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Bücher veröffentlicht von Brilliant Books Literary

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  • von Kevin Anderson
    30,00 €

    My Thoughts are the actions and inactions of my heart and my mind. The words he found longing to say something about this and about that.

  • von James Pope
    17,00 - 24,00 €

  • von Ed Munson
    20,00 €

    United States Supreme Court Justice Bailey Stewart, well known for her honesty, fairness, and consistency in interpreting the Constitution, becomes privy to some startling revelations, ones that will test her curiosity to know more and determine what might the public have a right to know.Befriended by an unknown, but seemingly well-versed source identified as Ivanhoe, she becomes entrenched in what has been purported to be the truths, half-truths and outright fabricated mysteries of history. The fact vs. fiction debate could lead to revisionist history, but at what cost? Her legal mind races to put the pieces of the giant jigsaw together. She calls on her former college mentor, Dr. Mathew Brumfield, solicits the help of former federal judge, Deputy Attorney General and special prosecutor Spencer Crockett and leans on her husband Dr. Zach Longfellow to guide her through a maze of information and potential landmines.Initial Ivanhoe caches of information whet the appetite: the Kennedy Assassinations, cures for cancer, alternative fuel sources, Pearl Harbor, even alien visits. On face value, the 16 Ivanhoe letters are a good read, leading to detailed facts that delve into who knew what and when and did the government know any or all of this and keep it from the public's eye?The inquiries lead to searching for records from the FBI, National Archives, the U.S. Congress, known and unknown governmental agencies and more. Stop signs abound. Threats become real.As Ivanhoe has attested, all of the information since shared with Justice Stewart is true, and there is more. As for those who would stand to win or lose with such information, there will be a day of reckoning. Legal remedies have worked their way up the ladder to reach the Supreme Court.At issue is what does the public have a right to know? You be the judge.

  • von Cynthia Phillips
    15,00 €

    This book is about miracles. Pets of people, it can happen to anyone. Open your mind and then your heart and you will see. After reading your faith will grow in leaps and bounds.I was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma stayed there tilI was 5 then moved to Littleton, Colorado. Moved back to Tulsa after my 10th birthday. I love the Lord first and foremost. My newest passion is that I love painting! I started with acrylic and now have moved on to oils. My favorite interest is in floral painting. I have two books about miracles. God's Amazing Hands and my second book along the same lines as the first.

  • von Erik D. J. O'Brien
    25,00 €

    Sitting by the fire, an old gnome narrates Kur's Rage to three young soldiers in a village tavern. Stand on the parapets of Highcrest Garrison as the characters prepare for battle against a Demon Lord and his fiendish minions. Feel their sorrow in the tour's aftermath as they decide to reunite in search of new adventures. A chance meeting with a mysterious wizard compels them to undertake a routing scouting mission. During their journey, they encounter an enemy army, and must discover the motivations of its dark commander. Join them as they face Dire Wolves, Red Orcs, and supernatural foes. Twists of fate, ancient clues and unknown enemies lead them towards a prophesied quest that could change their world. Two parallel storylines intertwine as they race to acquire the lost pieces of an ancient artifact before their nemesis. The old gnome's fantastic tale seems impossible, until his audience meets some of his characters in the flesh! Magic, Fairy races, Dragons, and a wide pantheon of gods weave a fine tapestry in Kur's Rage. Triumph of spirit and the love and loyalty of its characters is what sets it apart.

  • von Chaplain (Col) (Ret. Joel P. Jenkins
    17,00 €

    This book describes the experiences of an Army chaplain who officiated at the first two Memorial Services conducted in the Pentagon after 9/11, and his support to the survivors. Over two decades have passed since 9/11 and this book seeks to honor and remember those who died on that day, while also honoring and remembering the fallen heroes from all of America's wars. This book is a call for America to never forget the 1.3 million fellow Americans who died for their country; and to encourage today's overworked and "all volunteer" military. Stories are included from Chaplain Jenkins' service at the Pentagon, in Iraq, on the staff of General Martin Dempsey, and from his tenure as the Rear Detachment chaplain for the 82nd Airborne Division. With the 82nd, Chaplain Jenkins officiated at well over one hundred services for fallen paratroopers. This book traces the struggles, and eventual breakthroughs of Native Americans, African Americans, Japanese and Chinese minorities in relation to military service. Against major barriers, heroic service and sacrifice are seen from these groups. Various vignettes of military heroes, from the 18th century until the present, are described as a reminder for America to remain grateful for the sacrifices of her military.

  • von B. G. Simpson
    19,00 - 27,00 €

  • von Bg Simpson
    22,00 - 27,00 €

  • von Lauren Ball
    16,00 - 21,00 €

  • von Kristin M. Glenn
    17,00 - 21,00 €

  • von Lisa Sterling
    16,00 €

    Sometimes life can pack a punch. Things happen and can knock you down. Sometimes when you least expect it life gets in your way and can turn you upside down. Answers you are looking for aren't always crystal clear. And even in the thick of everything one thing is always constant and never changing. Jesus. No matter how things go or don't go He is always the same and never changing. He carries you through it. And he never lets you down. No matter the circumstances or how bad things look his ways are higher than our way. This 20 days devotional book is about those times. Time to reflect and reexamine where our priorities are. Time to see things through his "eyes" not our own. Each day has nuggets of truth sprinkled with Gods word. Each day we need to be reminded that no matter what is going on in our lives that God needs to come first before anything else. And he loves us for who we are not what we aren't. Enjoy the journey!

  • von Brenda S. Turner
    35,00 - 37,00 €

  • von Katherine Whitehead
    20,00 - 24,00 €

  • von Gene P. Abel
    17,00 €

    Reagan *Bush 43* Trump is intended to convince the America VOTER that conservative ideas are wrong for our country. We are faced with serious issues that must be solved! Our huge deficit, tax reform, immigration, background checks for gun purchase, funding shortfall of Social Security and Medicare, rebuilding of our infrastructure and military, educating our children and creating living wage jobs. The book cites facts to document the conservative approach has failed to resolve any of them. This book also looks at Donald J. Trump and his impact on our country and the danger of his actions poses to the Republic our Founding Fathers created. The sources that have been used are primarily U.S. Government Agencies like Department of Treasury, the CBO, OMB, and the Department of Labor. George Will, a prominent life-long Conservative Columnist has said, he will vote against Republicans in 2018.

  • von Julie Saeger Nierenberg
    25,00 €

    I wrote this manuscript to document my brain tumor discovery and decision making process, a journey spanning approximately twelve months, leading up to my final chosen method of treatment. Although my tumor was most likely benign, it was in a very serious location, sitting on top of my optic nerves, and was causing me to lose my eyesight. I had to make a decision.Some of the chapters are humorous, some rather poignant, and some include a lot of medical details. My whole point was to let readers know what that long and involved investigative process was like. I include some self-coaching strategies, helpful resources, and lots of email exchanges with friends, family and doctors. May all who read this find something in its chapters that resonates with your head and heart.

  • von Anita D. Boseman
    18,00 €

    Melody, who only recently turned twenty-eight, is the last of the American Farr's; and because of a quirk in her father's will, she is unable to inherit the family's American estate until her thirtieth birthday. Her English cousin, Sir Arthur Roland Farr, viscount of Gibbons, is her closest Farr male relative and, by provision of her father's wishes, her guardian until she inherits. Lord Arthur agrees to take in his American cousin and ward, but wants her to live at Farr Cottage, the ancestral home of the Farr family since Anglo-Saxon times. Trained as a historian, Melody is directed by her guardian to work on the family history, and through it, Melody begins to learn the family secrets. Another man, Lord Alfred Oswin befriends Melody; and both men, Lord Alfred and Lord Arthur, are in competition for her attention.

  • von Ed Vergara
    16,00 €

    TRASCENDER...Descubre la fuerza que gobierna el Universo, ¿Cómo Funciona?Tu actitud tomará el control y guiara todos los eventos en tu vida. Cualquier cosa que hagas cotidianamente y aprendas condicionara lo que recibes. El Universo es energía. Nuestros pensamientos transforman esa concentración de energía creando nuestra realidad. En el núcleo de nuestro ser somos uno con el planeta tierra, el universo y la omnipresencia del Altísimo. La realidad es tanto espiritual, física, como psicológica.Este desarrollo espiritual nos lleva de un estado de esperanza- yo espero--, aun estado de confi anza y seguridad-yo creo-al siguiente estado de certeza-Yo Sé, Yo Conozco, Yo Amo-El camino comienza, con la esperanza, crece y se fortalece con La Fe, y se potencializa y magnifi ca con el Saber- El conocer-El amar.-"Tu eres, literalmente, lo que tú crees de ti mismo" -Tus creencias no están hechas de realidades,Sino más bien tu realidad está siendo formada cada día por tus creencias.¿Cuál es el Secreto y el vínculo entre: El tiempo, los sueños y la eternidad? ¿Como aprender a servir a mi consciencia y entonces encontrar la verdadera libertad y Soberanía? ¿Cuál es la relación entre la atracción, el magnetismo y el alineamiento de la Energía? Este es un tratado de profunda fe, ciencia y fi losofía, que te mostrara de forma original y sencilla; es una guía al lector que busca una conexión de los todos los elementos de: la naturaleza, el universo, el tiempo, la vida con su propia trascendencia.Una vez más tú eliges en qué realidad deseas vivir; tendrás que descubrir y realizar tus más soñados e íntimos deseos. Solo al conocerte así mismo podrás desarrollar tu máximo potencial, descubrirás lo inconcebible e ilimitado pues como seas en tu interior así también serás en el exterior. No habrá secreto que no te será revelado. Todo existe dentro de ti.La eternidad ha llegado a tu vida y está esperando por ti para saber qué hacer en el próximo momento. El Universo está esperando por ti para saber qué rumbo seguir... Solamente tú puedes darle la dirección adecuada.

  • von Kenneth J. Sousa
    19,00 - 24,00 €

  • von Guglielmo
    15,98 - 21,00 €

  • von Alice Pyburn-Phifer
    18,00 €

    Fathers and daughters compete in an Annual Seashell Contest. The contest will bring friends, Grace and Abby together in competing against each other, which could test their young friendship.

  • von Melissa Cleary & Jennifer Burger
    20,00 - 24,00 €

  • von Soo Myung Chung
    21,00 €

  • von Judy Prescott
    18,00 €

    The book is about my grandparents' lives - my grandfather particularly. He was born in the workhouse and brought up by his grandparents after his mother married, when he was four years old. He enlisted in the Army at twenty, shortly before meeting Ada, his wife. They were together for less than a month before he was posted to India and China, and he was away for six years. Ada died at thirty-eight. He lost his children to family members, all separated, and was left alone. He became a gentleman of the road and died at seventy-three on a park bench near the churchyard, where his wife and young daughter were buried.

  • von Bryan W. Johnson
    24,00 €

    With life and death in the balance, everyday life is never as easy as it seems. In I've Done That, author Bryan Johnson takes you on a journey through his life, a life that from the time of conception, stacked the deck against him. Join him on his travels across the U.S. and through many careers, in an attempt to find the feeling of home. Feel with him the loss and joy in each successive survival against fate and her minions. Laugh with obscure observation in the worst of circumstance, all the while looking for the bright side to come shining through. This book will elicit many exclamations of emotion as the true tale of one man's life unravels before you, leaving the reader with the undeniable feeling of, 'There but for the grace of God go I.'

  • von Lisa Sterling
    23,00 €

    Sit back, relax, and let your senses take over as you go in this magical journey in photos. Imagine being full of innocence and hope in a great big world that needs to be discovered. There are so many dreams and nothing but time. You will see the world through a child's eyes again.

  • von Rj Schuhmeier
    20,00 €

    RJ Schuhmeier was born on January 13, 1989, in Rancho Cordova, California. RJ was born with complications in his birth. The umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck three times, resulting in him being diagnosed with Mild Spastic Cerebral Palsy, which has affected the right side of his body. Not held down by this diagnosis, RJ had always been able to accomplish tasks that people said he could not do. When RJ was five years old, his parents took him to a physical therapy class where they told them there was nothing, they could do to help him except teach him how to "maybe" tie his shoes. This motivated RJ at a young age. When his parents took him home, RJ went directly to his room, and after several hours, he learned to tie his own shoe. This determination had driven RJ all his life. He takes the limits off what people said, and although sometimes he might need help, he could accomplish anything! RJ is a 33-year -old author who bases his books on his personal life experiences. Growing up, RJ's parents taught him to never give up and to always reach for the stars. RJ would like to thank his parents, Rich & and Tanya, brothers, DeAngelo & David, and sisters, Phoenisha & Evangelic for always being a support to him, pushing him and believing that he could do anything! For more information about what the author is doing or involved in, check out these websites and Facebook Apparel Legacy

  • von Richard S. Johnson
    19,00 €

    The Novel, Twisted Minds is set in the yesterday world of today's Appalachian Mountains. Two tough men born and raised in these mountains within a few miles of each other plot returns to this land where they were born. One is a retired career, Combat-decorated Marine carrying signs of PTSD, the other returning from prison-one wounded in battle, the other wounded from a rough life.Jake Brewer is a man of faith who survived two combat tours in Vietnam, returned home with a chest full of medals, and was physically challenged by combat-related injuries. His marriage, rocky in the early years of Vietnam, gathered strength with time. His faith in God, tried in combat, love, and the business world, remains strong.The Slater family is a large band of misfits who carry the earned reputation for being vengeful troublemakers. Many brewed bootleg moonshine in earlier years and are now gaining reputations in various aspects of the drug trade. Several, including Link Slater, own serious criminal histories. These multigeneration residents of Sterling County are headed to war.

  • von Harald Zieger
    29,00 €

    "If I board the wrong train, it is of no use running along thecorridor in the other direction." - Dietrich BonhoefferWhat if I did not board the wrong train, but I had been thrown into it? What if it takes me years to realize that the train I've been thrown into by decisions of generations of ancestors is traveling in the wrong direction? What if I find out that all my strife to realize my dreams are null and void because Dietrich Bonhoeffer was right? What if my decision to leave that train is a dangerous, even deathly, fight, yet my desire overcomes the fear, and I jump?I jump into a fight for freedom. And against all odds, I win?At a cynical moment, I could think I experienced life in bondage which came about as a result of the mistakes and errors of previous generations. And how that bondage originated, I knew from studying history.Now, I can experience the way of a nation in bondage. What a unique opportunity. But only if I were cynical would I think that.Comparing my life environment - a country I lived in - to a train seems a little odd, but when one thinks about it, it is comparable. If you are on a train, the engineer controls the speed and the stops, and the rails determine the destination. The only influence for a passenger is to pull the emergency stop. Or jump off the train, which is very dangerous. That is the situation of living in a socialist or communist country. That was true for 32 years of my life. Interested?

  • von Michael Allen George
    17,00 €

    After years of pushing garbage with his D9, Dan Tucker thought he'd seen every kind of trash anyone could throw away. He was surprised the day he saw something new. The bodies of the dogs were not so new, but the live pup in the box was. When the animal protection people were called to take the pup, they were more interested in the dead dogs than the pup. When Dan found several more dead animals over the next few days, and the animal protection people wouldn't tell him why they were interested, he contacted Refuge Rescuers. They took the case, and it led to a massive drug conspiracy and even murder, before Mack, Lisa, and the rest of their detective agency solved the killing of so many innocent animals.

  • von Pamela May
    21,00 €

    Have you ever wondered what happens within King Neptune's kingdom? Set in the Maluku Islands, also known as the Spice Islands, you will follow the adventures of Stoney Starr Seahorse and his family as they live and play along with their deep-sea friends. Sullivan, Stoney's father, is a knight of the realm and is tasked with the responsibility of keeping the reef and lagoon safe for all who lives there. Have fun with all the baby seahorses, including Stoney and his sister, South, as they play with their friends, the baby cardinalfish, until a great danger enters into their lagoon! What is it? Will they be safe?

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