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  • von Mary Louisa Molesworth
    17,00 €

    Mary Louisa Molesworth's "Little Miss Peggy" introduces readers to the charming world of Peggy, a young protagonist whose experiences and adventures form the heart of the narrative. The story follows Peggy's journey as she navigates the challenges and joys of her everyday life. Set against the backdrop of Peggy's world, the narrative unfolds with themes of childhood, imagination, and the exploration of the world around her. Through Peggy's interactions with family, friends, and her surroundings, readers are offered a glimpse into the innocence and wonder of youth. The novel delves into themes of growth, curiosity, and the importance of family bonds. As Peggy encounters various situations and learns from her experiences, she embodies the qualities of resilience and adaptability that are essential to navigating the complexities of childhood. "Little Miss Peggy" celebrates the spirit of youth and the magic of discovery. Mary Louisa Molesworth's storytelling captures the essence of innocence and the boundless potential of a young imagination, inviting readers to connect with Peggy's journey and reflect on their own memories of childhood exploration.

  • von Dorothy D. Jefferson
    16,00 €

    Known for her incredibly approachable, slimmed-down, and outrageously delicious recipes, Dorothy D. Jefferson is the creator of the smash-hit food blog in the healthy-eating blogosphere. Dorothy's recipes welcomes millions of readers, and with good reason: Her recipes are fast, budget-friendly, and clever; she never includes an ingredient you can't find in a regular supermarket or that isn't essential to a dish's success, and she hacks her recipes for maximum nutrition by using the "stealthy healthy" ingredient swaps she's mastered so that you don't lose an ounce of flavor. In this essential cookbook for everyday cooking, Dorothy shares more than 130 brand-new rapid-fire recipes, along with secrets to lightening up classic comfort favorites inspired by her midwestern roots, and clever recipe hacks that will enable you to put a healthy meal on the table any night of the week. Many of the recipes feature a single ingredient used in multiple, ingenious ways, such as Sweet Potato Boats 5 Ways. The recipes are affordable and keep practicality top-of-mind. She's eliminated odd leftover "orphan" ingredients and included Market Swaps so you can adjust the ingredients based on the season or what you have on hand. To help you make the most of your cooking, she's even included tips to store and reheat leftovers, as well as clever ideas to turn them into an entirely new dish. From One-Pot Creamy Sundried Tomato Orzo to Sheet Pan Tandoori Chicken, all of the recipes are accessible to cooks of every level, and so indulgent you won't detect the healthy ingredients. As Dorothy always hears from her readers, "My family doesn't like healthy food, but they LOVED this!" This is your homey guide to a healthier kitchen.

  • von Booth Tarkington
    15,00 €

    A melodramatic folksy Christmas story, a little like Dickens - with a Tiny Tim, but also with some romance. Tarkington's writings are very much set in his early 1900s American culture. We are meant to sympathize with the crippled child but not even notice the slights to the black servants. Still, Tarkington promotes kindness and uses a milder style of humor than many authors of his day.

  • von Hannah R. Young
    17,00 €

    Love to cook but don't have much time? Are you just learning how to cook? Either way, you will love my little book of easy-peasy recipes. Easy to follow recipes at your fingertips. Now, get cooking!

  • von John M. Austin
    16,00 €

  • von Tina T. Jessup
    17,00 €

    Cake is the ultimate symbol of celebration, used to mark birthdays, weddings, or even just a Tuesday night. In this cookbook, author and expert baker Gilda N. Riddle demystifies the craft of cakes through more than eighty-five simple and straightforward recipes. Discover treats such as Coconut-Candy Bar Cake, Apple Cake with Honey-Bourbon Glaze, and decadent Chocolate Devil's Food Cake. With step-by-step guides that break down baking fundamentals-like creaming butter and sugar-and Gilda's expert knowledge to guide you, anyone can make these delightful creations. Featuring everything from Bundt cakes and loaves to a beautifully layered wedding confection, Gilda shows you how to celebrate any occasion, big or small, with delicious homemade cake.

  • von Edmond Holmes
    19,00 €

    My aim, in writing this book, is to show that the externalism of the West, the prevalent tendency to pay undue regard to outward and visible "results" and to neglect what is inward and vital, is the source of most of the defects that vitiate Education in this country, and therefore that the only remedy for those defects is the drastic one of changing our standard of reality and our conception of the meaning and value of life. My reason for making a special study of that branch of education which is known as "Elementary," is that I happen to have a more intimate knowledge of it than of any other branch, the inside of an elementary school being so familiar to me that I can in some degree bring the eye of experience to bear upon the problems that confront its teachers. I do not for a moment imagine that the elementary school teacher is more deeply tainted than his fellows with the virus of "Occidentalism." Nor do I think that the defects of his schools are graver than those of other educational institutions. In my judgment they are less grave because, though perhaps more glaring, they have not had time to become so deeply rooted, and are therefore, one may surmise, less difficult to eradicate. Also there is at least a breath of healthy discontent stirring in the field of elementary education, a breath which sometimes blows the mist away and gives us sudden gleams of sunshine, whereas over the higher levels of the educational world there hangs the heavy stupor of profound self-satisfaction.

  • von Edward John Bidwell
    15,00 €

    These chapters have not been written for hurried reading; they are studies of Central and Vital Truths, for those who wish to think them out again under the guidance of the Church. In placing these books before Church people through the churches no financial gain is contemplated for anyone concerned. Those who are initiating the Library, and all the writers, are content if the Church they serve is benefited thereby.

  • von Paul Pierce
    15,00 €

    So scant is the information regarding suppers that it has been almost impossible for the host or hostess to obtain authentic knowledge regarding these functions excepting through actual experience as a guest, and even then the prevailing ignorance has led to many erroneous conceptions causing deplorable awkwardness. The publication of this volume was decided upon only after a search of libraries and bookshops everywhere revealed such a woeful dearth of information on suppers and the fact that such information as was obtainable was often misleading and in many cases positively ridiculous. There is no social function that lends itself so admirably for a high class entertainment as the supper. This volume, therefore, will fill a vacuum in the needs of society; it will supply a long felt want of both men and women, who often, so often, have worried over the proper forms and menus for suppers. The book is complied by Paul Pierce, publisher of What To Eat, The National Food Magazine, an international authority on all subjects pertaining to dinings and other social functions. Mr. Pierce is the Compiler of "Dinners and Luncheons," "Parties and Entertainments," "Breakfasts and Teas," and "Weddings and Wedding Celebrations," to which "Suppers" is a companion. All the other volumes will be found most helpful to the man or woman who entertains on a large or small scale.

  • von Samuel Roberts Wells
    19,00 €

    This is an honest and earnest little book, if it has no other merit; and has been prepared expressly for the use of the young people of our great Republic, whom it is designed to aid in becoming, what we are convinced they all desire to be, true American ladies and gentlemen. Desiring to make our readers something better than mere imitators of foreign manners, often based on social conditions radically different from our own-something better than imitators of any manners, in fact, we have dwelt at greater length and with far more emphasis upon general principles, than upon special observances, though the latter have their place in our work. It has been our first object to impress upon their minds the fact, that good manners and good morals rest upon the same basis, and that justice and benevolence can no more be satisfied without the one than without the other. As in the other numbers of this series of Hand-Books, so in this, we have aimed at usefulness rather than originality; but our plan being radically different from that of most other manuals of etiquette, we have been able to avail ourself to only a very limited extent of the labors of others, except in the matter of mere conventional forms. Sensible of the imperfections of our work, but hoping that it will do some acceptable service in the cause of good manners, and aid, in a humble way, in the building up of a truly American and republican school of politeness, we now submit it, with great deference, to a discerning public.

  • von William Swinton
    19,00 €

    This testimony dictated a double procedure: first, to retain the old methods; secondly, to add an adequate amount of new matter. Accordingly, in the present manual, the few Latin roots and derivatives, with the exercises thereon, have been retained-under "Part II.: The Latin Element"-as simply a method of study. In order to concentrate into the limited available space so large an amount of new matter, it was requisite to devise a novel mode of indicating the English derivatives. What this mode is, teachers will see in the section, pages 50-104. The author trusts that it will prove well suited to class-room work, and in many other ways interesting and valuable: should it not, a good deal of labor, both of the lamp and of the file, will have been misplaced. To one matter of detail in connection with the Latin and Greek derivatives, the author wishes to call special attention: the Latin and the Greek roots are, as key-words, given in this book in the form of the present infinitive,-the present indicative and the supine being, of course, added. For this there is one sufficient justification, to wit: that the present infinitive is the form in which a Latin or a Greek root is always given in Webster and other received lexicographic authorities. It is a curious fact, that, in all the school etymologies, the present indicative should have been given as the root, and is explicable only from the accident that it is the key-form in the Latin dictionaries. The change into conformity with our English dictionaries needs no defense, and will probably hereafter be imitated by all authors of school etymologies. In this compilation the author has followed, in the main, the last edition of Webster's Unabridged, the etymologies in which carry the authoritative sanction of Dr. Mahn; but reference has constantly been had to the works of Wedgwood, Latham, and Haldeman, as also to the "English Etymology" of Dr. James Douglass, to whom the author is specially indebted in the Greek and Anglo-Saxon sections.

  • von Rasmus L. Alsaker
    19,00 €

    Writings on hygiene and health have been accessible for centuries, but never before have books and magazines on these subjects been as numerous as they are today. Most of the information is so general, vague and indefinite that only a few have the time and patience to read the thousands of pages necessary to learn what to do to keep well. The truth is to be found in the archives of medicine, in writings covering a period of over thirty centuries, but it is rather difficult to find the grains of truth. Health is the most valuable of all possessions, for with health one can attain anything else within reason. A few of the great people of the world have been sickly, but it takes men and women sound in body and mind to do the important work. Healthy men and women are a nation's most valuable asset. It is natural to be healthy, but we have wandered so far astray that disease is the rule and good health the exception. Of course, most people are well enough to attend to their work, but nearly all are suffering from some ill, mental or physical, acute or chronic, which deprives them of a part of their power. The average individual is of less value to himself, to his family and to society than he could be. His bad habits, of which he is often not aware, have brought weakness and disease upon him. These conditions prevent him from doing his best mentally and physically. This abnormal condition has a bad effect upon his descendants, who may not be born with any special defects, but they have less resistance at birth than is their due, and consequently fall prey to disease very easily. This state of impaired resistance has been passed on from generation to generation, and we of today are passing it on as a heritage to our children.

  • von P. Fox
    22,00 €

    The object of this work is to help people who are out of employment to secure a situation; to enable persons of small means to engage in business and become their own employers; to give men and women in various lines of enterprise ideas whereby they may succeed; and to suggest new roads to fortune by the employment of capital. The author has been moved to the undertaking by the reflection that there exists nowhere a book of similar character. There have indeed been published a multitude of books which profess to tell men how to succeed, but they all consist of merely professional counsel expressed in general terms. We are told that the secrets of success are "industry and accuracy," "the grasping of every opportunity," "being wide awake," "getting up early and sitting up late," and other cheap sayings quite as well known to the taker as to the giver. Even men who have made their mark, when they come to treat of their career in writing, seem unable to give any concrete suggestions which will prove helpful to other struggling thousands, but simply tell us they won by "hard work," or by "close attention to business."

  • von Stijn Streuvels
    18,00 €

    The title of the book presents its great theme about individual lives being laid out like a path, each with its own possible turnings. In this case, the main protagonist is a young girl of lively intelligence who is being prepared for her first holy communion. Layer by layer, the path to that special day is built up - the practice sessions, the special clothing, the special attention given to a village's new "class" of Catholic children. The book concludes by pointing to the often difficult challenges individuals have to face after the "special day" is over, focusing on the loss of the protected status of childhood and alluding to the darker aspects of life as a young woman from an economically less advantaged country family. Many readers will enjoy this book for its sense of place and for its evocation of an event. Catholic mothers with young daughters should treasure this book as one whose words and events can (largely) be shared as a new generation prepares for its own version of life and faith.

  • von Karen D. Chambers
    15,00 €

  • von Dwight Lyman Moody
    19,00 €

    One of the brightest signs of the times is that many Christians in our Young People's Societies and churches are observing a "Quiet Hour" daily. In this age of rush and activity we need some special call to go apart and be alone with God for a part of each day. Any man or woman who does this faithfully and earnestly cannot be more than twenty-four hours away from God. The selections given in this volume were first published in the monthly issues of the "Record of Christian Work," and were found very helpful for devotional purposes. They are also a mine of thoughts, to light up the verses quoted. Being of permanent value, it has been thought desirable to transfer them from the pages of the magazine to this permanent volume. May they have a helpful ministry, leading many into closer communion with God!

  • von David B. Walsh
    19,00 €

    rammar, as an art, is the power of reading, writing, and speaking correctly. As an acquisition, it is the essential skill of scholarship. As a study, it is the practical science which teaches the right use of language. An English Grammar is a book which professes to explain the nature and structure of the English language; and to show, on just authority, what is, and what is not, good English. ENGLISH GRAMMAR, in itself, is the art of reading, writing, and speaking the English language correctly. It implies, in the adept, such knowledge as enables him to avoid improprieties of speech; to correct any errors that may occur in literary compositions; and to parse, or explain grammatically, whatsoever is rightly written. To read is to perceive what is written or printed, so as to understand the words, and be able to utter them with their proper sounds. To write is to express words and thoughts by letters, or characters, made with a pen or other instrument. To speak is to utter words orally, in order that they may be heard and understood. Grammar, like every other liberal art, can be properly taught only by a regular analysis, or systematic elucidation, of its component parts or principles; and these parts or principles must be made known chiefly by means of definitions and examples, rules and exercises.

  • von William J. Robinson
    22,00 €

    Woman Her Sex And Love Life, By William J. Robinson, an American Physician who is remembered as the first American physician to advocate birth control and contraceptive knowledge.The author starts the book with the interesting topic of how woman was created in the universe, based on the Hindu mythology, which ends up in a note of "Man neither lives with nor without Woman". The author adds knowledge on sex is more important to women than men knowing about sex. In the preceding chapters which are well organized chronologically, the book explores the paramount need of women to acquire knowledge on sex, the women anatomy, the sexual organs, the Physiology of female sex organs, Puberty, Marriage, Intercourse, birth, etc.

  • von Marcus Tullius Cicero
    15,00 €

    To his contemporaries Cicero was primarily the great forensic and political orator of his time, and the fifty-eight speeches which have come down to us bear testimony to the skill, wit, eloquence, and passion which gave him his pre-eminence. But these speeches of necessity deal with the minute details of the occasions which called them forth, and so require for their appreciation a full knowledge of the history, political and personal, of the time. The letters, on the other hand, are less elaborate both in style and in the handling of current events, while they serve to reveal his personality, and to throw light upon Roman life in the last days of the Republic in an extremely vivid fashion. Cicero as a man, in spite of his self-importance, the vacillation of his political conduct in desperate crises, and the whining despondency of his times of adversity, stands out as at bottom a patriotic Roman of substantial honesty, who gave his life to check the inevitable fall of the commonwealth to which he was devoted. The evils which were undermining the Republic bear so many striking resemblances to those which threaten the civic and national life of America to-day that the interest of the period is by no means merely historical. As a philosopher, Cicero's most important function was to make his countrymen familiar with the main schools of Greek thought. Much of this writing is thus of secondary interest to us in comparison with his originals, but in the fields of religious theory and of the application of philosophy to life he made important first-hand contributions. From these works have been selected the two treatises, on Old Age and on Friendship, which have proved of most permanent and widespread interest to posterity, and which give a clear impression of the way in which a high-minded Roman thought about some of the main problems of human life

  • von John Church
    16,00 €

    I need make no apology far publishing the following Letters, as the Subject was first delivered in several Discourses, and is now by the particular desire of many friends, published to the Church in the form of familiar Letters, appearing in the homely dress of plain speech, they will, doubtless, meet the censure of the carnal critic, but my mind is fully made up on that point-that which is highly esteemed amongst such men, is abominable in the sight of God. Being favored with much of the presence of God in preaching the Sermons, and since then in writing some of these Letters, I trust every wise, spiritual, and humble Christian, into whose hands this Work may fall, will be edified, reproved, comforted, and built up on their most holy Faith.-

  • von Hartley Withers
    17,00 €

    Responsibility for the appearance of this book, but not for its contents, lies with the Council for the Study of International Relations, which asked me to write one "explaining what the City really does, why it is the centre of the world's Money Market". In trying to do so, I had to go over a good deal of ground that I had covered in earlier efforts to throw light on the machinery of money and the Stock Exchange; and the task was done amid many distractions, for which readers must make as kindly allowance as they can. Finance, in the sense in which it will be used in this book, means the machinery of money dealing. That is, the machinery by which money which you and I save is put together and lent out to people who want to borrow it. Finance becomes international when our money is lent to borrowers in other countries, or when people in England, who want to start an enterprise, get some or all of the money that they need, in order to do so, from lenders oversea. The biggest borrowers of money, in most countries, are the Governments, and so international finance is largely concerned with lending by the citizens of one country to the Governments of others, for the purpose of developing their wealth, building railways and harbours or otherwise increasing their power to produce. Money thus saved and lent is capital. So finance is the machinery that handles capital, collects it from those who save it and lends it to those who want to use it and will pay a price for the loan of it. This price is called the rate of interest, or profit. The borrower offers this price because he hopes to be able, after paying it, to benefit himself out of what he is going to make or grow or get with its help, or if it is a Government because it hopes to improve the country's wealth by its use. Sometimes borrowers want money because they have been spending more than they have been getting, and try to tide over a difficulty by paying one set of creditors with the help of another, instead of cutting down their spending. This path, if followed far enough, leads to bankruptcy for the borrower and loss to the lender.

  • von Herbert James Hall
    14,00 €

    The Untroubled Mind is written by Herbert J. Hall, a physician. This book explores the effects of diseases on human health in proportionate to mind's conception of a disease. The author humbly says, though many books on this subject have been written by experts, his writings will have its own audience who were unable to find those part or failed to receive from experts writings. The author adds further that the readers might be annoyed with the unspecific nature or indirectness, however he reasons it saying, he does not believe rules must bind or final.

  • von Randy C. Kinner
    32,00 €

    Get better at drawing! Nobody is born adept at drawing; it is a grinding process of constant practice and improving on your previous works. And if you are a beginner at drawing or looking for a book that provides methods and grounds for daily sketching, then you can never go wrong with this book! "Practice makes perfect," and this book provides both guides and exercises so you can focus and enhance your skills daily. From day 1 you can explore basic drawing concepts and then apply them to sketching flowers, animals, natural formations, human features, and other practical subjects beneficial to your improvement. With step-by-step instructions, simple wording, and illustrations, your drawings will become smoother by the day, and you will see visible results from your efforts. Moreover, this book can be a source to spark your creativity or a means for relaxation and reducing stress after a long day. Get one for yourself and your fellow art enthusiasts today!

  • von Pennie W. Morris
    17,00 €

    Subordinate clauses may be classified not only according to their use as parts of speech, but also, in quite a different way, in accordance with their various meanings. These distinctions in idea are of capital importance for the accurate and forcible expression of thought. Analysis is a Greek word which means "the act of dissolving or breaking up." In grammar it is applied to the separation of a sentence into its constituent parts, or elements. To dissect a sentence in this way is to analyze it. The elements which make up a sentence are: - the simple subject; - the simple predicate; - modifiers; - the complements, direct object, predicate objective, predicate adjective, predicate nominative; - the so-called independent elements,-the interjection, the vocative (or nominative of direct address), the exclamatory nominative, and various parenthetical expressions. In analyzing a simple sentence, we first divide it into the complete subject and the complete predicate. Then we point out the simple subject with its modifiers, and the simple predicate with its modifiers and complement (if there is one). If either the subject or the predicate is compound, we mention the simple subjects or predicates that are joined. The various kinds of modifiers and complements have all been studied in preceding chapters, each in connection with the construction which it illustrates. For purposes of analysis, however, it is necessary to consider modifiers as such and complements as such. Some verbs have a meaning that is complete in itself. Such a verb needs only a subject. When this has been supplied, we have a sentence, for the mere verb, without any additional word or words, is capable of being a predicate.

  • von Grenville Kleiser
    17,00 €

    This book contains a varied representation of successful speeches by eminently successful speakers. They furnish, in convenient form, useful material for study and practise. The student is earnestly recommended to select one speech at a time, analyze it carefully, note its special features, practise it aloud, and then proceed to another. In this way he will cover the principal forms of public speaking, and enable himself to apply his knowledge to any occasion. The cardinal rule is that a speaker learns to speak by speaking, hence a careful reading and study of these speeches will do much to develop the student's taste for correct literary and oratorical form.

  • von Sarah Frances Buckelew
    17,00 €

    This book has been prepared to help you in learning about "the house you live in," and to teach you to take care of it, and keep it from being destroyed by two of its greatest enemies, Alcohol and Nicotine. As you study its pages, be sure to find out the meaning of every word in them which you do not understand; for, if you let your tongue say what your mind knows nothing about, you are talking parrot-fashion. And do not forget that you must pay for all the knowledge you obtain, whether you are rich or poor. Nobody else can pay for you. You, your own self, must pay attention with your own mind, through your own eyes and ears, or do without knowledge. Be wise: gain all the knowledge you can concerning everything worth knowing, and use it for the good of yourself and other people. "KNOWLEDGE IS POWER."

  • von Théophile Pascal
    19,00 €

    Dr. Théophile Pascal was a member of the Theosophical Society in France. He made friend with Annie Besant (a great British socialist, theosophist, women's rights activist and writer). He remained a highly influential figure over Western esotericism. This book contains four chapters :The Soul and the bodies.Reincarnation and the moral law.Reincarnation and science.Reincarnation and the religious and philosophical consensus of the ages. This is a valuable book to anyone interested in Theosophical teachings, like the reincarnations of the Soul. Excerpt: "In a book dealing with the resurrection of bodies and the reincarnations of the Soul, a chapter must be devoted to the fundamental elements of the question.We will give the name of Soul to abstract Being, to the Unknown, that unmanifested Principle which cannot be defined, for it is above all definition. It is the Absolute of Western philosophers, the Parabrahm of the Hindus, the Tao of the ancient sages of China, the causeless Cause of all that has been or ever will be manifested in concrete time and space.Some feeble idea of it may perhaps be obtained by comparing it with electricity, which, though the cause of various phenomena: heat, movement, chemical action, light, is not, per se, any one of these phenomena, undergoes no modification from their existence, and survives them when the apparatus through which they manifest disappears. We shall set up no distinction between this Soul, which may be called the universal Soul, and the individual soul, which has often been defined as a ray, a particle of the total Soul, for logically one cannot imply parts to the Absolute; it is illusion, limitation on our part, which shows us souls in the Soul."

  • von Amanda E. Carson
    17,00 €

  • von Havelock Ellis
    24,00 €

    The present volume of Studies deals with some of the most essential problems of sexual psychology. The Analysis of the Sexual Impulse is fundamental. Unless we comprehend the exact process which is being worked out beneath the shifting and multifold phenomena presented to us we can never hope to grasp in their true relations any of the normal or abnormal manifestations of this instinct. I do not claim that the conception of the process here stated is novel or original. Indeed, even since I began to work it out some years ago, various investigators in these fields, especially in Germany, have deprived it of any novelty it might otherwise have possessed, while at the same time aiding me in reaching a more precise statement. This is to me a cause of satisfaction. On so fundamental a matter I should have been sorry to find myself tending to a peculiar and individual standpoint. It is a source of gratification to me that the positions I have reached are those toward which current intelligent and scientific opinions are tending. Any originality in my study of this problem can only lie in the bringing together of elements from somewhat diverse fields. I shall be content if it is found that I have attained a fairly balanced, general, and judicial statement of these main factors in the sexual instinct. In the study of Love and Pain I have discussed the sources of those aberrations which are commonly called, not altogether happily, "sadism" and "masochism." Here we are brought before the most extreme and perhaps the most widely known group of sexual perversions. I have considered them from the medico-legal standpoint, because that has already been done by other writers whose works are accessible. I have preferred to show how these aberrations may be explained; how they may be linked on to normal and fundamental aspects of the sexual impulse; and, indeed, in their elementary forms, may themselves be regarded as normal. In some degree they are present, in every case, at some point of sexual development; their threads are subtly woven in and out of the whole psychological process of sex. I have made no attempt to reduce their complexity to a simplicity that would be fallacious. I hope that my attempt to unravel these long and tangled threads will be found to make them fairly clear. In the third study, on The Sexual Impulse in Women, we approach a practical question of applied sexual psychology, and a question of the first importance. No doubt the sex impulse in men is of great moment from the social point of view. It is, however, fairly obvious and well understood. The impulse in women is not only of at least equal moment, but it is far more obscure. The natural difficulties of the subject have been increased by the assumption of most writers who have touched it-casually and hurriedly, for the most part-that the only differences to be sought in the sexual impulse in man and in woman are quantitative differences. I have pointed out that we may more profitably seek for qualitative differences, and have endeavored to indicate such of these differences as seem to be of significance.

  • von Eliza Leslie
    22,00 €

    In preparing a new and carefully revised edition of this, my first work on general cookery, I have introduced improvements, corrected errors, and added new receipts, that I trust will, on trial, be found satisfactory. The success of the book (proved by its immense and increasing circulation,) affords conclusive evidence that it has obtained the approbation of a large number of my countrywomen; many of whom have informed me that it has made practical housewives of young ladies who have entered into married life with no other acquirements than a few showy accomplishments. Gentlemen, also, have told me of great improvements in the family-table, after presenting their wives with this manual of domestic cookery; and that, after a morning devoted to the fatigues of business, they no longer find themselves subjected to the annoyance of an ill-dressed dinner. No man (or woman either) ought to be incapable of distinguishing bad eatables from good ones. Yet, I have heard some few ladies boast of that incapacity, as something meritorious, and declare that they considered the quality, the preparation, and even the taste of food, as things entirely beneath the attention of a rational being; their own minds being always occupied with objects of far greater importance. Let all housekeepers remember that there is no possibility of producing nice dishes without a liberal allowance of good ingredients. "Out of nothing, nothing can come," is a homely proverb, but a true one. And so is the ancient caution against being "penny-wise and pound-foolish." By judicious management, and by taking due care that nothing is wasted or thrown away which might be used to advantage, one family will live "excellently well," at no greater cost in the end than another family is expending on a table that never has a good thing upon it.

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