires Box Set is a complete series collection of Full-length novels steaming with an international cast of beautiful people, stunning locations, dark storylines, and hot, hot sensual romance!All novels have no cliff hanger with no cheating and a guaranteed happy ever after! Dirty Little Virgin - A Submissives' Secrets 1School is in session, and the lessons are rock hard!She wants to write about the domme and my world.And I'm supposed to teach her, not take her.But her feisty manner begs to be tamed.Her innocence begs to be taken.I know my whip can bring her into submission.Her young body begs for my harsh and experienced touch.Doctor's Demands - A Submissives' Secrets 2The Doctor's arrived...And his treatment is sizzling!She's a young college student, set on a scrupulous career as a school teacher.I'm a doctor with a checkered past.Binge drinking on weekends, sleeping with women I care nothing for,and seeking summers with women I rent, has been my life.Until I saw her face on the club's website.The Dungeon of Decorum may have found her,but I'd take her as my own. Fighting men who wanted to use her in ways I found distasteful, I finally won her.Savage SEAL's Virgin - A Submissives' Secrets 3Dangerous missions, death-defying escapes, and mortal combats are child's play compared to taking a virgin ...Dark nights, strange forest creatures, ropes, cuffs, paddles, and a whip should've been more thanenough to tame one little virgin.Blyss wasn't your typical virgin!I'd won her in a bidding war. She was pure as the driven snow. Every Dom wanted her.It was me who was supposed to rule her, but she stole my heart before I knew what was happening.Every part of her was virgin territory, yearning to be explored. She was primal, and I took her that way.Filthy Commitments - A Submissives' Secrets 4It was never supposed to be real. Like they say, never say never...The last thing I wanted was to get serious, hence the need for a sub I could also use as my fake wife.From the moment I laid eyes on her, the attraction was instantaneous. I should've known that could only mean trouble.Her body succumbed to mine so easily. The rapture of taking her to heights she'd never known, exhilarating.Vengeful Seduction - A Submissives' Secrets 5She stole what was rightfully mine, now I'm going to get it back...Kaye seems innocent, sweet, kind, nurturing. But she has to be hiding a dark side.A side of her that took my grandfather's affection had him leaving her all of his money.That money belongs to me. And only to me.She has no right to it. And I will do what I have to, to get it back.How easy it is for me to seduce her into believing I love her, care for her, want to marry her.For Love & Torture - A Submissives' Secrets 6Darkness clings to my soul, so why does she allow herself to love me...I'm damaged beyond repair, but still she gives me longing looks and loving words.I've tortured her body and mind, why does she still claim to have love for me?I thought I would be okay without her. I thought I would be able to live my life working right next to the woman and never give in to her love.

  • - A Bad Boy Romance Box Set Michelle Love
    von Michelle Love
    41,00 €

    Settle in for these three full-length standalone romances full of men who take charge in the boardroom and the bedroom! Don''t miss this set of hot Bad Boy billionaire bosses waiting to be found out!Book One: Dirty News: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance (Dirty Network Book 1)One job, two opponents, and one hell of an attraction between them...Why''d he have to be so manly, rugged, and sexy?Why''d there have to be that stupid no dating rule within the staff at WOLF?And why couldn''t I turn my hormones off and be the professional I needed to be?I knew the answer to the last question. How could anyone turn off something so hot?When he touched me, it left my flesh sizzling. When our lips met for the first time,I knew I was done for. He had me right from the start. Took me higher than I knew was possible.My body was his, at his mercy, and he gave none.But our jobs might cost us the passion we''d found. Would we really let that happen?Book Two: Beautiful Assistant: A Christmas Romance (Dirty Network Book 2)I''d made the rules, so whose business would it be if I decided to change them ...From the moment we met, I knew she was something special.Everything about her pulled me in; she was my gravity.Purity and innocence blended with wisdom and clarity to make up her unique presence.She was one of a kind, in more ways than one.My fantasies about her were enough to turn me into a man I never knew I could be.The pleasure would be endless when we finally gave ourselves to each other.But forever isn''t a promise that is easily made.And she wanted forever or nothing at all, making me wait and wonder if we would ever be more than just a boss and his assistant.Book Three: Dirty Desires: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance (Dirty Network Book 3)Lost love can be hard to overcome, but maybe she can help me find my way back again...Her backside is what first caught my attention. Round, firm, plump, juicy. Those are the words that ran through my mind when I first saw her bent over the table in front of me. For a couple of years, she''d filled my fantasies, and now she was filling my dreams too. But someone else had lived in my dreams for a long time. I didn''t want her knocking that person out of my life forever. Pushing her away seemed impossible. No matter how hard I tried, my arms kept pulling her back to me. And just when I was able to let it all go, it all came crashing down on me again.Had I been cursed? Doomed to live life without love? Or could she break that spell?

  • - An Alpha Billionaire Romance
    von Love Michelle Love
    31,00 €

    When billionaire art dealer, Sam Levy, meets gorgeous young artist Isabel Flynn, his life is turned upside down.

  • - A Billionaire Romance
    von Love Michelle Love
    31,00 €

    Two days before her lavish Upper Eastside wedding, artist Lila Tierney is stabbed and left for dead by an unknown assailant. Waking up in the hospital she is devastated to discover her fiancé Richard has been arrested for arranging her murder.

  • - A Rockstar Menage
    von Love Michelle Love
    27,00 €

    Lust. Lies. Double lives. The rock and roll industry is full of people who are looking out for themselves, and willing to do anything to rise to the top.

  • - A Christmas Romance
    von Love Michelle Love
    29,00 €

    Reclusive billionaire Nox Renaud has lived in New Orleans for most of his life, and at thirty-eight, he has been an enigma to the city's elite social circles ...

  • - A Bad Boy Next Door Romance
    von King Scarlett King
    22,00 €

    The little cutie next door is spying on me. She watches me when I exercise. She watches me when I use my hot tub and when I take a lover into it. It's clearly a crush-and I like it. Those bright, longing eyes of hers turn me on.

  • - A Billionaire Romance
    von King Scarlett King
    28,00 €

    I saw her and knew I needed her... Her face, that mouth, those eyes... I needed to taste her body, every inch of it. She was feisty and I needed to punish her.

  • - A Second Chance Christmas Romance
    von King Scarlett King
    22,00 €

    Once upon a time, I was a complete idiot-too damn young and inexperienced and cocky to boot. And because of that, I messed up my chances with the woman I've always loved.

  • - A Second Chance Romance
    von King Scarlett King
    22,00 €

    I don't deserve a girl like Julia. She's young, sweet, pure, sheltered...she's my total opposite. I've been trying to pull my life together since my idiot brother got me thrown in prison,but it doesn't change the facts.

  • - An Older Man Younger Woman Romance
    von Love Michelle Love
    28,00 €

    It took me by surprise, but now I can't stop thinking about him. Pilot Scamo. World-famous photographer. Billionaire. Drop-dead gorgeous man. Broken man. He's nearly twice my age but I've never felt this connection before ...

  • - A Reverse Harem Bad Boy Romance
    von Love Michelle Love
    27,00 €

    Sparks fly on a remote Caribbean island when three hot, desperate ex-convicts rope lonely trauma nurse Alanna into helping save one of their lives. Plucked from her cruise in the middle of the night, she becomes a woman on a mission...but it's hard to keep her mind on business with so many hunks around.All three men want her, and they're willing to share. Offered a month of relaxation, seduction, and mind-blowing sex?Virginal Alanna cannot resist. But as everyone's feelings deepen, an unexpected surprise complicates matters: Alanna is pregnant.When jealousy and violence rear their heads on the island, will their new love last?

  • - A Secret Baby - Second Chance Romance
    von Love Michelle Love
    31,00 €

    Once upon a time, I was nothing more than a bad boy seeking all the tail I could get ... Something happened to change all that. Suddenly, chasing women turned into chasing the dream of becoming a doctor.

  • - A Forbidden Romance
    von Love Michelle Love
    29,00 €

    He took me by storm. From the moment I saw him, I knew he was the one to show me a world I'd never experienced. I didn't care that he was my father's age; maturity looked good on this man.

  • - A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance
    von Love Michelle Love
    36,00 €

    Look, I'm no Prince Charming. I like my life exactly the way I've designed it, Billions in the bank,And my fair share of beautiful women in my bed.

  • - An Alpha-Male, Billionaire, Bad Boy, Bad Girl, Romance
    von Love Michelle Love
    30,00 €

    Jason Brennan- (Our Billionaire) sees a woman from his past at a charity event. Brittany Caldwell- She's less than happy to see him, as they had dated off and on when she was in high school. He's five years older than she is, but he was a player.

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