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Bücher veröffentlicht von Blue Water Captain

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  • von Capt. Charley Bartholomay
    13,98 €

    Capt. Charley's second novel examines life at sea through the eyes of his crew Capt. Louis Gladding and his cockpit ace, Crafty. With his nearly fifty years as a professional tournament and charter fishing mate and captain, the author will take the reader throught the intrigue of an unfinished piracy at sea. The story now moves into Florida's battle cry for clean water and more transparent, improved environmental protections. Decades of suspect state and federal water management practices have been wreaking havoc and destruction on virtually all of the states waters; fresh, brackish and salt. WATER WARS is a story of an unresolved piracy off the shores of Cuba and an evil plot only partially achieved. It is a perspective of how politicians, land owners and developers have relied on greed and backdoor politics to amass incredible power and wealth at the expense of its citizens.

  • von Capt. Charley Bartholomay
    17,00 €

    Computer icon, Frank Whitman,CEO of Whitman Technologies, is a man grown accustomed to winning.He has become obsessed with capturing big fish, and views the world of big game fishing as merely another arena of competition for the rich and famous. Whitman desperately covets an invitation to the exclusive Hemingway Blue Marlin Tournament held annually in Santa Fe, Cuba during the month of June. In spite of his vast newly created wealth, he lacks the connections to have an invite extended his way. Whitman's investigations lead him to a famous old marlin fisherman, Capt. Louis Gladding, who grew up in Cuba and has personally fished with the Premier himself. He traces the old captain to a small town in coastal Florida, and sends his personal aide on ahead to lure 'Cuban Louie' away from his charterboat to help get him in and win the big event. Whitman also realizes the huge computer markets laying dormant in the Carribbean which will surely open up when the Cuban power structure begins to break down. Although the aide, Scott Byrd, is in the employ of Frank Whitman, he has been planted as a spy to undermine and eventually betray the best efforts of Whitman and his new crew. Tragic consequences ensue, climaxing with an intense hunt and capture of a mighty, winning Blue Marlin.

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