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  • von Jack Barranger
    21,00 €

    Why do good people stay in bad situations? Too many of us, says Jack Barranger, remain in dead-end jobs and relationships too long, and for the wrong reasons. Knowing When to Quit is a refreshing look at "the staying syndrome" - and how to get over it. Knowing When to Quit will guide you through: • a systematic analysis of your own feelings about your job or relationship. • a hard look at your social environment, including the possibilities for hurting others if you quit. • an examination of the [often irrational] reasons people stay in bad situations. • a debunking of the myths - such as "Winners Never Quit" - which keep good people stuck in place. • a scoring system - the Knowing When to Quit Index - which can make your quit/stay decision much easier. If you've been dissatisfied with your job, or uncertain where your relationship is headed, you'll find Knowing When to Quit a helpful guide to decision-making. It may provide the help you need to get back on track.

  • von John Dewey
    22,00 €

  • von Hugh Montgomery
    21,00 €

  • von Niccollo Machiavelli
    14,98 €

    Machiavelli was an Italian diplomat, historian and political theorist who wrote this book sometime around 1513. In 1512 the Medici's came to power and he lost his post in Florence. It is believed he wrote this book in an effort to win them over and be taken back into politics. It is now the world's most well-known political reference. It is also considered to be the first book on modern political philosophy, where effective truth is considered more important than abstract ideals. Therefore, immoral means are acceptable in "The Prince" when used to achieve the aims of princes and politicians seeking personal glory or the advancement of their careers. This may have been necessary during the time it was written, but many, including Diderot and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, considered "The Prince" to be more of a satire. Whatever its purpose may have been, it is clearly one of the most brilliant books ever written.

  • von Sepharial
    20,00 €

  • von Sepharial
    20,00 €

  • von Albert Pike
    20,00 €

  • von Gervee Baronte
    13,98 €

  • von Florence Scovel Shinn
    14,00 €

  • - The Shifting Paradigm
    von M. J. Evans
    21,00 €

    This book is a tribute to the life and work of Zecharia Sitchin. He was a pioneer who left a great legacy behind regarding our ancient past and the origins of mankind. He taught us to think in new ways based on his breakthrough research and exciting discoveries. Sitchin was one of about 200 people who could translate the first form of writing on the earth - ancient Sumerian cuneiform script. By combining translated text with modern scientific knowledge and archaeological discoveries, he pieced together in his books a more complete mosaic of mankind's shrouded past. He believed that mythological stories were not figments of people's imaginations, but records of events that had actually taken place, and spent his life proving it. As modern science catches up with ancient knowledge, we have continued to discover, largely through Sitchin's work, that the gods were once here and that they may be coming back. M. J. Evans, Ph.D., presents in this work an extremely well researched overview of Sitchin's contributions to the knowledge of ourselves and our true origins. His work is put within the framework of a new paradigm, which is looming on the horizon. It will grow as our minds continue to open and new discoveries continue to corroborate his findings.

  • - Survival After Death Scientifically Explained
    von Arthur Findlay
    21,00 €

    19,00 €

    The word "secret" appears in many book titles in an effort to create sales, but the reader often finds few secrets inside. This book is a rare exception. There is a powerful secret to be found within these pages. It claims to contain the hidden jewel that both Eastern and Western religions have been seeking for centuries. Religions have lost their focus, having turned their attention away from this mystical process and toward their dogmatic theologies. The Golden Flower, in terms of this book, is the hidden light within the human body that is the key to spiritual enlightenment. This book reveals how the reader can tap into it using meditative and Taoist Yoga practices. This can result in higher wisdom, spiritual bliss and a complete transformation of consciousness. It includes a Commentary by the legendary psychologist C.G. Jung concerning the differences in consciousness between the East and West, as well as his closing Appendix honoring the memory and accomplishments of the original Translator of this work, Richard Wilhelm.

  • von Charles Fillmore
    20,00 €

    The author was a legendary teacher of spiritual Christianity and founder of the Unity Church. This book is a reflection of Fillmore's most powerful teachings. It shows you how to tap into your innermost strengths through Christian teachings as put forth, in large part, by Jesus. It brings together the best of religion, modern science, spirituality and positive thinking to create better, more productive ways to live. God is demystified to us and understood to the point where we can experience His power more easily for the benefit of ourselves and others. The teachings of Jesus are shown in a more modern context so we can use them better in our lives. Includes a series of questions for each chapter at the end of the book to provide additional guidance to the reader and a better understanding of the work.

  • von Michael Hunter & Nicholas de Vere
    41,00 €

  • von Robert G. Ingersoll
    14,98 €

  • - The Seven Tablets of Creation: Or the Babylonian and Assyrian Legends Concerning the Creation of the World and of Mankind; English Transl
    von L.W. King & Paul Tice
    21,00 €

  • von Clifford Howard & Paul Tice
    20,00 €

  • - The Seven Tablets of Creation: The Babylonian and Assyrian Legends Concerning the Creation of the World and of Mankind
    von Paul Tice
    22,00 €

  • von Voltaire
    15,00 €

  • - The View from 2100
    von Neil Freer
    22,00 €

    A visionary work from a futuristic philosopher. Presents in great detail a positive, compelling view of the new human and new human society that goes beyond cultures, nations and civilizations; beyond democracy, socialism, communism and money; beyond competition under the illusion of limited resources; beyond the godspell Babel-factoring religions; beyond the old new age. Reveals how we will live as enlightened, generic humans having restored the true knowledge of our history as a genetically created species - part Homo erectus and part Anunnaki/Nefilim. Accepting and integrating this proven knowledge will allow us to experience planetary peace and meet the conditions for matriculation into stellar society. Sapiens Rising presents a meta-scenario, the largest picture of our current consciousness revolution and the wild card memes and technologies that afford us the ability to transcend and achieve cosmic consciousness and our place among the stars. Whatever we can conceive we can achieve. Whatever we can comprehend we can transcend. Previously released as an e-book only, the author claims it has reached Michelle and Barack Obama, M. Gorbachev, John Petersen of the Arlington Institute, the Dalai Lama, Pope Benedict, Klaus Schwab (of Davos), Presidents Clinton and Carter, Charlie Rose, and Bill Moyers, among others.

  • von Claire Myers Owens
    24,00 €

    The theme of this book is - can man transform his own character? Can we discover and access a deeper and better part of ourselves? Does this greater Self, as various authorities claim, contain unused qualities such as selflessness and love of mankind, inner peace and certitude, wisdom and goodness, creativity and wholeness, unitive harmony with life, compassion and greater reason, and a sense of union with ultimate reality? Are these powerful virtues inherent in all men regardless of race, color and creed? This work offers a gloriously affirmative answer to all these questions. The author, in reaching this conclusion, explores her topics from two different directions - the psychological and the spiritual. These subjects include the discovery of the Self, individuation, self-realization, actualization of one's potentialities, Becoming and Being, and living a greater life. To support her theoretic-scientific-psychological view, Mrs. Owens cites the analytical psychology of Carl Jung, the humanistic psychology of Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers, and the Psycho-synthesis of Robert Assagioli. All of her books, now back in print, have received praise from the greatest thinkers of her time, including Albert Schweitzer, Dr. Carl Jung, Henry Margenau, Ken Wilber, Willis Harman, Sonja Margulies, Aldous Huxley, Abraham Maslow, Jack Kornfield, Dr. C.A. Meier, Charles Tart, Dr. Robert Assagioli, Kenneth Ring, Dr. Jean Houston and more.

  • von Paul Tice
    16,00 €

    Made for human readers. Not designed for Androids, Psions, Symbians, Kobos, Droids, JooJoos, Nooks, Archos, Rocketfish, Mobipockets, Kindles, iPods, iPads, Eee-pads, or pee-pads (for dogs). Not made for Microsoft Readers, Alex Readers, Arghos Readers, Palm OS Readers, DNL Readers, Apabi Readers, Nexus Sevens, Librettos, Cybooks, Pocket PCs, Windows Slates or Mobile Readers, Moby Tablets, BlackPads, WindPads, or any other non-human, non-conscious, semi-intelligent device. If you are a person, this book was meant for you.  Do you love real books? So does the author. Join him on a journey that celebrates the spirit of the book – a spirit that existed before cold electronic gadgets and invisible text files came along. There's something about a real book that an electronic device could never replace. Many reasons for our special connection to physical books can be found within the pages of this one. It explains why they will always be around and will reinforce your love for them in their original form. Also includes chapters on newspapers and public libraries. Please extend your support by purchasing this printed book and show that you care about their future.

  • von George G. M. James
    19,00 €

    George James was a professor at a small black college in Arkansas during the 1950s when he wrote this book. Originally from Guyana, he was an intellectual who studied African and European classics. He soon realized something was wrong with the way the history of philosophy had been documented by Western scholars. Their biggest mistake, according to James, was they had assumed philosophy had started with the Greeks. James had found that philosophy was almost entirely from ancient Egypt and that the records of this had not only been distorted but, in many cases, deliberately falsified. His conclusion was that there was no such thing as Greek philosophy because it was stolen from the Egyptians. As a result, this was one of the first books to be banned from colleges and universities throughout North America. Although opponents have eventually found some flaws, it remains a groundbreaking book to this day. Even the famous Greek historian from the 5th century, Herodotus, admitted that the Greeks had borrowed many important ideas and concepts from the Egyptians. These ideas covered not just philosophy, but also medicine, architecture, politics and more. The purpose of this book is to restore the truth about African contributions to higher thought and culture.

  • - The Cream of All He Wrote
    von Ralph Waldo Emerson
    27,00 €

    The Introduction to this book, which is considered his best collection of works ever, calls him "the American Confucius." Other compilations exist, but this is the only one that includes an Index by Subject, found at the beginning. This is also the way the information appears in the book. A more detailed 30 page Index appears in the back, referred to as a Key-Word Concordance, so that anyone wishing to find a certain subject can go straight to it. This is a must book for anyone seeking knowledge on a variety of important subjects or in finding the definitive "best works" version of Ralph Waldo Emerson.

  • - A Survey of the Nonsense, Absurdities, Inconsistencies, Illogicalities, Inaccuracies and Idiocies of the World's Outstanding Leaders
    von Joseph McCabe
    16,00 €

  • von Maria Montessori
    18,00 €

  • von Manly P. Hall
    17,00 €

  • - Includes Who Brings the Truth, by What Authority and Three Poems
    von Jiddu Krishnamurti
    15,00 €

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