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Bücher veröffentlicht von Brilliant Books Literary

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  • von Peter Hubbard
    25,00 €

    How do you survive in a world gone mad? No oil, gas or coal, massive forced migration, civil unrest on an unprecedented scale, looting, millions dead or dying. To change the minds of many, first you must change the mind of one. By offering Hope. In the second book of "The Tears of Hope" trilogy, you see what Hope looks like, and a shadow lifts from the world like a mist retreating before the sunrise. Will it be enough? And have the brilliant refugee women finished their task?

  • von Peter A. Hubbard
    37,00 €

    How do you survive in a world gone mad? No oil, gas or coal, massive forced migration, civil unrest on an unprecedented scale, looting, millions dead or dying. To change the minds of many, first you must change the mind of one. By offering Hope. In the second book of "The Tears of Hope" trilogy, you see what Hope looks like, and a shadow lifts from the world like a mist retreating before the sunrise. Will it be enough? And have the brilliant refugee women finished their task?

  • von Matthew Louis Kalash
    19,00 €

    This entertaining collection of stories revolves around themes of love and arts, including painting, writing, history, mythology, and conversation, along with reflections on chess, cuisine, confectionary, travel, and literature, all set at the turn of the 21st century, before the rising of social media and the ubiquity of internet culture. A more innocent time, perhaps. Though the stories are related and certain echoes among them, with one exception the characters inhabit separate narratives. The longest piece, essentially a novella, tells the story of a couple honeymooning in Italy, who come across a manuscript that's purported to be a personal diary of Francesco del Giocondo, a husband of Lisa del Giocondo, the reputed model for the portrait known as the Mona Lisa. Does this prove Mona Lisa's real identity? Is the manuscript the find of a lifetime, or just another con job inflicted upon a hapless tourist? The story, which alternates between the text of the diary and events of the honeymoon, raises questions about identities not just historical but also personal for the newlyweds in Italy. Like the other stories, this novella challenges character's beliefs about the nature of art and their relationships.

  • von David Revell II
    22,00 €

    Today's Rights and Illusions is the best component for potential paths, serving as a frontline for a climate brewing with strengths that give provoking thoughts. It is inspired by words dynamically expressed as shoutouts entrenched with communication nurtured for conferences supporting truth. It presents tips for one to feel the objective of a party of offenders who have a number of views that add eyes to pain prone to conversations on a population opened to rights and wrongs in the workplace. Beliefs over derogatory comments apart from certain wars raging on a whack on the rump suggest an environment transitioning into a program that gears vendors posing a plight dire to the mire more than season to season.

  • von Eugene H. Strayhorn Jr.
    18,00 €

    Ward Stanford is an ex-con whose life is in shambles. Having lived on the streets as a homeless person, he is struggling to turn his life around when a letter arrives.Lauren Reslin, Ward's estranged daughter, has invited him to visit her in Montana. When he arrives, Lauren informs her father that she has only a few months to live, and he will soon be responsible for raising his rebellious grandson, Mathias, with whom he has nothing in common. Lauren also insists that Ward, a nonbeliever, must raise his grandson as a Christian. Ward refuses at first, but then reluctantly agrees to honor his dying daughter's wishes.As Mathias's guardian, Ward soon realizes that to help his grandson overcome his pent-up grief, he must first break through the walls the boy has put up around his heart and win his trust. He begins by challenging Mathias' intellect. Over time, their conversations become increasingly personal and poignant. As a result, Ward is led to discover his own faith. Gradually, Ward and Mathias come to care deeply for one another.This Christian novel explores the foundations of faith and how genuine love can bring healing and redemption.

  • von Eugene H. Strayhorn Jr.
    17,00 €

    Justin Moore is a successful architect who loses his business, his home, his life savings, and his reputation when ­ fire destroys Liberty Tower One, the residential condominium that was to have been his masterwork. Seven people died in there.Having lost everything, Justin and his wife, Hannah, move into a tiny apartment in Branford Gardens, a dead-end slum on the south side of Chicago. Haunted by his memory of the tragedy, Justin begins drinking to escape his agony.Unable to watch her husband slowly destroy himself, Hannah asks Justin to move out until he can pull himself together.Homeless and heartsick as well as destitute, Justin promises that he will turn his life around. Briefly, he is able to keep his promise, but then Hannah, the love of his life, dies in a tragic accident.With nothing left to live for, Justin is on the verge of committing suicide when he meets Grace McFarland, a wealthy widow with a terrible secret she desperately needs to hide. Grace promises Justin that she will restore his fortune if he will help her bury her past. By the time Justin learns the magnitude of Grace's secret, it is too late for him to refuse.This is a story about faith, love, loss, and redemption, and learning to value those things that endure when all else is stripped away.

  • von Christoph K. Ankuvie
    23,00 €

    Growing up in a village in Ghana, a poverty-stricken country in West Africa, Christoph Ankuvie must overcome great trial and tribulation, fighting hand and fist against every obstacle he encounters. With a giant leap of faith, Christoph makes the move of his life, which places the great American Dream within his grasp. Join Christoph on his gripping personal journey of an international move, his Journey to the United States.

  • von Waleed Atrushi
    32,00 - 38,00 €

  • von Jesse L. Stockard
    18,00 - 26,00 €

  • von Michael George
    17,00 €

  • von Eugene H. Strayhorn Jr.
    17,00 €

  • von Eugene H. Strayhorn Jr.
    17,00 €

  • von Peter A. Hubbard
    27,00 €

  • von Mary Rumble
    21,00 €

  • von Chaplain (Col) (Ret. Joel . . . Jenkins
    35,00 €

    This book describes the experiences of an Army chaplain who officiated at the first two Memorial Services conducted in the Pentagon after 9/11, and his support to the survivors. Over two decades have passed since 9/11 and this book seeks to honor and remember those who died on that day, while also honoring and remembering the fallen heroes from all of America's wars. This book is a call for America to never forget the 1.3 million fellow Americans who died for their country; and to encourage today's overworked and "all volunteer" military. Stories are included from Chaplain Jenkins' service at the Pentagon, in Iraq, on the staff of General Martin Dempsey, and from his tenure as the Rear Detachment chaplain for the 82nd Airborne Division. With the 82nd, Chaplain Jenkins officiated at well over one hundred services for fallen paratroopers. This book traces the struggles, and eventual breakthroughs of Native Americans, African Americans, Japanese and Chinese minorities in relation to military service. Against major barriers, heroic service and sacrifice are seen from these groups. Various vignettes of military heroes, from the 18th century until the present, are described as a reminder for America to remain grateful for the sacrifices of her military.

  • von Howard D. Blazek
    29,00 - 36,00 €

  • von Christine Snowdon
    18,00 €

    In 2012, God told Christine Snowdon to start using her soul name, "Estrellar," for her spiritual work. This was re-affirmed by her spiritual guides in a Life Between Lives session with Paul Williamson, a qualified regressionist and author. The aim of her book and website, both created in 2007 and titled Touched by Angels, has been to raise awareness of angels, archangels, ascended masters and elemental beings by sharing her techniques for communicating with them.Over the last six years, Estrellar's business has evolved; she serves as a voice for various deities and energies in courses, designed to help others raise personal energy vibration as a way of becoming one with the planet's ascension process."A simple prayer to God and the Angels asking for more love and happiness in your life will be heard. As your life changes so too will the lives of those around you for the good of all."Christine Snowdon

  • von Theo Kevin Magee
    20,00 - 27,00 €

  • von Jim Bushong
    19,00 €

    Discover why one-third of the church will lose their place in heaven after following the Antichrist by accepting the Mark of the Beast.Can you identify this powerful man?1. He will call fire down from the heavens.2. He will heal the sick.3. He will perform great miracles.4. He will give us wondrous signs proving his power.Read the remarkable sorry of the man described above and see why you should tremble.For the time will come when men will not put up withsound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they willgather around them a great number of teachers to say whattheir itching ears want to hear. They will turn their earsaway from the truth and turn aside to myths. 2 Timothy 4:3-4

  • von Kandi A. White
    16,00 €

    February 6 - 9, 2003 will forever go down in the history books as the weekend that turned her life around. Kandi White embarked on a journey that she prayed and dreamed about.She had a burning desire to be one of the 5% of successful Internet entrepreneurs. By attending a leadership seminar and being motivated by 'The Masters of Motivation' like Jim Rohn, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Bob Burg, Les Brown, John Amatt and David Miln Smith, she expected to receive all the tools necessary to be successful and in turn lead to financial freedom.The weekend experience was awesome. Not only did she get totally motivated to take her Internet businesses to 'the next level', she also had a spiritual awakening that was not expected.From this experience, Hours of Pure Gold is a reality. It's a story of inspiration, of being totally inspired by the experiences of the motivational speakers and their personal journeys of success.If you're looking for motivation to improve any aspect of your personal and professional life, Hours of Pure Gold gives you proven principles for success.It's a story of gratitude for participating in a wonderful weekend and being the recipient of God's everlasting love and many blessings. It's a story of finding true purpose.Have you ever dreamed of living a purpose filled life? Have you ever thought that maybe there is more to life than you are presently experiencing? Well, there is more! The motivational stories in HOPG are aimed at helping you to create and live your best life!

  • von Cp Harrison
    30,00 - 33,00 €

  • von Sandra Glassman
    16,00 €

    The saying goes "LIFE IS BUT A DREAM" in my case that's true. I am a child prodigy, I could play piano by listening to the radio. My life was ordinary. I got married at eighteen, had two children, and taught piano. Somewhere from another galaxy out of the blue I started to write poems. I never studied poetry, but somehow my mind started to give life to poems. I write about life, nature, comedy, sadness, music, etc. My poems got to be published. Poetry doesn't have to be heavy or not understandable to just anybody. Just like the saying "IT'S A BIRD OR A PLANE IT'S Sandra is not a superhero but just a person who likes to write.

  • von Ready Writer
    14,00 €

    The basic, the fundamentals, the reason, the purpose, of this book is to enlighten the believer. The foundation of these writings is breaking down and opening up the word of God to a deeper walk with Christ. Opening up hidden knowledge that it can be found, if you seek knock and ask you will find. Of course the main person the main character in this book is Jesus Christ how he overcame and how we can overcome. The climax of these writings that it would encourage those who are saved, those who want to go deeper in God's word, and to draw those who are not saved onto A living hope in Christ, that truly blind can see, the death can hear, and the lame will walk.

  • von M. D. Steven Bentley
    35,00 - 39,00 €

  • von Barbara W. Teal
    18,00 - 26,00 €

  • von Guglielmo
    20,00 - 23,00 €

  • von Katherine Whitehead
    19,00 - 25,00 €

  • von Katherine Whitehead
    18,00 - 27,00 €

  • von James Olds
    16,00 - 21,00 €

  • von Harald Zieger
    17,00 €

    In September 1989, Egon Krenz, deputy chairman of the GDR State Council, was sent to Beijing to congratulate China's political leadership on successfully suppressing the "counter-revolutionary uprising" personally and on behalf of the SED polite öce.This is the historical background of the story of this book. The East German communists applauded the Chinese Communist leaders for the brutal massacre at Tiananmen Square. They considered at the same time suppressing the increasing protests against their own corrupt clinging to power using military forces against their own people. But those who were ordered to use deadly force against 70,000 demonstrators deny the execution of the order, and the rest is history.But it could have come di¿erently. Based on that historical fact, the story develops the alternative. In the ¿ctional development, the communist leaders install a new agency equipped with power outside of any law to cleanse the elite from corrupt members as a signal to the people that the new leadership is the solution. Do the people fall for it? How does this new agency get set up? How is it Organized? What people are chosen for the job?These questions will be answered in Part-1 of the book trilogy.

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