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Bücher veröffentlicht von Bricht Sigursson

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  • von Paula J. Roche
    16,00 €

    Your digital marketing approach should be built around inbound marketing. Attract them in, show them that you take them seriously, close the transaction, and impress the delighted client. The activity of "inbound marketing" may fall under the more general heading of "digital marketing." To put it briefly, digital marketing refers to all of your company's online advertising campaigns. When executed correctly, inbound marketing has the potential to generate a consistent flow of qualified leads and eventually yield recurring business. We promise the best possible visitors to your website with a blend of digital advertising and search engine optimisation (SEO). Providing exclusive content aids in converting website visitors into possible clients.

  • von Elisa Sparrow
    17,00 €

    A Wall Street entrepreneur surprises his wife with a birthday gift beyond her wildest dreams: a fixer-upper house in Brooklyn, where during the repairs, a metal box loaded with cash falls from the roof. Where did it come from? Whose is it? Those questions will be answered in an overnight drama that also delves into history and the horrors of 9/11. It's a story of love, passion, greed, double-crossing, imprisonment, betrayal, and redemption on the long, twisted path to the truth. Found money appears to be easy money, but appearances can be deceiving.

  • von Marusha Eabden
    19,00 €

    Good old-fashioned associate promotion is the lifeblood of many businesses, but it is often underrated or disregarded in favour of other factors. In this handbook, I will take you on a journey through the inner workings of a well-oiled associate software. We'll discuss everything from the importance of using one of these systems to getting associates to sell when you need them to, as well as some statistics to help you prove that this is one of the most profitable aspects of online business, and I'll make sure to include at least one interactive quiz to make things more exciting and to test your knowledge.

  • von Rebecca Nielsen
    15,00 €

    There are a lot of myths around learning impairments since they encompass more than just the incapacity to excel in particular behavioural or academic domains. If you are struggling to manage your learning disability and are unsure of how to proceed, keep in mind that you are entitled to the necessary assistance and that you must follow through on it in order for it to be beneficial to you. You will find pertinent data and research in this book to aid in your understanding of learning difficulties, including their various varieties and appropriate and efficient management techniques.

  • von Helena J. Watson
    17,00 €

    The ultimate manual for leading a vegetarian lifestyle...This eBook covers a wide range of topics, including how to nourish your body and spirit, what to eat, why people didn't always eat meat, conventional meat, PETA, the environmental cost of farming and cultivating in industrial facilities, confinement of chickens and chemicals, cow slaughterhouses, veal, turkey, and pig cultivation, among many other things!

  • von Bella Roberts
    16,00 €

    Here's a quick and simple way to lose belly fat: Dancing Your Body Fats Away. This book covers many topics, such as how to prevent injuries, what kinds of dances are linked to weight loss, the secrets of the movements used during dancing and weight loss, and the important lessons to be learned from case studies of fat loss.

  • von Benjamin Stuart
    15,00 €

    The "Green Revolution" is vital and necessary in this day and age. Recycling to Save the Earth provides practical, hands-on guidance on recycling, its importance, and its numerous advantages.Are you concerned about Earth? Will you contribute to its protection? If so, you should read this book! It offers helpful advice on recycling and waste reduction, as well as an explanation of how simple it is to protect the environment."This book will tell you everything about recycling so that you can save the earth" This book addresses recycling of plastic, paper, textiles, and other materials. Prof. Rau has provided you this e-book for improved environmental protection based on his knowledge and experience.A fundamental tenet of the green movement is recycling, which helps protect the planet's natural resources and postpones the production of new goods. This book will teach you how to recycle things that can be made into new products, therefore cutting down on the amount of garbage you produce. With the help of this indispensable sustainable living handbook, you can lessen your waste, conserve energy and water, lessen your carbon footprint, and contribute to environmental cleanup. Discover what happens to your plastic bottles after they are collected with your curbside recycling and how many pieces of paper are cut down to make a single toilet tissue roll with this comprehensive guide, which is jam-packed with useful information on every facet of daily recycling. This straightforward guide seeks to empower you by providing you with easy-to-follow actions to improve your own lifestyle, no matter how tiny the change may be.As they read more books and gain more knowledge about the world, teach your children the joy of reading. Your entire family will benefit from having a deeper comprehension of world affairs and

  • von Dennis Michaelsson
    17,00 €

    Finding Your Dream VehicleConsider just what you require in a vehicle. Do you need a lot of storage space and seating? Are you going to be travelling great distances back and forth?Are you thinking about buying a used car? How do you know which vehicle is best for you? It all comes down to asking the right questions. What functions are absolutely necessary? A/C, programmable controls, and cruise control?What security features are you looking for? Anti-lock braking systems, head injury protection, or child safety devices?How much money are you planning to invest?What kind of deposit are you able to make?What can you reasonably pay for on a monthly basis?

  • von Billy K. Stephens
    15,00 €

    Small and medium-sized enterprises that use the internet as their primary market are known as internet marketing companies. To be successful, starting an internet marketing firm requires a few specialised, tried-and-true methods and resources. To succeed in internet marketing, you must pay attention to all the tools and techniques that success tales recommend. This is due to the fact that the internet marketing industry is prone to several obstacles that could prove difficult to overcome if they are not appropriately and quickly addressed.

  • von Ramsey Gordon
    16,00 €

    Lifelines in Network MarketingWhat You Should Know About Uplines And DownlinesDo you struggle to understand all of the complexities of your business?Discover The Network Marketing Success Secrets!What You Should Know About Uplines And DownlinesHow would you like to finally comprehend all of the secrets hidden within uplines and downlines? Making a networking business a success is not tough, and having useful and oriented towards assisting on the route to success assures the aim is finally and effectively fulfilled.Being successful in marketing is critical when it comes to gaining the support of leaders or the person who introduced the individual to the firm. Perhaps the most critical question to ask or judge is whether the person offering the business plan, also known as the potential up line, is knowledgeable enough about the business. Are you also knowledgeable enough to explain it to someone else?I'm providing you with a step-by-step instruction to show you how to find and use all of the correct This Book Below Will Show You Exactly What What You Need To Do To Finnally Be A Success In Network Marketing! Here's What You Can Learn: Upline Basics Make Sure Your Upline Sponsor Knows The Product Make Sure Upline Has A Positive Outlook Make Sure Upline Is Consistent Make Sure Upline Has A Good Reputation Downline Basics Learn Recruiting Techniques Teach Duplication And so much more... Consider this: knowing everything there is to know about network marketing is not an easy endeavour if you don't have the appropriate information. There is a lot to learn in order to fully comprehend it.

  • von Oliver Sanchez
    16,00 €

    The positive disciplinary technique has shown to be a useful resource for teachers looking to develop creative problem-solving in their pupils while also providing them with the behavioural skills required to grasp and process what they study. Each tool is designed expressly for the modern teacher, with examples and solutions to every impediment to cooperative and student-centered learning. This thorough book also includes numerous teacher experiences and testimonies, as well as extensive research on the theory behind why positive discipline is so effective. What works for parents might work just as well for teachers.

  • von Ralf Shelton
    16,00 €

    Businesses that focus on the value-rather than the cost-to the customer can command nearly any price they choose. Pricing for Profit teaches business owners how to break free from industry pricing and obtain pay that reflects the genuine worth of the product or service being delivered.Readers will discover how to quantify the worth of their products or services, differentiate between price and value purchasers, bundle their offers for competitive advantage and enhanced customer value, and create a powerful marketing strategy that communicates value.The low prices that small firms feel obligated to offer limit their potential to earn profits, slowing their reaction to changing client needs. This accessible and practical guide is a must-read for anyone who wants to create more unit sales, close more transactions overall at higher prices, and make more money with less unneeded effort. It is filled with easy-to-use formulas, sample scripts, clear examples, instructive exercises, and more.Get your copy today!

  • von Ryanna Memphis
    16,00 €

    An in-depth look at the many various aspects of alternative medicine and how they might benefit you. Concise, easy to read, and comprehensive. This guide covers many different alternative therapies, such as:- Hypnosis - Color therapy - Yoga - Meditation - Herbal remedies - Vitamin therapy - And many more! ¿Here is just some of what you will learn by reading this amazing book:- The differences between conventional and alternative treatment methods - plus, how to know if an alternative treatment is right for you!- The history of alternative medicine - you may be very surprised by what you read here!- The type of alternative medicine that 25% of the world's population practices - along with its five most popular treatment methods and what each can do for you!- A type of alternative medicine that relies almost solely on herbal remedies - this treatment method has been around for over 2,500 years and could be just what you need to begin feeling better in no time!- The alternative medicine techniques of Native American Indians - these techniques have been used effectively for over 40,000 years, according to many experts ... and they work just as well today as they ever have!- Why practitioners of Ayurvedic Medicine believe the body must be balanced - and how that can be accomplished quickly and easily!- The most popular form of alternative medicine - and five reasons why you should try it to begin feeling better immediately!- Herbal remedies for common ailments - find out how to naturally cure acne, anxiety, burns, warts and much more here!- How to cure numerous ailments including arthritis, constipation, depression and the flu with herbal tea - you'll be amazed at how easy it is to do when you follow these simple tips!- How five products produced by bees could have you feeling better fast - you'll be simply amazed when you read this!- And much, much more. Get your copy today!

  • von Sampsa Kapanen
    18,00 €

    Tämä loki on suunniteltu huolellisesti auttamaan sinua päänsäryn ja migreenin kirjaamisessa terveydenhuollon ammattilaisten suositusten mukaisesti. Kun pystyt tunnistamaan, missä kipusi on, se voi auttaa sinua selvittämään, miksi sinulla on kipua. Päiväkirja voi auttaa sinua seuraamaan oireitasi ja auttaa sinua löytämään tehokasta helpotusta tai päättämään, onko sinun hakeuduttava lääkärin hoitoon.Tämän päiväkirjan avulla voit oppia tunnistamaan päänsärkysi tyypit, oireet, syyt, diagnoosin ja hoidon. Päänsärkyjä on useita eri lajeja, ja jokaisella näyttää olevan omat aiheuttajansa, oireensa ja hoitovaihtoehtonsa. Erilaiset päänsäryt liittyvät myös tiettyihin kohtiin niskassa ja päässä. Jotkin yleisimmistä päänsärkytyypeistä - kuten jännityspäänsärky - voivat esiintyä koko päässä, kun taas toiset tyypit - kuten sinus- tai klusteripäänsärky - esiintyvät yleensä tietyllä alueella.Tämä migreenipäiväkirja on suunniteltu erityisesti sinua varten, jotta voit seurata tarkasti päänsärkyäsi ja migreenikohtauksiasi, ja siinä on seuraavat ominaisuudet: - Tallennus:* Päivä ja kellonaika, jolloin päänsärky tapahtui* Mikä on laukaissut päänsäryn* Päänsäryn voimakkuus* Päänsäryn tyyppi ja sijainti* Kokeilemasi helpotustoimenpiteet Migreeni Lokikirja:- 120 sivua - 6x9 tuumaa - täydellinen koko kuljettaa mukanasi.- täydellinen sidonta- laadukas kiiltävä kansi, jossa on ensiluokkainen muotoilu

  • von Craig Ashwilthon
    20,00 €

    Building Site Project Logobok, Help you To Record Construction Project Name,Visitors, Schedule, Problems, Safety Issues, Summary of Work, Employee and many many more ... This logbook designed for Foremen, Site Manager, Chief Engineer or Supervisor to provides a clear, consistent, complete format to make record-keeping easier. Ideal to keep everything recorded in one place.¿ Date, Day¿ Foreman¿ Contarct No¿ Hours Lost Due to Bad Wheater¿ Wheater conditions¿ Visitors¿ Problems, delays¿ Schedule - completion date, days ahead of schedute,days behind schedute ¿ Safety issues¿ Accidents¿ Summary of Work Performed Today¿ Equipment on Site Get your copy today! Building Site Project Logobok:¿ Good quality paper with matte modern cover¿ Double-sided pages, to improve thinness and handling¿ Size 8.5 x 11 inches¿ Book with 110 Pages

  • von Apolonia Andrzejewska
    19,00 €

    Ten prosty, por¿czny i ¿atwy w üyciu dziennik bólu jest profesjonalnie zaprojektowany, aby pomóc Ci prowadzi¿ szczegó¿owy rejestr:- Data, Energia- Aktywnö¿, Sen- Poziom/obszar bólu- Posi¿ki (¿niadanie, Lunch, Kolacja, Przek¿ski)- Czas, Symptomy, Czynniki wyzwalaj¿ce- Progresja bólu (poziom bólu - czas w ci¿gu dnia)Dziennik bólu:- Wysokiej jaköci bezkwasowy biäy papier- Rozmiar 6'x9', idealnie dopasowane do torebki, kieszeni lub torby dla ¿atwego üycia w podró¿y- Ksi¿¿ka z 120 stron z dü¿ ilöci¿ miejsca do wype¿nienia- B¿yszcz¿ca elegancka ok¿adka

  • von Scolastica D'Adamo
    19,00 €

    Libro di bordo del progetto di costruzione, aiuta a registrare il nome del progetto di costruzione, i visitatori, il calendario, i problemi, i problemi di sicurezza, il riepilogo del lavoro, i dipendenti e molti altri ... Il nostro libro di bordo è stato progettato per capisquadra, direttori di cantiere o supervisori e fornisce un formato chiaro, coerente e completo per facilitare la tenuta dei registri. Libro di bordo del progetto di costruzione:¿ Carta di buona qualità con copertina moderna e opaca¿ Pagine fronte-retro, per migliorare la sottigliezza e la maneggevolezza¿ Formato 6 x 9 pollici¿ Libro con 120 pagine

  • von Sabina Adornetto
    19,00 €

    Il nostro semplice, pratico e facile da usare libro di bordo per il tiro sportivo, con una copertina dal design moderno e di qualità per tiratori, tiratori scelti e tiratrici, è stato progettato professionalmente per aiutarvi a tenere un registro dettagliato di data, ora, luogo, arma da fuoco, tipo di cannocchiale, munizioni, profondità di posizionamento, distanza, polvere, innesco, ottone, pagine di diagrammi. Richiedete la vostra copia oggi stesso! Libro dei dati del tiro sportivo:¿ 120 pagine¿ Copertina opaca con design moderno¿ Interno: Carta bianca di buona qualità¿ Formato 6 x 9 pollici¿ Idea regalo perfetta

  • von Valeria Enríquez
    19,00 €

    El libro de registro de 120 páginas está diseñado para ser útil tanto para la jardinería de interior como de exterior de Frutas, Flores, Hortalizas y Hierbas. Este libro de registro sencillo y directo incluye las siguientes secciones: - Información sobre suministros de jardinería- Información sobre fertilizantes- Fechas de germinación, plantación y cosecha- Instrucciones de plantación y cuidado- Lista de la compra para cada mes- Necesidades de agua y mucho másPuede organizar y llevar un registro de todos sus proyectos de jardinería, registrar lo que funciona y tal vez lo que no funcionó también para ayudarle con sus futuros planes de jardinería también. Libro de jardinería:- Tamaño perfecto 6 x 9 pulgadas- Libro con 120 páginas- Cubierta elegante y brillante

  • von Iolanda Nascimento
    19,00 €

    Livro de registo de 120 páginas foi concebido para ser útil na jardinagem de interior e exterior de frutas, flores, legumes e ervas aromáticas. Este livro de registo simples e directo inclui as seguintes secções:· - Informações sobre materiais de jardinagem- Informações sobre fertilizantes- Datas de germinação, plantação e colheita- Instruções de plantação e cuidados- Lista de compras para cada mês- Requisitos de água e muito maisPode organizar e manter um registo de todos os seus projectos de jardim, registar o que funciona e talvez o que não funcionou, para o ajudar também nos seus futuros planos de jardim. Livro de registo de jardinagem:- Tamanho perfeito 6 x 9 polegadas- Livro com 120 páginas- Capa elegante premium mate

  • von Charlotte Johnsen
    19,00 €

    Logbog for havearbejde er en fantastisk måde at spore dine havebrugsmål for begyndere og erfarne gartnere.Den 120 sider lange logbog er designet til at være nyttig til både indendørs og udendørs havearbejde med frugter, blomster, grøntsager og urter.Denne enkle og ligetil logbog indeholder følgende afsnit: ¿ Havearbejde Supply info ¿ Information om gødning ¿ Spirings-, plante- og høstdatoer ¿ Plante- og plejevejledning ¿ Indkøbsliste for hver måned ¿ Vandkrav og meget mere Du kan organisere og holde styr på alle dine haveprojekter, registrere, hvad der virker og måske ikke fungerede lige så godt for at hjælpe dig med dine fremtidige haveplaner. Logbog for havearbejde: ¿ Størrelse 6 x 9 tommer ¿ Blank premium cover ¿ Bog med 120 sider

  • von Krista Kirkegaard
    19,00 €

    Denne førsteklasses, praktiske og brugervenlige logbog til sportsskydning med moderne og førsteklasses coverdesign til skytter, skarpskytter og skyttekvinder er professionelt designet til at hjælpe dig med at føre detaljerede optegnelser over dato, tid, sted, skydevåben, skiltetype, ammunition, dybde, afstand, krudt, tændladning, messing og diagramsider.Sport skydning data logbog:¿ Bog med 120 sider¿ Blankt omslag med førsteklasses omslagsdesign¿ Indvendigt: Hvidt papir af god kvalitet¿ Størrelse 6 x 9 tommer

  • von Adelajda Jurkiewicz
    19,00 €

    Dziennik zarz¿dzania placem budowy, pomöe Ci zarejestrowä projekt budowlany Nazwa, göcie, harmonogram, problemy, kwestie bezpiecze¿stwa, podsumowanie pracy, pracownik i wiele wiele wi¿cej ... Dziennik przeznaczony dla brygadzistów, kierowników budów lub inspektorów nadzoru, zapewniaj¿cy przejrzysty, spójny i kompletny format üatwiaj¿cy prowadzenie dokumentacji. Dziennik zarz¿dzania placem budowy:¿ Dobrej jaköci papier z b¿yszcz¿c¿, nowoczesn¿ ok¿adk¿¿ Dwustronne strony, aby poprawi¿ cienkö¿ i obs¿ug¿¿ Rozmiar 6 x 9 cali¿ Ksi¿¿ka z 120 stronami

  • von Dorothée Cousteau
    19,00 €

    Le livre de bord de la gestion des chantiers de construction vous aide à enregistrer le nom du projet de construction, les visiteurs, le calendrier, les problèmes, les questions de sécurité, le résumé des travaux, les employés et bien d'autres choses encore ... Le livre de bord est conçu pour les contremaîtres, les responsables de chantier ou les superviseurs. Il offre un format clair, cohérent et complet qui facilite la tenue des registres. Caractéristiques Carnet de bord de la gestion d'une entreprise de construction :¿ Papier de bonne qualité avec une couverture moderne et brillante.¿ Pages recto-verso, pour améliorer la finesse et la manipulation.¿ Taille 6 x 9 pouces¿ Livre de 120 pages

  • von Évelyne de Saint-Pierre
    19,00 €

    Notre livre de bord de la douleur, simple, pratique et facile à utiliser, a été conçu par des professionnels pour vous aider à tenir un registre détaillé de vos activités : - Date, Énergie- Activité, Sommeil- Niveau/zone de la douleur- Repas (petit-déjeuner, déjeuner, dîner, collations)- Heure, symptômes, déclencheurs- Progression de la douleur (niveau de douleur - jour)Livre de bord de la douleur:- Papier blanc sans acide de première qualité- Format 6'x9', parfaitement adapté à un sac à main, une poche ou un sac pour une utilisation facile en déplacement.- Livre de 120 pages avec beaucoup d'espace à remplir- Couverture brillante et élégante

  • von Renetta Wolvies
    16,00 €

    Email marketing best practices. In this e-book, you will find subjects on basic email marketing topics for internet marketing, such as keeping it relevant, brief and succinct, not too formal, writing it your way, using teasers and links, and using teasers and links in your marketing emails. Use the frequency that works best for you, write a decent subject line so your email doesn't get trashed, include some fantastic freebies, and adapt it to your readers' needs. Get your copy today!

  • von Serene Calbersson
    19,00 €

    Construction Management Project Logbook, Help you To Record Construction Project Name,Visitors, Schedule, Problems, Safety Issues, Summary of Work, Employee and many many more ... This book designed for Foremen, Construction Site Managers, or supervisors to provides a clear, consistent, complete format to make record-keeping easier. Ideal to keep everything recorded in one place.¿ Date, Day¿ Foreman¿ Contarct No¿ Hours Lost Due to Bad Wheater¿ Wheater conditions¿ Visitors¿ Problems, delays¿ Schedule - completion date, days ahead of schedute,days behind schedute ¿ Safety issues¿ Accidents¿ Summary of Work Performed Today¿ Equipment on Site Features Construction Management Project Logbook:¿ Good quality paper with matte modern cover¿ Double-sided pages, to improve thinness and handling¿ Size 6 x 9 inches¿ Book with 120 Pages

  • von Kevin Marshall
    17,00 €

    Friends. Partners in business. Lovers?When Ryan gets caught cheating, Laura Willis is busy organizing their wedding. Again. With her best pal this time. She slams her fist-and her wedding band-in his face and gets to work at Brenda's House of Hair. However, Brenda uses shortcuts and goes on the rampage, so there is also a lot of turmoil at the salon. Hairstylist Matt Stephenson, a coworker of Laura's, is looking for a new job and residence. He chooses to take a chance and opens his own salon, inviting Laura to collaborate with him. Can their friendship withstand the effort, or will this collaborative venture prove to be more than any of them anticipated? Readers learn about the romance between recurring characters Matt and Laura in Joint Venture, which takes place a few years before Wisdom to Know. To witness their romance for yourself, order your copy today.

  • von Matthew Shelby
    16,00 €

    Why Facebook is a useful tool for online marketers, how to make more money with Facebook, how easy it is to earn on Facebook, how it can help you grow your business, and how to get 500 friends in 30 days! Why do people use Facebook? This book discusses these and other subjects linked to introductions. How to make a Facebook account, construct an attractive profile, add friends and expand your network, get 500 friends in 30 days, use Facebook ads to identify suitable prospects, and much more! Get your copy today!

  • von Magnus Reybells
    17,00 €

    Disasters, which cause significant harm and disruption, can occur anywhere. These situations may become more upsetting and unpleasant if you are unprepared. It's essential to be prepared for crises and disasters.The likelihood of surviving a disaster is increased by having the appropriate gear and learning how to handle various situations. Crisis response is improved through preparation and understanding. This increases chances of surviving and lessens the effects of the calamity on one's family.There are numerous ways to get ready for catastrophes and disasters. Plans for emergencies are essential. This should include a strategy for leaving your house and connecting with loved ones in case you become separated.Put together an emergency supply kit with non-perishable food, water, a flashlight, a first aid kit, and other necessities.A comprehensive handbook for becoming ready for disasters? Done! You can keep yourself and your family safe in an emergency by using the knowledge and suggestions in this book.In these unsure times, it's imperative to be prepared for the unexpected. We cover everything in our book, from creating emergency plans and kits to maintaining composure and making sensible decisions in the face of a crisis.Inside:assistance from experts in creating an emergency kit just for your family.Set up a communication and escape plan step by step.Tips for avoiding natural calamities including earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoesTaking care of issues such as water shortages, power outages, and other issuesAdvice for those who are stranded or injured during a crisisaides and resources for information.early planning Start defending your family by obtaining a copy today.Get your copy today!

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