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Bücher veröffentlicht von Brilliant Publications

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  • - Time-saving Resources and Ideas for Busy Spanish Teachers
    von Nicolette Hannam
    33,00 €

    Buena Idea provides key vocabulary, word and picture matching cards, activity sheets and puzzle pages for 20 popular Spanish primary school topics. Use the suggestions given or develop your own games with these flexible sheets. Sentence building sheets for each topic provide top tips for extending the vocabulary.

  • - Engaging Stories and Activities to Develop Comprehension Skills
    von Charlotte Makhlouf
    33,00 €

    Brilliant Activities for Reading Comprehension Year 4 provides a variety of engaging, enjoyable texts that will grab pupils' attention, all linked to the 2014 National Curriculum. Activities range from simple factual recall and vocabulary work to more open-ended questions enabling the reader to provide a more personal response.

  • - Engaging Stories and Activities to Develop Comprehension Skills
    von Charlotte Makhlouf
    33,00 €

    Brilliant Activities for Reading Comprehension Year 3 provides a variety of engaging, enjoyable texts that will grab pupils' attention, all linked to the 2014 National Curriculum. Activities range from simple factual recall and vocabulary work to more open-ended questions enabling the reader to provide a more personal response.

  • - Memory Tricks to Help You Learn and Remember French Grammar and Vocabulary
    von Maria Rice-Jones
    41,00 €

  • von Lynn Dryden
    26,00 €

    Bring the Olympics to life in your French lessons with these engaging and adaptable activities and resources. 2024 is the perfect time for a French topic on 'les Jeux Olympiques' (or 'les J.O.' as the French often refer to them) as the Games will be held in Paris.Teach the vocabulary for the 32 Olympic sports through physical activities and games. Then use flashcards, word searches, crossword puzzles and other word games to reinforce the learning. Sentence-building activities, reading passages and surveys make it easy to promote speaking, listening, reading and writing. Pupils will love learning about which sports are the most popular in France, where in France the Games have been held previously and what new sports have been added this year.Both you and your pupils will love learning about 'les Jeux Olympiques'. Best of all, the activities will fit easily into whatever scheme of work you are using and minimal preparation is required.

  • von Moira Wilson
    23,00 €

    Tá saibhreas gníomhaíochtaí agus cluichí i Bí chun tosaigh ag Suimiú agus ag Dealú go dtí 20 a chuirfidh ar chumas an pháiste a bheith chun cinn ag suimiú agus ag dealú go dtí 20. Tugann na leathanaigh deis do na páistí neartú agus daingniú a dhéanamh ar na scileanna tábhachtacha seo.Ábhair clúdaithe:Tosnú suimiú agus dealú go dtí 10Scrúdú ar an gceangal idir uimhreacha go dtí 10Neartú ar an obair go dtí 10Scrúdú ar an gceangal idir uimhreacha go dtí 20Athneartú ar an obair go dtí 20Cluichí

  • von Moira Wilson
    23,00 €

    Tá saibhreas gníomhaíochtaí agus cluichí i Bí chun tosaigh ag Comhaireamh go dtí 10 a chuirfidh ar chumas an pháiste tuiscint a fhorbairt ar uimhreacha suas go 10. Clúdaíonn na leathanaigh oibre meaitseáil ceann ar cheann, bunuimhreacha, orduimhreacha, patrúin i gcomhaireamh agus níos mó/níos lú ná.

  • von Kate Heap
    34,00 €

    Help pupils to develop the skillsneeded to read and comprehend non-fiction in Key Stage 1 and ensure asuccessful transition to Year 3.DevelopingReading Comprehension Skills Year 2: Non-fictionprovides a gentle introduction to more formal comprehension with 22high-quality authentic non-fiction texts which will inspire children and helpthem to see that reading has a purpose. Each of the texts isaccompanied by carefully chosen questions to help pupils develop anunderstanding of all the Key Stage 1 question types: retrieval, inference,vocabulary, sequencing and prediction. The clear structure andthe author's passion for teaching children to read critically make DevelopingReading Comprehension Skills Year 2: Non-fiction invaluablefor everyone working with Year 2 pupils. Support for teachers and parents isbuilt in with guidance for how to teach the different question types, plussuggestions for embedding these texts in the wider English curriculum. The DevelopingReading Comprehension Skills seriesmakes it easy to have a consistent whole-school approach from Year 2 all theway through to the Key Stage 2 SATs. It is suitable for new and recentlyqualified teachers as well as those who are more experienced and wanting toexpand the range of texts they use. If you are looking for a comprehensiveresource to enhance reading provision and teaching in the classroom or tosupport home education, this series is exactly what you need.    Â

  • von Kate Heap
    34,00 €

    Help pupils develop the skills neededto read and comprehend fiction and poetry in Key Stage 1 as well as ensuring asuccessful transition to Year 3, using these poems and extracts from children'sstories.The book provides a gentleintroduction to more formal comprehension while introducing children to 20engaging fiction texts and poems which will encourage a love of reading. Foreach poem and extract, thought-provoking questions help pupils gain an understanding of all the Key Stage 1 question types:retrieval, inference, vocabulary, sequencing and prediction.  The DevelopingReading Comprehension Skills series makes it easy to have aconsistent whole school approach from Year 2 all the way through to the KeyStage 2 SATs. It is suitable for new and recently qualified teachers aswell as those who are more experienced and wanting to expand the range of textsthey use. If you are looking for a comprehensive resource to enhance readingprovision and teaching in the classroom or to support home education, thisseries is exactly what you need.  Â

  • von Katrin McElderry
    37,00 €

    Making a Mark! Discovering the Power of Neurodiversity on a Learning Safari is an educational resource in a story format aimed at 9-14 year olds. It highlights neurodiverse learning profiles - particularly dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia and ADHD - while weaving in educational themes like grit and the growth mindset through its characters and their experiences. The book uses world-famous sculptor Mark Stoddart's life and art as inspiration and through powerful analogies shows that learning can be adventurous and safari-like. The first section of Making a Mark! Discovering the Power of Neurodiversity on a Learning Safari is written in story format and tells the educational journey of Mark and his neurodiverse friends. The second section provides information on how the brain works and neurodiversity and enables readers to reflect upon their own learning profiles: their strengths and challenges alike. The book can be easily integrated into a classroom setting aimed at supporting neurodiverse students while also benefitting neurotypical learners in helping them build a balanced understanding of cognitive learning differences. Making a Mark! Discovering the Power of Neurodiversity on a Learning Safari teaches that every single brain is unique and therefore neurodiversity is 'normal'. It will encourage all children to embark on a journey of creative learning, perseverance and triumph.

  • von Lynn Dryden
    17,00 €

    In this charming travelogue, Lynn Dryden recounts the highs and lows of walking the Camino, in the hope that it will inspire others to follow their dreams.¿Jim Dryden dreamed of walking the Camino de Santiago - the famous pilgrimage walk in Galicia, Spain. When he died from prostate cancer, his wife Lynn, who wasn't much of a walker, decided to take on the challenge herself. Walking the Camino taught Lynn so much, she wanted to share her experiences, in the hope that they would inspire others to follow their dreams. This book tells the story of her walk, from when the idea first came to her, through the highs and lows of the walk, to getting Jim's name added to her Compostela and then arriving back home.

  • von Kate Heap
    33,00 €

    Developing Reading Comprehension Skills Years 3-4: Non-fiction contains 12 high quality authentic non-fiction passages and is perfect for developing reading strategies as children move through Key Stage 2.Each of the 12 high quality non-fiction extracts is accompanied by eight sets of questions based on the Key Stage 2 (KS2) Reading Content Domains and National Curriculum. This book provides opportunities to tackle more complex vocabulary, explore how authors use language to impact their readers and develop endurance for longer passages. The clear structure and the author's passion for teaching pupils to read critically make Developing Reading Comprehension Skills Years 3-4: Non-fiction invaluable for everyone working with pupils in Years 3 and 4.Support for teachers and parents is built in with guidance for how to teach the different question types, plus suggestions for embedding these texts in the wider English curriculum. This series is suitable for new and recently qualified teachers as well as those who are more experienced and wanting to expand the range of texts they use.If you're looking for a comprehensive resource to enhance reading provision and teaching in your classroom or to support home education, this is exactly what you need. Look for other books in the Developing Reading Comprehension Skills series.The titles and themes of the articles in this book are:Dog Training (Relationships, pets, skills)Shooting for the Olympics (Women's football, Summer Olympics)Fruit Crumble (Recipe, healthy eating, instructions)The Brains Behind Legoland's Bricks (Jobs, Lego, biography)Paddle Boarding (Sport, leisure, PSHE)The Secrets of Sleep (Health, well-being, PSHE)Are Video Games Good for Us (Video games, mental health, PSHE)Look After Yourself Online (Internet safety, PSHE)Dino Giant Stuns Scientists (Dinosaurs, archaeology)Mount Etna's Spectacular Show (Geography, volcanoes)A Human Home Amongst the Stars (Space, science, STEM, biography)Is This the World's Smallest Reptile? (Science, animals, rainforests, environment, conservation)

  • von Judith Arden
    34,00 €

    Fun Strategies to Improve Primary School Childrens Spelling Skills. The Boost Spelling Skills series provides strategies to improve primary school pupils spelling skills, making them more confident readers and writers. Teaching children to spell is essential if we want them to become confident writers. Good spellers can write more fluently, as they dont have to pause to consider how each word should be spelt. Furthermore, children with good spelling skills are more likely to make adventurous vocabulary choices and be better at reading. The books will boost childrens spelling skills by providing them with strategies to help

  • von Judith Arden
    33,00 €

    Fun Strategies to Improve Primary School Childrens Spelling Skills. The Boost Spelling Skills series provides strategies to improve primary school pupils spelling skills, making them more confident readers and writers. Teaching children to spell is essential if we want them to become confident writers. Good spellers can write more fluently, as they dont have to pause to consider how each word should be spelt. Furthermore, children with good spelling skills are more likely to make adventurous vocabulary choices and be better at reading. The books will boost childrens spelling skills by providing them with strategies to help

  • von Charlotte Makhlouf
    33,00 - 34,00 €

  • von Kate Heap
    34,00 €

    Developing Reading Comprehension Skills Years 5-6: Non-fiction contains 12 high quality authentic non-fiction passages and is perfect preparation for introducing children to the skills needed for the KS2 SATs and 11+ Reading Comprehension papers.Each of the 12 high quality non-fiction extracts is accompanied by eight sets of questions based on the Key Stage 2 (KS2) Reading Content Domains and National Curriculum. This book provides opportunities to tackle more complex vocabulary, explore how authors use language to impact their readers and develop endurance for longer passages. The clear structure and the author's passion for teaching pupils to read critically make Developing Reading Comprehension Skills Years 5-6: Non-fiction invaluable for everyone working with pupils in Years 5 and 6.Support for teachers and parents is built in with guidance for how to teach the different question types, plus suggestions for embedding these texts in the wider English curriculum. This series is suitable for new and recently qualified teachers as well as those who are more experienced and wanting to expand the range of texts they use.If you're looking for a comprehensive resource to enhance reading provision and teaching in your classroom or to support home education, this is exactly what you need. Look for other books in the Developing Reading Comprehension Skills series.The articles in this book are:The High-flying Life-savers (Air ambulance, charities, STEM)Couscous salad (Recipe, healthy eating, instructions)Rare Wildcats Make a Comeback (Animals, conservation, environment)Should the UK Ban Short Domestic Flights? (Environment, pollution, debate, discussion)The Discovery that Changed History (History, Anglo Saxons, archaeology)Six Unbelievable Jobs (Jobs, careers, future, PSHE)The Importance of Empathy (Empathy, kindness, friendship, PSHE)Fallen Space Rock Found (Space, science, STEM)The Rise of Real-life Robots (STEM, robots, history)'Noah's Ark for Plants' Turns 20 (Environment, plants, conservation)The Composer Who Brought Joy (Music, Beethoven, biography)The Pilot Who Left a Trail of Mystery (Flight, Amelia Earhart, biography)

  • von Irene Yates
    26,00 €

    Brilliant Activities for Grammar and Punctuation is a 6-book photocopiable series to teach basic grammatical and punctuation concepts in a fun and memorable way, which will challenge and stimulate the whole class. Pupils are motivated to think logically about the activities and to share their knowledge and understanding with their peers through working individually, in pairs, groups or, sometimes, in whole class contexts. The sheets enable pupils to practise, reinforce and consolidate grammar and punctuation skills and concepts, and meet the needs of the Programmes of Study in the National Curriculum for England. The books provide teachers with the tools they need to teach grammar effectively and will complement other language and literacy schemes of work. The activities introduce the technical terms pupils need in order to be able to discuss language and promote the necessity of making the children¿s learning functional. When pupils properly understand the effects that grammar and punctuation have on text, they can transfer that knowledge to their own writing and thus develop their skills.

  • von David Horner
    30,00 €

    Cracking Creative Writing in KS1 contains 75+ tried and tested activities to inspire children in Years 1 and 2 to write creatively, have fun playing with language and build their confidence as writers.The enjoyable activities encourage Key Stage 1 pupils to experiment with how they use grammar and punctuation in their writing - so they can see how it works, its rules, its possibilities - and crucially, therefore, how they can use it to improve their creative writing.Each sheet begins with a stimulus poem or passage, to share with pupils and inspire them. The step-by-step teacher's notes explain what young writers need to do to create their own piece of writing that they can be proud of. Links to the grammar, spelling and punctuation elements of the National Curriculum are clearly shown.All the activities are designed to fit easily into one lesson making it easy to integrate them into your planning. Children are usually excited and surprised by what they can achieve in a short time. Differentiation suggestions make the activities easily adaptable for children of different abilities.Writing matters. It matters to teachers, and it certainly matters to children - they want to be able to do it - and be good at it. These activities will help them to believe that they can write and that it is fun!

  • von Alan Jones
    26,00 €

    Mae'r gyfres Gweithgareddau Ategol yn cynnwys gweithgareddau llun-gopïadwy i'w defnyddio gyda dysgwyr araf neu ddisgyblion gydag anawsterau dysgu yng Nghyfnod Allweddol 2. Mae'r llyfrau'n cyflwyno un cysyniad ar bob taflen, gan ddefnyddio iaith syml a llinellau du clir ar luniau, sy'n eu gwneud yn hawdd i'w darllen a'i deall.Mae Deall Defnyddiau yn cynnwys 42 o daflenni llun-gopïadwy i helpu disgyblion i ddeall nodweddion defnyddiau trwy ymchwiliad. Mae'r taflenni'n atgyfnerthu dulliau ymchwil gwyddonol drwy fynnu bod disgyblion yn cynllunio, gwneud gweithgareddau ymarferol, ystyried tystiolaeth, a chyflwyno syniadau a chasgliadau. Mae nhw'n canolbwyntio ar greu grwpiau a dosbarthu defnyddiau, newid defnyddiau a gwahanu cymysgedd o ddefnyddiau. Mae hefyd yn cynnwys cysyniadau eraill fel grymoedd, gwres a magneteg yng nghyswllt deall nodweddion defnyddiau.

  • von Janet O'Neill
    26,00 €

    Mae'r gyfres Gweithgareddau Ategol yn cynnwys gweithgareddau llun-gopïadwy i'w defnyddio gyda dysgwyr araf neu ddisgyblion gydag anawsterau dysgu yng Nghyfnod Allweddol 2. Mae'r llyfrau'n cyflwyno un cysyniad ar bob taflen, gan ddefnyddio iaith syml a llinellau du clir ar luniau, sy'n eu gwneud yn hawdd i'w darllen a'i deall.Mae Deall Pethau Byw yn cynnwys 42 o daflenni llun-gopïadwy i helpu disgyblion i ddeall prosesau bywyd a phethau byw. Mae'r taflenni'n atgyfnerthu dulliau ymchwil gwyddonol drwy fynnu bod disgyblion yn cynllunio, gwneud gweithgareddau ymarferol, ystyried tystiolaeth, a chyflwyno syniadau a chasgliadau. Mae'r taflenni'n canolbwyntio ar brosesau bywyd sy'n gyffredin i bopeth byw, pobl, ac anifeiliaid eraill a phlanhigion gwyrdd, yn ogystal â sut mae pethau byw yn cysylltu â'u hamgylchedd.

  • von Karen Moncrieffe
    33,00 €

    Understanding Myths and Legends contains 27 stories from different countries around the World, ranging from Perseus and Medusa from Ancient Greece to an Indian legend on how the Peacock got his glorious feathers. These exciting stories are full of fearsome monsters, brave heroes and magical happenings, and will appeal to both girls and boys.Understanding Myths and Legends is a flexible resource that can be used to support topic work in history and RE or used as part of a unit of work in literacy. The stories and activities are ideal for use in guided reading sessions. To enable teachers to make the most of each story, they are accompanied by: background information to enable teachers to place the story confidently in context; differentiated reading tasks, using a variety of question styles, to help improve children's reading and comprehension skills; speaking and listening activities to deepen children's insight into the stories and encourage engagement; cross-curricular follow-up ideas, enabling you to extend the story further.Myths and legends are not only excellent stories. They also help children to gain a true understanding of life in ancient times and improve their understanding of other people, cultures and places, making them an essential part of the primary curriculum.

  • von Karen Moncrieffe
    33,00 €

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