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Bücher veröffentlicht von Broken Sleep Books

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  • von Martin Malone
    25,00 €

    Martin Malone & Bryan Angus's Gardenstown offers a vivid evocation of changing seasons in a village, from spring to winter. The book is a sequence of Malone's remarkable poetry, interspersed with Angus's exquisite linocuts, which capture the essence of the people, places and wildlife in north-east Scotland. Here they watch the year pass as, like the tide the seasons come and go.

  • von Nathan Walker
    17,00 €

    Skirting arranges poems in columns that provide multiple reading routes, giving the reader opportunities to make and create a series of ways to engage with and understand the text. This system of arranging and rearranging the poem is explored within the texts too, these poems circle around their subject without naming the events explored. The poems skirt around a figure, event and thoughts, trying to get close to a difficult subject without being able to fully articulate or fix it to the page. Skirting is many attempts at using language to describe and locate.

  • von Callum James
    18,00 €

    In the wake of five years which had seen a heart-attack, an operation to remove one third of his lungs, and increasing pain and difficulty walking from arthritis, Callum James resolved to walk the South Downs Way, one hundred miles from Winchester to the coast at Eastbourne. Walking five miles one day each weekend, James limped down the steep hill into Eastbourne four months later. The South Downs is partly a grimoire of the walk, partly a linear topography, partly a treatise on necromancy. Subverting the expectation that books on landscape are divorced from folklore, spirits, and the magic of a place, Callum James writes as one who does this magic, speaks to these spirits, and follows this lore. As a result, this is a book which is neither fiction nor non-fiction, because those categories don't work when you leave materialism behind. It is story.

  • von Yanita Georgieva
    17,00 €

    In these astounding poems, Yanita Georgieva explores the different thefts and losses that accompany the human condition - from the theft of freedom and origin to that of loved ones and bodily autonomy. What happens after the theft? Can there be joy in it? At the heart of the pamphlet is an interrogation of grief, sexuality, and memory through the prism of the immigrant experience. Small Undetectable Thefts is an exploration of the ways in which our lives are marked by 'in-betweenness', loss and displacement, and what is gained as a result. A masterclass in the craft of the line, this is a pamphlet to savor and return to again and again.

  • von Nathaniel Rosenthalis
    19,00 €

    Nathaniel Rosenthalis' Works and Days is a brilliant, lyrical, and exuberant collection of poems. Playful, tender, and often wise, these works combine self-portraiture, literary homage, familial anecdotes, mythological retellings, and philosophical contemplation to create a series of moving depictions of what it is to be human and part of a world of both great suffering and great joy. With humor, intelligence, and vulnerability, the poems examine themes of love, loss, beauty, language, and the meaning of art and art making. Works and Days is a work of great depth and heart.

  • von Rhian Elizabeth
    17,00 €

    The language in Rhian Elizabeth's poetry feels instinctual: the poems in girls etc pulse and ripple with energy, their rhythms are perfectly pitched. Elizabeth writes of personal experience with an intensity and sharpness that challenges you to look closely. girls etc showcases a defiance, alongside the beauty and vulnerability here, which resonates long after the last page is turned. Rhian Elizabeth brings a breath of fresh air to contemporary poetry.

  • von Ian Macartney
    17,00 €

    Written over a period of eight years, the poems in Shale Bings amble across adolescent landscapes, hazy spectres of West Lothian and the (queer) loves within, playful in their encounters with creatures and flora otherwise disregarded. Through these poems Ian Macartney attempts desire paths towards 'posthuman joy' - poems that ask to come play in the soil, to jump in the canal, to pretend to be a lovely dog, then follow through on what such shared futures might look/smell/taste/sound/vibe like.

  • von Wendy Allen
    17,00 €

    freebleeding is a conversation between two poets, Charley Barnes & Wendy Allen, written in letters, poems and short prose. The collection explores facets of menstruation, bodily fluids, and feminism, and finds the many points at which these topics intersect. Through these works, Barnes and Allen explore what it is to bleed, what it is to cease bleeding - and how we might respect and know our bodies in both states. freebleeding is a vital conversation about what it is to bleed in a world in which women's blood is seen as a threat, and men's as power.

  • von F. van Dixhoorn
    28,00 €

    F. van Dixhoorn's Collected Works is made up of sequences and series in which short colloquial phrases make surprising, sometimes puzzling, connections inside strict 16-line grids. Different counting mechanisms in each series create a cadence that orders a multitude of disparate data and places them in a new field of tension: observations, memories, reflections, impressions, and current events. The poems depict in an extraordinary way what can go on the poet's mind on any given day: consciously, semi-consciously and unconsciously. Poetry, in short, as an art form. Poetry, in short, which creates and obeys only its own laws.

  • von Edward Doegar
    16,00 €

    sonnets is an unforgettable and unsettling sequence of lyric sonnets. The violence of Edward Doegar's poems disrupts our most fundamental notions of love and family, of the past and the present, and our own ability to reconcile through rich and beautiful writing, which is also acutely disquieting and uncomfortable. These poems are brutal, but they are also tender, and we read them, as we must read them, as witnesses. sonnets is a unique and stunning body of work.

  • von Victor Tapner
    17,00 €

    Plainsong is a cultural history cycle of persona poems drawn from the time of the earliest English poetry to the industrial era and Suffragette movement. Victor Tapner explores universal themes - love and loss, alienation and betrayal - revealed through the characters' narratives, and the result is a powerful, moving, and memorable collection. Plainsong is an anthem to those who have left this earth and an ode to those who remain.

  • von Simon Alderwick
    16,00 €

    ways to say we're not alone explores themes of estrangement and upheaval; how to keep going, how to be ourselves. These are poems of remorse and tenderness which come alive on the page, that fizz with a deep uncertainty and a yearning for home. Alderwick's sense of language is quietly playful amidst the often stark backdrop of what it means to be a broken human. His attention to the quiet moments of deferral or joy that characterise our relationships are wonderfully evocative. He is adept at the kind of surreal fable which makes a reader consider their own capacity for magic.

  • von Pippa Goldschmidt
    17,00 €

    In Night Vision Pippa Goldschmidt writes about outer space and explores its multiple meanings as a place of awe and wonder to a more materialistic site in which scientific ideas are formulated and tested. This book explores space as a location of potential capital where commerce is being developed, leading to a new threatened 'enclosure of the commons'. Goldschmidt posits that outer space is not just a backdrop to our human lives, it connects us to each other through space-time, its ability to generate myths and stories, and our reliance on it to transmit information.How we view and use space is narrated through the lens of Pippa Goldschmidt's own interactions with it: a child reading a guide to the night sky, an astrophysicist doing research on the most distant objects known in the Universe, a regulator of outer space using international and British legislation, and finally a writer. Night Vision argues that we need to understand the importance of outer space in all its various manifestations so that we can protect it, and ourselves, from exploitation. Just as we have destroyed natural habitats on our own planet, we are now at risk of doing the same to other planets.

  • von Raymond de Borja
    18,00 €

    Raymond de Borja's facture is an inventive book, both literary and wondrously attuned to the most minute subtleties. The poems in facture are uncannily cohesive, each a small sculpture, a little engine. De Borja's poems speak through the history of the art world, the history of art theory, and an acute sense of the material world as well. De Borja's work feels in service of a larger project which we could call the making of art, art which emerges through the work of one's hands and mind. There is a kind of tenderness toward the poet's and reader's body in these poems, a kind of care and compassion in relation to craft, and in the relation of writing to the world.

  • von Ian Patterson
    32,00 - 44,00 €

  • von Nikki Dudley
    16,00 €

    Fragmented and angular, Erode with Me envelops the reader inside a full collapse of charged emotions. Carving words into structures and overlayed with frenetic glyphs, Nikki Dudley disassembles matters of the self, the family, and relationships into a torrent of poetics that hooks the reader into wanting to turn the page, to see and feel its deconstructions that are so immediately relatable. Erode with Me is the breaking of things; a unique and intelligent outpouring that crystalizes our common shared experiences of living through this difficult life.

  • von Christopher Arksey
    17,00 €

    Variety Turns is a collection of elegies for Christopher Arksey's mum who passed away from cancer in 2016. Arksey pays tribute to his mum by recalling not just the solemn moments, but the dark humour we often lean on when trying to cope with loss. These poems exemplify the permanence of grief, while bringing to light the unknowable and unfulfilled parts of the lives of those we've lost. Written with subtle precision, Variety Turns is both a tender tribute and a quiet but affecting exploration of loss and how we grieve.

  • von Jaydn Dewald
    17,00 €

    In their new pamphlet, Jaydn DeWald offers a haunting meditation on love and loss-a series of grief-induced sketches 'where drums pound // the whispers' and 'a horn wails / [t]he darkness.' What is the difference, asks DeWald, between an incantation and a poem, a ritual and a song? Engaging well-known poets and heretofore unknown forms, Then Darkness embodies the restorative, if not the resurrectional, powers of apostrophe.

  • von Luke Palmer
    18,00 €

    In the sequence of poems that forms the spine of this debut collection, Luke Palmer casts 16th Century alchemist Paracelsus as an eccentric single father, giving voice to his Homunculus; a preformationist child and the secret to eternal life. By turns playful and profane, the arcane bleeds into the everyday, untethered from history - a walk in the woods is an encounter with an angry god, a potty training accident becomes a metaphysical exploration. Elsewhere, Palmer addresses masculinities from both sides of the 'father tug', roving between the concrete and ephemeral, asking questions of language, the wants of an aging body, and what it means to live forever.

  • von Aaron Kent
    23,00 €

    The Broken Sleep Books Anthology showcases the best writing from the press in 2023, featuring extracts from every publication, covering poetry, non-fiction and short fiction. An essential purchase for anyone interested in new writing, or curious about the work of a vibrant, dynamic and award-winning independent press.

  • von Chris Cambell
    18,00 €

    Small Plates is a fine dining, poetic experience, challenging conventional conception on what food is and how we interact with it. Here, Chris Cambell and Jem Henderson present food as medicine, food as home, food as a global shared experience in myriad forms. They examine the role food plays in a fine dining establishment far removed from home cooking and the liminal spaces between different socioeconomic classes, the different stages of their lives, and the differences in each others' experiences. This is a beautiful, unnerving, and exciting show, as tender and poignant as it is innovative and unabashedly experimental.

  • von Jade King
    17,00 €

    jade king's poems remind us that there's magic in the mess and that even within the shadows of pain and despair, there's a world waiting to be birthed into being. A work of immense bravery and skill, this is a collection of deep vulnerability, and as such, a dazzling act of unapologetic resilience. Sucker Punch is a debut as thrilling and powerful as its title, a necessary and profoundly beautiful meditation on survival, strength and perseverance.

  • von Alicia Byrne Keane
    17,00 €

    Alicia Byrne Keane's Pretend Cartoon Strength is a meditation on coastlines, migration, spatial theory, and desire among apocalyptic times. Meandering through confined communal living spaces and ethereal winter shores, these poems are both unnerving and poignant, and bear witness to the quiet terrors of being alive. Byrne Keane presents a restless and evolving consciousness fixated on the uncertainties of modern existence, while also referencing Dublin's housing woes, Nokia games, and 2016 makeup trends. This is a book that asks for a place in our homes and our bodies, and one that offers many.

  • von Talia Randall
    19,00 €

    eighty two is a collection length sequence of poetry spanning the life of a woman from 1984 to 2065. Each poem in the sequence offers a snapshot of one year. eighty two explores themes of environmental disaster, the body, alienation, and precarity. Talia Randall's poems present a slanted view of world events - both real and imagined - through the prism of strange, tender and intimate fragments of one woman's life. Above all, eighty two is an attempt to re-evaluate the personal, by asking: how do we make sense of the complex, chaotic and unpredictable lives we lead in a post-industrial culture?

  • von J. R. Carpenter
    16,00 €

    J. R. Carpenter's poems have an eye for detail and an ear for the sounds of York in both past and present, inviting the reader to experience the city for the first time, regardless of whether they've ever been. City of Marvels is a poetic geography and Carpenter has given us both the route and the compass.

  • von Allan Graubard
    25,00 €

    Sun Step Black Lake is a remarkable book which showcases the art of collaboration, and artistic dialogue. The beautiful, abstract images, from John Welson, provide a platform for Allan Graubard's sublime words to wander through the terrain laid ¿¿ by Welson. But, then, in the true spirit of artistic friendship, Welson's images return the favour and work their way through Graubard's words. This is not only a delightful book of art and words, but also a testament to the brilliance of Allan Graubard & John Welson.

  • von Otamere Guobadia
    18,00 €

  • von Iestyn Tyne
    16,00 €

    Unspecified Spaces, the third volume of poetry by Iestyn Tyne, is a collection of sonnets. They are poems that unsettle and excite; tender, angry reflections on the poets community, locality and world.Casgliad o sonedau yw stafelloedd amhenodol, y drydedd gyfrol o farddoniaeth gan Iestyn Tyne. Mae'n nhw'n gerddi sy'n aflonyddu ac yn cyffroi, yn fyfyrdodau tyner, chwyrn ar gyflwr cymuned, cynefin a byd.

  • von Kit Ingram
    18,00 €

    Aqueous Red explores the hidden aspects of water and love, through Kit Ingram's spellbinding poetic exorcism of violence, intimacy, dreams, and illicit liaisons which surface in fragments of interconnected lives. A boy watches his father pour scalding water onto his brother's hands, and later rescues a doll, promising to protect it with a kiss. A priest blesses a prostitute with holy water while a son drowns in a painful memory. In the sequence 'Red', a married man falls in love with a drag queen, and they play out fantasies of violence in a theatrical blaze that threatens their destruction. Intimate and voyeuristic, this collection plumbs the unseen moments that bind us all.

  • von Marie-Pascale Hardy
    16,00 €

    Using pliant forms and frugal, elusive acts of transformation, Marie-Pascale Hardy's writing intricately sculpts radiance from rock, elegantly crossing the threshold into the unyielding, yet bequeathing readers with a fresh dialect and an indelible encounter. They merge fundamental sincerity with entertained reality, culminating in an audacious openness and technical brilliance. humilis captures the essence of life with its mournful bitterness and unforeseen gleams of optimism.

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