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  • von Jackie Smith Ph. D
    18,00 €

    A very long time ago in an ocean far away from where we live there lived a small group of sea serpents. These sea serpents looked just like you would imagine sea serpents would look...they were very big; except the baby sea serpent and he was the smallest of all six. They were bright green with red eyes and scales that ran up their spines.

  • von Ola and the Navigator
    15,99 €

    "Where No Gods Have Gone Before!" contains channeled revelations and Understandings like none other that you may encounter! It is also one of the only books to print out a warning in its Preface that "the contents of this book may be hazardous to your sense of reality!" That is because this book is for those brave souls with the urge to know what exists beyond this earthly, 3rd Dimensional consciousness and what is the nature of the Intelligence and Energy that created everything in one "Big Bang"?!? This book answers your questions and enlightens you to what it is you've been seeking. It is the emergence of the evolution of humanity into conscious awareness of itself as the Source, seeking to know "Who am I?" Same as you! "As above, so below! The new birth of ongoing Creation, to go where no gods have gone before!"

  • von James Dunn
    17,00 €

  • von Kittie M. Woolliscroft
    31,00 €

    A snapshot of the 50 states. Includes each state's tree, flag, flower and bird, along with statistics and interesting bits of information about each state that will tempt the traveler to visit.Kittie has had the good fortune to travel extensively in the U.S. and internationally. She found people have a limited exposure to what is really the U.S. and decided to share a little of the information. She has been a Type 1 diabetic since 1951. That has never stopped her from traveling. Kittie was born and raised in Minnesota, and moved south in 1994. Her writing experience includes articles for college magazines in Thailand, in-house newspapers for Northwest Airlines and TECO Ocean Shipping. This is her first book format but watch for her name in future printed materials.

  • von Stephen H. Archer
    15,00 €

  • von Jr. Col. James R. Stewart
    19,00 €

    This is a collection of three short stories about George the turtle, his adventures at the circus, ice skating, and fishing.Colonel Stewart was a lifelong writer of poems, stories, and songs. When his grandchildren asked him to read a book in his head, he composed the George stories as well as several others for their amusement. His children have compiled these three stories in his memory, hoping that other children may also enjoy them.

  • von Pat Monahan
    16,00 €

  • von Mark McCauley
    17,00 €

  • von Rita Giordano
    22,00 €

  • von Daniel Valentino
    15,00 €

  • von Rimaletta Ray
    59,00 €

    With the book "The State of Love from the Above!" Dr. Rimaletta Ray continues her serial of books on the evolutionary Self-Resurrection, focusing them on the Auto-Suggestive Psychology of Self-Ecology. Dr. Ray thinks that the state of love in the society, backed up by an exponential growth of technology is going through the revolution of Self-Consciousness. Different sex emancipation movements are the manifestation of love liberation.We are living at the time when physical attraction is in action while soul connection is in retention!Dr. Ray thinks that love in its Universal sense is in a recess now , and on the ladder of our evolutionary self-actualization, we need new LOVE EDUCATION to acquire spiritualized intelligence and spiritual maturity in the essential five life dimensions - physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and universal."Life is not a circle, it's a spiral!" (Dr. Fred Bell)Dr. Ray is painfully conscious that we need to redirect our aware attention from sex tension to a new, time-dictated Self-Resurrection that will result into a much healthier society with a digitized enrichment of the notion of love.Our Spiritual Maturation is in Love Education!

  • von Anthony A Eddy
    17,00 - 24,00 €

  • von Anthony A Eddy
    18,00 - 26,00 €

  • von Anthony A Eddy
    17,00 - 23,00 €

  • von Anthony A Eddy
    17,00 - 26,00 €

  • von Jobah
    15,00 €

    Science and religion are not incompatible. While science tries to learn more about the creation, religion tries to learn more about the Creator. One cannot be exposed to the order and beauty of the universe without conceding there must be a divine intent behind it. Must we light a candle to see the sun? The more we understand the universe and the intricacies of its operation, the more sense we have to marvel at its Creator.-Dr. Werner von Braun

  • von Katrina Morgan
    21,00 - 31,00 €

  • von Ed Engle
    19,00 €

    This is an autobiography of Edward C. Engle. It tells the story of his childhood and education and eventual migration to the Navy as a bombardier/navigator in the A-6 Intruder aircraft. He explains the systems, the tactics, and the ordnance used against an implacable enemy over Laos, South Vietnam, North Vietnam, and Cambodia. After he returned, the book continues with his life in further assignments, eventual career change to Aeronautical Engineering Duty Officer, his participation in the Cold War and European Theater operations as part of the National Space Program, and the closing assignments of his career working on developing the requirements for the Navy's Force Network Concept.

  • von Judie Dietzler
    18,00 €

    Everyday MiraclesA Story Of Survival An Unexpected Blessings!Judie almost decided not to write "Everyday Miracles" because it is the story of her experiences and many of them were very painful but in the end she made the decision to write and publish the book because she knew she wasn't the only person with a life of trauma and pain. She felt the lessons she learned might help someone else deal with their own challenges."Everyday Miracles" has two keys that were vital to every event that happened throughout the book and the life of the writer. Your first key is to Pray.....She prayed but didn't think her prayers were answered but she shows you where her prayers were answered...... Your second key is to Expect Miracles.....She didn't start out believing in miracles, but there were so many miracles that came into her life along the way & she shows you when and where the miracles happened and how you can find the miracles in your life.What you will learn: How to survive abuse, rape and abortion…A powerful story along with the steps you need to know so you will never be a victim of rape. Is you child safe from kidnapping?….A story of desperation and triumph…..Learn the ways to locate your missing child. Is your friend a casual friend or a true friend? Will they cover your back side or talk about you behind your back? Our friendship chapter is a must read. "Legacy of Healing" teaches the art of healing naturally and feeling and looking great without side effects whether you are 8 or 88. Have your decisions left you with regrets? Read the stories and experience the miracles of others that followed a different path after they prayed for help. All books should end with good news! Chapter 15 will show you how to leave behind a "Worthwhile Legacy." Leave behind a legacy that will outlive you.

  • von Paulie The Ballie
    15,00 €

    Paulie the Ballie lives with his wife of 57 years on the West coast of Florida since 1994. He has two daughter's and three Grand's. Playing Golf is his passion and still hitting the ball straight but not as far gives this old Golfer tremendous enjoyment He always says, "Playing this great game keep's one active and young of heart". Not to forget that it keeps one in touch socially contributing to a sense of belonging to community of sorts. This feeling of connection to others during these twilight years is so important as The Spirit of competing on the course is the best therapy as one can put aside any of his concerns that may be troublesome as the player's is only thinking of stroking that little dimpled ball into yon hole.He has written three endeavors which one has been republished with some minor additions that is Under The Palm Tree Take 2 soon to release by And In The Light of Day published by And also a Play, "Y" soon to be published. All three works look at why we are here and just might be our destiny. Plus, some comments on Main Street. U.S.A. with some glances back in time.All three efforts are based on some true events that have been embellished for effect.

  • von Dorothy Mangelsen
    14,00 €

    All the dreamers that have ever lived had a burning desire. Where would we all be and where would our planet be without the dreamer. No doubt, a barren land with no houses, cars, TVs, radios, dishes, pots and pans, no computers . . . The list goes on and on. Just use your imagination, be a dreamer if you will, start creating, you can do it.

  • von Wayne W. Arntson
    13,98 €

    It's 1943, and Duluth, Minnesota is one of the busiest ports in the world. Most of the iron ore for World War II moves in giant ore boats through a narrow channel separating Lake Superior from the Twin Ports of Duluth and Superior. Spanning that channel is: The Bridge. In those hurried times, as civilians attempt to deal with shortages, loneliness, and daily wartime tragedies, a murder occurs to further warp the daily life. You may want to read this book with your grandchild and explain who Bing Crosby was and what food rationing meant. And, incidentally, enjoy a good mystery.

  • von Ajaaz Zainul
    21,00 €

    One of the precious gems of the Muslim tradition is the chanting of the Names of God. God mentions in the Holy Qur'an, the sacred book of the Muslims, "to Him belongs the Most Beautiful Names, so invoke Him by them." This book examines what is meant by chanting the Names of God, and the importance of and the implication of chanting these Names. The book draws its resources not only from the traditional texts of Islam but from statements and material from those seeking closeness to God and from Non-Muslim sources including those from other spiritual traditions and researchers. In addition to the many spiritual benefits derived from this practice, the book also implies that the benefits may extend to many other aspects of life, including enhanced feeling of physical and mental well-being, and even to the creation of a more peaceful world. Regarding the effect of this practice on the world, the book quotes the following words of Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj: "It would not be an exaggeration if I say that you will be doing the greatest service to mankind."

  • von Pádraig Standún
    14,98 €

    Adrienne is an Irish artist who has come to live in Venice after the breakup of her marriage. She meets Giorgio, a water-taxi driver who happens to be a former Irish Republican sniper. His death was faked during the "Troubles" to take the heat off him and he was given a new identity. He is now an embarrassment to former colleagues in government in Northern Ireland, as well as being a target for a drugs gang whose leader he had 'taken out' in his sniping days."Close Far Away" is based on an Irish language novel, "I gCongar I gCein" published by Clo Iar-Chonnacht.

  • von Chef Edward Nowakowski
    18,00 - 28,00 €

  • von Wayne E. Criss
    21,00 €

    Genetic Soul Brothers is a human science mystery. It involves identical quadruplet boys whose lives were initiated at the same fertility clinic, born to four different mothers at the same time in four different cities. They have the same genes and same souls but will have very different lives. When they discover each other as adults, the impossible becomes the possible where the age-old question genetics versus eternity is explored.

  • von Artie Woodington
    18,00 €

    This book depicts how the events a little girl experiences while growing-up affect her, her relationship with her family, and other acquaintances throughout her life. Saying sorry affects the perpetrator and the victims; sometimes, causing both to feel vindictive.

  • von Dallas Higgs
    20,00 €

    Have you ever considered the relevance of sport in our society?Sport is primarily an entertainment, a social function, something that we get satisfaction in watching or participating in, in our spare time.Have you ever wondered why it is so important to us? Maybe the answer is that it gives us a release from the daily grind of life, of work and school. It gives us something to believe in, something to look forward to in the weekends. For some of us, its about the participation, for some its about the atmosphere, for some its about the social aspect. But for almost all of us, its about the winning. The fact that we, our group or community are better than the others. Sport would be pointless if there wasn't any objective to it. The main objective in any sport is to win.David Kingi, one of the wealthiest people on earth, needed something in his life other than the endless business deals and meetings that he is forever attending. David is approaching Forty years old with no family commitments and a vast amount of wealth. He needs some release in his life, but he doesn't know what. David grew up in a very rural area, in a small island nation in the south pacific ocean. His life evolved around his family, the beach, the bush, and a sport called rugby. After embarrassing himself many years later in a rugby tournament, when his team unexpectedly lost in Europe. He had an idea, an idea that to his knowledge had never been tried before.He decided to build a school in the middle of nowhere, away from the public eye, to create an elite training system so his team would never lose again.What he ended up creating would challenge the psyche of a small island nation.

  • von Judie Dietzler
    15,98 €

    Your Toxic Enemy is the first step to healingDo you feel that you have exhausted every medical avenue and you aren't any closer to finding the cause of your health problems? Judie Dietzler felt the same way! That is why she decided to write a book about her experience, frustration, and journey from pain and sickness to healing.It is impossible to completely fix a problem unless you first know what caused it. Traditional medicine never addresses the cause. They only address the symptom.Before your throw in the towel you need to do two things: Listen to your body and Read this bookEvery health challenge has a solution and within the pages of this book you will discover the cause for many of our health problems and steps you can take to regain and maintain your health. This book will show you how to find the cause of your health challenge.Toxic chemical facts: ADHD, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease, and Multiple Sclerosis are just a few of the diseases of toxic chemical exposure. There has been a 54% increase in cancer among women that work from home due to exposure to household chemicals. The most vulnerable to household toxic chemicals are children, pets, people with compromised immune systems and the elderly.

  • von Answorth Hervan Moitt
    16,00 - 21,00 €

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